Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 241 Knock on the door

Ye 23 looked at the dozen figures around him, smiled bitterly, and said to himself, "Damn, it seems that I really have to explain this time.

However, he soon saw hope. Because the shock he met was so shocking that he met similar people, he thought that these people were all the same. To put it wrong, it was the cup of bow and snake shadow.

However, as soon as he took action, he found that although the cultivation of these people was not low, they were not at the same level as that person, and they still really became monsters. Although they were powerful, they were very inflexible. Five were killed by him in a few rounds.

With confidence in his heart, he took action faster and faster. He solved these dozens of people as quickly as possible, walked to a person, untied the mist on his face, and blocked the true face of this person.

After all, he was still a little curious, and he wanted to see something from it, but when he really saw it, he thought he didn't see anything.

What kind of face is that? Not only did the facial features be destroyed, but also the cheeks were cut open, revealing the white bones, and even the tongue was cut off.

After Ye 23 was depressed, his heart suddenly moved, and an idea that made him creepy jumped into his heart.

Since this is the highest criminal law of the Bogu clan, it is said that there are no living people at all. Even if there are living people, it is impossible to come to this black haze. In this case, who made these people look like this?

In an instant, Ye 23 felt a chill on his back and felt that his eyes were staring at him in the black fog.

Ye 23 stabilized his mind, thought for a moment, and said in a low voice, "I'd like to see what's not seen in this place!"

He took a step and strode forward. This time, he did not walk forward at his original pace, but walked straight. He thought that since there were people and living people in this place, he could not be indifferent. Looking at the layout of the island, he thought that the owner of the island People's cultivation will never be very high, otherwise there is no need to arrange so many prohibitions.

Maybe his luck broke out, or maybe the man deliberately left a door for him. Ye 23 really walked out of the black haze, and his eyes were clear.

Ye 23 looked up and saw that this place was not big, just about 100 meters. Those black haze were clustered around, like four walls.

Ye 23 went in. Although this place is brighter than outside, it is also a little dark. In the southernmost part, there is a mound with only a stone tablet, which is about three feet high.

When I came to the stone tablet, the color of the stone tablet was a little dark, and I saw that it was full of strange words. Obviously, it was not known by Ye 23.

Where is this place and why is there such a stone tablet? Ye 23 looked around and found no trace of Bogu Fengyun.

Ye 23 frowned. This should be the central location mentioned by Pinger, but why can't you see Bogu? Couldn't he wait for the rescue and rushed out by himself?

Thinking about Ye 23 that it is unlikely, how can he easily embark on the most dangerous road with so many backhands?

Ye 23 is holding his hand on the stone tablet, thinking about the changes in it!

Suddenly, he felt that the stone tablet moved, subconsciously pulled back his hand, dodged a few steps, and stared at it.

The stone tablet is still a stone tablet, motionless and unchanged.

Ye 23 came over again and slowly stroked the stone tablet with his hand, little by little.

It's here. Ye 23's eyes lit up and stopped. The position of his hand was an ancient word. This word sank a little at the moment of his finger pressure. Although the range was small, it was still felt by him.

Ye 23 looked at it and saw that the color of the word was a little different from others. It seemed that there was a little blood left on it. Although it was not obvious, he was sure that it was blood, and it was left soon.

He pondered for a moment, stretched out his right index finger, and pressed hard on the word. Sure enough, the word fell into a little, and Ye's twenty-three fingers were added force, but something that surprised him happened, and the word actually floated up again.

Ye 23 released his fingers and was very puzzled. He tried several times, all of which were the same result.

Originally, he thought it was an organ, but now it doesn't seem to be.

Did you guess wrong? But why does this word have such a strange reaction, and with his strength just now, even the rock should become powder, but the word has not changed at all, and there is no mark left on the stone tablet.

The problem must be on this stone tablet. Ye 23 has never heard of such a hard material.

Just as Ye 23 was lost in meditation, a feeling suddenly rose in his heart. He suddenly turned back and looked up. The stone tablet was a little shorter than just now, and it continued to get shorter and slowly sink into the earth.

Ye 23 went over again, holding the stone tablet with both hands and shouting to pull out the stone tablet.

But something surprised him. The strength on his hands was sucked away by the stone tablet at the moment he exerted his strength, and he was brought down a little by the stone tablet when the old power disappeared and the new power was not born.

His feet still disappeared and went deep into the ground, and an idea rose in Ye 23's heart.

He relaxed and imagined that he was integrated with the stone tablet, and the stone tablet was slowly sinking. Strangely, Ye 23 also sank with the stone tablet, and his body became transparent. If anyone saw it, they would find that through his body, the stone tablet could be clearly seen.

Finally, the stone tablet completely fell into the ground, leaving only the bare hill.

I don't know how long it took, Ye 23 felt that the stone tablet was no longer sinking, but slowly opened his eyes and his eyes lit up.

This is a huge channel. Every other distance in the channel is inlaid with a fist-sized luminous stone, illuminating the whole channel, and the stone tablet is at the entrance of the channel.

Ye 23 carefully inquired around, and there was no second life here except for him.

Looking up, I saw that the channel was winding and I didn't know where it was going.

Ye 23 snorted coldly and said to himself: It's really impressive.

Now he walked forward. Of course, for his future happiness, Ye 23 still did what he thought was proud of, that is, to take away part of these luminous stones. Although it was part of it, he actually took away most of them, if he didn't think There is no light in this channel that makes him feel unhappy. I'm afraid that nothing will be left.

This channel is actually not very long. About half an hour, Ye 23 came to the end. At the end of the passage is a door, a stone door. The material should be the same as the stone tablet, and there are two once bright stone rings on it.

Ye Twenty-three sighed in his heart and looked behind him with some unfinished intention. The passage, which was originally as bright as day, has now become a hut with oil lamps lit late at night.

Forget it, leave some for later people. Who calls himself civilized?

After making the best excuse for himself, Ye 23 took a look regretful at the only few remaining luminous stones.

After finishing his clothes, Ye 23 smiled, walked forward, came to the stone door, grabbed the stone ring and knocked twice, and said politely, "Is anyone at home?"

This look is like looking at a friend. If someone sees this scene, they may think that Ye 23 is crazy, but things are often unexpected.

As soon as Ye 23's words fell, a crisp and pleasant sound came from the door.

"Here, here we go. Just a moment, I'll come and open the door for you!"

Ye 23 smiled and smiled happily. His voice was very good, and the speaker was also very polite. What could make him happier than meeting such a civilized person in such a place!

The door opened, and two bright-toothed girls came out, bent down to Ye 231 and said, "Your guest, please come in!"