Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 261 Living

"From now on, your life is mine!" Ye 23 looked at the other party, shrugged his shoulders and said lightly.

"Oh!" The man's face changed, and two surprised eyes shot out in his eyes. He stared at Ye 23. After a long time, he said, "Will you want me to follow you in the future?" The tone is full of doubts.

"Yes! That's what it means! How about it!" Ye 23 looked at each other with a serious look.

The man was silent for a long time, and he suddenly smiled: "Do you see anything?"

Ye 23 nodded and said, "I don't deny it. Although I don't know why, I do see it!"

"Then you are not afraid..." The man suddenly sank his face and lowered his voice.

"Of course, I'm not afraid. Even if you do your best, you are not my opponent. Besides, you are not that kind of person!" Ye 23 intercepted his words and said.

The man was silent again, but a pair of eyes stared at Ye 23 as if to see through him. For a long time, he sighed and his eyes dimmed again.

"I don't know why you do this, but no matter what you encounter, living is the best reward for the dead!" Ye 23 said slowly, and after saying that, he walked around the other party and walked forward.

The man raised his head in the heavy rain and let the rain wash away him.

Ye 23's words are constantly repeated in his mind, and living is the best reward for the dead.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing and tears oozed from the corners of his eyes. Over the years, he did not improve his cultivation, just to die early and meet those he would never see again.

He can't commit suicide, because his life was saved by them, and until now, those words are in his heart.

"Live well! For us to live well!"

"Forget me, live, and you will find someone who loves you!"

"Live! ......" The scream and the excussion echoed in front of his eyes again. For so many years, he wanted to die, but every time he thought of those words, he had to survive.

It is his greatest dream to live to the end of this life, and it is also because of this that he has not improved his cultivation. He understands that once his cultivation is high, his life expectancy will be extended.

But at this moment, his heart was confused, and the familiar faces appeared in front of him again. He felt so painful that he wanted to see them again.

Tears mixed with rain flowed down his cheeks, flowed to the ground, converged into a stream, and flowed farther away.

Suddenly, a bright light shone through the whole world. In this bright light, a cold light flashed. A man stood in front of him, and a long sword in his hand pointed to the Ye 23 not far away.

The one-eyed old man came back, came back with a sword, and stood in front of his brother. He wanted to block the man and let his brother live.

"Lao Shu, go quickly. I'll stand in for you for a while. Remember to live well!" The one-eyed old man shouted, pushed his brother hard, shook the sword in his hand and rushed up.

This sword glows faintly, but in Ye 23's eyes, this is the brightest light in the world. The one-eyed old man's sword has no retreat at all. Even if he dies, he will give his brother a way to live. This is his last wish.

"Ah!" With the old man's shouting, a sword that was nothing in Ye 23's eyes suddenly added a lot of things.

A light sideways figure, dodged the sword, poked out with the left hand, grabbed the other party's wrist, and grabbed the other party's sword with the right hand. The remaining eye of the one-eyed old man suddenly opened, and shouted again, and his whole body burst into red Zhenyuan.

Ye 23 couldn't help sighing in his heart. How could he not understand the other party's intention? He wanted to choose to burn the true element of his whole body and then explode.

The man surnamed Shu seemed to be dull. The moment he was pushed away, he fell to the ground, turned his head, and his whole body was soaked. He looked at all this blankly.

It was not until the one-eyed old man's whole body glowed red that he suddenly stood up and shouted, "No!" Don't!"

Ye 231 pointed out and directly closed the other party's Dantian, and the red Zhenyuan suddenly dissipated.

The one-eye old man opened his arms, showed his teeth, and rushed up.

Ye 23 did not take action this time, but just dodged away.

The one-eyed old man seemed to be crazy, his face was ferocious, and he rushed up again.

"Old history!" With a slightly trembling voice, a man surnamed Shu rushed over.

The one-eyed old man didn't seem to hear it at all, but kept rushing to Ye 23. At this moment, there was only Ye 23 in his eyes, and there was nothing else.

The man surnamed Shu rushed over with tears in his eyes, grabbed the hand of the one-eyed old man, and said with some choked, "Lao Shi!"

The one-eyed old man saw the person in front of him clearly, took him behind him and shouted, "Go quickly! Let's go!"

Tears could no longer hold back, and the tears that had stopped gushed out again. Yang Tian, a man surnamed Shu, shouted, "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Ye 23 looked at all this, shook his head and turned away. He knew what this moment meant to them now. It was the newborn of the two people.

Ye 23 went far and went far. He was sure that he couldn't hear their words before he stopped.

The sound of wind and rain is endless, and there is a warmth in the raging wind.

Ye 23 looked up at the sky. Is the depths of the dark cloud really a dark cloud?

In the distance, the two hugged each other, tears crossed, laughter, tears, accompanied by today's night sky, seemed particularly sincere.

Ye 23 still looked at the sky, and faces appeared in front of him. For a long time, he smiled and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly, an amazing breath came out. Ye 23 looked in the direction of the breath and smiled!

"Boom! Boom!"

The black clouds in the sky are rolling, the arc flows, and the thunder is endless.

A hot lightning fell from the sky, illuminating the whole night sky.

Holy finch! Ye 23 couldn't help shaking his head. Although he saw that the cultivation surnamed Shu's suppression would not let him improve, he did not expect that he would suppress it so fiercely. According to the situation, after this disaster, his cultivation will not be lower than the fifth grade of the Holy Sparrow. Thinking about it, he also said that even if the other party showed all his strength, it was not himself. His opponent couldn't help shaking his head.

Heavenly disaster is the most dangerous for monks, but Ye 23 knows that it is nothing for that person, but he still isolates the void with his breath. For nothing else, he doesn't want to disturb too many people.

Huge lightning connects the world, and the world is bright. In this electric light, Ye 23 seems to see the man, and his eyes are no longer lifeless, but burst into brilliance.

With a shout, he rose to the sky and stood in the void, looking around, like a god.

After this disaster, there was a burst of laughter there, so satisfied and happy!

It didn't take long for Ye 23 to have two more figures in front of him.

"My subordinate Shu accidentally met the young master!" Shu unintentionally knelt down and shouted loudly.

The one-eyed old man glanced at his brother, knelt down and shouted, "My subordinate Shi Sanjian has seen the young master!"

Ye 23 picked up the two and smiled: "Brother Shu! Brother Shi! Don't shout like this. I'm really happy to see you two today, but I have something else to do. Let's go first! I will definitely bother you two when I have a chance in the future!"

After saying that, without waiting for the two to reply, they dodged and left.

Live well! There is such a brother! There are so many sustenances! Ye 23 whispered and walked forward.

The sky is getting brighter, the east has turned white, and the sun is about to rise!