Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 280 is coming

Qiu Yuhan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. She knew that everyone knew what she was thinking, but she didn't agree. In an instant, it was almost difficult for her to breathe!

What else can she do now? Her heart is cold. At present, maybe only that person can change everyone's decision when he comes back! I don't know why, when she thinks of that person, she feels that the other party must be able to solve the problem in front of her, although that person only has the cultivation of the third grade of the Holy Sparrow.

The eyes glanced at everyone, and no one stood on her side at all, and the pair of warring eyes made her helpless.

In this case, what else can I do?

Qiu Yuhan felt a sense of weakness in her heart. Although she is the actual ruler of the pink hall, no one can agree with her at this moment? Maybe there is only one way!

A trace of obscure perseverance flashed in Qiu Yuhan's eyes, and at this time, footsteps came from everyone's ears.

Everyone looked up and saw the three old men entering side by side, looking at the crowd.

"These people are the gift we gave you!" The old man in the middle looked at Qiu Yuhan and said slowly. After saying that, he did not wait for the other party to reply. The three old men looked at each other and shouted, "Kill!"

The air suddenly thickened, and the three old men took a step forward at the same time.

Except for Shu's unintentional and the elder of the iron gate, the rest of the people felt dizzy, and Zhenyuan in his body was a little uncontrollable and confused!

A suffocating pressure weighed on everyone's hearts. Tian Yu's face turned white and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then two blood marks overflowed from the corners of Shi Sanjian's mouth.

Shu inadvertently flashed a flash of greenness on his face and wanted to put pressure on everyone, but he found nothing he could do. Now he even has a problem with self-preservation.

The elder of the iron gate is the most cultivated among these people, and his face is also red at this moment, as if he is drunk.

The pressure emitted by these three old men unexpectedly merged together, and the power naturally doubled.

Qiu Yuhan raised her eyebrows. She was waiting for an opportunity to solve the crisis, and then the final decision she made and took a deep breath.

At this time, everyone could not resist it. Tian Yu and Shi Sanjian shrank to the ground one after another. Shu had no intention to support the elders of the Iron Gate, but from the sweat on their foreheads, it could be predicted that they would not last long.

Originally, with the cultivation of the two of them, they should not have been so vulnerable, but they did not expect that these three old men were brothers of the same family. They not only practiced the same skills, but also had a clear mind. In addition, they had an array in their hands that could condense the pressure emitted by the three people into one, which was also their One of the killers, I don't know how many people fell under their move.

And Shu didn't mean that they didn't maneuver at the best time, which doomed their tragedy.

The three old men sneered at the corners of their mouths and took a step forward together.

This is the moment! Qiu Yuhan shouted in his heart and came to the three people step by step, blocking one of them. This directly disrupted the pace of the three old men and broke their formation.

The three old men changed their faces, glanced at Qiu Yuhan and out of their palms at the same time.

Three fiery red Zhenyuan swept in, and the attacking positions were Qiu Yuhan's abdomen.

Qiu Yuhan smiled miserably. Although she disrupted the pace of the other party and rescued everyone from the crisis, at that moment she suffered the pressure alone and had been injured. At this moment, she was unavoidable.

"Go!" Qiu Yuhan shouted loudly, and his body soared. The real yuan in his body gushed out like a flood, and his whole body emitted amazing light. The three old men instantly closed their palms and floated back.

"Sister Yuhan!" Tian Yu fell to the ground, stretched out his hand feebly, and shouted sadly.

How could she not understand what the other party was thinking at this moment? Thinking that she once thought that the other party..., her heart was like a knife.

Shu unintentionally opened his eyes and wanted to rush over, but the last trace of reason made him stop. He understood that Qiu Yuhan was using his life to find a way to live for them. Now what he had to do was to fulfill the other party's wish, take these people out alive, held his head high, and pulled up Tian Yu. The iron gate elder was not too late. Suspicious, he reached out and picked up Shi Sanjian, and the other people also helped each other up.

"Go!" Shu unintentionally twisted the muscles on his face and shouted at the crowd.

Tian Yu's eyes were stunned, looking at the figure wrapped in colorful glow.

The iron gate elder stamped his feet and took the lead in soaring into the air, and the rest of the people also jumped into the void.

Qiu Yuhan slowly closed her eyes, and the figure appeared in front of her. She smiled: Ye 23 I'm leaving, but I don't know if you will think of me!

When she suddenly opened her eyes, she was about to open the last prohibition of her body!

"What are you all standing here for? Are you greeting me? How do you know I'm coming back?

A sound suddenly came from everyone's ears. Although the sound was not loud, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue in everyone's ears, and everyone was stunned.

Qiu Yuhan was in a dream. A pair of eyes stared at the void and muttered, "Is that you? Are you here to let me see you for the last time?

Suddenly, a figure appeared in everyone's sight. That look, that look, that familiar face is not Ye 233, who is it?

Ye 23 looked at the crowd in the void, and his face changed. He stepped to Qiu Yuhan's side, stretched out his right hand on the back of the other party's back, and controlled Zhenyuan, which was about to explode.

Qiu Yuhan smiled, like a lily in full bloom, and then fainted directly in Ye 23's arms.

Ye 23 handed Qiu Yuhan into Shu's unintentional hand, turned around and walked to the three old men step by step.

Shu didn't want to say anything, but when he saw Ye 23's eyes, he chose to be silent.

If he comes back a moment later, Qiu Yuhan will be gone. If such a thing really happens, how can he live his life at ease?

At this moment, his eyes are full of chill, no matter who these three people are! They must die today!

The temperature between heaven and earth suddenly dropped, and everyone seemed to fall into the ice cellar!

The three old men's faces were tight. Somehow, there was a chill in the bottom of their hearts at the same time.

Ye 23 moved, came to the front of the old man on the left in the blink of an eye, and punched from the bottom up.

This punch had no momentum, nor did he see any strength. As soon as the elder's face changed, he was about to rush up, but he was blocked by Shu unintentionally, and everyone's eyes couldn't help coming to Shu inadvertently.

shu did not deliberately explain his behavior, but said three words: "Belie him!"

A trace of hesitation flashed in everyone's eyes, and at this moment, the attacked old man smiled.

Such a punch hit him, and it was not enough to tickle him. Then he laid Zhenyuan on the attack point of Ye 23 and made up his mind to teach the young man a good lesson with Zhenyuan's counterattack.

The two old men also looked relaxed and stepped aside, completely holding the idea of watching the play.

Although the teenager's speed is good, his cultivation is really bad. This is their judgment.

In the hesitant eyes of the Iron Gate elders and others, Ye 23 finally punched the other party.

The old man's face changed and he tried to move his jaw away.

With a soft sound, there was a blood rain in the void, mixed with white brain plasma in the middle, and a headless body rushed to the sky.

Quiet! A silence!

Shu and others looked at Ye 233 inadvertently. Although he said he had confidence in Ye 233, it was too exaggerated. One punch to solve the most ruthless one of the three?

Everyone feels that everything is so unreal, but everything in front of them can't tolerate their disbelief!

The remaining two old men are also completely dull. In the situation just now, it's too late for them to rescue. What's more, so far, they haven't figured out how the young man in front of them did it!

Ye 23 put down his hand and looked coldly at the remaining two old men and said faintly, "Come on! There is also a companion on Huangquan Road!"

The two old men looked at each other and woke up from the shock. It was their eldest brother who died! In an instant, their eyes were red. As two cold lights flashed, two long knives appeared in their hands!

Two people took action at the same time. An old man waved a knife and cut it straight down, while the other old man split dozens of knives at this moment, and dozens of knives were densely around Ye 23 to completely seal his retreat.

The two have been in the same family for so many years, and they naturally communicate with each other.

A practice fell from the sky, and Ye 23 seemed to have no other way but to resist.

Against a holy sparrow Jiupin's full blow, even the sparrow can't be indifferent to such an attack, not to mention the young man in front of him.

As long as the other party resists, the battle will be over! All these two old men have already calculated extremely accurately. In fact, they have succeeded before!

Shu and others don't understand why Ye 23 is waiting for the other party to display such a crisis, and they are still indifferent.

"What's the ability to beat two and one!" The elder of the iron gate snorted coldly and rushed up. Although Ye 23 said that one person would challenge the two of them, he didn't care about it.

Seeing that the shocking knife light was about to fall on Ye 233, Ye 233 disappeared and disappeared like a ghost. The two old men said that their hearts were not good, and their backs were chilled!