Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 286 Fossil Dan

The night wind is cold, blowing everything in the world, and returning to the nine heavens.

Wan Guoliang's eyes were wide open and looked at his chest stunned. Shock, disbelief and trance were mixed with all kinds of eyes, forming the two most complex eyes in the world.

His whole body was covered by a sword wound. Although the injury was very serious, he would never die, but there was a small problem in one part of his body, that is, the chest that was previously injured by Ye 23.

A striking wound was obliquely branded on it, and an extremely burst of energy penetrated the last barrier of his body and rushed into his body. What does it feel like?

Wang Guoliang suddenly seemed to be crazy and roared. His life was losing and he was afraid.

He took out more than a dozen white jade bottles from a black space ring and poured them into his mouth. The gentle light was shining, and the air was filled with strange medicinal fragrance.

All of these elixir are extremely precious, but the good nations who took them were desperate to find that these life-saving elixirs could not stop him from continuing to lose his life.

His eyes were full of despair and soared: Is this his end? No! No! I still want to take back everything that belongs to me, and I won't die like this!

Suddenly, his eyes were full of decisive color, and he took out a golden brocade box from the space ring. After opening it, a pungent smell filled the world. Wan Guoliang did not hesitate to swallow the elixir.

Before long, his face became a trace of rosy, and then turned pale, which was not as pale as human beings, and his eyes also turned red and white. Next, his body healed quickly, but his skin became as pale as his face.

With a burst of smoke rising, his limbs became dry and shriveled, as if only a layer of old skin was left on the bone, loose and strange.

"Ji Jie" moved with a strange laugh. Although he walked slowly and his behavior was very stiff, he was indeed moving.

Fossil Dan, an extremely violent drug, whose function is to petrify people and turn them into a monster. People who have taken this drug are also known as "stone people!"

This is an alternative life. Its essence of life is lost very slowly, and the body's senses will be extremely degraded, and eventually it will become a stone-like person whose heart is still beating.

Generally speaking, many people take this elixir in their twilight years when they have unfulfilled wishes or special reasons. You should know that a person has no feelings and can't act. Such pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

The elixir prepared by Wan Guoliang was originally waiting for the opportunity to be used by that person, but he had never had a chance. He never thought that he would take it.

At present, he knows that he doesn't have much time. He must kill Ye 23 immediately and leave this place to find someone. Only he can really survive.

His red eyes are shaking: in order to survive, nothing matters to him!

At this time, he found that there was a windy sound coming. Although his senses were degenerating, they had not completely disappeared, but from the sound, the other party would come in a moment.

He took a look at Ye 23 not far away, and there was a moment of struggle in his heart. Finally, he turned around and struggled to leave here.

There is also a space scroll in his arms, which is also his last way to save his life.

With a strange white light shaking, Wan Guoliang's figure also disappeared into the white halo.

A figure flashed in the void, fast, anxious, and worried in one pair of beautiful eyes. This person is Qiu Yuhan.

When Qiu Yuhan came, she was afraid that her injury would not recover, so Shu had no intention of waiting for someone to rush away at full speed, but in fact, it was she who came alone and exceeded their distance.

However, she didn't think much at this moment, but quickly came to Ye 23 and saw that Ye 23 was in a coma. She bent her knees and slowly picked up Ye 23 and explored it before she was relieved.

Although Ye 23's injury is very serious, as long as he is given enough time, it should not be life-threatening. And most importantly, when she came to Tianshui City, Shen Jianyi secretly gave him an elixir, saying that if Ye 23 or she was seriously injured, take this elixir and find a place to rest. Thirty days, you will definitely survive.

She has been keeping this elixir close to her body and has never left her body. Even after she was injured, she has never thought of this elixir.

Seeing Ye 23's scars, the concave sternum, the broken knuckles, Qiu Yuhan's big eyes were full of tears!

At this time, Shu had no intention, and the elders of Tiemen and others had also arrived one after another. When they saw Ye 23 lying on the ground, they all frowned.

Qiu Yuhan suppressed the grief in his heart and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

Shu unintentionally and the experience of the Iron Gate elders are very rich. How can they not see the situation at this moment?

There are at least dozens of people hidden around here, but they just have some scruples and dare not appear, and they also need a quiet place to heal Ye 23.

Inadvertently, the Elder of the Iron Gate gently lifted Ye 233, and the group quickly disappeared into the darkness. Instead of returning directly to Tianshui City, they took a big circle to make sure that they would get rid of the people behind them, and quietly returned to Tianshui City.

Under a cliff, with a wave of void, a man fell from the void.

It fell to the ground with a crack, like a hard stone falling from a high altitude.

The man slowly got up and looked around with a pair of strange eyes. "Huh" whispered, "Where is this? Why am I here? Is it a transmission coordinate error?

His voice was extremely bitter and very uncomfortable. At this time, there was a figure behind him, which coincided with the shadow of Wang Guoliang.

This person stands in the shadow of Wan Guoliang and shakes with the shaking of the other party's body. If someone sees it, it will definitely be cold.

Wan Guoliang thought for a moment and finally raised his leg and walked forward. After only two steps, he stopped. The obscure voice sounded again: "Why did you come?" The tone was full of panic.

"Hey!" With a gentle sigh, the man came from him to Wan Guoliang.

At this moment, the East has turned white, followed by these bright lights.

I only saw that this person's face was red. He turned out to be a fat man, wearing a Taoist robe. Although he was bloated, his movements were extremely light and fell down silently like fallen leaves.

Wan Guoliang seemed to see something that made him extremely afraid. He stepped back a few steps, fell to the ground, and rolled his throat, but he couldn't say anything.

The fat Taoist priest stared at Wan Guoliang in front of him, shook his head for a long time, and said slowly, "You should remember what I told you!" His eyes were cold and he continued, "Now your behavior is too disappointing to me. Let me give you a ride!"

Wan Guoliang fiercely took out a scroll from his arms and pulled it with his hands. The white light suddenly appeared, and there was a strange smile on his pale face, but the next moment, his strange smile hung on his face forever.

The fat Taoist stretched out a finger and completely fixed the void. The white light was like a candlelight in the wind, flashing a few times and then extinguished.

Wan Guoliang's face was full of despair, and he roared with all his strength, "This is not fair at all! Unfair! You made up your mind from the beginning to let him sit on the throne of the head of the family, and I'm just a pawn where he can hold power!"

Although he has fallen into madness, he is still not rude to the population in front of him. It can be seen that this fat Taoist priest occupies an extremely important position in his mind.

The fat Taoist priest shook his head slowly, sighed again, and said gently, "Now, you still don't understand, don't understand!"

Wangliang was stunned when he heard the words. A moment later, an amazing look broke out in his eyes, as if he had been reborn, and muttered, "Is it...isn't it...!"

The fat Taoist nodded and pointed to Wan Guoliang's throat. Wan Guoliang's neck was crooked and fell down, but there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Dust to dust, earth to earth, since this place is predestined to you, I will bury you again!"

With a wave of the fat Taoist priest, Wan Guoliang's body turned into powder and drifted away with the morning wind.

After finishing this, the fat Taoist priest stood on the cliff, looking into the distance with a pair of eyes.

For a long time, he said faintly, "Are you here?"

Yes! Uncle!" With a respectful answer, a figure came behind him.

The fat Taoist priest did not look back, but kept looking at the distant sky, the red sun that had just risen.

The two stood like this and fell silent.

I don't know how long it took, the fat Taoist priest turned around and looked at the person in front of him.

I can only see that this person is magnificent, with a pair of eyes racing lights, black hair flying, and the whole person is like 100,000 mountains, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

"People are dead, but I don't want to hear any rumors in the clan!" The fat Taoist priest said in a low voice.

Yes! My nephew understands that the good brother of all nations fought for the glory of the family and was attacked and died!" The man bowed slightly and said faintly.

"Well," the fat Taoist priest answered, his expression seemed to be satisfied, and his eyes flashed, and he said, "Who is that young man?"