Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 299 Hidden Flow Surging

After this Sanshunsan tonic, the dead bamboo at this moment is no longer a dead bamboo, but has become another kind of creature, a divine object that has never appeared on the universe continent.

At this time, its anti-sky side began to show. It actually blossomed and bore fruit, giving birth to a red fruit at its top, and the fruit fell down and integrated into the true element of the 23 leaves, emitting its brilliance.

So a scene happened in Ye 23's body. With the blessing of this power, the Zhenyuan in his body has changed again. This change is that the Zhenyuan in his body has been fully integrated into his muscles and bones, that is to say, at this moment, the Zhenyuan in his body is no longer in his body. A force, but a force of his complete autonomy.

Nowadays, he does not have to absorb the local energy to improve his cultivation, but all the power can. His body has become a melting pot at this moment, which can refine all power. Of course, the size of the energy he can refine depends on his cultivation.

Ye 23 is not aware of the changes in his body at this moment, and he is still meditating.

However, amazing sharp changes are taking place in his body. His cultivation suddenly climbed another step and silently climbed to the peak of the ninth grade of the holy sparrow. Now he only needs an opportunity to enter the world and call it the realm of God.

The new life formed by ten thousand years of dead bamboo and magic medicine finally dissipated and became a part of Ye 23's body under the surging of this mysterious power in his body.

Unconsciously, the sky has begun to light up, but Ye 23 is still immersed in meditation.

What should we do? Suddenly, the originally closed door was pushed open. Qiu Yuhan came in with a silver plate in his hand, with a bowl of steaming noodles and two plates of small pickles.

Ye 23 withdrew his mind from his meditation and rushed forward with a smile: "Just let them do these things!"

Qiu Yuhan smiled and felt amorous, and unconsciously there was a small ripple in his heart: "What? Dislike my craftsmanship!" Ye 23 consecutively waved his hand: "No way! There is no!" Take the silver plate from Qiu Yuhan's hand, put it on the table, pick up the chopsticks and start. While eating, he shouted, "Fragrant! It smells so good!"

Qiu Yuhan's pretty face has a spring breeze in the autumn water, holding his cheeks and looking at Ye 23's funny eating appearance: "Eat slowly. If you like it, I'll make it for you every day!"

"Then I have a good fortune!" Ye 23 bulged his cheeks and muttered, and suddenly his face tightened, as if he had been petrified.

Qiu Yuhan's pretty face changed, and the color of concern floated on his face: "What's wrong?"

Ye 23's expression became extremely strange, and he said rudely: "Damn it! This is the case!"

Qiu Yuhan thought that there was something wrong with the meal he cooked by himself. He quickly grabbed it, took a bite, and frowned and said, "It's good!"

Ye 23 didn't seem to hear it. He clenched his fist and jumped out of the door.

Qiu Yuhan also followed with a surprised face.

Ye 23 encouraged the true element in the body, and a powerful fluctuation was emitted.

Qiu Yuhan's breathing is not smooth, but there is a surprise in a pair of beautiful eyes. Is this fluctuation...! She has never asked about Ye 23's cultivation, but according to her judgment, Ye 23's cultivation should be around the seventh grade of the Holy Sparrow, but she only felt the fluctuation just now, which made her a little overjoyed. If her judgment is correct, then her plan is more than half successful.

The fluctuations emitted by Ye 23 were just for a moment and did not disturb others. He waved his hand hard, turned around and saw Qiu Yuhan's appearance before he could say anything.

Qiu Yu Hanlian stepped forward and asked urgently, "Have you really stepped into the sparrow?"

Ye 23 looked at her, whose voice was a little trembling, and his heart was a little moved. He smiled and nodded.

He is not sincere to deceive Qiu Yuhan, but wants to give the other party more confidence. For so long, she has been under such heavy pressure. At this moment, he really can't bear to let her have any disappointment.

I haven't been helping much, and now is the time to need him.

He clenched his fist secretly, felt the overwhelming power, and his heart rose greatly. Although his cultivation at this moment is not the opponent of Luo Feng and the fat Taoist priest, now he is confident that he has the ability to protect himself. Although they were only a brief encounter last night, he interrupted the other party's injury. It has not recovered.

With today's cultivation and the injury of the other party, he has great confidence in his heart.

Tomorrow is the auction, but now he hopes that this day will come soon, and his eyes are full of confidence.

Qiu Yuhan looked at him like this, and her eyes were a little more infatuated. Ye 23 is the real him.

After breakfast, Ye 23 came to the street again. At this moment, he was eager to see Luo Feng and the fat Taoist priest. Although there was only one grade difference between the eighth grade and the ninth grade, there was a great mystery in it.

The holy finch is eight grades and one in the sky, and the holy finch nine grades of dragons soar to the sky.

For monks, the eighth grade of the holy sparrow is like an unattainable mountain. Many people have stayed at this level all their lives and can't take a step forward, but as long as they cross the barrier of the eighth grade of the holy sparrow, he will inevitably travel to the sky, rise to the sky, and step into the sparrow is just a matter of time.

It was not until the third grade of the finch that it was another hurdle. Practice was like a long march, conquering obstacles that could not be overcome. This is a mixture of perseverance and opportunity. Ye 23 is still stepping on the highest peak at this moment.

Ye 23 walked along the road in the direction of the East Gate, which was the path he took to and from Tianshui City last night. He was full of expectations and hoped to meet the two faces he didn't want to see before today.

However, along the way, although he swaggered and made some small movements from time to time, he did not see the ideal person appear, but to his surprise, there seemed to be a lot of strong atmosphere in today's Tianshui City!

At this moment, Luo Feng and the fat Taoist priest are no longer here at all. They never dreamed that after one night, Ye 23 dared to come out and look around for them.

The red sun has just risen. Although it is still early in the morning, there are many people around the city gate.

Ye 233, who was a little boring, walked over to see what had happened.

"Is the Bogu family really coming to Tianshui City today?" Hearing the Bogu family, Ye 23 couldn't help trembling and subconsciously wanted to leave, but his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground.

"There is still a fake. There was news yesterday that the Bogu clan must enter the city today!"

"I heard that the patriarch of the Bogu clan will come in person, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

"Of course it's true. Not only did the patriarch of the Bogu clan come back, but I heard that the two supreme protectors of the Bogu clan and eight elders will come!"

"There will be no unknown attempt for the Bogu clan to engage in such a big battle!" Some people expressed concern.

"It goes without saying that this almost uses the power of the whole Bogu clan. If it weren't for any major events, how could they have poured out!"

"Today's Tianshui City is really a gathering of dragons. I don't know who auctioned so many magical products at one time, which has attracted a lot of powerful forces. Now there is another Bogu clan. I'm afraid this Tianshui City is really going to be born!"

"How big waves can a Bogu family have!" Some people disdained and suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Ye 23 followed the sound and saw a young man speaking, with good facial features, holding a long sword in his hand and a white robe.

The young man looked arrogant and shouted, "Do you know that the golden family, the extreme north cold family, the Atrium Lu family, and Wanmo Sect have all come to Tianshui City. At this moment, there are many ancient families in Tianshui City, which can be compared with a small Bogu family!"