The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 9 Washing the meridians and cutting the marrow

At this moment, Jun Xie is still as muddle-headed as before, without surprise or joy. He continues to maintain the state of operation, as if he is not aware of all this at all. |/\/\|

Speaking of which, this work of opening the sky is certainly unpredictable. It is the best skill in ancient times, but the way of heaven has its foundation. Practice is to go against the sky, and the most serious is the personal mind, and the entry kung fu of this skill is the most difficult to practice. In addition to the need for great perseverance and

So since ancient times, even if someone has had the opportunity to practice this heavenly creation skill, there are very few successful people! Just imagine, if you are an ordinary person with a weak mind, I'm afraid you will give up if you don't see a reaction after running for a hundred or ten days. After all, this kind of boringness is not something that ordinary people can stand. Moreover, if the soul is a little weak, it can't stick to it at all. A freak like Jun Xie, who can run hundreds or thousands of days in one breath, is simply unique to those who have never had cultivation experience!

Even if someone has such perseverance, they will go crazy in the process because their divine consciousness is not strong enough!

But Jun Xie has all the requirements for practicing the creation of the world. Jun Xie is a person with an extremely tenacious personality. He recognizes one thing and has never changed his original intention. If this kind of personality is good, it is persistent. If it is bad, it is dead brain. If you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back; but Jun Xie is the one who hits the south wall and doesn't turn back when you break through the south wall! Now it is Wang Ba who went out to meet a turtle when he went out. It turns out that we are all a family.

In addition to the heart, the blessing of the king and evil itself also plays a lot of roles. Hongjun Tower is the greatest blessing of the king and evil. It does not have the protection of great opportunity, and there is no hope to enter.

In addition, Junxie is originally a soul that travels through time, and the divine consciousness is not weak. With the help of Hongjun Tower, it is in line with the physical shape of Jun Moxie, and the divine consciousness is stronger. All of the above actually made him break through the first difficulty overnight!

This achievement is not only unprecedented, but also unprecedented!

The Niwan Palace on the top of the head is beating more and more violently, and then it beats regularly, getting hotter and hotter. Junxie's white face slowly turns red...

This seat lasted until the early morning when the sky was light! Jun Xie obviously felt that the thin feeling like silk thread running in the body became more and more lively, and gradually connected into a line.

Just as the last link of this thin line was connected, Jun Xie suddenly felt the sudden colorful and colorful in front of his eyes. It seemed that the flowers of the whole world were blooming in front of him in an instant, and all the seven-color clouds were around him. At the same time, it seemed that there were thunderstorms above his head, and lightning It rumbled.

But Jun Xie's eyes are still closed now, that is to say, these all happen in his thoughts! This is the first difficulty of Kaitian's creation: calm down!

Although Jun Xie clearly 'saw' these strange scenes, he always kept in mind that when he practiced, he closed his eyes! That is to say, I should have been invisible, but now I have seen it. What does this mean? This shows that all this is illusory!

So Jun Xie didn't care at all. He guarded the Qingming of the Lingtai and continued to move his work without paying attention to it.

"Boom"! Like a bomb, it suddenly exploded in Jun Xie's mind. Jun Xie's body shook, and he suddenly felt that he had lost his weight. His soul fluttered. With a wow, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, sprayed it out from afar, and then fainted.

This mouthful of blood sprayed on the snow-white sheets, which unexpectedly showed a strange dark color, like a solid, but did not flow. It looked like a dark charcoal.

Jun Xie's body, which fainted to the ground, slowly twitched in his unconsciousness, and a little dark juice slowly oozed out of his skin again, slowly soaking and blackening Jun Xie's gentle white robe...

This is the real meaning of washing the meridians!

The previous stains oozing from the body only eliminate most of the impurities in the skin or muscles, and what is excreted is really inside the bone. As for the thick black blood clot spit out by Jun Xie, it is also an impurity in the five internal organs of the body, and it is also the most difficult thing to rule out the

The current situation of Jun Xie, if it is said to be a monk, is for the realm of 'get out of the world'! That is to say, from now on, he has stepped out of the shackles of the mortal body and officially entered the ranks of monasticism!

You should know that every monk has to go through a rather painful and long process to achieve the realm of "get out of the world". It takes a few months in a short time, a few years or decades for the elderly, and even in the end of his life, he can't reach this state! And Jun Xie only had one night! This is really a miracle in a miracle. If you say it, I'm afraid no one will believe it!

Of course, this is not the special physique of Jun Xie, nor is it because of the strong spiritual power of Jun Xie now. Naturally, there is another reason. The white fog is the most important factor, which is the purest aura of heaven and earth! It's just that Jun Xie doesn't know at this time.

Although Jun Xie was a martial arts master in his previous life, he had never been exposed to the field of cultivation. Even in his cognition, the so-called cultivation of immortality is nonsense! Therefore, even if he clearly knows the changes in his body, he will only think that he has gone a lot of luck.

When Jun Xie woke up again, he found that he had arrived in a big wooden barrel, surrounded by warm hot water, and two soft hands, trying to scrub his body for himself.

When she opened her eyes, she found that the little maid's hair was also soaked in sweat, and her face was red with heat. She was holding a soft cloth towel in her hand and was panting to wash herself. His little lips were squeezed tightly, and his face was full of an embarrassed and crying expression. A pair of beautiful eyes deliberately looked at the top of his head. Only when he needed to be scrubbed in another place would he look down, but then moved his eyes away...

"The little girl's shy expression is really cute!" Thinking of this, the evil god suddenly returned, and then he found that he was naked. I couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. I coughed twice and said, "I'll do it myself." With that, I was about to pick up the towel in **'s hand.

With a scream, ** grabbed the towel and exited far away. He looked at Jun Xie shiveringly, and his eyes were full of panic: "Young young... Master, you, you... Wake up?"

sighed helplessly, and Jun Xie said, "If I hadn't woken up, would it be a ghost talking to you?"

"Ghost?! Ah!" ** With another scream, Jun Xie suddenly found that he could clearly see that the thin hair on the little girl's face stood up, and his little face was as white as a ghost. Jun Xie couldn't help sighing: "Don't scream. Even if you really see a ghost, it's just your face now. Your acting skills are really in place."

"Bun!" With a sound, the door was suddenly knocked open, and a burly figure stepped in: "Mo Xie, have you woken up? What happened?" It was the old man who fought against the emperor, and there were several bodyguards behind him.

Mr. Jun's voice was very angry. He had just scolded the thirty-six bodyguards guarding the king's evil. What happened yesterday can be said to be an accident. Unexpectedly, it came again today! The old man was so angry that he was about to explode: Does my family look so easy to bully? It seems that I really can't do it if I don't have the power! If everyone pays my grandson's attention, I can't live this life?

The old man regarded Jun Xie's fainting as an enemy assassination...