The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 35 Encounter in the Rain

"Song Laosan, what's wrong with you? But are you confused by this boy? The middle-aged man casually picked up the wine jug, filled himself with a glass, and said with a smile, "It's just a crazy life, just nonsense. You've always been grand, and you're not expected to be so petty. He doesn't recognize your wine. I'm sure."

"The prince doesn't know anything; the most proud achievement in my Song Laosan's life is to make such good wine. For me, all kinds of other things are just the past. The little boy despised my wine, and I laughed it down and ignored it!" Song Laosan looked at the direction of Jun Xie's departure: "It's a pity that when I heard his last words, he had already left. It's a real pity that he was a confidant in the wine country and had a bad fate."

"A confidant of the wine country? What a pity?" The middle-aged man known as the "Prince" was a little surprised.

"That's right, it's a pity!" Song Laosan nodded affirmatively, "This teenager, who can say this, is really a person who really knows wine." He muttered, "The real drinking is the mood! What I drink is the artistic conception! It's not that pouring wine into the stomach is even if it's drinking wine. It can only be said that it is a waste of wine-making grain! I can drink, taste wine, enjoy wine, and miss this wine country's confidant. It's really the biggest regret in my life..."

Looking sideways, Jun Xie's hat, which was originally placed behind him, has disappeared for some time.

Song Laosan's expression moved, and suddenly the light flashed in his eyes, and a faint blue color flashed in his pupils...

It's also a pity that the "Prince" was behind him, but he didn't find anything strange in Song Laosan's eyes at all.

The ground is yellow, the sky is blue!

This sloppy Song Laosan, who only knows how to make wine, is a hidden Tianxuan-level master! Under the supreme god Xuan, the master of Tianxuan can be regarded as a figure standing at the top of the pyramid of Xuanxuan Continent! Such a person actually bent over in such a remote tavern!

Unfortunately, if Jun Xie hasn't left yet, with his unique spiritual sense, he will definitely find the extraordinaryness of Song Laosan, and he will also seize Song Laosan's love of wine and make a big deal! Unfortunately, Jun Xie has gone so much that he can't even see the shadow now...

Jun Xie walked out of the pub and walked slowly all the way. His heart gradually recovered to clarity, and his mind gradually became clear. Removed from the previous supernatural state, the previous state can almost represent the evil king. The madness at that moment is the true nature of the evil king in the previous life! Don't be afraid of offending people. If you want to say it, you can say it. If you want to do it, you can do it. Although thousands of people, I will go! Even if it is pointed out by thousands of people in the world, the evil king at the beginning will only face up arrogantly and face thousands of troops alone!

Do whatever you want, have no scruples, and don't care about anyone's feelings at all! The world praises me and praises me and praises me to the sky. I accept it calmly and feel at ease! The world destroys me and scolds me for contempt, which is also a matter of course!

This evil character is also the origin of his name as the "evil king"!

But now after venting, the king and evil, who has regained his senses, will naturally not continue to maintain the "evil king" temperament just now. He is full of energy all over his body. There is no good place to go in such heavy rain, and he will naturally walk in the direction of home.

When he was about to turn from the corner in front of him, Jun Xie was suddenly stunned and slowed down; because a low voice came from behind the corner, mixed in the heavy rain, if Jun Xie's ears and eyes were much more sensitive than ordinary people, he would almost couldn't hear it.

The voice was: "...It's finally done. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain in the old world, I really didn't agree to touch the old things of the Tang family. It's really God's blessing..."

The Tang family? Jun Xie's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of Tang Yuan's family. Thinking around, his body flashed like lightning, and then under the cover of the rain, he hid behind the corner of the wall, behind a protruding earth wall. This earth wall is not very high at ordinary times, and it will not hide the next person in any case, but in this heavy rain, it is hazy, and there is almost no one on the opposite side, which is an excellent cover. Slowly take down the hat on the head, let the rain water it, and instantly get wet from head to toe.

Just because the sound of the rain hitting the bucket hat is completely different from that on the earth wall, Jun Xie has to be careful. Originally, the sound of the rain hitting the person is also slightly different from the sound of the bucket hat, but compared with the bamboo hats, it can't be said on the same day.

In the gasp of "wow" and "wow", five or six people seemed to come over with great effort. They never doubted that there was someone else on such a big rainy street. One of them turned over from the corner with a package, and one said, "This matter has been planned for a long time, but it has never been possible. This The brothers are finally done. If the boss knows it, he must be very happy.

Another person gasped and said, "It's done, but the price is not small. I didn't expect that the six masters of the Tang family went out and four, and the rest of the people could still find the abnormality and our secret infiltration. If it hadn't been for the mysterious man who led away the remaining two masters of the Tang family Also... Cough, cough," he coughed violently.

"But this thing is really important, and there must be a mistake; it is reasonable for us to rush back and give it to the head as soon as possible. After dealing with this matter quickly, we can also be more stable, alas; these days, it's really enough! Let's not delay any longer. Be careful not to dream a lot at night. Hurry up and hurry up!"

"Yes, but, Brother Wolf, your brother-in-law of the Tang family took us in when we went there. In case of Tang's family investigation... I'm afraid your brother-in-law can't escape, right?"

"I'm afraid of him! When they really investigated us, our brother took the reward and flew away. He was happy everywhere. The sky was big. How could the Tang family find us? As for my brother-in-law, I guess he has been out for a long time now. Are you still waiting for the Tang family to arrest him? The boy is slippery. If you have time to worry about him, you'd better worry about ourselves!"

"That's right."

The six people hurried forward, getting closer and closer to the king and evil. Jun Xie saw clearly on one side that four of the six people were seriously injured, and the other two were seriously injured. Blood kept flowing all the way, and two people kept coughing. Every time they coughed, the ground was red, but the wisp of red was then washed away by the rain.

What on earth did they take from the Tang family? So important?! Twenty people were left behind, and only six escaped, and four of these six people were seriously injured. Unexpectedly, they were still very satisfied and proud?

If the Tang family has good things, how can Tang Yuan not show off to himself?

Suddenly, the most seriously injured person suddenly shook his body, stopped coughing, and shouted harshly, "Who? Come out!" Electric eyes swept towards Jun Xie's side! Suddenly, the silver light all over his body became brilliant, and the mysterious spirit had gathered all over his body, ready for a thunder blow at any time!

This seriously injured man is actually a strong man at the level of Yinxuan!

And he actually found the trace of Jun Xie!