The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 37 Killing and Robbery

God's death, too! Six people have a feeling of crying at the same time.[] Despair!

They only saw the six dazzling yellow lights, but ignored that the person in front of them could not bring them the strong pressure of the master of Dixuan at all.

However, the sudden despair and fear in my heart led to the sudden loss of these six people, but it was this moment that completely determined the lives of these six people!

The reason why Jun Xie focused on the money darts in Xuangong and made a dazzling light in advance is exactly the point! An excellent killer is best at understanding the mood of his opponent. He calculated that these six people will inevitably advance and retreat in the face of powerful and unmatched masters! And what the king wants is their progress and retreat in this moment!

Several seriously injured silver mysterious people suddenly turned to the last ground mysterious strong man who was at the peak. The fear and confusion in his heart were huge! There is almost a feeling of waiting to be killed! These people are being chased and killed. Of course, it will be faster to have this feeling of despair.

What you want is this little time!

If it had been a direct raid before, at least three of these six people could avoid the king's evil money dart, because it was dispersed into six forces to control the dart, which was definitely not as accurate as sending only one! And as long as they leave only one, Jun Xie will be in big trouble! Although they were injured, none of them could be dealt with by the current king and evil.

The reason why Xiao Li's flying knife is not worth it is that there is only one shot every time!

The focus of Jun Xie is naturally the silver mystery. Although he was seriously injured, he is still the one who puts the greatest pressure on Jun Xie! It was he who keenly found his own traces!

After six dazzling money darts, twelve dark lights flew out, but the six darts in front had firmly attracted all their attention, and the overwhelming rain firmly blocked their sight. One by one, they was almost embarrassed at the last moment. Jumping away from the money dart, they don't even dare to try to block with weapons, lest they be shocked by the "dixuan master" in front of them!

In fact, if the hidden weapon is really a "ground mystery master", they have no chance to see the yellow light at all, and they will die. Even the strongest silver mystery among them will not be an exception. Unfortunately, they completely ignored it in a state of panic!

Although they hid quickly, two people still let out a scream. They couldn't avoid it. The money dart was tremblingly inserted into the collarbone, the blood spewed out, and the man fell down. Even the people who fell down thought that they were dead: they were hit by the thunderbolt of the master of Dixuan, what else could he do besides closing his eyes and waiting to die? What's more, the position of the dart is the throat... But I didn't pay attention to it. The dart was actually just inserted into the collarbone, but it didn't cut the trachea!

Four muffled screams sounded almost at the same time, followed by twelve flying knives or middle throat, or middle forehead, each of the four people standing at least two, all of which were injured in the critical part! His eyes were full of disbelief. He tightly covered the handle of the knife in his throat with his hand and fell straight into the rain.

The silver master, who was taken care of by the king's evil, was injured and it was not easy to avoid, and the situation was even more miserable. There are four flying knives on the head! Deep ** into the body until there is no handle!

They couldn't understand until they died. They had dodged the most terrible fatal blow. Why were they hit by a flying knife? In the face of his own ant-like existence, if he can't hit, he should be self-respecting and not take action again. Why did he take action again? Why?!

Unexpectedly, he attacked and attacked his two-level opponents, and not once or twice... Are the current Dixuan masters so shameless and demeanor? Most of the mysterious masters in this world are very self-respecting figures. When did they become so brazen?!

The "dixuan-level" master Junxie did not hesitate. He pulled out like lightning and pulled out the flying knife from the forehead of a corpse. His footsteps did not stop. He took two steps and flew to the two people who had fallen before, reversed his wrist and carried the knife, and inserted it fiercely in the position of the heart!

Although these two people have also suffered a lot of damage, they are not enough to be fatal in an instant. Although they are frightened and distracted now, they still retain a certain amount of combat power. Enemies with combat power cannot be let go! Even if he is dying! ! The last moment of the previous life is the best lesson for you! The only enemy who has no threat to himself is the dead! The murderous intention in Jun Xie's heart surged wildly, and his face was cold!

Jun Xie's flying knife has not been inserted yet, and his toes are already in an outward posture. While inserting the flying knife, his footsteps have begun to move. When the flying knife is inserted, he immediately let go of his hand, turns to another person, twisting his waist and rushing down quickly. With his hand as a knife, he click

This series of movements was dizzying. As soon as the yellow money dart took action, Jun Xie's erratic figure followed. At the same time as the four screams sounded, Jun Xie had pulled out the flying knife on the head of one of them. The sound of four corpses falling to the ground had not yet come out, and the flying knife The survivor's heart, and the other palm has also split the throat of the other survivor!

The man with a knife in his heart didn't even hum and died directly!

At this moment, the click of the last person's broken throat sounded at the same time as the sound of four bodies falling to the ground!

After all of them were completed, Jun Xie gasped violently. With his current physical quality, it was really difficult to complete such a difficult action! The previous Jun Moxie almost emptied this body. Without the previous rebirth and the exercise and recovery of this month, he would not be able to complete the series of battles just now.

However, even so, the time is too short, which belongs to a complete overdraft performance. When the spirit relaxes, it can no longer support the counterattack after the violent action. I only feel pain everywhere, and the muscles and bones of the whole body seem to be broken. It is a kind of pain in the heart and lungs.

In the last population, a bloody arrow spewed straight on Jun Xie's face. His body was upturned like a treasure. He looked at Jun Xie regretfully and hissed, "You... you are not..." When he died, he finally woke up. The man in front of him is definitely not a master of mystery!

"What a pig's head!" Jun Xie sighed and said to him regretfully, "If you are really a master of Dixuan, do you still need to sneak up to deal with your garbage?"

There was a strange noise in the man's throat, and his eyes suddenly bulged angrily, and his face was full of unwillingness and anger! His body was arched, and his body, which had run out of oil, suddenly didn't know where the power came from. He raised a hand tremblingly and pointed to Jun Xie. He wanted to say anything, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at Jun Xie. For a long time, he fell back to the ground, twitched Eyes.

He still had a tone. Although he would definitely die, he could stick to it for a while and not die like this. I didn't know that Jun Xie's words directly pissed him off!

He quickly circled around, took back the money darts and flying knives one by one, and then searched the six people by the way. Jun Xie's expression was relaxed and his movements were natural, as if he were turning over his own pockets, and he did not put six bloody corpses in his heart. The killer career in the last life had already made him practice There are more bloody scenes, and Jun Xie has also seen a lot...

Finally, he found a small bag in the arms of the silver master and held it in his hand. Jun Xie reached out and picked up the hat that fell next to him. He casually put it under the ribs and stepped out a few steps. He had turned around the corner. The heavy rain all over the sky fell behind Jun Xie with a huge curtain from the sky One scene is isolated into two worlds!