The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 41 Beijing Earthquake

Jun Xie naturally doesn't know that he has such an unnatural treasure in his hand now. He is worried that if he gives it back to the Tang family, what reason can he use to explain that this thing will fall into his own hands? If you don't return it to the Tang family, what's the use of staying with yourself? Even I'm not sure what this thing is, and of course I don't know the real value of this thing!

After thinking about it for a long time, he wrapped the Xuandan again, put it in a cold jade box, and then put it in a golden sandalwood box. He took it in his hand and put it next to the pillow at the head of the bed. After thinking about it, he pushed it in, pulled up a pillow towel and covered it.

This is not to say that Jun Xie realized the value of this thing and wanted to keep it close to him, but that he had heard that the fragrance of golden sandalwood is very helpful for sleep...

In the past, there was a gentleman who bought a pearl and laughed for thousands of years! But I don't know if what the king's evil did today is also...

Nightfall is approaching, and the heavy rain is gradually stopping.

Mr. Tang Wanli stood up with his white hair. He was really angry and furious!

I was so angry to find trouble for the Li family and the Meng family. When I arrived at the Li family, I was sent out by a soft knife. I went to the Meng family angrily to show my power. Instead, I fulfilled my wish and made the whole Meng family jump, but as soon as I arrived, it began to rain heavily! Seeing that he couldn't go back, Mr. Tang became more and more depressed. He simply lost his temper in the Meng family and scolded the Meng family.

I didn't know that when I was venting, my family came to report that it was stolen. Mr. Tang's head suddenly buzzed, and his whole body's blood surged into his forehead--

I ran to find trouble for others, but my home was turned upside down,

I just came to find trouble for others, and my home was immediately turned upside down, and I was still messed up by people inside and outside! There is no need to ask what has been lost. Mr. Tang already knows that this must be the loss of important items related to him. It is his own thing, otherwise the family will never inform himself at this juncture, in such a storm! And my own important items, if in terms of value, naturally recommend the Xuandan first!

Thinking of this, the old man hurriedly asked, as long as Xuandan was not stolen, everything else was easy to say. Unfortunately, he came whatever he was afraid of. It was indeed his ** Xuandan that was stolen! The old man suddenly darkened in front of his eyes and almost fainted directly.

Since he got this thing, Tang Wanli knew that he had got the treasure. He only needed his younger generation to practice diligently to improve the Xuanqi cultivation to the realm of Dixuan. Even if he gave up his old face, how could he invite a few Tianxuan-level masters, or even the supreme Shenxuan master, to help him, using this Xuandan My descendants pushed me to the realm of Tianxuan master in one fell swoop!

In that case, as long as there is a Tianxuan master in town, the scenery of the Tang family will be fine at least when this Tianxuan master is still alive! And I'm always old. Even if I use this Xuandan to improve my cultivation, I may not be able to live for a long time. Only when you reach the realm of the Supreme Shenxuan can you extend your life, and you absolutely don't have that talent. Even if you rely on this rare treasure, there is no hope!

Who knows that the plan is always not as fast as change. One of his two sons is not a tool, and the other is quite talented, but the talent is anti-wu Xiwen. The cultivation of Xuanqi has completely stopped at level 9. Unexpectedly, even the silver level has not rushed up, although it is also counted in the officialdom It's a smooth sailing, not to mention three moves a day, it's almost the same, but the feeling that there is no top strong man in charge, and the future wealth and life and death in the hands of others is always uncomfortable.

Although the literature and martial arts are under the jurisdiction of His Majesty the Emperor, as long as there is one more Tianxuan strong man in the family, even if the emperor wants to deal with him, he should be carefully considered!

Mr. Tang had no choice but to retreat and place his hopes on his grandson. Finally, what gratified the old man was that his grandson's generation was indeed more competitive. Except for Tang Yuan, who was a little unprofessional, the other three grandchildren advocated power and were more attentive to the cultivation of Xuanqi. Mr. Tang was greatly comforted. It is expected that within ten years, one of several grandchildren can enter the realm of Dixuan, and his health is still good. How can he fight for another ten years for the Tang family.

If this Xuandan is used on the grandson, I believe it will work better than on the son. If everything goes well, at least for a hundred years, the Tang family will have nothing to do in the court. I don't know that I have been waiting for so many years. After a lot of hard work, I have collected some auxiliary medicinal materials. Several grandchildren have successfully broken through the silver realm at a young age. Seeing that all the conditions can be achieved in a few years, this most critical thing has been stolen at this juncture!

Tang Yuan was pretending to be a tiger, holding 1.5 million taels of silver tickets in his hand, holding Meng Haizhou's collar, and insisted on redeeming the accessories and precious jade on the spot. Where can Meng Haizhou be taken out? He couldn't help bowing and saying good words, and sweat burst out of the sweat on his anxious face.

There was nothing he could do, but Mr. Tang issued an order to go home immediately. He kicked the fat man who was still chattering and was about to leave in a hurry. Tang Yuan roared ferociously before leaving: If you don't hand over the sword and precious jade within three days, you have to reason with the emperor. This sentence scared Meng Haizhou to death.

Of course, the price of Tang Yuan's one more sentence was to let Mr. Tang kick him again. It rolls around like a ball.

Rushing home, Mr. Tang was furious, and all the elite bodyguards of the Tang family were sent out, with great fanfare and searched! For the sixteen bodies killed in his own home and the six people who were killed strangely at the street, Mr. Tang ordered to keep them well. In addition to being identified every day, he also drew images and sent out through the official documents of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, offering a reward of 100,000 taels of silver to obtain the origin of these people!

As for the few slaves who escaped from their homes, the reward has been doubled, vowing to find the person behind the scenes!

In just one day, the capital shook.

And three days later, the world was shaken!

At the same time, Li Youran's Li family has no action on the surface, with a lively posture, but secretly it is also the same vigorous. Li Youran's strict investigation of all the people who know about this matter one by one. With a little doubt, it is torture and torture. All kinds of torture are endless. It's better to kill Don't let go of one! Be sure to find out who is against you! In just two days, several people have died because they can't stand torture! At the same time, the secret forces of the Li family also began to move in an all-round way, infiltrating everywhere.

The major families in the capital vaguely smelled this very unusual smell. While taking strict precautions, they were wise to protect themselves and avoid getting into this big whirlpool, they sent people around to inquire about what was going on with the Tang family?

For a while, the whole capital was surging with undercurrents. The cell of the Ministry of Criminal Justice was suddenly full! All the forces of the Tang family's huge family were in full operation, directly causing an earthquake in the capital, and everyone was in danger.

There is no news for a long time. Mr. Tang Wanli is anxious and furious every day. Li Youran is still gentle on the surface, but the cold in his eyes hides two highly poisonous cobras. Whoever he stares at is a life, and if it is heavy, it will destroy the whole family!

However, Junxie, who really got a big bargain, didn't know it at all and was still wandering in his own home. At night, I fell asleep with a golden sandalwood in my arms, and I sighed that it really had a miraculous effect on sleep

Even this girl is still wondering why she is thinking about her widowed sister-in-law...