The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 49 Extortion

As soon as he heard Tang Yuan's words, Qin Hu's souls burst out, and a cold sweat suddenly came out. Oh, my God! Now I really meet ghosts when I walk a lot at night. Everyone understands that this boy is just a false person, but he just tells the truth here. It's really fucking... Fuck! In case his son is taken back by him to say something he shouldn't say, there are many smart people in the Tang family.

Jun Xie smiled and watched coldly. Seeing that the expression on Qin Hu's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes dodged, and he couldn't help but feel very strange.

Fatty Tang's words are just to get more face and benefits. Is Qin Hu so panicked? Anyway, it is the master of a gang. Although the Beicheng Gang is the bottom one of the six major gangs, Qin Hu, as the master of the gang, should not be so purulent, right? In fact, for Qin Hu, it would be a great blessing to use this matter to make friends with the Tang family, but looking at his virtue, he is very guilty of being a thief... Why?

Stop! Be a guilty thief?! Thinking of this, Jun Xie's eyes suddenly looked at Qin Hu became meaningful, and he suddenly thought about it in his heart.

"The dog is rude, and the young master should learn a lesson. I don't know if I can let him take the dog back to take care of the injury and send it to the house to ask the young master a lesson? Naturally, the dog scared the young master and his noble friend, and Qin will definitely make the young master satisfied!" After all, Qin Hu is the master of a group. Although he became a little frightened after the last incident, years of experience was not easy after all, and he recovered quickly. Accompanied by a smiling face, he put forward a compromise.

Tang Yuan snorted and said, "I'd like to see how your Beicheng Gang compensates!" When he said so, he had already said that he would no longer be investigated. Fatty Tang is also a bachelor. Now that he has face, it depends on the benefits! Qin Hu is also an old Jianghu. Of course, he can hear it. He said with great joy and gratitude, "Thank you for your kindness, a lot of adults! Qin will definitely visit him another day to thank the young master for his great kindness.

Tang Yuan hummed and looked at Jun Xie. It's all right here, but your son just scolded Jun San Shao very much. As long as San Shao doesn't blame him, you can leave.

"Jun San Shao?!" Qin Hu suddenly remembered Jun Moxie's name, which could make Tang Yuan put on such a posture. Except for the infamous Jun Moxie, it seemed that there was no second in the whole capital!

It turned out that his son not only provoked Master Tang, but also scolded the more difficult Jun San Shao! At this moment, Qin Hu suddenly had an impulse to chock his son to death, if this boy was not his only bloodline.

Jun Xie looked at Qin Hu, and the light in his eyes flashed, and then disappeared. I have made an idea in my mind. Qin Hu and his son Qin Xiaobao are domineering and arrogant. Jun Xie can imagine that such a combination of father and son has created great evil! Let's say nothing else, let's talk about today. If I hadn't met myself and Tang Yuan, if an ordinary person had been here, how could he have died?

Qin Hu, Qin Xiaobao, such as scum, can't kill them quickly! North City Gang, don't get rid of it! The evil murder of the king has moved! However, he still has some scruples, mainly because he feels that in this restaurant, there seems to be someone spying on him and observing his every move...

Lazyly leaning on the back of the chair behind him, he habitually raised his legs and nodded Qin Hu's forehead bit by little: "Qin Hu, with what you said just now, I was going to teach you a lesson! However, judging from your respect, let's forget about it. Er, I heard that your Beichengbang has opened a lot of casinos in the north of the city? I heard that Beicheng Gang is full of gold and silver every day? Ha ha... It's really rich."

He stared, sneered and said, "Qin Hu, I'm waiting to see your attitude. Haha, if you are not satisfied with me, I guarantee that no one in the north city can see the sun of the morning the day after tomorrow!" Speaking of this, he suddenly sat up straight, then bent down, leaned to Qin Hu's ear, and said with a strange smile, "However, if I'm satisfied, it's good for you, hahaha..."

You might as well say more directly, the better to get the money! Is it interesting to go around such a big circle? Qin Hu cursed in his heart, but the situation was better than others. As the master of a group, he was scolded by a teenager in front of him, spitting on his face, which was really humiliating! But Qin Hu did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, because it seemed that it was really not too difficult to destroy the Beicheng Gang...

Accompanying the smiling face and swearing to make Jun San Shao satisfied. Qin Hu said all the good words, and finally picked up his son and left in dismay under the wave of Jun Xie's hand.

"Boh! It's really disappointing!" Tang Yuan spit fiercely at Qin Hu's back, "Shao, tomorrow night, the golden autumn talent banquet on the central island of Luoyue Lake, will you come? I heard that there are a lot of new things!"

According to the usual practice, every year during the Golden Autumn Festival, Tianxiang Kingdom will hold a golden autumn talent banquet on the central island of the Falling Moon Lake in Tianxiang City on the evening of the Golden Autumn Festival. The emperor designated several ministers to entertain the top ten talents of Wenxing Academy. In fact, these ten people are also about to graduate and enter the For the best, take this opportunity to evaluate these products, and then arrange the corresponding positions. Therefore, this golden autumn talent banquet is equivalent to a platform for scholars to jump into the Dragon Gate.

There are only ten places. For thousands of students, there are naturally more monks and less porridge. In this way, the competition between the students of Wenxing Academy is naturally more fierce. At the same time, such occasions will of course be noticed by everyone, and major families will also send people to see if these people can be pulled into their own family camp.

There is another thing, that is, most of these talents are bachelors, and they are all golden bachelors with a bright future, so some noble ladies also want to choose some Ruyi Langjun from here. Naturally, many warblers and swallows are also coming to visit.

So many famous girls gather together, such dandy Tang Yuanjun and Mo Xie will naturally not let go of this opportunity to hunt, and in order to compete with the talents for the attention of the beauty, they will also compete with each other, but every time the dandy loses, but they are happy every year. At this moment, Tang Yuan asked, looking at his excited and trembling appearance, it was obviously imperative. Of course, it's hard to say whether he can aspire to get it. Anyway, it's not optimistic.

"Talent banquet? Master Tang, do you think the two of us look like... talents?" Jun Xie turned his eyelids and said, "The vegetable seed is almost the same."

There is still a sentence in Master Jun's heart. I'm really embarrassed to say that I have beautiful eyebrows and naturally look like a talent, but your brother, it's inappropriate to say that you are a vegetable seed, and the fat seed is almost the same!

"Bullshit! What talent? It's just a group of sour dice for profit. Like last year's Zhao Chengsong, he gave me a shameless person at the golden autumn talent banquet, which made me lose face in front of Miss Li, like 250,000 or 80,000 yuan. I immediately instructed him to get him into the Tang family, and only to make a high-ranking official. That Coming? Do you know what he is doing now?" Tang Yuan is proud.