The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 61 Lonely Cold at Night

Ye Guhan, a senior strong man who is alone and a master of Tianxuan.

Everyone knows that he has never been close to anyone. He is lonely and cruel. Once he has a sword, his men have never been alive. But what people don't know is that this lonely swordsman used to be a handsome and affectionate young man.

What's more, no one knows that Ye Guhan and the current queen Murong Xiuxiu used to be a pair of childhood sweethearts, but for some reason, the Ye Guhan family was defeated overnight and removed from Kyoto. Ye Guhan was also reduced to a penniless villain. The Murong family, which was so powerful at that time, naturally would not Except for being a silver mystery, he is nothing but a poor figure. The obstruction of the Murong family finally made a pair of lovers who vowed to fly away!

Ye Guhan went away in disbean. Murong Xiuxiu was heartbroken. He was rescued several times until the news of Ye Guhan's death came for some reason. Murong Xiuxiu was disheartened. Under the dissuasion of his parents, he finally obeyed the family's arrangement, entered the palace and married the current emperor

Ye Guhan has been practicing swords for ten years, and his Xuanqi cultivation has also reached the realm of Tianxuan. He feels that he is enough to match Murong Xiuxiu. When he is excited to turn around, he is not surprised by the vicissitudes of life, and the beauty has gone. His original lover has become the queen, and Princess The two of them were tearful to each other, and they both felt that their liver and intestines were broken!

As soon as he entered the palace, the door was as deep as the sea. From then on, Yelang was a passer-by!

God's will is unpredictable, yesterday is the present, and the creation plays tricks on people.

Ye Guhan was disheartened, his hair was gray overnight, and his temperament also changed greatly, becoming lonely and ruthless. However, Princess Lingmeng, the daughter of her former lover, is regarded as herself and has a sympath. Although he vowed never to see Murong Xiuxiu again, he often teased Xiao Lingmeng to play. Only when he was facing Princess Lingmeng would Ye Guhan's frozen and cold heart melt.

In fact, Ye Guhan has become the patron saint of Princess Lingmeng! No matter who it is, even if the current emperor wants to blame Princess Lingmeng, Ye Guhan dares to draw his sword boldly! Princess Lingmeng is the only soul sustenance in Ye Guhan's life now, and also this cold-blooded and lonely swordsman, the biggest reverse scale!

This matter is a secret of the royal family, and few people know it. So the mastermind behind these killers also doesn't know, otherwise, he will never send only two Jinpin Xuansha killers to assassinate, and there may not even be this assassination! Even if you really want to assassinate, you need more than two Tianxuan masters anyway.

Ye Guhan has now confirmed that the mysterious master in the hidden dark will not take action, but he will never let these killers go, so he appeared.

Anyone who wants to hurt Princess Lingmeng, no matter who, in the eyes of Ye Guhan, is murder, nothing, pardon!

Slowly turn around and draw your sword! The slender sword body trembled like a snake, and the sword light rippled blue. The tip of the sword slowly raised and pointed to the nine killers. Ye Guhan's face was cold: "Go to hell!"

The nine killers were speechless for a while. Previously, we kept asking our seniors what other instructions they had, just to test you, but you didn't make a sound. When we were about to leave, we came out to stop people. Isn't this obvious that we were playing with people?

Naturally, they don't know that everything is wrong, completely because the object is just two people!

"The night is lonely and cold! If you want to kill someone, you have to use a sword. You can't use your mouth!" The more the two black killer leaders thought about it, the more angry they became. Even if your martial arts skills were much higher than ours, you didn't play tricks like this! He knew that he was un lucky, but he became bold and mocked.

Ye Guhan looked motionless, still as cold as ice, his eyes were as arrows, his body was straight and loose, his heart was cruel, the sword light was colder, and suddenly flashed. The light blue sword light was like a fireworks explosion, covering the four fields and divergent. He agreed to the request of the killer leader to kill with a sword

It is no needless waste of words and nonsense with the dying people, which is undoubtedly a very retarded move!

The sword light is brilliant, with a light blue beauty. With a sword wave, there is a dreamlike gorgeous feeling, but in this wonderful brilliance, it is mixed with a strong smell of sadness. At this moment, the light of the sword is as lonely as Ye Gu Han's face, bleak!

Ye Guhan turned around, bullied, and out of the sword! Relying on his nearest Yinxuan killer, there was a sad faint trace in his throat, and the blood also spewed out like fog in an instant, melting into the light blue sword shadow in the sky. The red and blue reflected each other, making this scene of killing full of a kind of beauty!

The sword is out of the liver and intestines, where to find a bosom friend in the world! Loneliness.......

The killer's body slowly fell down. Ye Guhan's white hair was Xiao Ran, but the lonely figure had reached the other two killers. These were once majestic killers. At this moment, in front of him, they were as vulnerable as local chickens and dogs!

Just as silver masters can regard people below nine grades as ants, Tianxuan masters also regard gold and silver masters as children's play!

Two blood lights shot out again after another. Ye Guhan's face was cold and unchanging. In the blood light all over the sky, he came and went with a dreamlike light blue, like a ghost, like the wind like a fog!

The gold and silver mysterious man is facing the enemy Tianxuan's strong man, which is simply a battle that hits the stone with eggs and does not even have a glimmer of hope. What's more, he met Ye Guhan, a cold-blooded madman who is famous for killing?

"The wind is tight! Let's go!" The killer leader shouted loudly, and the only chance left in his heart disappeared. The first one pulled up and shot into the distance like a sharp arrow. The remaining five killers also blossomed like bombs, fleeing in all directions, one by one!

There is no suspense about the ending. The only thing I can think about is, are there any of these nine killers who can escape by chance?!

Ye Guhan roared, and his voice was full of sadness and loneliness. The murderous plane sounded into the air with endless loneliness. The light blue sword light rose sharply, like a huge sapphire flying in the air at a fast speed. When the light blue sword light swallowed and spit, a killer screamed and fell to the ground.

In a moment, all four silver killers who tried to escape were killed. The bodies had not yet landed, and Ye Guhan had also stood up his sword to stop one of the leaders of the gold killers. These two killer leaders are the two people with the highest martial arts skills in this group, and they fled from the south and the north. Even with the power of Ye Guhan alone, they can only stop one of them after killing the other four Yinxuan killers. As for the other one, there is nothing he can do!

The king and evil lies on the ground, and his eyes open a crack to watch the bustle. Seeing that Ye Guhan is so powerful, he can't help but be longing in his heart. If the ability of this night Guhan fights head-on, even the power of the king and evil in the previous life is not This can't help but make Jun Xie have a higher evaluation of the mystery of this world.

Of course, this is only based on the premise of a frontal battle. According to the means of the killer, Jun Xie is confident that he has many ways to kill Ye Guhan, but after all, frontal fighting is not what Jun Xie is best at!

Light blue is probably just the initial level of Tianxuan. It has been so powerful, but I don't know what the peak of Tianxuan is? What about the Supreme God? Jun Xie has a strong sense of joy in his heart!

Only fighting with the strong is the fastest way to improve yourself! Unfortunately, the current king and evil are far from the strength of the strong! If not, I'm afraid this guy would immediately jump up and propose a fight to Ye Guhan!


Jun Xie's heart is boiling like an oil pan, rolling like an incomparable desire! At this time, he found that the fleeing killer leader was unfortunately flying all the way to his side. Jun Xie's heart suddenly became murderous!

Damn it, you took someone to make me like this, and you really want to leave? How can it be so cheap?!

With a move of the wrist, the flying knife is in the hand, Jun Xie's face is hidden under his body, with a ferocious smile: Go to hell, boy!