The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 69 Desperate Fury!

Tang Wanli opened his eyes in shock and opened his mouth wide; the sudden sound of war drums even made him forget the extreme shame and unhappiness just now, and his whole heart was completely full of an idea: Jun Zhantian went crazy! Why is this old man crazy? Go crazy when the Jun family is weakest?!

"Everyone will return to the Tang family immediately. If you have a military position, you should immediately take a step forward and change your clothes to report! The rest of the people are not allowed to leave the house without my orders!" Mr. Tang made a decision and issued a series of orders.

In real time, dozens of people bowed, turned around and ran in a hurry, and even walked faster than the fastest speed they could play.

At this time, knocking the drum shows that the situation has reached a very dangerous point. No one will doubt that tonight, if that officer dares to be one point late, it must be the end of a person's head landing! The king's war against the rule of the army is second to none in the whole Tianxiang Kingdom!

Those who violate the general's order, whether you are a prince and general, a son of a family, or a phoenix dragon grandson, you will be killed without mercy!

The sound of horses' hoofs in all directions kept ringing, and they rushed to the campus in the center of the city like a tide. Everyone's armor was bright, with an eager face, and the whip in his hand couldn't help slapping on the horses who usually loved their lives, running all the way, like eight hundred miles!

"Marquis, how to deal with these remaining miscellaneous pieces?" A Tangfu pointed to the rest of the Beicheng Gang and asked.

"Bry it all back and interrogate one by one!" Although Mr. Tang knew that this would not work, he still had a hope in case.

With the passing of a batch of war horses, in all the barracks outside the city, there was also a loud sound of the military horn. All troops gathered urgently to maintain the highest state of combat readiness, waiting for the chief officer to return from the point at any time, and then start immediately!

Mr. Jun is going crazy!

That's true.

When Princess Lingmeng sent two people to the king's mansion, more than half an hour had passed since the assassination. Mr. Jun was reading in the study, with a smile on his old face and was satisfied. The grandson's prodigal son turned around and corrected his evil, and looked at his strength and perseverance. Even if he counted all the noble princes in the whole Tianxiang City, he could not compare with my grandson.

Seeing that there is such great hope and turning point in the Jun family at such a withering moment, how can Mr. Jun not be comforted?

When he was in the most comfortable mood, the housekeeper, Lao Pang, knocked on the door gently and came in with a heavy face. He said that Princess Lingmeng sent someone to report something to the master.

Jun Zhantian immediately saw it, but after seeing the bodyguard, seeing that he was covered with blood, the old man jumped in his heart. From his hesitant, left and right cover, Mr. Jun felt worse and worse, and his old face became more and more ugly. Lao Pang stood behind him with a worried face, which made Jun Zhantian feel something...

Under a series of questions, the bodyguard finally said, "The body of Mr. Junsan is missing..."

is this short sentence! When Jun Zhantian heard it, it was like thousands of thunder on his head at the same time. His burly body shook a few times. Suddenly, his face turned pale, and he fell back without a sound, and he lost his breath in an instant!

Lao Pang was shocked. Fortunately, he was prepared for a long time. After a burst of pinching and beating his chest, he finally made the old man wake up again. The bodyguard trembled and knelt on the ground and did not dare to move. Everyone knew Jun Moxie's position in the mind of the young master As long as you don't deal with it properly, you will often kill yourself!

When Mr. Jun woke up, he spit out a mouthful of blood, his face instantly became extremely gray, and his eyes became dark, but the words in his mouth were still clear and low: "What's going on? Slowly, don't miss it at all, tell me." Although the voice is low, the heavy in the words is like a high mountain and a heavy mountain.

The bodyguard was already so scared that his face turned pale and described it little by little. In the process of speaking, Mr. Jun kept a calm face and didn't say a word. Finally, when he finished speaking, Jun Zhantian waved his hand feebly and said, "Go ahead."

The bodyguard retreated like an amnesty, shivering, and found that his whole body was soaked in sweat!

In the study, Jun Zhantian closed his eyes and looked up to the sky. His Adam's apple rolled up and down. The corners of his eyes were full of wrinkles, and a drop of old tears came out...

If Jun Xie is still as unbearable and misconduct as the former Jun Mo Xie. If such a thing happens, Mr. Jun will not be so uncomfortable, because he has been disappointed for a long time. Now it is not a big deal to turn into despair. The decline of the Jun family has become a foreed conclusion, and it is no big deal

But the problem is that Jun Zhantian has just seen the amazing change of his grandson, and he has just seen the dawn and the moment of hope. It is the time when he is full of excitement and comfort, and the future of the Jun family is also full of endless illusions. This sudden news instantly completely plunged Mr. Jun into the disaster. The abyss of recovery!

With such a big contrast, Mr. Jun did not go crazy on the spot, and he already had considerable self-control.

Mo Xie died in order to report to Princess Lingmeng! This is the old man's first inference.

The assassin's target is Princess Lingmeng. With such courage, in addition to the three princes, it is the hostile forces of other countries. At present, the position of the crown prince has not been determined, and the three kings have seized the throne. Other countries can't wait for them to fight together, so at this moment, the enemy country will not do such an extreme thing. Therefore, the three princes are the most suspected! This is the second inference!

Third, the princess is the main target of the assassin, but Mo Xie is dead, and the princess is not dead! This is strange. It's strange. Did Mo Xie's enemy, that is, the killer invited by his usual biggest enemies, the Li family and the Meng family, deliberately did so? Assassination of the princess is just a blindfold?! The third inference.

Mo Xie, who reported the message, died, but the assassinated princess was safe, indicating that although Mo Xie reported the message to the princess, the princess obviously did not send a bodyguard to protect him. All the force was concentrated on protecting the princess, and Mo Xie was killed so easily! This is the fourth inference!

The more Jun Zhantian thought about it, the colder his face was, and the sharper his eyes were. Later, he was already ferocious!

Why did my grandson kindly send a message and die like that, but that woman deserves to die?!

I joined the army as a young man, and I have fought thousands of battles in my life! A great duke was killed among millions of corpses, and he made great contributions to the empire. No one in the whole country can match it! I have three sons and three grandchildren; my two sons died for the country, and my youngest son was made disabled for life. My two grandchildren fought in the battlefield and died inexplicably. Now, the only bit of bone and blood actually died to protect the royal princess...

The loyal Jun family is so amazing! In that case, what do I still miss?! The left and right is also the end, so why don't all those who are against my Jun's family end with me?!

Jun Zhantian smiled sadly. The louder he smiled, the louder he became. He smiled, and his face was full of tears. Suddenly stood up, his eyes were like thunder, and with red blood, he looked coldly at the night outside the window, turned his head, slowly walked to the portrait of his deceased wife, stood straight, stared for a long time, and opened his lips. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all. He stretched out his palm and stroked it It seems to be feeling something, and it seems to be doing the final farewell...

Mr. Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had forcibly suppressed something. He suddenly turned around and took off the portable sword that had been sealed on the wall for many years. His burly body strode out, his white hair was bleak, and he would not look back!

At the moment he turned around, two old tears fell to the ground and fell to pieces!

In the portrait on the wall, a kind-looking old woman is still smiling forever. Her eyes seem to reveal the portrait, extending far away, the night wind blows through the window, and the portrait is rolled up and down, as if she is doing a powerless retention...