The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 71 The Heart of the Emperor

With the story of Princess Lingmeng, the emperor's face became heavier and heavier, and his eyes flashed colder and colder. He lowered his head and did not make a sound, but listened quietly.

This certainly involves the life and death of his daughter, and also involves another very "critical" person. This person himself has nothing to do with the overall situation, but the consequences caused by him are so great that even the emperor may not be able to bear it, let alone bear it!

An emperor, his daughter was assassinated, but he was concerned about another standard tonster. Is there no relatives in the heavenly family? It's so sad!


"According to Meng'er, did Jun Moxie report to you before the assassination? At least it should be a reminder?" The emperor meditated.

"Yes, although my daughter is not sure, Jun Moxie's motive should be not suspicious, or it is unknown what clues he found before." Princess Lingmeng's voice was very low, but her tone was very firm.

"The clues, with the ability of Jun Moxie to find any clues... Forget it, these are the last verses. Later, Jun Moxie was rescued by another highman, that is to say, Jun Moxie did not die, right?" The emperor's eyes became deep.

"That's right, father." Princess Lingmeng knew the taboo in her father's heart, so she never mentioned the name of Ye Guhan. Although, His Majesty himself knew about this matter.

"In that case... Why did Jun Zhantian go crazy? Unexpectedly, he beat the drums desperately!" His Majesty meditated, "His grandson is not dead, and the Jun family has not reached the point of cutting off his children, so his action this time is puzzling. This action is really..."

He stood up, slowly paced two steps, gently tapped his forehead with his fingers, and slowly said, "Sun Tzu is not dead, but Jun Zhantian is inexplicably crazy. En... Or one thing can be sure, that is, Jun Moxie must not have returned home at this moment; Er, it is thought that Jun Zhantian received the I haven't seen my grandson come home for a long time, so that's why he is so abnormal. Ha ha ha, it seems that I still underestimate them? How many birds with one stone is this...?" His Majesty smiled coldly and coldly.

Princess Lingmeng suddenly remembered something and suddenly turned pale. If this is the case, although it is just a misunderstanding, the consequences are likely to be unmanageable!

"At that time, since Jun Moxie was not in danger of life, why didn't he send someone to inform the Jun family immediately?! Meng'er, you are too careless to deal with this fact... Meng'er, do you remember anything?" Seeing that Princess Lingmeng's face changed greatly, the emperor smiled and tried his best to control his anger, but there were already some signs that he could not be suppressed at the corners of his eyebrows. His daughter had always been calm. How could she make such a mistake today? Did she lose her usual calmness because of the assassination?

"Father, when I found Jun Moxie's body... No, when I was out of health, my daughter once... once sent someone to report to Jun's husband. As soon as the messenger left, the old man came to take the injured Jun Moxie away." Princess Lingmeng was a little at a loss, and she couldn't say anything.

"Then what? The news has been sent out, but didn't you make a remedy after finding that Jun Moxie was not dead? The emperor looked at his daughter with some disappointment, but his heart moved: Old man? Is there anyone else who secretly protects his daughter besides Ye Guhan?! If so...

His Majesty thought in his heart, but his face was still.

"Such important news naturally needs to be remedied. At that time, my bodyguards were seriously injured, so I asked Murong Qianjun, who went to the rescue, to send someone to explain to your husband that Jun Moxie was not dead. If Jun's husband finally fails to receive the news that Jun Moxie is not dead, then the only possibility is...?"

"It's not possible. Obviously, Murong Qianjun didn't report it, or it was just death. Otherwise..." His Majesty sighed, and there were a few more ferocious words on Fang Zhengqing's face, and then disappeared. He said in harmony, "It's your business. Go and have a rest." With that, he stroked Lingmeng's hair and looked at a yellow palace cage in the dark with nihilistic eyes. His Majesty suddenly felt that this kind of bright yellow, which represents dignity, was so dazzling and terrible.

This assassination incident is a little strange, hehehe... It's really unexpected. The emperor pondered slightly, and the sharpness in his eyes flashed by!

Well, maybe it's time to wash the palace.

I don't know if it will be brighter if I wash it with human blood?

In the distance, the shocking war drum has been silent, but the sky and the earth are still full of the atmosphere of mountains and rain, which is extremely depressing.

Hope, Jun Zhantian, I hope you don't make it too difficult for me to do...

The emperor's eyes showed extremely complex feelings, which flashed.

Looking at the back of his daughter's departure, His Majesty stood with his hands behind his back, pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "Shadow, go out and have a look. Don't take action until it's not necessary; tell Jun Zhantian that his grandson is not dead. It's okay to make trouble, but don't overdo it! Well, bring me something by the way. Well, it's easy; this old thing has been holding it for several years...!"

After saying that, His Majesty took a pen and wrote a few words, rolled them up casually, and handed them back: "Go."

A gust of wind rose, and a seemingly tangible figure floated out. The next moment, the note in the emperor's hand was gone, and a faint shadow flew out of the palace quickly.

"Although I let you be presumptuous once, I also want to borrow a knife!" The emperor whispered to himself, and a meaningful smile suddenly flashed on his face.

His Majesty has always had no choice, but this time, he has far underestimated the point where the king's rage has reached! And he just sent someone at this moment. It's too late...

"Come on, it's said that the invincible general is coming." The emperor breathed a sigh of relief and shouted. Well, let's just disrupt the situation again. Hope, one by one, as long as people understand and think about it, they will be more restrained. If they don't understand, there is naturally no need to survive, or they are not qualified to stay.

It's not that you are not allowed to fight, only those who fight are the strong! But fighting should also be measured! If you go beyond this measure, you will be doomed...


Princess Lingmeng said goodbye to the emperor, and it was not until she returned to her bedroom that she suddenly remembered that since she went there, the whole process of assassination, her father kept asking about the royal family, all about Jun Moxie, and that he was the main object of being assassinated. The father, who had always loved him the most, had !!

Why is that?

Is it possible that in the heart of my father, this suspicious assassination involves a princess and himself! There may even be major cases of other royal figures. Isn't it as important as a royal family?

Or his father, what is he avoiding?


Thinking of her father's deep eyes, Princess Lingmeng couldn't help trembling. Fortunately, I have the protection of Uncle Ye, and the mysterious strong man,...

In a state of sternity, Princess Lingmeng reached into her arms and took out the three small and exquisite flying knives, playing in her hand. The flying knife was only more than half the size of a palm, and the slightly curved curvature was beautiful and natural, which was really as thin as cicada wings. The three flying knives were stacked together, and it only had a thin layer. Princess Lingmeng is very curious. How can such a small flying knife exert such a terrible power that a group of murderous killers can leave without blinking an eye!

The flying knife is speechless, the body of the knife is shining with crystal light, and the light reflects the color of color, which is extremely bright. If you only see such a flying knife, it will only be used as something for children of rich people to play. Who can imagine that this is actually a deadly weapon of a peerless strong man?

However, as long as this unique flying knife appears in front of me again, I can recognize it immediately! Princess Lingmeng thought happily, and her heart was infinitely psyched: I don't know what kind of person is this peerless strong man who was infinitely admired by his uncle overnight?


l; Since the morning, this chapter has been revised countless times. I always feel that I am not very satisfied. When it comes to this kind of approaching **, it may be the most difficult time for all authors to write, hehe. Although my head hurts, I also have a sense of accomplishment. Is this... painful and happy? Regarding the update, please understand again! &G;