The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 80 Fatty Gift

Jun Moxie looked at the fat man feebly and really wanted to jump up and kick him out! But now I have to play a serious injury, so I have to spare him for a while. But the eyes are already ** naked and going to eat people...

"Fortunately, brother, you are not dead, or I will be too lonely in the future. I really don't know what to do without you." Fatty Tang wiped his sweat, took the tea handed over by **, took a sip of Meimei, and then turned around and shouted, "Come on! Bring in the gift of my Tang family to Jun San Shao!"

Jun Moxie looked out of the door with great interest. He really didn't know that the gift he gave needed to be 'lifted'. What on earth was it?

Two people carried two big boxes and came in. Suddenly, Jun Moxie's bedroom was completely occupied by Tang Yuan and the three giants of two big boxes. He almost had no place to accommodate **, and he wanted to shrink his feet and squatted on the chair.

Tang Yuan waved his hand to make them go out. He smiled and opened the wooden box mysteriously like a treasure. The thief glanced at Jun Moxie, and then he gave way. Jun Moxie looked at his head and almost fainted.

It is full of high-end healing drugs, box by box, one bottle, one bag... The packaging is exquisite, and the medicine tastes like nose. You can tell at a glance that it is worth a lot. Jun Moxie is really doubtful. Did this fat man have emptied all the medicine shops in the city?

These drugs are indeed very useful and practical if ordinary people are injured. Even some of them may not be able to buy them even if they have money, but the problem is... Jun Moxie is different from others. He doesn't need this thing at all!

For Jun Moxie, these things are equivalent to a huge pile of garbage! At least it's chicken ribs!

With a moan, Jun Moxie said feebly, "Fat, it's really difficult for you. Even if I am injured seven or eight times a day in my life, it's enough for me to live to be 100 years old. You didn't come to see me. You just came to curse me for being injured a few more times..."

Tang Yuan closed the wooden box and said proudly, "Three young master, brother, what about my methods? All the wound medicine in Tianxiang City, even the sacred and unique, are all in this box!" With that, he suddenly leaned mysteriously to Jun Moxie's ear and said insidiously, "San Shao, the bottom layer, that's what I spent a lot of effort to get. It's a good thing that I can't find. You have to hide it carefully."

"Shrimp?" Jun Moxie was a little interested, raised his eyebrows and asked.

Tang Yuan glanced at **, smiled obscenely, and then lowered his voice and said, "The bottom is what you are most interested in. It's the martyr's baby, happy grass, lady **, chaste woman falls down, golden gun, no stick, stab through the wall, hang a hundred catties,..."

"Stop! Stop, stop!" Jun Moxie was as big as a fight: "What strange and messy things are these? So... What's the matter with hanging a hundred catties?

"Hang Baijin, hey hey hey..." Tang Yuan** smiled desecantly, pointed to Jun Moxie's **, and whispered, "It means that as long as you eat that thing, you can lift a full 100 catties... Er, good thing." This fat man learned to use it. Jun Moxie said "Dongdong" by the way. Unexpectedly, without explanation, he understood what it meant and could continue to be used.

"Five! Please spare my life. Don't disgust me here!" Jun Moxie had a headache: "Take it away quickly! If grandpa sees it, I guess he will cut off that thing first, and I still have to keep Huigen! Don't hurt me!"

"What are you afraid of? This thing is liked by a man. I guess the old man also has it. The old man is not young. With the help of these things, even if the hero is still there, it may not be... Gaga..." Tang Yuan smiled unknowingly, suddenly--

"What kind of thing do I have?" A heavy voice sounded, and Mr. Jun Zhantian stepped to the door, looked at Tang Yuan with a puzzled face, and then looked at the crowded bedroom: "What's going on? What did you just say?!"

That's how my luck is?! Tang Yuan was stunned, and the bean-sized beads of sweat came out drop by drop, and the eyes were dripping around. Under the fat body, he was suddenly soaked in a pool of water stains by sweat. It was going to die. If the old man heard what he said just now...

"What kind of things is this?" Mr. Jun was a little annoyed: "It's a mess. Why don't you clean it up quickly?"

Tang Yuan stood up in a hurry and nodded like a chicken pecked rice: "Yes, it's right to clear it away. It's just some ordinary medicinal herbs. There's nothing special."

As soon as he spoke, Mr. Jun immediately reacted, "Fatson, do I have what you just said?"

Tang Yuan's face was suddenly squeezed together, his face changed from white to red, from red to blue, his fat cheeks couldn't stop shivering, two thighs, and there was also a trend of **...

"Well, the fat man means that you are still majestic, and you also have your majesty's grandeur, grandpa; but I think there are some taboos, so I dare not talk about it anymore." Jun Moxie hurriedly rounded the scene. Looking at the poor appearance of the fat man, it is estimated that if Mr. Jun said another word, he would be paralyzed with fear.

"What's the taboo about this? Is it worth being scared like this? I am still strong, and my pride lasts forever. This is the truth!" Mr. Jun looked at Tang Yuan with contempt and taught him a lesson, "It's okay in the future. Don't always take our Mo Xie to those bad places. I used to learn from you."

"Ah?" Tang Yuan was stunned; old man, how can you turn right and wrong? It was clear that I followed your grandson to learn badly...

Mr. Jun snorted. In the old man's heart, his grandson is naturally good and obedient. The reason why he was disappointing in the past was mainly to learn badly with these bad friends...

Several bodyguards waved in and carried the two boxes out; Tang Yuan was anxious: "In the second box..."

Jun Moxie is also sweating: This boy's second box is not worse than the first one, is it? That was really killed by him...

Mr. Jun waved his hand and sent all of them to Jun Moxie's small warehouse, and ** also followed. The two breathed a sigh of relief and exhaled at the same time.

An old man with white hair, white beard and white robe was kind-looking, and his face was full of harmony. He came in with a small medicine box. Tang Yuan was immediately shocked and stood up respectfully and said, "Mr. Fang."

Mr. Fang is the head of the imperial doctor of the dynasty, Fang Huisheng. In Tianxiang City, there is a loud nickname: Fang will not die! That is to say, no matter how much you suffer, as long as Dr. Fang reaches out his hand, you will definitely not die! Although this statement is exaggerated, there is no doubt about the brilliance of Fang Huisheng's medical skills. Even if Hua Tuo Bian Que is reborn, it is probably just like this.

Tang Yuan had a serious illness in the past, and there was nothing he could do. At the critical moment, it was Dr. Fang Huisheng who took action to save his life. Therefore, Tang Yuan is very grateful for his return to life. After all, he is a savior.

Fang Huisheng nod and smiled. He was very kind and did not say anything. He sat by the bed and reached out and put his hand on Jun Moxie's wrist. At the same time, he carefully observed his face, turned his eyelids, and even let him stick out his tongue to have a look.

At this moment, an idea suddenly came to Jun Moxie's mind.

The internal force controls the flow in the body, and it suddenly turbulent a few times; the meridians beat, which suddenly seemed quite abnormal.

This mysterious power that does not belong to this world, of course, no one can see it.

Fang Huisheng's face gradually became solemn. He thought that Jun Zhantian hurriedly asked His Majesty for someone and asked him to come over. It was a complete fuss, but at this time, he suddenly found that the situation in the teenager's body in front of him was unexpectedly terrible!