The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 82 Let it go?!

Jun Zhantian was silent, but he nodded secretly in his heart. In the past few days, he was in despair. He was originally thinking of burning jade, but His Majesty finally stopped himself. |/\/\| In addition to the return of the grandson, his mood has naturally changed for a long time. This time, if it hadn't been for the Jun family, no matter which family it was, even if it catered to your majesty's heart, I'm afraid that the whole family would have become a flat land at this moment! At this moment, it's really thrilling, and I'm afraid of myself.

"Grandpa, there is no doubt that you are loyal to the royal family; but it's just you." Jun Moxie said, "Although the Jun family seems to be in power now, in fact, all the forces of the Jun family depend on the imperial edict of His Majesty! As long as this imperial edict is issued, the ice will disintegrate in an instant! I'm not used to this. I believe it's not just me, but the third uncle may not get used to it!"

"I have never been used to taking my fate into the hands of others, so I would rather be a nant-wind for a lifetime, but now that my nant-wind career has been forced to end, I must make a change, and the premise of change is... I want to control the Jun family in our own hands!" Jun Moxie looked at Jun Zhantian frankly: "This is my highest goal, my ultimate plan, and the foundation of all my plans!"

"My own destiny is in my own hands! You have this idea, that is to say, your boy has the signs of rebellion!" Mr. Jun was shocked and looked at him fiercely.

"Grandpa misunderstood. In his grandson's opinion, those who want to be emperor and have become emperors are just fools, especially the kind of emperor who aspires to become a famous king is a fool among fools!!" Jun Moxie snorted and said, "Even if you have power over the world, even if you come to the earth, even if there are three thousand pinks, it is meaningless to me and I am not interested at all."

"You!" Mr. Jun's chest fluctuated angrily, and his white beard was scattered. For Mr. Jun, who has always been loyal to the king, this word undoubtedly blasphemed his most loyal object. If he hadn't been talking to Jun Moxie, he would have died seventeen or eight times long ago!

"Grandpa, if you don't say anything in secret, just make it clear today! Your Majesty will never allow the Jun family to have such great power and outstanding descendants! That is a great threat to the throne! The cause of death of my father, second uncle and two brothers. Sooner or later, I have to find out the cause of death. If there is a mystery, I say that I have to ask for justice. Jun Moxie said calmly. Well, since I admit that I am Jun Moxie, I will naturally do something for this family; and I'm afraid this is the biggest problem of the Jun family.

Mr. Jun sighed and meditated for a long time. He stood up, turned his back and said, "When the former emperor established the Tianxiang Kingdom, he deliberately relocated several major families in China to Tianxiang City and awarded them high-ranking officials. There are two major conveniences in this practice; first, all families are gathered together for easy control; second, major families contain each other to facilitate the balance of power. Only in this way can the royal family control the overall situation.

"At present, in Tianxiang City, in addition to the removal of the night family that year, the Jun family, the Li family, the Dugu family, the Murong family and the Tang family are all based on one side and do not invade each other. In recent years, the Meng and Song families have been added. But in essence, it is not a clown at all, which can never be compared with the major families mentioned earlier.

"The military, led by our Jun family and the Dugu family, now although the Murong family has the intention to touch the military, as long as there are me and Dugu, they will never be involved! On the surface, the Li family and the Meng family are our biggest opponents at present; they no longer think about overthrowing each other all the time, and these two families are in-laws. Among the descendants of the Li family, there is an amazing Li Youran! Naturally, it is even more threatening.

"The Song family has always kept a low profile, but they don't pay attention to it for the time being. And our Jun family and the Dugu family are each other's opponents in the military, and they usually have small fights. The old man Dugu is quite unconvinced with me; but this is not the main thing; the main thing The royal family will never really tear its face. You have to keep this firmly in mind! This is also the fundamental reason why the Jun family can stand in the court and never fall!"

"Among the families, the Murong family is very ambitious and must beware; but there is no need to be deliberately."

"In these big families, each of them has their own mind, once it comes to the real cleaning of the imperial capital. Everything will be superficial, but before it comes, no matter how big it happens, they will be at peace with each other. This is a hidden principle recognized by all families.

"So at present, it is the time when your younger generation is stirring up trouble. Everyone looks at your younger generation's nonsense. Even if the nonsense is ridiculous, everyone only smiles at it, but at the same time, they are also paying attention to you. Let's see which of the younger generation is the most threatening. Grandpa is very gratified that you can see this clearly.

Mr. Jun avoided the topic of the cause of death of the two generations of the Jun family proposed by Jun Moxie, but analyzed the situation in the capital by himself.

"Your Majesty planned to establish a crown prince three years ago, but after a test, he had no choice but to give up this original intention and let the three princes fight by themselves. He was hidden behind the scenes and watched the three sons fool around. Your Majesty has always believed that all three sons are wolves! But in the competition of the three wolves, there will always be a king, and the person who wins in the end is your majesty's successor.

Jun Moxie sneered, but didn't speak.

Mr. Jun shook his head with a wry smile at the same time and said, "But the wolf is a wolf after all, and he will never transform into a tiger, let alone a dragon!" Even if it is a wolf king, he still pursues the wolf's style. However, your majesty obviously has no better choice, so he has to be repeatedly forced, repeatedly squeezed, but repeatedly deterred, repeatedly tame, **!"

"Of course, the old foxes of each family have seen this. For the sake of their own family, they will not easily interfere in the disputes between princes in any case; but in each family, there are always people who are very close to a certain prince; invisibly, they maintain a balance!"

"At present, it has nothing to do with the three princes. One is my Jun family, the second is the Dugu family, and the third is the Li family."

The old man seemed to say these words that had nothing to do with Jun Moxie's remarks inexplicably. It was not only like talking to himself, but also like talking to Jun Moxie. At this point, he finally came to a conclusion and said, "So, what are you plan to do? As long as you know it in your mind and don Just do it by hand."

After saying that, Mr. Jun stood up a little tired and said, "Now Grandpa can't recognize his old age, so he can only watch it. Your third uncle's health... Er, disabled, Jun's family, I can only look at your behavior. What's going on? As long as you have a plan in your heart, don't let the Jun family be doomed!"

Jun Moxie's eyes lit up, and he keenly grasped the meaning of Mr. Jun's last sentence: "Just let it go." This sentence is quite meaningful.

No wonder you can analyze the situation in the capital for me first. It turns out that the main drama is this sentence. That means that you can do whatever you like. The Jun family will be your backing, but you will never participate. But once something happens, I will still be responsible for getting you out...

However, when it comes to the third uncle's disability, why did he have a meal? This question was solved immediately--

With a gratified look in his eyes, he looked at his grandson and said, "As for your third uncle's legs, if you really have a way, you'd better hurry up. No matter what the final result is, don't procrastinate quickly; if you procrastinate further, don't say that your third uncle is in a hurry, I'm afraid someone will be more anxious.

After saying that, the old man stared at him and taught him a lesson, "Humph, do you two really think I'm confused? You are my grandson, that's my son, and this is Jun's courtyard! How could they work together to hide it from me? Is it hidden? It's really ridiculous!"

"Uh-huh," Jun Moxie was a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and explained, "I just don't want to be disappointed if it doesn't work."

"I have never had hope in this matter in the first place!" The old man blew his beard and stared at him. With one sentence, he hit Jun Moxie very hard and lowered his head with a black face.

"As for what if you are really cured by your boy, would I be so stupid to publicize it all over the world? I'm afraid that people in the world don't know?! Then let people stare at your two men one after another and frame them one after another? If there is something similar to hide from me, be careful that I will smash all your ass! You can't get off the ground for the rest of your life, and you can't go out!"

Jun Moxie, er, er, he was stunned.