The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 10 Heroes rush forward

In addition to some of them being old and some of them are astringent and immature, these guys are basically one of the same virtue, and they are similar to the heptuplets and the callis. They are five big and three thick, and the leopard's head is ring eyes,

The beard of the two cheeks extends horizontally, and the seven heads suddenly look like rectangles horizontally on the ground one by one.

It's so awesome! How is this raised? This nest is full of the ultimate shape of Zhang Fei. It is pulled to modern times to perform the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. They don't need makeup one by one, and it's definitely better than the original


version is more original, more than Zhang Fei's **.

Jun Moxie suddenly raised a kind of "amazing" feeling in his heart: It's really difficult for the three brothers of the lonely family. What kind of tacit understanding can even give birth to a son

One by one is really talented...

"Don't be evil! Where are you going?!" Dugu Ying, the leader, has sharp eyes, at a glance

When it came to Jun Moxie, he roared like thunder, and the six brothers behind him had a very tacit understanding at the same time

Roar: Hey, Jun Moxie, where are you going?!"

Nine days of thunder, amazing!

It scared the flowers and plants in the yard and swayed like sieve.

Jun Moxie is praising the ghost and magic work of the creator in his heart. There are indeed all strange things in the world! Suddenly, it was dark in front of him, and the seven iron towers stood in front of him. The seven big faces were as black as the bottom of the pot, and the fourteen fierce eyes were all round. Looking condescendingly at Jun Moxie, the shortest one was half a head taller than Jun Moxie.

If you don't know, you will definitely think that Master Jun assigned to owe more money to these ** brothers!

In the past, the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs has been passed down through the ages: Today, I personally interpret the story that Jun Moxie and the seven giants have to tell the inside story...

Jun Moxie thought nonsense in his heart, took a step back and looked down at the seven brothers. No way, if you don't take a step back, you have to look up. Heap up with a romantic smile

Rong said, "It turned out to be seven lonely brothers, disrespectful; er, I'm going to call someone up


"Don't take the time to slip away. You are still young with such tricks in front of me!" Alone

Gu Ying's face was ferocious, her fists clenched each other, and her bones rattled: "Jun Moxie, you are really so bold that you dare to bully my little sister! Have guts! Look, I won't beat your little white face into a persimmon today!"

"What? Bullying your little sister? Dugu Xiaoyi?! Where does this start? This and that

Ah?!" Jun Mo said in astonishment, and some of him couldn't figure it out. This expression is not pretending

: I think I'm the oppressed party. When did I turn over? I don't know myself?

In my heart, the Dugu family has never been unreasonable. This statement has a deeper understanding of it

Layer: Obviously, your little sister bullies me every day, and it's not like this if you turn black and white upside down, right? I haven't complained to my grandfather yet. Are you the villains who sued first? It really makes no sense!

As for the girl Dugu Xiaoyi, relying on the hegemony of your Dugu family, is there anyone in the world who dares to bully him? This is simply an autumn fairy tale.

"How dare you not admit it! "The Duguxiong on one side roared and roared half. Suddenly, he raised his head with a confused face, took two deep breaths of his huge nostrils, blinked his eyes, and asked, "What's the smell? Why is it so fragrant? It's so fragrant


The other six were worthy of being a family, and they almost realized that something was wrong at the same time. The taste was really... too tempting. They didn't come to their senses for a moment and were awakened by Duguya's words. Regardless of Jun Moxie, they shrugged their noses to look for them one after another. Zone.

Jun Moxie inexplicably feels a little suffocated. Well, is the supply of gas insufficient? What kind of lung capacity is this!

"It smells so good. It seems to smell like wine." Duguying closed his eyes and shrugged

With a nose, his face is very confident.

"What nonsense! How can there be such a fragrant wine? I'm going to get drunk!" Duguya still looked up to the sky with an intoxicated face.

"This is definitely not wine, but fairy wine." Duguhao looked like an insider and shook his head, as if he had drunk it.

"Get out of here! What kind of fairy wine? I really don't know. Let's stay on the other side..." Dugujie scolded.

"My uncle is your father. Why don't you let him get out of here and try?" Duguhao blushed and his neck was thick, and he slapped each other.

, is it a scent? Dugu said that it was a fragrance, but his nose sniffed wildly.

"Even if it's a fan, I'd rather be fascinated every day. God, let me be fascinated for a while. What if I can't smell it in the future?" Dugu's face was full of intoxication. Among the seven brothers, he sucked the loudest.

"It's not promising!" Dugu despised the virtue of the six brothers very much. He cursed with infinite contempt, but he closed his eyes intoxicatedly.

These seven people shook their heads one by one, closed their eyes and sniffed at the sky. Unexpectedly, they didn't notice at all. There were more than a dozen very conspicuous wine jars less than ten feet in front of them. The yellow wine inside is emitting an intoxicating fragrance and penetrates into their nostrils.

Jun Moxie was stunned: There is such a figure in the world! And there are seven! Big self

However, the creation is really wonderful, "I can't help coughing.

disturbed by his voice, he finally woke up. The seven brothers opened their eyes with some embarrassment. Seeing that Jun Moxie was in front of them, they immediately remembered the trip

The state mute wanted to go to the front and grab the boy to hand in the task. Suddenly, seven - they stopped together, and fourteen eyes hooked up at the same time.

I don't know when I set up a table before we met. Jun Moxie just sat at the table in his spare time

Next to

, there was a transparent white jade wine glass in his hand. In the wine glass was a glass full of something with a seductive light yellow color. He was squinting his eyes to his mouth and gently took a small sip. Then with an intoxicated face, he opened his mouth and took a long breath, with a sound that seemed The cadence sighed: "Okay~wine~ah~~"

Watch the latest chapter of this book. pi

That thing turned out to be wine. How can wine be so clear and transparent? What kind of wine in the world can emit such an intoxicating fragrance!

"Brother, look at that... really wine?" Du Gujie swallowed his saliva: "It's really his grandmother's fragrance."

"Nonsense! If it's not wine, it can be vinegar? Does your vinegar smell so good? It's really good wine. Why have you never seen such a good wine?!" Duguhao's saliva flowed down and dripped on the ground, but he didn't forget to say a few words of sarcasm.

"Don't say goodbye, I haven't even heard of it! I really want to have a bite!" Du Guchong wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "Bada" twice, and his sleeve was wet.

"Nonsense! Who doesn't want to have a bite!" The six brothers despised at the same time.

"Jun Moxie!" Dugu Yingshi roared in shock, and then his voice fell in an instant, and even a little gentle: "What's in your hand?"

It's hard to imagine a ** like Zhang Fei, who can speak so gently!

"Don't you understand? It's a wine glass. What else can it be?" Jun Moxie shook the glass, but accidentally shook the head of the wine in the glass a little, and splashed it on the ground. When the alien evil king read for free, the fragrance of the wine around him was at least twice as strong in an flash.

The seven people stared at their eyes at the same time, lowered their heads neatly and uniformly, and looked at the wet collection on the ground, as if they were about to breathe fire: it was a terrible sin to spoil this kind of excellent wine that had never been seen before! Can you stand it or not? Uncle can't stand it, and I can't stand it... We can't stand it either!

"I know it's a wine glass! I'm asking you, what's in the glass? Du Gu Ying

suppressed his voice and roared.

"This is my home! What's the love in my glass is what it is. I can put vinegar in it, and I can also pour soy sauce in the glass." Jun Moxie didn't flirt with his eyelids, so he simply set up Erlang

The legs shook and said leisurely, "Of course, you can also pour wine."

When it came to the last two words, he picked up the glass and took another sip. He suddenly woke up like a dream and stared: "Yes, what the hell are you doing here? Hurry up and say, if it's okay, just do it."

The Dugu brothers didn't leave Jun Moxie's hand at all. It should be a wine glass in a state of shaking in their hands. The heart suddenly went up and down, lest the best wine would spill out another star and a half

point, how violent it is!

"We brought an umbrella to catch you." Du Guxiong answered casually. Before he finished speaking, Duguhao stamped his foot on the foot fiercely and jumped up with one foot in pain.

"We are ordered to invite the gentleman to come to the house to enhance the deep friendship between the two families." Duguhao worked hard to make an elegant look, shaking his head and chewing words.

As he shook his head, the saliva at the corners of his mouth was flying in all sides, and Jun Moxie had to cover the mouth of the glass with his hand.

Duguying next to

also suddenly became smart. He grinned and was about to speak, but he was full of saliva. He swallowed and said, "Yes, that's what my old man means. That's the affection of our two families. That's a deep one, that's called a person who doesn't know each other, okay Everything can be shared, hey hey hey..."

The other six nodded at the same time and moved neatly. Six parabola appeared beautifully at the mouth of the six **.

"Aha, Mr. Dugu is so polite." Jun Moxie's face was full of impatience,

Splash the wine in the glass with a "brush" sound. This is that the head of the wine has not been diluted, and the stamina is great. Jun Moxie naturally refused to drink too much. Anyway, it was not a very rare thing. He stood up happily

He said, "In that case, let's go now, so that the lonely old man can't wait


"Grass!" When the seven brothers saw Jun Moxie, they actually poured a large glass of the best wine like this

, brush the opening at the same time.

"What's wrong" Jun Moxie lengthen his voice.

Biyin said to talk about Kai. Bi Ran's female novel, the new and fastest in this book

" Ho-ho-ho..." The seven brothers smiled dryly at the same time, and Duguying said with a coveted face, "Mr. Sir, our two families are deeply in love. Let our brothers come together to invite you. Is this wine for us?

Home...Try it?"

Jun Moxie's face was full of reluctance, and he shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, I don't have much here. This is the best wine that has never appeared before. This drop, er, is too thick. Not to mention a drop of gold, it's almost the same. I have to keep it and enjoy it slowly. With that, he said with great regret, "I have all these jars. If I drink them all, they will be gone."

It doesn't matter now. The eyes of the seven brothers looked in the direction of his fingers, and suddenly their eyes could no longer be moved!

Humph, a drop of shit is too thick, classmate, actually guessed my plan, guessed, guessed, actually publicised... It made me feel frustrated, so it was a little revenge.
