The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 20 The First Commission in This Life

"The reason for the destruction of the Beicheng Gang has long been investigated; there may be too many coincidences in the world! The cause is just that Qin Hu's son, Qin Xiaobao, an ignorant little dandy, inadvertently offended Tang Yuan and Jun Mo Xie, two big dandys he could not afford to offend in the restaurant. The two people took revenge with personal grievances, and they interfered from it. Naturally, the destruction of the Beicheng Gang is only in the daytime. However, I don't know if I'm too suspicious. I always feel that there is something wrong in this, but I can't tell the details there. Li Youran stood up and paced slowly. Now that we have lost the eyes and ears of the Beicheng Gang, we lack a lot of sources of market intelligence. This should be made up as soon as possible.

"It's up to you to make up to the family affairs." Li Shang closed his eyes and said, "I was going to recommend you to enter the court, but since you insist on not wanting to, you have to talk about it later. However, leisurely, the foundation of my Li family is always above the court, not in the rivers and lakes. You must keep this in mind! I know you are quite ambitious, but you have to do everything according to your ability, take risks and make a chance, but you can't do it again. Be careful to sail for ten thousand years!"

"I understand in a moment." Li Youran sank for a long time before he lowered his head and replied.

A gust of autumn wind rises, and the yellow leaves fly in the sky. The flying yellow leaves glittered in the sun, like a sudden golden rain between heaven and earth.

The two ordinary-faced, ordinary-dressed people walked calmly on the big streets of Tianxiang City, elegant and leisurely. One of them had a yellow face, but his figure was particularly straight. The sharpness in his eyes was not commensurate with his yellow face, and the other was a young man with a slightly dark skin.

"In the past ten years, Tianxiang City has really changed a lot." The middle-aged man walked slowly, his eyes slowly turned from both sides of the road, and his voice was desolate. Unexpectedly, he was like an old man who had just experienced the vicissitudes of life, and suddenly turned back to the normal world. That place was the Yejia ancestral hall more than ten years ago. Many of our brothers played there since childhood, hehe"

He smiled, but his voice seemed to be crying.

"Third uncle, do you also feel" like counting in the next life?" The teenager next to him smiled:

"In the final analysis, it's good to get used to it. "Everyone who is a human being will always die; whether he is a man or a leader, he must be able to see life and death. If you can't see the life and death barrier, no matter what you do, you may not have too much achievement"

"It's not easy to talk about life and death!" The middle-aged man sighed, "It has been ten years since a dream, and the eyes are full of desolation. The former brothers have turned into loess embryos, and now they look around and are alone."

"Third uncle, look at our feet." The teenager smiled gently, but with sarcasm in the gentle, the sarcasm of life, and the sarcastic smile of the world! At this moment, the teenager's eyes had a kind of indifference to see through the past and the present and ignore everything. He pointed to the land under his feet, "Doesn't the third uncle know how many people have been buried under this land for thousands of years from ancient times to the present?"

"In a sense, we actually step on other people's bodies all the time!

At this moment, we may have stepped on a beggar, and the next moment we may step on the remains of an emperor! Whether it is mountains and rivers or thick soil, it is not too much to say that it is all accumulated by bones.

Life and death are just like grass and trees. In the final analysis, what is it? One day, you, or I, will lie down here for people to trample on!"

"But the most important thing is now! Now we are stepping on others all the time. Whether he used to be the hegemon of the hegemonic side, the emperor who once made great achievements in the future, or the stunning of the country, isn't there no response now? So before we are trampled by others, we must stand at the height that no one can step on us! From now on, only we can trample on others!

Whether it's a living person or a dead person.

Haha" He laughed depressingly: "In this case, what else do you remember? Where is the time to remember the dead? No matter whether it is a mountain or a sea of fire in front of it, it will all step on ***; no matter whether it is Wang Hou or a general in front of it, it will kill ***; no matter whether it is a mountain or a sea in front of him, it will all go ***!"

"If you live, you have no regrets! Even if you make a mistake, don't regret it! Right, wrong, right and wrong, who can make it clear? To live, you have to have fun! Live freely, live as you want, see who doesn't like it, step on it! Who provoked us, hurt us, kill us! To those who stand in front of us, destroy it!"

"Life in the world, both men and women only need to be proud of the sky, overlook the earth, dominate the world, and look down on the wind and clouds! That's it! It's not in vain to come to this world!" The teenager's eyes stared at everything around him indifferently, and the rest, at best, is just a game! That's all!"

These two people are also strange. They are actually comforting and preaching to the old.

This strange uncle and nephew combination is naturally unintentional, Jun Mo Xie's uncle and nephew.

It is said that you haven't gone out of the gate of the king's mansion for ten years. In order to let him relax, Jun Moxie proposed to travel easily. Jun inadvertently fell in the way and happily agreed, and then the uncle and nephew slipped out like this and wandered around the capital.

Jun Moxie's transfgise is inherited from a peerless person in the previous life. It can be said to have gathered the means of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign technology. I believe that throughout the whole Xuanxuan Continent, it is unique to recognize their original purpose, so the two of them are very relieved and bold to wander around.

"Mo Xie, I really didn't expect you to be like this." After listening to Jun Moxie's words, Jun shook his head and smiled. If you don't look at your people, just listen to your words, I'm afraid even I will think that you are an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life and death, and even a little extreme.

Jun Moxie smiled bitterly in his heart and said to himself, I'm afraid that I can experience much more than the old men you said. We are really a person of two generations who said, "Here, ten years ago was the gathering pavilion of the great prince. I didn't expect that today it has become Huanghuatang? I really doubt that there is still a force in this capital that dares to compete with the eldest prince for territory? Jun inadvertently frowned and looked at a concave place on the left side of the road, but it was a pavilion that looked a little inconspicuous. Behind it, it turned out to be a big mansion. There was a sad cry faintly in it, and his voice was weak and desperate: "Huanghuatang... What does it mean? It's not really the meaning of the yellow flower of the past, is it?!"

I have seen pedestrians hiding far away from the door when passing through the yellow flower hall. It seems that there are poisonous snakes and beasts hidden in it. Everyone's eyes are a little afraid and even evil. When passing through the door, they speed up and rush past.

Jun Moxie quickly searched in his mind and said, "Huanghuatang, it seems to be a place similar to the courtyard, but compared with the age here, they are relatively young, and there are also some good-looking, twins!" With these words, a strong anger suddenly surged up in Jun Moxie's heart.

"This is basically a transit station for buying and selling boys and girls. If they are well-qualified, they will be sent away secretly. If they are not well-qualified but sharp-mouthed, they will be **d, and then sold to large families at a high price to make huge profits. As for the worse ones, they will stay here, and When you grow up, you will be sold into Lingwu Lake as men's and women's toys. It can be said to be a sin to hide dirt.

You didn't mean to look at each other and looked at it fiercely: "I didn't expect that such a place appeared in the place where the imperial capital of the Tianxiang Empire was located. Didn't the government ignore it?"

Jun Moxie sighed. In this place, the nominal prince has already let go, but in reality, who can tell what's going on? Who has the courage to jump out and be stabbed? This used to be the territory of the eldest prince. Even if the eldest prince is not secretly in charge, how can he be an idle person who can collect the territory from the eldest prince?

The government office where Lidu is located is the place that doesn't deal with all kinds of complaints. Anyone who is involved may be a prince and minister behind him, Fengzilong scratching, and he can't hide. Who has the courage to try?! Besides, these people, under the guise of buying and selling real money, have taken in some homeless children, which is equivalent to their own domestic slaves. Who else would say something?

"It's really smoky! The failure to the point!" You didn't mean to snort coldly. After a few deep glances, he reluctantly walked past the door. Today, it is always easy to come, and it is really inconvenient to expose anything. Moreover, the news that you have no intention of physical relapse should be kept strictly kept secret. Even if you are unwilling, you have to leave.

As soon as they walked out of the place, they suddenly heard a sad cry behind them. Then with a bang, there was a big coma in the crowd. A figure fell in the center of the street with a splash, but it was a disheveled girl. There was a big footprint on her vest, and a beautiful face twisted painfully, in her Constantly splashing blood blocks, his eyes were blind, and he couldn't live.

He is still whispering: "Please, let my brother go, please, don't let him do it"..."

"Sister" followed by a sharp cry. It was faintly seen that a thin child was rushing out desperately. The big man at the door reached out to stop him. The child's face was full of anxiety and struggled desperately, but how did the naughty boy get rid of the elbow of an adult strong man? The child was anxious and suddenly opened his mouth He took a hard bite on his arm, and the big man shrank his hand in severe pain. He finally took the opportunity to rush out and ran to the dying girl on the street.

The girl looked at the little figure running over with joy and worry in her eyes, and reluctantly stretched out a bloody palm to meet her brother.

At this moment, a voice scolded, and then a sharp sound of breaking the air sounded. The child's fast-running little body suddenly twisted, just like Gan Shu, who was suddenly cut off. He fell down heavily, and his vest spine was actually punched in the air. Break up! He didn't say a word and lost his breath. The body slid a few feet on the ground. His eyes were angry, and one hand stretched forward, but it was still half a foot away from his sister's palm.

This meeting is actually the distance that the two sisters and brothers can't cross with all their lives!

The child actually walked in front of his dying sister?!

The girl howled sadly and indignantly and tried to crawl towards her brother's small body, but she only struggled twice, and she could no longer move. She stared at her once beautiful big eyes. Finally, her eyes were lax, but she still refused to close her eyes. Although her breathing had stopped, her slender palms still stubborn The direction of my brother. With a small sound, a missing copper plate in the girl's arms fell out of her arms. It was stained with the blood stains of the two sisters and brothers on the ground. It rolled out for a long time. It tilted at Jun Moxie's feet and coincidentally leaned against his uppers and stopped.

"Do evil! How many times is this month? Alas, this group of children is really appropriate. A passer-by whispered to himself, shook his head, and quickly ran away.

"This is originally a slave bought by others. What kind of evil is it to punish the slave by yourself?" One person didn't think so.

There are still many people with compassion on their faces, with a faint feeling of anger in their eyes, but they dare not speak. Walking cleanly one by one in the blink of an eye, the dense street pedestrians disappeared in an instant.

"Beast!" When Jun inadvertently heard the voice turn around and squeeze through the crowd, all this was no longer recoverable! I can't help but be furious: "Do you still have humanity for such a little hacker? Is there any justice!"

Several big men at the door are looking at the bloody scene made by themselves in front of them with a ferocious smile, with some evil pleasure; I never thought that someone would openly stand up and accuse!

For Huanghuatang, this has not been there for a long time.

"The poor and sour, don't mind your own business! Go home and eat your milk. If you dare to talk crooked again, I will let you end up with these two bitches! Is the law fair? I am the king of justice!" The big man who had been bitten stared at him and smiled ferociously.

You don't mean that today's dress is just an umbrella scholar, and the robe is very ordinary. He looks like a fallen scholar.

"How dare you!" You didn't mean to be furious: "At the foot of the imperial city, the universe is so careless about people's lives! How dare you trample on the king's law like this?"

At this time, Jun Moxie was lowering his head and looking at the half of the copper money under his feet. At this moment..., the murderous intention soared, and a familiar and strange feeling suddenly came to his heart!

This incomplete copper coin, with such a faint vibration, happened to pass through the feet of several people and stained his shoes! Entrusted? Or is it God's will?

At this moment, Jun Moxie seems to have returned to his previous life and became the king of the killer, the evil king!

Slowly bent down, Jun Moxie solemnly picked up the copper coin missing a corner, put it in his hand, and whispered, "Don't worry, I accept your entrustment! My first deal in my life! There is no delay, and the sky has eyes!"

Slowly looked up and looked at the dazzling words "Huanghuatang", Jun Moxie's eyes slowly narrowed, and the sharp light in his narrowed eyes was like a clear trace of a ray of sunlight from the dark clouds in the sky, making the surging murderous spirit on his body a little dazzling!

I don't care what kind of story is hidden behind it, and I don't need to know who the little girl is and what her identity is; I don't want to know how strong she is behind Huanghuatang!

All I know is that I have to do this!

Receive people's money and eliminate disasters with others!

A penny is also money, and the missing copper money is still money!

I received this penny, but I received a reward! Now that they have been paid, these people are going to die!

So, I~kill!