The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 22 How to deal with it?

Today's second update, delivered!! Brothers and sisters who still have monthly tickets in their hands, hey hey!!

Presented in front of you, the lower body of the human body in the jar has long been seriously distorted and deformed. Below the waist, it is only less than two feet from the calf to the thigh, and the arm is also deformed. It seems that I don't know how long it has been in the jar. , even defecation is in the whole room

These people's only eyes are still shining, and they are still begging at the two of them, but they can't make a sound. Looking carefully, it turns out that their tongues have been cut off..., Classic Novel Network

"This is the most people." These people raise some children who are not qualified and have no future in this, wait for their bodies to slowly deform and distort, and then sell them to the juggling troupe at a high price. The people of the juggling troupe use these deformed people to win people's sympathy and wealth. Jun Mo Don't go over your head." Third uncle, do you still think that people here should not be killed? Do you only need education?"

"It's not just that you deserve it, it should be a thousand times!" You didn't mean a burst of shame, a burst of anger! What kind of vicious heart does it take to do such a vicious act! Such a scum should have died a long time ago!"

"First, the homeless children are taken in, and then some of the better-qualified trains are trained into killing machines. The excellent parts are carried out **. The boy is trained as a concubine, and the girl is **d into an old daughter. As for the image that is not very outstanding, he is trained as a dog slave. The rest is really It has become a deformity in front of you! Everyone in this place is participating in this work! Is it enough for people here to educate a few times?! So I chose to kill, and I killed without hesitation and without mercy! Kill yourself with great heart!"

Jun Moxie nodded slightly and looked at Menxi. A group of boys and girls flinched from the beginning, and finally boldly picked up the gold and silver on the ground, kowtowed to the two of them one by one, and then ran out of the door......,...

"Third uncle, have you ever thought that among these children, will there be the children of your subordinates who died in the battlefield in the past? Don't be in a hurry to deny it. If there is something unexpected, it is inevitable that the parents will die, have no help, and those who have no life will be brought here!" When Jun Moxie said this sentence, Jun's eyes suddenly turned red!

Jun Moxie's words are calm and cold-blooded, but it is undoubtedly very reasonable

"The scarf of Tianxiang Country is like this. Although it can't be said to be everywhere, it can be seen everywhere, but it is by no means a few! It's just that most of them are not as blatant as here. Jun Moxie sighed and raised his eyebrows to look at the sky; the sound of hooves in the distance came towards this side like thunder.

"The boys and girls in front of them can still move freely and hope to escape, but what about these people in front of them? Do you have any ideas?!" As a master of Tianxuan, of course, he also heard the noise. However, the dozens of deformed children in the altar in front of them is a big problem at present: they can't take them away, but if they are allowed to stay here, it is equivalent to re-entering the tiger's mouth.

"Good idea three, what's the good idea there! These people in front of them have lost their tongues, deaf ears, completely deformed hands and feet, and hopeless to recover for life... They have already destroyed all the hopes of life. For them, survival is already a kind of torture, and life is better than death!" Jun Moxie sighed.

"What you mean is that "You don't mean to be shocked" "No! This definitely won't work! They are pitiful enough. Do we still want to record their remaining lives?

Jun Moxie turned his head and said, "If so, let's go quickly; the government has already come; if you don't leave, you will face it head-on. Since you don't think it's time to end their painful survival, let them continue to be pitiful.

paused and said, "You keep them alive like this. It's the greatest pain to talk to them!" Oh, that's all. Let's watch the aftereffect. It's too late. Let's go."

Jun didn't mean to sigh deeply. After all, he still couldn't do it. Finally, he took a complicated look at these human bodies in the altar. The pair of dead gray eyes were finally cruel. Following Jun Moxie, the two quickly skimmed the back wall, turned left and right, and suddenly disappeared as if the world evaporated.

The two of them had almost just left, such as the sound of thunder hooves had stopped at the gate of Huanghuatang, and then the noise was noisy, and the officers and soldiers broke in...,

"Mo Xie, your nature is a little too cruel and murderous! You have to control this carefully. Today's thing is good to kill, but I find that your heart is a little too cold.

If something happens in the future, you should think about it carefully. "You don't mean to walk around.

"Eliminate evil is to promote good. Third uncle, I don't deny that I'm addicted to killing, but I've never killed good people, and I've never hurt any of them! But for the person who should be killed, I will destroy his whole family, eliminate the evil, and keep the chickens and dogs!" Jun Moxie's face was always as plain as water, and he smiled coldly, and his feet did not stop at all. The two uncles and nephews are quite familiar with the terrain, and their bodies are also extremely flexible. After connecting a few streets and crossing a few walls, they arrived at a more secluded place, and the thunderous sound of horses' hoofs behind them has gradually faded.

"You're right. We have to eliminate evil. If we encounter such a place again, we still have to intervene; the existence of such a place in the world is simply unacceptable!" You didn't mean to frown deeply:

Mo Xie, why did you only kill people just now, but didn't catch a live mouth to ask the mastermind behind the scenes? If you find the person who is the host behind the scenes and cut it out, it will be a complete achievement!"

"Uncle, what do you think these peripheral shrimps can know? Ask them, it's just in vain! Even if we can ask any clues, we still have to chase them. Instead, we will expose ourselves... Jun Moxie looked at him interestingly: "In fact, how can he sit still after such a thing happened? There will inevitably be more vigilance waiting for us to come to our door, and they will also search around, or secretly inquire about our news. How confident is the reaction after engagement than passive tracing? At that time, we were in the dark, and the people behind the scenes were in the light. No matter what choice we made, it would be much more convenient!"

There is another sentence. Jun Moxie is really embarrassed to say that if the person behind the scenes is an important minister in the court, or even a member of the royal family, will you really do it? That's it

Huanghuatang, if the host behind it is really a dog prince, will you really cut it off?!

"That's right." Jun didn't mean to Jianmei Yixuan: "But now that my body has recovered, I will never pretend that there is such an ugly place in the world; if I know one, I will destroy one!"

"Third uncle, my nephew can only tell you that you have a long way to go. Ha ha, when we go back, third uncle, you immediately arrange reliable manpower to save a few of those who escaped. If it's up to them alone, I'm afraid they can't escape. Classic Novel Network.

"Then why do you give them money back?" You don't mean to be a little puzzled.

"It's just that they can buy something to eat, or be more flexible and go a little further." Jun Moxie smiled and said, "In such a situation, we can't help them at all; whether they can escape depends on their respective ability. Therefore, among them, the farther they go and the more secret they hide, the more worth creating! And these should be your business, third uncle.

Jun Moxie was talking, suddenly stopped and said quietly, "After following for so long, you should come out, right?"

You didn't mean to be shocked. Could it be that someone followed both of you? Why didn't you notice it? After many days of latent cultivation, he has stabilized his cultivation at the initial level of Tianxuan, which can be said to be a veritable master of Tianxuan. So if you have the ability to follow yourself without being noticed by yourself, what kind of master should you be? And why did Mo Xie find such a master?!

After Jun Moxie finished that sentence, he stood still and looked at the ground quietly. It seems that there is something attractive on the ground that I can't take my eyes off.

For a long time, a Luyin came out and said, "Haha, it's really good!" The dark blue light flashed, and a thin masked man appeared more than ten feet away. His shining eyes looked at Jun Moxie and the two: "Can you tell me, how did you find me?"

Jun Moxie sneered: "The people in the play will change, and each of them is ingenious and different. There is nothing too rare in the world! Don't think you're great! I just don't know what your father-in-law is trying to follow the two of us?"

This man's masked towel was obviously just torn off from his clothes. It was extremely simple and obvious that it was also temporary.

"I didn't mean any malice; I just admired the two righteous masters very much, and I was curious for a moment before I began to follow them. Haha, speaking of which, the husband's family are mostly like-doers"

"Since there is no malice, my father-in-law, please do it. We have other important things to do, and we never want anyone to follow us, let alone the people who mysteriously follow us! Even if this person is a master of Tianxuan!" Jun Moxie is not polite.

"Little boy, you are so rude to me, you know the consequences! If I have the intention to keep you two, will it take more money? The old man seemed to be very angry and stared at him. Hearing this, you didn't mean to snort coldly. As soon as your waist was straight, you were about to step forward.

"The younger generation boy?! Are you talking about that?! Old man, I've always been unwilling to be causal. Most of the time, I just don't want to kill you for no reason! Leave us, you can have a try! Let's see who will stay here!" Jun Moxie's eyes flashed fiercely, and the blue light was crystal clear. He leaned down for a while, with his hands, and there was a blue color of blue sky and sea between his hands!

"Old man, you have the courage to track the two of us, and you are ready to go to Huangquan. I have done it for you!" Jun Moxie's eyes were full of s and downs, and he looked up at the old man: "Huangquan invites guests, let's go on the road at this moment!"

In Jun Moxie's eyes, it's all about winning, and it's all the self-confidence that has already controlled the old man's life and death! It seems that this old man, who is already in the middle of Tianxuan, is as weak as an ant in his eyes, and can be twisted to death with a twist!

"The peak of Tianxuan!" The masked old man was shocked and took three steps back in a row. The look in his eyes changed, and the look in his eyes suddenly changed from grasping to shocking!

Others may be fake and deceived, but the inherent color of this day's Xuanfeng can never deceive people! Can the master of Tianxuan Peak really stay in the face and even rejuvenate!? Well, these are hitting the big board! Today's Xuan is the peak, and the other is also Tian Xuan. How can we fight this battle?

***, when did the Tianxuan strong people flood so much in Tianxiang City?!