The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 25 New Distress

Dugu's invincible black face was purple, and he threw out a pile of silver tickets fiercely, and only felt stuffy in his heart. It was hard to imagine that the famous general who pointed out the country and thousands of troops had no regrets, and the son he raised was such a rogue.

Jun Moxie got up and went out. He came in a moment, followed by a few big men behind him. Each of them held one: divination jar wine "Come on, seven jars, each person can fill a few more bowls, and how many cans can be filled! If you neutralize the wine in your stomach, you will be fine.

If you are drunk, you need to use the wine first to have an effect.

"Are you kidding me?" Dugu Invincible was furious, "Do you think I haven't tried this method? I have given them a lot for a long time, and it's useless at all! Spit as much as you drink!"

"What do you know? The reason why they were drunk is that they stole the best wine made by me. The amount of one cup can be mixed with a new jar of wine. The strength of the wine can be imagined. Each of them has drunk at least one bowl, how can they not be drunk! This is still their excellent physique, and their Xuanqi cultivation is quite high. If ordinary people drink so much of the best wine source, or they are drunk to death, it is unknown. If the general method is used to relieve alcohol, it will be difficult to play a role at all.

Even if you know to mix it with wine to make their stomachs react and neutralize it, but after my wine is blended, it is far from comparable to ordinary wine in the world. Naturally, it is difficult to neutralize! Only the original wine pulp that I brew and blend can produce the effect of blending water and milk! Only then can it have the effect of relieving alcohol! Do you understand? If you don't have knowledge, you have to have common sense. If you don't have common sense, you have to have some insight, right? Return to the Imperial General!" Jun Moxie showed no mercy.'

"Even if what you say is reasonable, then you can't use the Qitanzi bar? They only have seven. For people, two jars of wine are enough! Don't you know what's wrong?" Dugu Invincible really doesn't understand the difference between drunkenness and ordinary drunkenness. I have to avoid this. Topic. This is a jar of ten thousand taels of silver! It's sky-high.

"My wine hasn't opened yet. It's open today." Jun Moxie smiled and weighed the silver ticket,

"So it has been sold to you very cheaply, and it may not be at this price in the future!"

Dugu was invincible and left with a black face; he really didn't want to stay any longer. He was really afraid that he would not be able to control his temper and fight against this boy in front of Mr. Jun. "The scoundrel arrived home.

"This time, it is said that you provoked the girl from the Dugu family?" Mr. Jun smiled kindly and narrowed his eyes, full of eyes that wanted to hold his grandson.

"Grandpa, don't make trouble. That savage girl, it's too late for me to hide. I'm surprised. For Ran's family to come up and say that I bullied his daughter." Obviously, his daughter is bullying me, okay?" Jun Moxie sighed aggrievedly, "It's really unreasonable!"

"What's unreasonable about this? It's very simple. The girl clearly fell in love with you. The old man smiled like an old fox. "If the girl hadn't taken a fancy to you, they wouldn't have made a fuss like this. Dugu Zongheng, the old bastard, he calculated clearly back and forth. He pretended to be stupid every day, hum. Can't I see his flowery bowels?

"What kind of flower intestines?" Jun Moxie is very strange. I really don't know about this.

"Dugu Xiaoyi is in love with you, silly boy. On the one hand, the Dugu family naturally does not want you to be their son-in-law; on the other hand, your majesty will not allow you to be the son-in-law of the Dugu family. Isn't it difficult to understand? Jun Zhantian brushed his beard.

"Of course I understand that if the two military families of the Tianxiang Empire marry, it will pose a great threat to the royal family." Jun Moxie nodded and looked like a leader.

"You still don't understand!" The old man is a little depressed about himself. Why is the grandson confused about this kind of thing?

"But. The Dugu family has also made the worst plan. If Dugu Xiao and Yi are really looking for death and you don't want to get married, they will make a fuss first, and then borrow a reason to toss you again; then the two families will have a fight, of course, it is a cover-up and fake child. Do you understand? Let your majesty understand that although the Jun family has married the most favored daughter of the Dugu family, the two families have completely fallen out.

"There will be no trouble at that time. On the contrary, in order to prevent our complete infighting, Your Majesty also needs to be a matchmaker for both of you personally. Don't you understand yet? Dugu sent his grandchildren to make such a scene. No matter how he developed in the future, he made preparations in advance! This old man must be very proud now. Humph!"

The old man was so angry that "The old man actually asked for it like a fool with me, but he couldn't think of his thoughts. Even the old man could see it, let alone your majesty? This old guy can't even be smart. What a pig! If you don't prepare in advance, you will inevitably be involved by this old man.

Jun Moxie, er, er, was stunned. I really can't imagine what these old men are touching every day. They are so crooked that even he, a traveler, can't keep up with their mental pace,,

"A little more effort." Mr. Jun glanced at his grandson and fiercely encouraged, "If you marry or not, you can leave it alone. It is the first serious thing to let the old man hold his grandson first.

Jun Moxie sweats profusely, "

There are also people who are grandfathers like this. It's difficult for Mr. Sun not to learn bad. Lian, anyway, if something happens, it's Dugu Hengjing's headache. There's nothing wrong with our Jun's family. Who likes my grandson in the old way!" The old man is extremely irresponsible. "First of all, let's talk about what's going on. Your boy is very hot now. The three princes are fighting to flatter you. Tut, it's really awesome."

"It can't be. He is handsome, and even men want to see more." Jun Moxie touched his chin and was very intoxicated.

"Jiang Shi is quite handsome. Can I not be handsome?" Jun Zhantian not only did not despise Jun Moxie's narcissism, but was also intoxicated.

"But whether you are handsome or not has nothing to do with the one in front of you. It only has something to do with those little girl. You'd better think about how to deal with these three people; let me tell you, none of these three are easy to deal with, and once you stick to it, you can't get rid of it. Don't think you're a little smart, and they can still sell you! Do you understand?"

"Um, I understand. In fact, my plan is "Jun Moxie didn't want to say it. Think about it, let the old man be prepared first.

"You don't have to tell me your specific plan; that's your own business, personal behavior, understand? It has nothing to do with our family. As long as you have your own plan. I'm not interested! You know what?" Unexpectedly, the old man didn't let him finish, so he simply waved him off. I walked with my hands behind my back.

Jun Moxie is angry. If you don't want to know, don't ask. I'm not going to say it yet. It's good now. I've been struggling for a long time to spit out with you, but you dropped the chain

Young Master Jun shook his head and returned to his small yard. Seeing that Tang Pangzi, who had not seen for a long time, was already waiting for him.

It's been a long time. Since the last farewell, Jun's killer has been busy with treating Jun Sanye's injury, post-injury conditioning, physical recovery, and accompanying business. I haven't seen this good friend for more than a month. To be honest, I'm really worried!

But this thoughtful mind. The smoke has disappeared at the moment of goodbye,,

A huge meat ball kept asking a little Lori, "When will he come back?"

said again, "Why hasn't he come back yet?

"He didn't die outside, did he?"

The little maid Ke'er received Tang Yuan with a little shrive attitude towards this. The huge fat man with a ferocious face is really a little scared, for fear that he will turn around and suddenly fall. In case he hits himself, with his small body, I guess he can't bear it, and even if he is crushed to death on the spot, it's hard to say the emblem, '

"Tang Beizi, what are you doing here again?" Jun Moxie held three invitations in his hand, and he felt that he was holding three bombs. These three brothers didn't discuss it well before posting at the same time. What does it mean? When I was having a headache, it was really unpleasant to see this greasy fat again.

"Four-woo" San Shao, you're back; I, you have to give my brother a decision. Brother won't live, and I will never see you again. "Tang Yuan's nose and tears" If you don't give me an idea this time. I just. I just "I just"

"What are you doing? Do you want to have one more meal? Not alive? Hurry up and find one. If the feng shui treasure is broken again, what's wrong with me!" Jun Moxie sat on the chair in front of him and looked at him with his head tilted. "Fat man, say it happily. Don't do those bitter scenes. What happened to you again? Small. Suddenly, he patted his thigh, "You lost your wife again?"

"Grass!" Tang Yuan scolded angrily, "Am I that kind of person?"

"I won't say I'm going to sleep." Jun Moxie is about to get up.

"Don't! Uncle! You are my own uncle, boss. You must give me some advice on this matter, or I will really die. Tang Yuan hurriedly stopped him.

"Hurry up and be serious, young master, I'm so busy that I don't have time to blind mushrooms with you. Jun Moxie hangs up

"Alas, I can't bear to look back, third young master, the old man wants to send me to the palace, woo." Tang Yuan cried. He said.

"What? Your grandpa asked you to be an eunuch?! Your grandfather is too open-minded, isn't he?!" Don't be evil. He sat straight with a brush, and his eyes were wide open.

"You just became a eunuch!" Tang Yuan's anger surged like a mountain. "Is there no other position in the palace except eunuchs?"

"Of course there are other positions, but they are not suitable for you, and this position is barely enough to make do with it!" Jun Moxie touched his chin and shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm only suitable to be a eunuch? You're so angry, I'm so angry!" Tang Yuan was so sad and indignant that he wanted to cry without tears.

"Then tell me yourself, what are your strengths?! What can I do?" Jun Moxie ignored Fatty Tang in grief and anger and smiled faintly!

"I have many strengths, such as" Fatty Tang has been loose for a long time, but he didn't go down!

"Don't be loose. Your grandfather asked you to replace Murong Qianjun's official position, didn't he?" Seeing where the fat man was embarrassed, Jun Moxie simply stopped teasing him. He looked at him obliquely and said with a smile.

"Yes, it's really a shot!" Tang Yuan patted his thigh, and then said bitterly, "My father didn't know how to operate before. It is said that the relationship has been dredged and all the levels have been opened. It only needs to pass the body test that the so-called iron-faced eunuch Zhu is responsible for, and it will basically be settled. What do you think I can do?"