The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 32 Killing chickens is to warn monkeys

"You can't be presumptuous! The girl Yue'er was "Cheng De Cao just said this, and suddenly his back was cold, and he immediately stopped.

"What is Sannai?" Jun Moxie laughed presumptuously and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Since she is in the hospital, the milk is touched by people! You are not even allowed to touch it. What else do you want to do? If you don't sell your body, what about cheating?! I'm going to have a good time with her today. I'm still pretending to be a martyr in front of me in Qinglou. Is she a ball?!

"The reputation of the children of the family is ruined by people like you!" Cheng De said with infinite contempt, "Jun Moxie, you really make me hate little contempt to the extreme!" At this moment, Cheng De Cao suddenly felt proud: in the past, people said that he had lost the face of the children of the family, but today, compared with Jun Moxie, he actually felt that he was brilliant,

"Chengde, fuck! What are you? Do you deserve to talk about me? Your mother's horse doesn't know how long his face is. Do you believe that if you say one more word, I will let your Cheng family disappear in an instant? Jun Moxie was so rampant that he stalked his neck and tilted his eyes: "Damn it, mud Le Gobide, go back and eat milk!"

Cheng De held his hands and feet and pointed at him tremblingly, and his eyes turned red. He snapped and pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword. The long sword is three inches out of its sheath, and the cold light is shining!

"Jun Moxie!" The second prince stood up with a calm face: "You're drunk, you'd better go home early."

"I didn't drink a few sips of wine. How could I get drunk?" Don't talk about it, stalk your neck, and don't buy it. I'm waiting for this sissy to draw his sword and cut me off.

"I said you were drunk, and you were drunk!" The second prince said harshly. Finally, I couldn't stand it.

Fang Bowen hurriedly stepped forward and gently pressed the second prince's hand.

Jun Moxie raised his eyes, and their eyes were facing each other in the air. After staring at each other for a while, they finally tilted the corners of their mouths and smiled unlikely: "Since Your Highness said that I am drunk, I will be drunk." Hey hey, I'm drunk before I drink. Hahaha, it's ridiculous!"

Haha, he laughed twice, picked up a wine glass, and fell next to the moon girl with a crack. The crisp sound made everyone look at it, and their eyebrows were devastated.

Jun Moxie pointed to Miss Yueer and said fiercely, "...Little bitch, there is a second highness today. For the face of your highness, I will let you go for the time being! However, I will come to settle accounts with you at any time! Humph." He said that his hand seemed to subconsciously rubbed his crotch. Evil, evil, nothing!

Turning his head, he approached Cheng De with a smile, slowly stretched out his hand, patted him on the face, and his voice was very clear. Jun Moxie said with a smile, "Do you really want to kill me?" Do you really want it? Gaga, Cheng De Cao, draw half of the sword, can't kill people. You, be good in the future, understand?!"

Turning his head, he smiled and waved his hand, but it was more like waving off the dust in front of him. He turned around and twisted his buttocks and went away.

The prince's banquet made a lot of noise at the banquet; he took advantage of others and beat others. The prince came forward to pleaded for mercy and threatened to revenge face to face, beat the first card, scolded Chengde, and spoke rudely. Mo Xie, a vulgar gentleman, can be said to be extremely arrogant today. Sure enough to live up

When he went downstairs, Jun Moxie got into the sedan chair. Surprisingly, there were two other people in black hiding in the sedan chair. Jun Moxie said in a low and hasty manner, "After I leave, you should pay close attention to any movement in the Nishang Pavilion. The second prince and others After driving, one of you two is responsible for checking the communication birds in the air, and the other pays attention to the people coming in and out. Don't be a little slack!" Both of them nodded together.

The sedan chair shook for a while, and the gentleman went back home. Today, although there was no specific harvest, it can also be said to be brilliant. On the one hand, it made the second prince eat it, mute, and on the other hand, he humiliated the girl fiercely.

It's definitely a worthwhile trip!

Jun Moxie clearly knows that although the Yueer girl is in the Nishang Pavilion, she is definitely not the so-called beautiful person, let alone an old daughter. However, I'm afraid that what Jun Moxie said can't stand the words of a standard brothel professional, let alone disguised by a master with mysterious spirit? Not to mention that this pretender is still a yellow girl!

So Jun Moxie expected that this Yue'er girl would definitely have something to do. This is exactly what Jun Moxie is looking forward to.

One of the advantages now is that Jun Moxie overheard the conversation between Yueer and Lord Liu, and Yi has identified the identity of the enemy. But Yueer didn't know that Jun Moxie had locked himself! Therefore, if she suffers such insults, as long as she is still a person, not a bunch, she will definitely want revenge!

The third gain is that the humiliation of Yue'er girl has buried the root cause of division between Yue'er and the second prince.

The second prince is indecisive and lacks magnificence. I think this should be the place where Yue'er girl is disappointed in him. If he can't even protect the woman he wants to pursue, what kind of man is he? In particular, this man obviously has the power to protect her but does not take action, which is even more disturbing.

If Jun Moxie and the second prince change places, he will definitely come out and shout: This is my woman!" Finalize the sovereignty first. But the second emperor did not dare, at least he did not roar out blatantly. This is where Jun Moxie looked down on him. Is wealth and glory and the status of the prince really so important?

In fact, this is also the blind spot of the king killer's way of dealing with people. Not every man will be angry and become a beauty, and not everyone can be indifferent to wealth and glory. I believe that most people in the world are inevitable! Especially Yi Ding, the prince with the hope of the Ninth Five-Year Plan!

As for what you have done today, although it is a little too much for a woman, Jun Moxie has no apology in his heart: to treat an enemy, it is natural to do everything. Since you plan to destroy my whole family and deliberately deal with me, shouldn't I scold you? Should it? I am very at ease! Gaga

The girl Yueer looked at Jun Moxie's sedan chair gradually moving away, her delicate body couldn't help trembling, her eyes were red, tears were still there, and the murderous intention in her eyes was filled with madness. The second prince came to her and didn't have time to say anything in the future. She had already made

The second prince stood in a sway, his hand still maintained the posture he had stretched out before, and his face looked changeable!

No one expected that the purpose of entertaining Junshaxie was to attract, but Jun Moxie was so arrogant! Unexpectedly, he didn't even sell the prince's face!

Now Dong Xieyang went away, completely disappointing the wishes of the second prince, and completely unconcealed, which is equivalent to a blatant break! This is equivalent to a loud slap in the face of the second prince!

From birth to now, it is the first time that the second prince has been made so shameless! It can be said that I hate Jun Moxie to the extreme in my heart! He stood quietly, motionless, and the other three people did not dare to say a word.

For a long time, for a long time, seeing that it had been dark, the second prince finally brushed his sleeves and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

Cheng Deqi came forward and said, "Your Highness, this gentleman is so rude. Why don't you send two people to teach him? He gave a fierce breath for His Royal Highness; "It's killing him..."

"Are you a pig?" The second prince Huo Ran turned around, and Liang Zhao's blood was red: "He was sure that I couldn't touch him. Today he dared to be so domineering, and it's a fact that I didn't dare to touch him!" Otherwise, how dare he have to contradict me? I broke up today, and I will teach "three kills" tomorrow. Do you have bean curd residue in your head? Not to mention whether you have the ability to touch him, at this time, even if Jun Moxie falls on the road, we also have the greatest suspicion! A few days ago, Jun Zhantian had already made his attitude clear as soon as he washed the capital with anger. Are you going to make the old man wash my palace happy? Huh? Do you still think I'm not annoying enough?

The flattery hit the horse's hoof and was kicked. Cheng De took an awkward, er, two times, shrank back, and stopped making a sound. In his heart, he scolded secretly: You are a prince, who was scolded like a tortoise by his courtiers, but he didn't dare to vent his anger on others. What's the ability to vent his anger on me?

"This should mean Jun Zhantian." Fang Bowen brushed his beard and said slowly. Jun Moxie's actions today are clearly intentional, that is to say, before he came, he was ready to break with you, Your Highness.

"Eh? Where does this start? The second prince thought deeply and asked.

"The Jun family has always refused to participate in national affairs, but is buried in the military; none of the three highnesses are not far away. Stand by and make it clear that you will never participate in this muddy water, which is a good way to settle down. But a few days ago, Jun Zhantian gathered troops in the capital and washed the minister's mansion with blood; it showed the extremely strong power of the Jun family! And this power, rudely said, no matter who gets this power, the three Highness can immediately defeat the other two and win the country alone. Since we can see this, the other two must have seen it.

"So now I'm afraid that the three brothers of His Highness are thinking about this, but Jun Zhantian is unwilling to press the bet on anyone, let alone participate in it. Even if he exposes the strength of the Jun family, he would rather recruit what he has avoided than participate in. In this case, there is only a way to maintain your strength and get out of this muddy water.

The second prince gradually understood: "Fall with me?"

"No! It should be a break with all three highnesses! After exposing such a strong strength, only in this way can your majesty rest assured that at least before Jun Zhantian's death, the Jun family will not fall.

"That is to say, the three highness of Jun Moxie today's banquet, no matter whose appointment Jun Moxie went to, it was a deleted fallout. And Your Highness, you are just a little more than the other two Your Highnesses. It's just that Jun Moxie chose to come to us..."

"Kill chickens to be monkeys?" Your Highness immediately understood. I couldn't help gritting my teeth: "Jun Moxie, a bastard, actually regarded me as a chicken?"

Exhausted! If it hadn't been dark, I'm afraid I'd have to revise it again. Alas, brothers and sisters who have recommended tickets for monthly tickets, help me, I'll go to bed;