The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 36 Good people are hard to do

To be honest, Master Jun has always been a killer. Calm, cold and even cold-blooded has long been commonplace for him. At most, he will only take care of those who are really good to him. Those who can be included in his previous life are only teaching teachers and a few close brothers. As for this life, it is limited to you. The old man and the king have no intention of the two people. Even the famous sister-in-law Guan Qinghan has not been included in the intimate list of the king's killer. Let alone others, the young master Jun has pity for those who are in trouble, but when it comes to taking care of his life, he is grateful for not sensitive! Of course, there should be limits to kindness. If one day we are overwhelmed, then this group of people may be given up by me first; but when we have the ability, we have to do our best. There is no other reason. There is no need for people to save people!"

Jun didn't mean to say this sentence naked and undisguised, but it made Jun Moxie feel his determination.

A person wants to harm others, or needs a reason, but a person really doesn't need a reason to save people! It is natural to have the ability to do good deeds and not do them; but you don't have the ability to do good deeds but you have to do them, you can only let the people who are helped be doomed with you! Of course, Jun Moxie knows this truth, which is clearer than the third master of Jun.

"Come on, you're in such a hurry - what can I do for you?" You didn't mean to turn your head and ask.

"Well, I need a batch of mysterious beasts, from low-level to advanced, preferably with eight-level high-level mysterious beasts!" Jun Moxie smiled.

"Level 8? Didn't you wake up in your dream? Where do you want me to exchange it for you!" Jun looked at his nephew angrily and funnyly: "Not to mention the eighth level, even the lower level of the mysterious beast may not be able to be replaced. The one below the fourth level may be in good condition, but once you reach the level five or level six, even if you can get it by chance, it will definitely lose its function due to disability; as for Don't even think about it."

"Is it only low-level? That's no problem. That should be enough. By the way, if there is a mysterious beast of level five or six, even if it is disabled, it doesn't matter. As long as it is alive, it will be sent to me. Jun Moxie pondered for a moment and said it cheerfully. I'll take it early tomorrow morning!"

"I see, then I'll arrange it right away." Jun didn't hesitate to ask Jun Moxie what these mysterious beasts were for. You know, this is a huge expense! With five or six-level mysterious beasts, even if they are disabled, they still need a lot of numbers, "Thank you, uncle." Mo Xie said seriously.

"Um, you go back first; I have to be busy for a while. If I save early, I will have more hope, at least to make them less painful." You didn't mean to show a trace of fatigue on your face.

"Let me have a look with my third uncle." Jun Moxie stepped in one step.

There are three or nine children in the room. Obviously, they have been cleaned more than once. The beds and bedding are snow-white and brand-new, but this still can't cover up the snotsing stench. Obviously, some dirt has been deep into the skin, and some are even in the bones. This is not something that can be completely Each of these children is skinny and skinny.'s bones are the same. These thirty-nine people have one thing in common, that is, all their hands and feet are deformed, their tongues have been cut off, and even more than 20 of them have been deaf in their ears, which is truly deaf and mute.

Jun Moxie sighed, and a wave of anger rose in his heart against Luo Tian, the messenger behind the scenes of Huanghuatang! Such behavior is untenable! Once something is found, I will definitely pay it back ten times! These children have eaten, and their complexion is obviously much better, at least a little more blood color and a little more vitality. When the crowd saw the two people coming in, they knew that this was their savior. Although they couldn't say anything, their eyes were full of gratitude. Children are like this. If you treat them well, they know how to be grateful.

Jun Moxie showed a gentle smile for the first time in his life, comforting these poor children, and then began to explore carefully from the one closest to him.

The speed of his detection is obviously much faster than Jun's inadvertently.

After a long time, Jun Moxie stood up with a heavy face, wink at Jun inadvertently, and the two walked out together.

"A small number of them are hopeless." Jun Moxie gritted his teeth: "Three of them, even the bones have rusted, and the whole lower body, even the bones of the waist are rotten. It's only a matter of time before they die. Even if there is an elixir, it is unthinkable. Although I can still gasp and survive now, it will definitely last for more than half a month, and it is still an extremely painful and tortured half month!"

Jun inadvertently clenched his fists.

"There are still a considerable number of people, the bones and meridians of their hands and feet have been completely necrotic, and they can no longer recover, and can only be deformed for a lifetime." Jun Moxie lowered his voice: "Twelve other people among these people may be able to survive if their lower limbs are amputated from below the waist. However, for the rest of his life, there is no male or female ability.

You didn't mean to take a long breath, and his face was cold and hard.

"As for the rest of the people, although they are also in the deformed range, it is not very serious, either because it is not long, or because of some other reasons. As long as you take good care of it for a period of time, break the joints of the hands and feet once, and then carefully treat them to make them grow again, and At that time, it was broken again, and then washed the meridians with Xuanqi. If it was twice, it was allowed to recover the same as ordinary people.

"To do such a treatment, the cost of any person is not less than 10,000 taels of silver, and the final treatment result is not guaranteed. In fact, these concerns are still secondary. The most sadd level is still the two broken bones. It is not just a broken place. It needs to be broken, broken, and re-growed in every place under the condition of ensuring that the smooth passage of the meridians will not be damaged!! Among them... the great pain that patients have to bear..."

Jun Moxie's eyes are deep: "... It is by no means that ordinary people can stand it, and there is a possibility of death in pain! And even after the real recovery, he can only have at most 60% of his normal human strength in his whole life, which is already the most optimistic estimate!"

You inadvertently took a cold breath! Third Master Jun trusts his nephew's medical skill level very much, and he has no doubt about his judgment. According to his statement, even if these people in front of him can be saved in the end, does not mean that they can live like ordinary people. For them, living is already a kind of suffering! If the third uncle must save them, I have said in the head that the previous treatment must get 10,000 taels of silver, but it is the most conservative estimate, let alone their later recuperation expenses, because although the cost in the process of treatment is not low, it cannot be compared with the money spent on their bodies. In addition, because their physical function has long been extinguished to the lowest point, the medicine for their conditioning is bound to be extremely expensive and indispensable, and the above will be completed. In other words, when they can return to the level of normal people, everyone will spend at least 50,000 taels of silver. I believe this number will be an astronomical figure for any ordinary family! The synthesis of these people will reach a more amazing level.

"Third uncle, I don't know if you have seriously considered these? I know that our Jun family's family is naturally not thin, but the third uncle, you should recognize this matter clearly, and consider it from the standpoint of the head of the Jun family. Once this matter begins, as we destroy these evil dens one by one, there will be more and more such poor people. Can we save it?! If you really want to save as much as you can, I believe that not to mention a gentleman's family, even the Tianxiang Kingdom, does not have such a huge financial resources to afford this huge astronomical figure.

"If the third uncle still insists on being responsible to the end, then there will be only one final result, and there will only be one, and the Jun family will eventually be destroyed with these people.

"I don't object to the third uncle's kindness to do good deeds, but the problem of this matter must end here! This case must not be opened!"

With Jun Moxie's calm and cold-blooded cut, Jun's face gradually became heavy, and even a little depressed.

Good things are hard to do! Jun Moxie sighed deeply. If these children were in their previous lives, they might be initiated by a big family like the Jun family, calling on the society to set up a charity fund, or the establishment of an orphanage and other places to support them. In any case, they can maintain their chances of survival; but in the current world Is it possible under the social system of this feudal monarch?

The answer is undoubtedly unquestioned! Let's not talk about whether other big households will respond to the embarrassment of paying such money but no return at all. Just saying that after the Jun family comes out, the public's support reaction will be enough to make the royal family restless! Under such a feudal system, it is necessary to be in a different place if you do too many bad things, but once the good things are done, it will also bring disaster! As you said, this routine will not be opened again. Tomorrow I will arrange manpower to send those boys and girls in the warehouse to the fief. As for these people..." Jun grited his teeth inadvertently and said, "Since it has been done, there is no reason to give up halfway! I can't let them go to Jun's house, but there is still no hope! Only once!"

"All right, just do what the third uncle said. However, among them, there are 15 people who have no hope at all. The third uncle should decide as soon as possible and give them a good time. Now when they are alive, if they live for a moment, they will suffer a moment of great pain. Living is already a great torture! However, they do not have the power to break themselves. Killing them seems cruel, but for them, it is already a great relief! In addition, please remember, only this once!"

You didn't mean to nod.

"In addition, after the treatment, I want to leave two people from here. Among so many people, only two can have some partial ability. At that time, the third uncle, don't be soft-hearted. Jun Moxie said, "Uncle, I want to ask if there are any questions about the financial income of our Jun family? I shouldn't have talked too much, but..."

No matter what world you are in, if you want your family to develop, then no one can do it, but you must also have money and a lot of money channels! As far as the family is concerned, it is the same **, especially a junior who asks the elder, who is still the future head of the family. It's even more embarrassing.