The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 43 Yin and Yang Dun

"Is personal honor and disgrace more important than the country's people?" Fei Mengchen raised his eyebrows.

"Personal honor and disgrace? This is a military honor!" Zhao Jianhun laughed miserably: "Yes, what I'm telling you, you don't understand at all. You are a big man in the court, a big man under one person, and a big man above ten thousand people. You don't need to know what military honor is. You just need the result, right?"

Fei Mengchen smiled angrily and pointed to Tianxiang City: "Didn't you notice it just now? Even if your level of strength is low, you should be aware of it. If such a strong man really participates in the war, then the Tianxiang Empire will be able to unify the whole continent in a short time! This is undoubtedly a disaster for us! What is military honor? Naturally, their own teachers also know it, but the honor of soldiers is by no means pedantic! Don't say that Jun Wuhui didn't kill me. Even if it's really me, for the sake of Yu Tang, I have a clear conscience!"

Zhao Jianhun turned his back like a javelin standing up on the horse and said coldly, "Have a clear conscience? When will the despicable villain who can only put cold arrows behind his back be ashamed of his heart! It's a public theory of right and wrong!"

Fei Mengchen was stunned by his anger. Who is this?! In fact, I have never seen such a little brain. Every time I talk about this issue, I am at a sword. I explained that I still don't believe in the direction of the forest one by one. A group of savage soldiers are stepping on a solid step and step out of the forest step!

Among this team, everyone is in shabby clothes. At best, it is just a piece of cloth that barely hangs on the body. Several people only have a piece of animal skin around their crotch. Everyone's body is covered with criscrossed scars, no less than dozens of scars, and it is almost impossible to see the original color . From these scars, it can be seen that each of them has wandered on the edge of life and death many times!

Several people's legs and feet were obviously injured. They limped when they walked, but every step was still solid. They refused the help of their companions and dragged their bodies, but they did not lag behind, and even didn't even use crutches.

Although their bodies are tired, their spirits are high! In a pair of eyes, it was full of sharp wildness, muscles tied, and hundreds of people walked together. Such an awkward team naturally brought out the murderous spirit of Newton's Chinese sharpness!

Let ∽ dare to see!

Everyone carries a large package on their backs, even those who are seriously injured. Whenever their hands touch these packages, a trace of pride will flash on their faces. Obviously, what everyone carries on their backs is the booty they hunted with their own hands!

They walked resolutely in the direction of Tianxiang City step by step. Although it was slow, it was stable. Although it was extremely urgent in their eyes, they were still calm under their feet, and the fixed rhythm of walking was not chaotic at all.

These people are the 300 guards of the Jun family who were exiled by Jun Moxie to the Heavenly Punishment Forest for death training! After these few months, if they used to be ore, now they have been refined into steel! If they used to be steel dumplings, now they have transformed into sharp killing weapons!

Just behind them, in the depths of the Tianping Forest, suddenly two dark shadows, with a sharp roar, crossed the air and flew towards Tianxiang City at a high speed. Everyone did not see clearly whether the flying was a person or something else, but two dark shadows disappeared in a flash.

Jun Moxie only felt that at the moment when the aura penetrated, there was a sudden burst of bulging in the meridians, which was filled with meridians in an instant. The airflow flowing in the meridians suddenly burst full, but then disappeared like a bottomless hole, and was sucked away by Hong In an instant, it rolled back like a frenzy, and the Hongjun Tower temporarily stopped the output of Reiki.

The airflow in the meridians has grown a lot and condensed a lot in this short moment, and there is already a full feeling in the meridians! Now Jun Moxie has reached the first bottle cover of Kaitian Creation. It only takes one opportunity to enter the second realm in one fell swoop!

As a skill of practicing Kaitian Creation Gong, such progress is simply enough to make the gods and Buddhas unbelievable! If the real power of Jun Moxie now is measured by the Xuanqi standard of Xuanxuan Continent, it has already broken through the nine-grade mark and broken through to the middle level of silver in one fell swoop! However, in terms of his skills and the degree of application, even the Supreme Shenxuan is incomparable!

is equivalent to a big step forward in an instant, or a huge step!

In such a short moment, the aura absorbed by the Hongjun Tower between heaven and earth has entered the Hongjun Tower! Such a large amount of aura was swallowed by Hongjun Tower! And it's like a drop of water added to the vast sea, which did not stir up any waves at all. Although the drop of water is large enough, it is still too small relative to the vast sea!

Hongjun Tower was actively stimulated by Jun Mo Wu for the first time, and it broke out with such a terrible power! This power alone is enough to make the whole world tremble!

In fact, this is not the same as saying that Jun Mo Wu already has some invincible power in the world. The effect and starting point are naturally high. Although Jun Da Shao's strength has improved and improved a lot, it is only relative to the original him.

The aura gathered in mid-air is still absorbed by Hongjun Tower at this time, and the surface of Jun Mobang's small courtyard still looks completely unchanged, even almost no change from before. The reason why it is that it is "almost", as long as the more careful people take the first step here, they can feel it: the whole ground competition Three points lower than before, a whole three points! In addition, the case of the jade desktop that once existed in front of Jun Moxie has no shadow, and it is silent like ice melting in the water.

Jun Moxie's face showed a painful look. He had tried many times to withdraw his spiritual knowledge from the Hongjun Tower, but he actually knew that he was still locked on it. Jun Moxie didn't understand, so he had to wait patiently to adapt to the changes.

Suddenly, there was a tosss inside the Hongjun Tower. Jun Moxie only felt a severe pain in his mind. Suddenly, the Hongjun Tower slowly fell back to its original position, and all the light around him disappeared in an instant. At the same time, Jun Moxie suddenly felt that there was something in his mind.

"The sky has the universe, the earth is divided into yin and yang, and the reincarnation of yin and yang can there be the biochemistry of all things; at the beginning of the human body, it is nothing more than the two qi of yin and yang, created, created but disappear, so it can be hidden in the creation

Yin and Yang Baby Factory!

Jun Moxie slowly chewed this yin and yang escape method word by word, and slowly realized it. He found that this so-called "Yin and Yang Dun" is a very practical skill. After practice, it is enough to hide your body in any thing around you anytime and anywhere; if you practice to the peak, you can even hide your body in the air! You can enter the water for hundreds of miles, and go into the earth and climb mountains!

What a bullish trick this is!

"Hongjun Tower is really not an ordinary thing. If only there were more such things..." Jun Moxie sighed contentedly. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind: if you go to spy on a beautiful woman's shower after being invisible, such as peeping at your beautiful sister-in-law, one by one, Jun Mo Wushu spit and scolded, "Jun Moxie, you will die if you die, but leave so many dirty and dirty. The idea didn't affect me! It's really intolerable.

If the dead Yuanjun Mo Xie knows after his death, he will definitely cry bitterly. "Brother, is this what you think? It's really your own idea. What does it have to do with me? I'm so timid that I even put the blame on me... I can't be so shameless as a man or a ghost...

Jun Moxie had never been exposed to Xiuzhen before, and he didn't even know what Xiuzhen was. Naturally, he didn't know what a forkick set of "Yin and Yang Dun" formulas in his mind now is! Since there was a escape art, there has always been only the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and because the heaven and earth are incomplete, the five elements are also difficult to complete. It is necessary to specialize in one subject according to personal qualifications and talents, so that there is hope to practice.

And this set of yin and yang escape is the number of yin and yang, which is still above heaven and earth, so it is beyond the category of incompleteness of heaven and earth. Under the cultivation based on the creation of heaven, once it is practiced, it can be freely invisible anytime and anywhere! It is not limited by the so-called five elements escape rule at all. If such a skill is put in the general world of cultivation, it is enough to make too many people break their heads.

But Jun Moxie didn't realize at all that this set of skills was so great and rare. When he got it from Hongjun Tower, he took it for granted, but felt less...

If this idea is known to the practitioners in other worlds, I believe that they will immediately spray a mouthful mouthful of blood and die one by one without being so shameless...

Jun inadvertently appeared in the courtyard with a shocked face. He came over carefully and stepped on the land under his feet uncertainly. With his keen senses of being promoted to a master of Tianxuan, he could naturally detect in an instant that the land under his feet had been three inches low out of thin air! It's not gone, but the land under my feet is more solid...

How can this be? It's three inches in an instant. What kind of horrible strength does it need?

This is not surprising. What's more strange is the flowers and plants in this garden, and not even a leaf has fallen!

Such a violent and violent impact, such a big movement, even a leaf did not fall, it's too strange!

And the most surprising thing is that it is still the jade case where eight people sat around before. The jade case is of different texture, extremely strong, and silently evaporated...

The land has fallen, the case has disappeared, and the leaves are not surprised. What's the matter? How can we explain the phenomenon of such detempt?!

"Mo Xie... This..." Jun didn't mean to look at his nephew like a dream, hoping that his precious nephew could give an explanation about this strange phenomenon.