The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 21 His Majesty's Conclusion

Upstairs, there was a faint sound of silk bamboo, faintly, as if far and near" like in the clouds and fog, like a nine-day fairy sound, ethereal, which can't be heard clearly; but it is this vagueness that is even more fascinating... This almost indescribable euphemism makes all the invitations No matter what the result of this auction is, whether you have any income or not, this visit to the meeting is a reward!

As for those who don't have invitations in their hands but are watching the fun, they feel itchy. In such an elegant place, in such an aristocratic area, I hate that I don't have that invitation. Without that pass, I can't be in the grace of that grace. It's a pity. "In the future, even if you spend sky-high price, you must get a pass. For sure, it's necessary... In a few days, The unit price quickly rose to a rather terrifying height, which can be said that Luoyang paper is expensive, which made Tang Pangzi, who had originally spent a lot of money to create invitations, open his eyes, and once again locked in the king who insisted on implementing this strategy with incomparable eyes!

What is a business wizard, isn't it? I'm still too short-sighted! Fatty Tang mocked himself!

In fact, this sensation is that the gentleman sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai was completely unexpected. It can only be said that there are so many rich people in Xiangcheng tomorrow. People's heart of comparison is too crazy... The sun is shining.

All the guests invited to the Noble Hall were also invited. For a moment on the road, Wang Ke was full of extremely luxurious top carriages, one after another, one car after another, and the car was leaning on the car. In the end, the car was more luxurious, and the eyes were full of endless luxury and wealth. Everyone who received the invitation launched his best car, the most noble ornament that could show his identity, and hung it on the carriage at the cost of his blood.

Look up, the rich are gathering!

It is most appropriate to use the metaphor of fat man. This is still a person. It's just a moving golden mountain! Anyone who loses a piece of meat on their body is enough for ordinary people to spend a few lifetimes... Two gentle young men in white and two pure and beautiful girls in white, four people stand at the door as welcome public relations. After checking the invitation in the visitor's hand, he waved his hand, and immediately a young man in white would pick them up and welcome them in with great enthusiasm.

None of the three people signed on the invitation even showed a familiar face, just arranged for the servants to be greeted in this way. But everyone who has been verified to pass the invitation does not think so, but feels very glorious, glorious and proud.

This is reasonable. If the three of them really send their own family to welcome them, but they have reduced their own identity, which is very inappropriate!

Almost every guest is holding his head tall and calm. Whether it's really this mentality or just trying to make it, he takes all the eight-character steps, intentionally or unintentionally glancing at the blue-being crowd outside without invitations, accepting the arrangement very reservedly, and walking in with graceful manner. Go and disappear among the lush flowers and trees.

All those who have received invitations are definitely a lot of arrivals, and there is no exception.

There is an endless stream, but everyone respects their identity. When there are many people, these people, who usually don't obey, will be humble to each other to show their generousness.

Nobility, there must be some aristocratic demeanor, right? Among other things, if it's not too modest, it's worthy of it!! "Hongru" is such a high-qualified title!

In the palace, there are people laughing. In this territory, there is always only one person who can laugh so freely in the palace! Even the pink concubine in the harem, and even the empress in the world should pay attention to etiquette and not laugh so much. Even if the prince and princess are favored, they should also pay attention to etiquette. Don't be rude! In this way, it is self-evident who this presumptuous laugher is!

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianxiang Empire held a white son, meditated, and laughed:!! This is a wonderful move, and the means are also unusually ingenious. I don't know who came up with such a wonderful idea. I didn't expect that there are still people who can turn their hands into clouds and rain like this. Ha ha, it's not bad, it's really good." Opposite him, it's a man who can't be seen how old. His white clothes are like snow, and his figure , awe-inspiring, with a dark hair scattered behind, three beautiful bales floating on her chest, but there were no wrinkles on her face, which was even whiter and smoother than the big girl's face.

The man was looking at the chessboard and pondering, saying:!" This move is really wonderful. No matter how wonderful the man's wine is, even if it is in the sky and the earth, it is difficult to find, but it is always worth ten thousand taels of silver.

But as soon as this method comes out, it is bound to arouse the comparison of all ethnic groups in the capital. Not only can it be sold for 10,000 taels, but it is even more than that. It is really a good idea! However, your majesty said: turning over the hand for the clouds and covering the hand for the rain, but this person is still not qualified enough.

"Is that all?" His Majesty smiled deeply, gave a son, and said with a smile! In my opinion... but not!" "What does Your Majesty mean?" The man in white put his eyes on the chessboard and asked intentionally or unintentionally. To the ten-pride in front of him, he didn't seem to be very respectful.

"In my opinion, the real ingenuity of this move is the ingenuity of selling wine. More importantly, this calculation is far beyond ordinary people's minds, which really makes me sigh. His Majesty gently stroked his beard and said solemnly, "This plan seems simple. As long as you think of it, almost everyone can do it. But when I thought about it carefully, it was not. "I would like to hear the details." The man in white was also interested, gently raised Xuan's eyebrows, and looked inquiring in his eyes.

"If you want to make this plan, the first thing is to understand the people's hearts and understand the weaknesses in human nature; especially the psychology of the rich and powerful families, we should study and master them incisively and carefully! Everyone in the world has a good reputation. Whether it is a master outside the world, a poor scholar, or even a ruffian, a rogue and a rogue beggar, it's better! As long as you grasp this point, you will master the weakness of the human heart. No matter who is, it is enough to dominate the officialdom and stand in the hall without falling! However, this point is only a foundation and an introduction for this plan." His Majesty showed a trace of worry and appreciation in his eyes.

"This person must be a person with insight into people's hearts and human nature!" His Majesty the Emperor came to the first conclusion.

"Secondly, as long as these people go in today, they will never come out empty-handed. And the only auction item in it is wine! Therefore, no matter how rubbish the wine is, no matter how unbearable it is, every family will never come out empty-handed! Moreover, it will be auctioned at a high price, and no one will even buy this wine at a low price. It costs tens of thousands of taels of silver. No one will care. They care more about their face!"

There was a trace of sarcasm on the corners of His Majesty's mouth:!" Because outside, there are too many people waiting there who have not received the invitation, either for the surprise or the mockery. This face, as long as the person who receives the invitation, no one wants to lose it, and no one can afford it. Therefore, this person came up with this method, which is equivalent to brazenly taking out money from the pockets of various families, and everyone is still happy and competing for it! I'm afraid of being looked down on by others! Buy a face in front of concubines in the whole capital with tens of thousands of taels or even hundreds of taels of silver. As long as you understand this business, you will know how to choose!" "This man can be said to be a well-deserved master of wealth accumulation! It's a pity that it's fate!" His Majesty the Emperor came to a second conclusion.

The man in white opposite him was still sitting quietly, listening quietly, with an expression on his face. There was no wave in Gujing, and there was no response.

"Third, have you paid attention to the whole content of this list? If you look carefully, you can know that although this list has included almost all the big families, there is a very interesting phenomenon at the level. This list is incomplete!"

"Every industry has its own competitors; and those rich families also have their own competitors! Moreover, it is often the same as the opponent, so as to maintain the prosperity of an industry for a long time. This is also the balance that I have barely maintained after changing the law many times.

Neither will prices soar, the people will not make a living, nor will prices fall sharply, and businessmen will be unprofitable. But this person's list has intentionally or unintentionally completely broken the balance that I have worked hard for many years! But there is no clue, so that even if you want to blame, there is no way to blame!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the man in white showed confusion, and he obviously couldn't understand it.

"Hoar nb;nb;..." The Emperor laughed: "Come on, the salt merchant in the capital, the grandson"

The three families, the Mu family and the Zhao family are the most famous, which are basically three-legged. Among them, the Zhao family is the most powerful, slightly better than the other two families, while the Sun family and the Mu family is slightly weaker, but they often unite to fight against the strongest Zhao family, so the three families can always maintain a balance. In this list, only the Zhao family was invited, but there were no names of the other two families. In fact, everyone knows that the other two companies also have hundreds of millions of dollars. Why didn't they receive the invitation? But no one can blame the master of the aristocratic hall, because he did invite the most representative Zhao family among the salt merchants!"

"And in other industries, those with a lot of profits basically use the same method. Only the most powerful and representative of them are invited." The emperor's concern is getting deeper and deeper: "With such a strong propaganda, with the help of the flames, these families are already competitors, and I'm afraid that the contradictions will be rapidly intensified in a very short time! The person who received the invitation became more and more arrogant. If he didn't receive it, he was angry. He felt that he was excluded and felt inferior. So... the chaos will begin!",