The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 27 Jun Moxie's First Abduction

Jun inadvertently shook his head and laughed, and even the little Yang Mo beside him laughed. Although the kid didn't understand the meaning of Jun's words, it seemed that there was really nothing delicious with shredded potatoes and boiled water, which the kid knew.

Tang Yuan was too fat and broad-minded, careless, and his memory was not very good. He had already forgotten the following content. This speech was purely an impromptu performance on the spot, but with a little residual impression of Shang Yu, he was actually pulled up by him. It was really a talent.

Fatty Tang is still talking at the bottom, but Master Jun has no interest to listen to it anymore. He looked at Yang Mo with a smile: "What, are you in a good mood, Miss Yang?"

Yang Mojunxiu's little face sank in an instant. He had always forgotten to refute Jun Moxie, who had always called him a little girl. He snorted again and turned his head angrily. Although the King of Equality is smarter and far better than ordinary little ghosts, after all, he is just a ten-year-old child. When he encounters such a shameful thing before, it is naturally difficult to calm down for a moment. Not to mention him, even if it is an adult who is not too deep in the city, he can't stand it.

"It's useless to be angry!" Jun's killer enjoyed a word and didn't persuade him. He raised his legs and shook his head: "If you are bullied, you only know how to be angry. You can't do anything else. In this case, it's better not to be angry and have no way."

"Since Cai is angry, it's useless, so how can I do it?" Yang Mo endured tears for a long time and finally overflowed.

"It's not wrong to call you a little girl. You cry as soon as you have something to do. Why are you crying? A man shed tears at any time. It's really a shame. No wonder he will be bullied!" Jun Moxie disdained and grabbed one on the table. The big apple clicked and said, "Is it useful to cry? Can crying solve the problem? If you cry again, get out of here.

Roll to somewhere else and cry! I won't say a word to you, let alone give you advice to help you vent your anger.

"I don't cry." Yang Mo hurriedly wiped away his tears, but still choked twice and looked at Jun Da Gaoren persistently: "Brother Jun, Dad said that you are a smart man. Tell me, what should I do? The three of them have loved to bully me since I was a child. Every time I see them, I am frightened. I dare not think about anything. I just want to escape immediately. "Brother Jun, tell me what should I do so that I can not be bullied by them? How can I get revenge!?"

"Revenge and vent your anger? There's nothing we can do about it." Jun Moxie's eyelids did not turn over, and the old god said, "He is the son of the emperor. What is the biggest in the secular world? The emperor is the biggest! The emperor's son, what can you do to bully you? Put up with it, who makes you not as good as other people's family?

"But I don't want to put up with it. Brother Mo Xie, Dad said that you are the smartest, and nothing can beat you." Yang Mo grabbed Jun Mo Xie's right hand and shook it: "Just give me an idea. I beg you, Brother Mo Xie..."

"Shut up, stop, stop quickly." Jun Moxie hurriedly pushed away his hand and said impatiently, "This is not smart or not smart to solve. His father is the emperor, and your father is not the emperor. How can I help you? It really can't be! There's nothing we can do!"

Yang Mo was stunned, and his eyes were filled with water mist in an instant. When he saw that it was about to flow out. When his little mouth was flattened, he was about to cry loudly. At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the cry that was about to come out was immediately swallowed back. You just said, "My father is the emperor, and your father is not the emperor"

"Why is my father not the emperor? They are also the sons of the emperor's grandfather. Why is my father just a prince, but the emperor's uncle is the emperor? I'm also the direct blood of Grandpa. Why can they bully me, but I can't resist at all? Yang Mo opened his big round eyes and asked Jun Da Gao Ren clearly in black and white.

"You just said that it's grandpa and direct bloodline. It's all your family's business. How can I know?" Jun Moxie seemed to be a little impatient and said, "Do you think it's possible that your father was as unworthy as you at the beginning. He has been bullied since he was a child and dared not resist. I don't even dare to fart. I'm used to it naturally, so I can only be bullied when I grow up. Naturally, I can't be an emperor! So even my son will be bullied now!"

"I don't want to be bullied again!" Yang Mo suddenly clenched his little fist: "I don't want to be bullied when I grow up!" And my descendants, I don't want them to be bullied!"

"It's not easy to do, it's hard to do," Jun Mo sighed hypocritically.

"Is it only when you become an emperor that you won't be bullied?" I won't be bullied, and my descendants won't be bullied?" Xiao Yang asked silently.

Jun Moxie sighed, "I don't know, I really don't know!"

"I also want to be the emperor, do you think it's okay?" Yang Mo opened his big innocent eyes.

"You? As you just said, you are your grandfather's grandson, and naturally you are qualified!" Jun Moxie squinted: "The basic qualification is available, but the rest are too far away, far from being qualified!"

"Then please tell me, what should I do to be qualified? I don't want to be bullied again!" Yang Mo asked.

When Jun Moxie wanted to answer, he heard a shocking cough from the third master of the king behind him, as if he was suffering from stumps, and he was afraid that others could not hear it. Such a deafening cough was only limited to this independent room. It was really worthy of being a master of Tianxuan. How could he be collected like this. Let it go, it's really great!

The more you listen to it, the more you don't do it. He was to make the child happy. How come the topic comes to Moucheng, and the enemy must go up, and it is not secretive, red fruit? With Jun Moxie's method of educating children, it is estimated that Xiao Yang Mo won't take too long. He only needs to follow the Jun's military division for a month or two. Well, if it still takes a month or two, won't he look down on the means of the Jun's military division? At most a few days, he can successfully in Hardcore rebels.. The kind that has no regrets,

What on earth does this boy want to do?

"I can't answer this question. When you get home, don't ask your father. Your father will definitely say: It's good to bully him! I just taught you how it is. As long as you are honest, who will bully you. Jun Moxie learned the tone of the prince.

"How do you know? Every time I was bullied, my father almost said so, but how they bullied and how they bullied, it became worse and worse. Yang Mo blinked his eyes and looked worshipful. This brother is really smart.

Because my grandfather said the same thing.

Jun Mo said evilly, but he couldn't say it straight. He snorted twice and said, "Of course I know. I also knew that you were a little traitor. What others said to you, and you told your father as soon as you turned around. Isn't it?"

"I won't betray my friends! My father said that the person who betrays his friends is not a good person. I am a good person. I will definitely not betray my friends! Xiao Yang's face turned red.

"What's your hurry?" Jun Moxie gave him a white look and said, "But there is no way. Let me tell you a story first, okay?"

Yang Mo bowed his head and said with lack of interest, "Okay."

The gentleman on one side finally put his heart back in his stomach and secretly wiped a cold sweat. These two little lunatics finally stopped discussing the topic of ** and began to tell stories. They almost scared me out just now."

"The name of this story is "The Change of Xuanwumen" Jun Mo said with a smile. So. Tang Taizong Li Shimin became the prince's son, and Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji became Li Shimin's cousins, and they always loved to bully his cousin. A cousin endured again and again, and finally couldn't stand it. He killed the two cousins at Xuanwu Gate and sat on the throne. Finally, he didn't have to

You have no intention of listening with Yang Mo with a smile at the beginning. He often listens to Jun Moxie tell some stories, and he likes them very much. For example, there is a story called Romance of the Three Kingdoms, in which the content makes you inadvertently intoxicated. Today, when you see Jun Moxie, you have to tell a story, and you have never heard the name before, so you should pay attention to it.

But with Jun Moxie's kind and seductive speech, you have no intention of listening to it in the future. The nerves that had just relaxed were tense again in an instant, tighter than before, and a cold sweat instantly soaked through the underwear inside.

A story of the king and the great man of the story can actually surprise a Tianxuan master into this virtue. I believe that even if this success is not the best, it must be unprecedented!

Oh, my God, do you really want to make me, the third general in blood, angry to death and scare me to death again? Jun Moxie, what kind of bullshit story is this?

Today, if you simply instigate the rebellion, Yang Mo must have heard it. It's okay to say that the tone in your heart is out of your heart. Children don't hold grudges, but as soon as you tell this story, isn't it another bucket of oil on the fire?

"Well done! It should be killed like this! There is no mercy!" Xiao Yangmo waved his hand excitedly and cheered loudly, but a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes. Is it longing? Or desire? Or what does fanaticism or something else mean?

Jun Moxie's eyes flashed, almost. If you say too much, how much can a child remember? Seeds can only grow into big trees after being irrigated little by water. If you throw it into the ocean at once, you will be drowned.

Below, a strange fragrance burst out, causing a depressing exclamation. Several people upstairs all paid attention to it.

The auction of Tianpin Wine, after a huge momentum, finally began. On the stage, there is also a tall half-hundred-hundred old man, energetic, neat blue clothes, thick eyebrows like a sword, cold and fierce.

When he saw this person, even Jun Moxie was surprised. Is this the sloppy Song Laosan? This is really a man who relies on clothes and horses relying on saddles. He has put on new clothes, his back is not standing, and his waist is not bent. He looks like a reborn.

"Give you a glass of wine and give you a wound. Song injury?!" Song Laosan appeared, and someone suddenly recognized the set off the stage. Song Wound, it is rumored that he is a Tianxuan-level master! Now, I came to be an auctioneer for this noble hall!

It's really... the nobles have arrived home.

The strong smell of wine was empty, and everyone couldn't help sucking their noses fiercely. This wine, with its fragrance alone, is worthy of the title of Tianpin wine! Everyone can't wait all of a sudden.

The man in black behind Princess Lingmeng sucked his nose and shot a strange light in his eyes. As the king of a country, he has never tasted such wine. It can be seen how rare it is.