The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 37 The Message of the Handcrossbow

"Not bad! Master's words are so reasonable. They really don't deserve it!" Song Woe listened to it with great heart, and his great feeling was deeply in my heart. Then he licked his face and came up: "Master, when will you teach me how to make wine?"

"Anytime! However, Song Shu, I want to warn you now! In the future, no one can drink our wine except our own people! Because the wine after that will be more delicious than today's wine! Do you understand? Jun Moxie gave a bad laugh.

"The apprentice knows! How can such ordinary people drink the wine brewed by our masters and apprentices? How can this fairy wine be tasted by those mortals! This is probably the main reason why this sect has never been spread in the world. How can the immortals of the super dust be turbid to the secular world? In Song's wound, the intention of disdain is very obvious. Obviously, he also trembled with the unscrupulous master.

On the contrary, Mr. Jun was a little stunned. What is this guy talking about? Why am I confused by him?!

"Um, you guys go down first! The acquisition of herbs is the beginning of the work!" Jun Moxie waved his hand.

After the two retired, Jun Yihui frowned slightly and said, "Mo Xie, this action seems to be too much, I'm afraid"

"I believe it's okay!" Jun Moxie smiled and said, "Third uncle, you said that after coming to see Dugu invincible, he immediately returned to the game; but until now you are still here. Something interesting should have happened, right?

"You little one, you really can't hide anything from you!" Jun smiled helplessly and said, "There is news from the south of the Yangtze River

"Oh? Jun Moxie's eyes flashed.

"Zhao's firm has successfully completed the production of the Xuanshou tendon hand crossbow. It will be transported to the capital in the near future. Jun's unintentional voice was very heavy, and he said slowly, "At the same time, many other masters have suddenly lost their whereabouts recently, but they all seem to be ready to move." It seems that the second prince is going to make a big move this time

"Um, it's not difficult to speculate. The more they make a fuss, the more beneficial it will be to us behind the scenes, especially this batch of crossbows are what we aspire to win. Zhao's firm sent it to the capital, which is equivalent to giving us a gift. Ha ha. Jun Moxie narrowed his eyes.

"Do not take it lightly, be careful.

Recently, the wind has become more and more tense. I believe that the second prince will not act carelessly. In addition to the elite people, there will also be masters of the second prince who will be escorted along the way; there are also people from Jiangnan First Guild who are responsible for escorting them, and what's more, the Blood Sword Hall is also very likely to send someone to escort secretly.

Jun inadvertently frowned deeply: "There are so many forces that we already know in the open and dark, and the forces are quite considerable. I believe that there are still many forces that we don't know. Such a powerful force, if you want to grab the Xuanshou hand crossbow from their hands, how much power do you need to use How much does it cost? What's more, we still have to do it silently and leave no trace, "

Jun sighed deeply inadvertently: "I'm afraid it's as difficult as heaven!"

"It's as difficult as climbing to the sky, it's as easy as a palm." Jun Moxie raised his eyebrows, and there was an evil brilliance in his eyes. His handsome face looked a little indifferent and strange: "Everything is man-made! If we don't do it if we worry about climbing to the sky, it's really more difficult than climbing to the sky! But as long as you do it, there is always a way to think about it. Anything in the world, if you dare to think about it, it has been half successful

"Yes, you don't mean to praise it.

"Third uncle, how long will it take for them to get to the capital?" Jun Moxie muttered, "That is to say, how long do we have to prepare? I need to know the most detailed specific time

"From the south of the Yangtze River to the capital, it takes about two days to take the waterway first, then abandon the ship and go ashore. After another three days, it will enter the scope of the capital." Jun didn't mean to meditate and said accurately, "I'm estimating by the way of a master, since I escorted such a batch of deadly things. There must be no mediocre inside. The foot should also be much faster than that of ordinary people, but if you want to cooperate in many aspects, you have to walk for at least five days!"

"That is to say, we still have more than five days to make arrangements!" Jun Moxie nodded slowly.

"More than that! The second prince's people have to rush to the south of the Yangtze River before they set out! That is to say, it will take at least ten days for this industry to really go to the capital!" You have no intention to say it out.

"Ten days? That's enough." Jun Moxie smiled. I don't know what he thought of, but he actually smiled happily.

"Third uncle, I reiterate that what I need is the most accurate information! Who did the Zhao family have this time, what kind of strength do they have, what are the specific forces between the organizations, what kind of strength did the first guild have, and who is the second prince on the side of the capital? As for the Blood Sword Hall, since we can't know their news, we can let it go for the time being. At that time, we will be flexible

"That's no problem!" Jun didn't mean to hold the wheelchair deeply with both hands, and his face was calm as usual: "The only thing I'm interested in knowing is what kind of strength we need to use?"

"The people in the royal family can't move! There are only three hundred guards we can use; there are three more!" Don't grin!" Second uncle, you. The sea sinks into the wind, and there are two people who are Diao in the Song Injury Association, which is already the pillar of our side.

"I'm afraid the three of us alone are far from enough strength. Can I let the eagle?" Jun didn't finish his unintentional words, but the meaning of the words was extremely obvious.

"Absolutely not!" Jun Moxie categorically rejected: "On the one hand, the goal of the eagle is too big, and it is too easy to expose his identity; not to mention" With his temperament, he will never be willing to accept my assignment to do such a sneaky thing. In particular, this is in conflict with our original agreement and will also hinder future plans! It's against the original intention.

"If you are afraid of exposure, the characteristics of the sea sinking wind are also obvious." I'm afraid it's difficult to hide your identity!" You didn't mean to say.

"It doesn't matter! At that time, I will try to get rid of the special sky blue water color on him. Jun Moxie said confidently. He raised his head, slowly paced to the window, looked out condescendingly, and said lightly, "This will be an unprecedented fierce battle and a hard battle. But we can only carry it ourselves. In the face of such things, there is no other force to rely on! We can only rely on ourselves!"

"And in the future, our family will also rely on everything on its own and slowly rise! There is no one and no force can stop our rise!" Jun Moxie's voice is very low, but he is very resolute and powerful!

Princess Lingmeng took Dugu Xiaoyi and slowly walked out. On the teahouse diagonally opposite, a burly woman like a man stood up and strode down.

Sun Xiaomei, Fatty Tang's fiancee. She had already come, but she didn't go in.

"You look very bad." Sun Xiaomei looked at Princess Lingmeng, her eyes flashed, and asked with concern, "Is there something wrong?"

Sun Xiaomei is born in the form of a man, which is to play tricks on people, but her kind-hearted and intelligent Lanxin is very desirable. She is the eldest sister of Lingmeng Princess, Dugu Xiaoyi and other little sisters. This group of sisters do not carry this bosom sister behind her mind.

"To tell you the truth, sister, something has indeed happened, something that I really can't say, let alone want to mention." Princess Lingmeng rubbed her forehead tiredly and said sadly.

How witty Sun Xiaomei is. In an instant, it has become clear that what Princess Lingmeng said must be about the people in the royal family. These things are really not something that can be solved by herself, so there is no interface.

Princess Lingmeng is also a smart person of ice and snow. Seeing that Sister Sun did not answer, she instantly realized what's wrong with her today. Isn't this embarrassing Sister Sun? She hurriedly said, "It's a pity that my sister was not in it just now. Otherwise, I can help me see what he means. I can It is really strange to understand his words and deeds.

"Who is that man? How can it be weird!" Sun Xiaomei couldn't help but be interested when she heard the words.

"Li Youran, the first of the three generations of children of the Li family." Princess Lingmeng lowered her voice and said what she had just felt strange, especially Li Youran's strange attitude. Out of a woman's intuition, Princess Lingmeng keenly felt that there was something wrong.

"Li Youran" Sun Xiaomei pondered for a long time. It seems difficult to publish targeted wording, and it took a long time to be a little "difficult". He said, "Like Jun Moxie, people can't see it carefully, can't understand it, and can't explain it clearly."

"Jun Moxie?!" Princess Lingmeng screamed. Jun Moxie and Li Youran? How can these two people be confused? Is there a place comparable enough?

"These two men, or nothing comparable to each other, but they are not simple." Sun Xiaomei smiled, didn't say anything, and didn't explain it in detail. But after walking for a while, he whispered to himself, "But I feel that Jun Moxie is more dangerous than Li Youran!"

Sister Xiaomei, I don't understand. Since our sisters were together, I have found that you are very accurate. Du Guyi didn't hear Sun Xiaomei's voice talking to himself in a very low voice, "But that day, you said that my brother Mo Xie was arrogant, and I really didn't see how proud he was? It's just that he is a hooligan all over, and he is a little more rogue. That's nothing wrong. Anyway, I think it's very handsome. You will definitely regret it if you miss today's event. Sister Lingmeng and I have seen it. Brother Mo Xie is really so handsome, really, hee hee

"Don't mention your brother Mo Xie's style. I'm annoyed!" Princess Lingmeng was annoyan and said, "Xiaoyi, you have to think about this matter carefully. Don't make a lifelong mistake for the sake of impulse!" Listen to your sister's words"

Dugu Xiaoyi snorted unconvinced and muttered, "What's wrong with Brother Mo Xie? Are your brothers very good?

Princes Lingmeng is immediately hoarse. Admittedly, even if Jun Moxie is a rant, he is domineering, evil, and even run rampant, but he is not as unbearable as his brother!

Even if this man is a man, he is also a real villain!