The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 45 If I get successful, I will quit

The master doctor grabbed Ye Guhan's hand, and the pure innate aura was input in an instant. Ye Guhan's throat coughed faintly, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Difficult!" Jun Moxie shook his head and frowned. Looking up at you inadvertently: "It's very difficult! And the cost of treating him... I'm afraid it will be very, very, very big!" He turned his head and shouted to Dugu Xiaoyi and Sun Xiaomei, "Are you two not scared enough? Hurry up and go there and have a rest for a while!" With Mr. Wen's experience, how can he not judge the current situation?

Before, someone must have saved Princess Lingmeng, but it was not convenient for this person to show up. Seeing that he was following him and had the strength to help the princess get out of danger, he directly threw Princess Lingmeng to himself. It's just... How does this man know that I will definitely save her?

This hateful guy! With such a plan, your deeds are completely exposed. What's the follow-up plan to talk about?

It's really a mess. The original calculation is very good. If you are invisible, you can have a mantis to catch cicadas, and the yellow finch is behind! Or the cranes and clams compete with each other, and the fisherman benefits. It occurred to me that not only did the yellow finch and the fisherman not become a substitute lamb, but also became a substitute lamb. How can this really make such a reason? Now this matter is happening, and his whereabouts are directly and fully exposed. On this trip, not only can't you find the mysterious master of Tianxuan Peak, but now the princess is holding If you want to catch a few people for interrogation, you don't even have a helper around you. Just look at the eyes of the other party's people looking at you, and you almost have to eat yourself alive... Looking at the situation, you can't even find out the strength of Mr. Yijiu's strength of this group of boys who kidnapped At this moment, it can be said that the mood has been depressed to the extreme right. If it is just to save Princess Lingmeng, how can you bring Princess Lingmeng here? I snatched the people back from the three of you as early as halfway! Not to mention saving people, even if I kill you, it's just a few more expenses. Do you really regard yourself as a human being?

Princess Lingmeng in her arms struggled and couldn't help begging: "Senior, please kill them and avenge my Uncle Ye, please save my Uncle Ye..."

As soon as Ling Meng was held in the arms of the mysterious man, although he still couldn't see what the senior man looked like, a sincere sense of security naturally appeared in his heart: this is the senior senior who has been secretly protecting me like Uncle Ye! As long as he is here, I will definitely not be in danger, and then I am worried about the life and death of the night.

Then his body was suddenly thrown out in the air, and then fell into the arms of another person. The girl's nature** immediately identified from the smell that this person was the predecessor of Keqing in the palace and a mysterious friend of his father. Mr. Wen turned out that he also arrived. With these two masters joining hands, the group of thieves He can't run away. He must be able to avenge Uncle Ye. With such a senior senior, he must be able to save Uncle Ye's life. Although Mr. Wen's arms are also very warm, he lacks that faint feeling of comfort, and that sense of security from the heart... Princess Lingmeng's idea is naturally very It's beautiful, but it's really too whimsical. How can the world be satisfactory? The development of things is very different from her idea, and there is almost no same place... Over there, the more Wen Xian thinks about it, the more angry he is! One hand protected Princess Lingmeng, and the other hand launched the offensive with bare hands. Unexpectedly, he fought with the three people with the power of one palm, and it seemed to be easy, even quite dominant. When he caught the three juniors in front of him, he beat Mr. Wen. naturally knew that 100% of the trouble in front of him was the dark. It was rectified by the master who protected Princess Lingmeng. It must be the guy who found his stalking and didn't want to expose his own identity. That's why he did such a move. It's not surprising. Even for such a powerful and unfathomable master, Mr. Wen has nothing to blame. After all, in this world, whoever has a big fist is the boss. This has long been recognized by the world, but the problem is that from beginning to end, Mr. Wen did not even see the figure of the master. It is the biggest reason why depression makes him feel inferior, makes him angry, makes him speechless and aggrieved! Mr. Wen, who believes that he has extraordinary strength, has never eaten so much in his life! This unpredictable strength, not to mention the peak of Tianxuan, even the eight supreme people may not be able to have, but through this fight, Mr. Wen made him have an experience. The more he fought, the more familiar he felt. Suddenly, he jumped out of the garden with a heavy face: "It turns out that you are under the cold-blooded supreme door! How are the Tears Supreme doing recently? I don't know where my Tianxiang Empire has offended the Tears Supreme? Unexpectedly, the supreme direct disciples who caused tears to work together to kidnap the royal princess and do such a thing? Did you forget the original supreme covenant?

"What thunder supreme rain supreme? You're talking about the old man who won't die.

Who is this old man? His strength is not only limited to the realm of the peak of Tianxuan as we knew before. With only one hand, he can make himself so embarrassed to wait for a few people. This strength is almost under his father, and he also knows how the supreme covenant of those years came out at this critical juncture. Such a guy? This seems to be difficult to do well, but no matter how high this old man's Xuangong is, he always kills four brothers with a flying knife, but this revenge must be avenged! Old man, leave your name if you have the guts! The bloody feud between us must always be broken!"

Mr. Wen snorted and knew that he had taken the blame again, but he did not defend himself. In his capacity, he could not defend anything with these descendants. Besides, can the explanation be explained clearly?

Seeing that the tearful Jianhong spoke rudely, he couldn't help but be angry. Suddenly, his body floated forward like lightning. With a crack, he slapped him heavily and shouted, "I don't deserve to know my name! Today, I'm looking at the face of tears, let your descendants go! If there is any offense, there is a supreme covenant here, even if there is no tears and sorrow, it will not save you! Get out of here!"

After saying that, holding Princess Lingmeng, his body was still facing the tears Jianhong and other three people, but his feet had left the ground and slowly floated back. In this dense forest, he seemed to have eyes behind his back, and there was no shoe in the tree. The whole person flew away like a cloud and fog. A sentence came from afar "Terment the old man who has no sorrow, just talk about today's thing. My surname is Wen. I will definitely ask him to ask the umbrella to make it clear!"

Tears Jianhong and others looked at each other and couldn't help but be stunned! For a long time, Zhou Jian said, "Old and immortal, killing my four brothers, how dare you talk so shamelessly and shamelessly to settle accounts with us! When the master comes, let's see where the old man escapes!"

The other two, Tears Jianhong and Fang Piaohong responded in one voice. The other party's martial arts skills are so strong that they can't take revenge on their own three brothers alone. Even if they are reluctant, they can only stop. Now, they have to wait for the master's arrival before making a plan. Master Jun whistled, slowly came to the place where the horse was tied, untied the horse, turned over, and was Ma, go home.

In fact, as early as the discovery that the mysterious master followed the three people, Jun Mo Wu had already planned such a layout. Anyway, there is a yin and yang escape trick. I'm sorry that no one has the ability to see themselves. Humph, let you investigate me. Let the two dogs bite the dog! The old man doesn't have so much free time to play with you. Since the government has a spiritual dream, he hasn't exposed himself at all.

It's great to complete the task successfully and over-fulfilled! I didn't care at all that the princess would repay me. In this way, I clapped my hands and stared. Just when he came home, you didn't mean to wait for someone else.


Ye Guhan's injury has long reached the point where it is possible to cut off gas at any time... Even if you ask Ying Bokong to enter Xuanqi in person, Ye Guhan's injury can no longer be played by the so-called pure Xuanqi. He is exhausted. Even if there is a large amount of pure Xuanqi, it is useless. What he lacks is the vitality given to flesh and blood by the soul, including the fighting. He is at a loss about it, and there is nothing he can do! The Great Eagle Supreme just lost the most pure and soft supreme mysterious gas to Ye Guhan. Can Ye Guhan survive until now? Jun Moxie walked in with a frustrated face. Everyone stood up together and said, "Did the princess find a cesarean?" Jun Moxie shook his head listlessly, sat down in a chair, took a sip of tea, complained, and said, "You look so highly of me. You have been abducted for so long. Where can I find it? I can't find it!"

Jun sighed inadvertently and didn't say anything. Dugu Xiaoyi wanted to say something, but Sun Xiaomei grabbed his little hand and pinched it, and then stopped. The eagle dug out the air and snorted, "This man is already like this. It's a waste to inject more mysterious spirit. Since you are back, you don't need me. I'm going back to practice." He didn't say hello and walked away gracefully.

Dugu Xiaoyi curled his lips and said, "This old man can't do anything but make a pulse. How dare he be a man... How did your Jun family invite such a charlatan? What a waste of rice!"

This sentence made the eagle who was outside the door suddenly stumbled, almost fell down, and snorted angrily. What's wrong with this little girl? If it hadn't been for the fact that I had just given a hand to help her life with Xuanqi, could this seriously injured boy support the thief come back? But seeing that the little girl with pink makeup, she really lost her temper. She waved her sleeves and brushed without a trace.