The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 91 Am I finally my turn?

, broke out on the second day! Update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Brothers, sisters, the top ten, it's just one step away! Everyone gives me strength! Rush up!!)

"I ask you, who are you? If you have the guts, just say your name!" Tears Jianhong trembled slightly all over his body, and his voice was low. He ignored the man's cynicism, and did not look at the terrible body of his brother on the ground.

The third sister Fang Piaohong looked straight at the body of the second brother on the ground, trembling all over and couldn't say a word.

The fierce fighting in the field also suddenly stopped. Zhao Wuji and others were very lucky to escape from death; they didn't care much about the other party coming so late for so long.

Whether it's late or early, as long as you come. Isn't it better to save your own life than anything else?

Although everyone stopped, the atmosphere in the field was becoming more and more depressing!

The man in red laughed and suddenly raised his hand, and the sleeves of his robe snapped, making a crisp sound in the air. He was clearly hit in nothingness, but it was like hitting a physical object.

There was a slight sweeping sound around, and suddenly there were dozens of figures quietly in all directions.

In the light of the fire, all of them were dressed in red and stood quietly. But a pair of eyes flashed with a cold and contending light, just like a bloodthirsty wolf in the dark night, waiting for the order of the wolf king.

The two figures slowly floated forward and came to the previous man in red, facing the tearful sword Hong and Fang Piaohong. The blue light on the body shines softly, but it brings a strong visual impact to people such as Tear Jianhong!

These three people are all powerful people!

Dan looked around, and the bright yellow mysterious colors were distributed everywhere, and there were more than a dozen earth mysterious masters. The rest were all green jade colors, with a full of thirty or forty people!

Tears Jianhong's heart cooled down in an all of an hour.

A cold piece!

How can this battle be fought!

The strength of the other party has far exceeded that of himself! And on our side, there are only myself and the third sister.

"My name? Haha, Mr. Tears, you are not the first day to come out. You are the killer of the Blood Sword Gate. How can I tell you your name? Even if I don't care about you two, I still care about tears without sadness. Tears are not supreme! As for whether you have guts or not, you might as well ask your second brother. He must know it very well!" The previous man in red turned his head and then answered Lei Jianhong's question.

"Very good! Blood Sword Gate, Tears remember you!" Tears Jianhong looked at them sadly and angrily and turned around: "Sister, let's go!"

"Slow!" The man in red suddenly shouted.

Tears Jianhong stopped.

"What? Don't you still want to keep the two of us?" Tears Jianhong laughed miserably: "Although your strength is far above us, we are indeed no match for fighting head-on, but do you think you can have this strength to keep us?"

Tears Jianhong is right. The top figures on both sides are strong at the Tianxuan level. It is naturally not difficult for the side of the Blood Sword Gate to defeat the Tear Sword Hong, but it is difficult to leave the Tear Sword Hong and Fang Piaohong behind. But it is absolutely impossible! As long as the two of them want to go, they can kill a bloody road at any time and run away.

"Hehe, Brother Tears misunderstood his brother's kindness; Brother Tears, as the only bloodline of the cold-blooded supreme, of course, we dare not offend." The man in red said slowly, "It's just that you don't want to take away Master Tuesday's body? Do you want him to expose his body to the wilderness?"

Tears Jianhong snorted coldly and did not answer. He suddenly pulled up and held Fang Piaohong in one hand. He didn't even want to say more words about the scene. He directly rose and landed on the branch and disappeared in the night sky.

Tears Jianhong saw it very clearly. As long as he held Zhou Jianming's body and had this heavy burden, he could never leave again. The words of the man in red obviously contained the evil heart, and he should leave himself and his sister here to avoid future troubles.

In fact, the grievance this time has been settled, and the two sides have no room to turn around. They will never die or stop. As long as you show your intention to have the body of your second brother, you will definitely use extreme means to keep the two of you for convenience, even if your father is cold-blooded supreme, so what? Don't forget that if the two of them really die here, and even if they kill all the guards belonging to the Li family, there is no proof of death. At that time, even if his father wanted to seek revenge, he could not find an enemy!

And the other party obviously has this strength!

So he made a prompt decision and immediately flew away.

Just as Tears Jianhong judged, the other party knew that there was no point in intercepting him, so no one intercepted him!

In the hazy night, a milky faint fog suddenly rose, slowly covering the whole field. The fog became thicker and thicker, and gradually seemed to form a thin barrier.

In the mountains and forests, there will always be such fog rising in the early morning at night, and everyone did not pay attention to it. What's more, in this fog, there are still bursts of fresh mountain forest atmosphere, which makes everyone feel refreshed. Everyone involuntarily took two more breaths. I suddenly felt refreshed!

But I don't know when Jun Moxie, who came down from the tree, sighed deeply.

It's a pity!

It's a pity that Tears Jianhong and others left too early. If they stay for a little longer, they will be able to serve it in one pot. It's a pity that I worked so hard to get the ** fragrance. Unexpectedly, there were two fish that missed the net,,

Of course, it is not suitable to use ** incense in the previous battle, so the powerful mysterious airflow is afraid that the ** incense will be blown clean in an instant, and it will have no effect at all.

So now Jun Moxie saw that the situation was stable, so he used this coin. The ** fragrance refined with the aura of the heaven and earth of the Hongjun Tower is almost invisible and traceless.

The taste is still a little, and it is also very refreshing and elegant, but all the people who have this elegant taste will unconsciously lose their resistance. Even if they are masters of Xuanqi, after inhaling a certain amount of ** fragrance, the Xuanqi will drop a few levels in an instant, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

This is also Jun Moxie's biggest card in this operation!

"You guys are finally here." Zhang Cunxiao already had a lot of injuries on his body, and he limped to welcome him. Zhao Wuji also followed him and looked at the eyes of these people in red, full of fear mixed with infinite flattery.

"Well, there was an accident before. It was delayed for a while. The man in red nodded expressionlessly and said, "Where are those crossbows?"

Zhang Cunxiao looked at Zhao Wuji. Zhao Wuji understood and took everyone to the front of several big cars, but did not enter the carriage. He came to the horse pulling the cart, first unloaded the saddle, then broke it with his hand, and untied a long, almost transparent belt from the horse. It was untied in circles, and finally a thin piece of fur was pulled out from under the horse's stomach, with a bang,

It turned out that Zhao Wuji tied the crossbow here.

It's just this scheming, and it's really unexpected. It's really good.

Even if a thief wants to do it, he will search the carriage at most. If the carriage is not there, he will go to another direction to find it. Who cares about the horse that is almost clear at a glance?

"There are a total of 350 hand crossbows, 20 more than expected, and they were sent together; the original production drawings have also been burned; there are 20 under the belly of each horse; under the rest of the horse's belly, carrying a total of 7,000 special crossbows! This is only the first batch of crossbows, and the second batch of crossbows is being built.

Zhao Wuji said in panic, bowing his head and bowing. Somehow, he felt that the person in red in front of him was full of cold, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with himself.

"Very good! You have completed your task well." The man in red said with relief, "I allow you to have a good rest. And give you a reward,"

"Thank you," Zhao Wu was overjoyed and bowed to thank him, but before he finished speaking, his head suddenly fell to the ground with a bang. There was still a flattering smile on his face, but the man in red suddenly cut off with his sword!


This is the last comment left by the man in red!

"The reward I gave you is to reunite with your second brother! Under the yellow spring, you can rest forever!" The man in red tested the way.

"Senior" What about you? Zhang Cunxiao just asked in surprise. The man in red had slapped him on the head, and his brain suddenly cracked! Before he died, he struggled and said, "Why?"

"Why? I thought you would be smart. It turns out that you are also an idiot! How could you ask me why?" The man in red wiped the blood on his hands and smiled, "You idiots really think that the Blood Sword Hall is cooperating with the stupid second prince like a pig? He deserves it!"

Suddenly waved his hand and said harshly, "Do it!"

All the people in red immediately started at the same time. They had just intentionally or unintentionally approached the lucky ones who had survived before. They almost stood together, and the lucky people knew that the reinforcement was coming, the shadow of death dissipated, and their hearts fell to the ground. There was no guard at all. At this moment, the leader in Down, he turned up his elbow and armpit, and in an instant, it was like cutting melons and vegetables. A "lucky man" who was killed turned over, and even the idea of resistance did not rise, and he had already fell down one after another.

And the other part of the man in red is the silent vertical tear sword Hong and others who did not take away when they left, swords and swords together!

Earlier, these people attacked others under the leadership of two Tianxuan masters and had the upper hand. However, it was attacked by a group of Dixuan and Yuxuan masters led by three Tianxuan masters! The situation turned over completely one by one. Since the two of them left, they have been desperate, but now they can't afford to have the slightest courage to resist. They were killed almost in an instant!

At this moment, there are only dozens of people in red left on the field. Their combat effectiveness is really strong. In a round of tearing, no one on their side was injured.

The white fog in the mountains is thicker!

"Check it as soon as possible to confirm which one has a hand crossbow immediately, pack it up and withdraw immediately!" The leader, the man in red, issued a hasty order.

"Ha ha, it's finally my turn" It's really *** hard to wait! However, your *** fight was so not so fierce that few people were killed, which made me very unhappy!"

A illusory laughter suddenly came out, suddenly on the left, suddenly on the right, suddenly in the front, suddenly in the back, the change was unpredictable, only heard him say: "Blood Sword Hall" is really awesome, this cheap pick-up, I'm really convinced and admire! However, since your Blood Sword Hall is not for the second prince, who is it for? Or you should ask, who has such a great charm that you deserve to work for? I'm very interested."

"Who? Who is pretending to be a ghost? Get out of here!" The man in red shouted loudly and looked around.

"Hum" Dang, I'm your old man. That's what your father means!" The man in the shadow smiled obscenely and suddenly laughed, "Good son, why don't you kneel down and kowtow to welcome your arrival!"

"Looking for death!" The man in red was furious and listened carefully. Suddenly, he jumped up, and a blue sword light came out like a long dragon. The sword light rumbled a few times, and several big trees were cut off! The landslide fell down like a crack, and the ground was dusty.

"What? How is this possible?" The man in red, who had just showed his power and killed the same level of master, suddenly shouted in shock. He suddenly found out. His own Tianxuanqi was actually in the rapid passage of time, with the release of the sword just now. Unexpectedly, most of it has dissipated!

"Hahaha, there are only unexpected things in the world, but there is nothing that can't be done. What is impossible there!" The mysterious man in the dark roared and suddenly roared, "Let's do it!"

With a bang around, several places on the ground were overturned like waves, and the mud and soil exploded everywhere. The thick figures quickly jumped out, and then there were people running quickly in all directions.

A light figure suddenly transformed in mid-air and flew to another Tianxuan master, which was extremely fast!

The previous leader of the man in red was shocked. Shout: Be careful!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash in front of him, and a masked figure in black suddenly appeared in front of him. It turned out that the real goal of this man was him! In shock. Quickly dodge back, and at the same time, raise the sword to take an offensive.

But the man followed like a shadow and took the lead. The cold light flashed and stabbed his throat. This line of cold light is extremely fast. As strong as the eyesight of a man in red, he didn't even see clearly what kind of weapon it was, so he already felt a cold tingling in his throat.

The man in red didn't have time to draw his sword and retreated again; but he felt that the wind in his lower body sounded, and a knee hit his lower crotch fiercely. The man in red was shocked, his buttocks pouted, and avoided a foot of distance like lightning. Fang Ziqing was lucky to avoid this deadly soul-chasing blow, I only felt a tingling pain on my face. I knew that I had cut my skin with a sharp weapon. At the same time, there was a bang in my chest. The enemy's elbows hit the chest fiercely, and there was a pain in the lower body, and the most vulnerable part had been hit fiercely!

The man in red is angry, angry, painful and afraid.

These means are exactly what he dealt with Zhou Jianming just now, and the other party almost copied them completely! But at this time, the characters were easy to each other, and he became the one who was hit, and the speed of this person was more fierce and more accurate than himself!

Does there be retribution in the dark? To be continued)