The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 93 The aggrieved Tianxuan Killer

, broke out on the second day! The second update! Fourth, try harder. If you use the saying of playing games in the previous life, the attack power of Master Jun is too rubbish. The opponent is already naked, and there is a great negative state. However, Master Jun's side can't break the defense. Even if it is a frequent and intensive offensive, it doesn't make greater sense!

This is still in the case that people can't gather Xuanqi! This really can't be said clearly. It's really humiliating!

So Master Jun did not dare to relax at all. Although the attack was dense, he knew in his heart that if he could not kill the people in front of him in one fell swoop, as long as he was given a little chance to react, he would face a loss or even being reversed! After all, I only have Yuxuan when I'm full of calculations, but the other party is Tianxuan, a real realm of Tianxuan!

Even if the other party has only one-tenth of its skills left, he will suffer a lot!

So Jun Moxie thmped continuously. His fists, knees, elbows, feet and even his heels have been sore, but he still refused to relax at all, let alone dare not relax, so it seems that the attacks are getting more and more dense!

In the eyes of outsiders, such a one-sided battle has completely changed its taste.

In the eyes of outsiders, he can obviously kill the enemy with one blow, but he has to abuse the other party by such cruel means, which is simply a heinous crime. He is happy to abuse others!

It's simply the legendary killing!

Again, in order to deter the whole audience and further dispel the momentum of the other party, Jun Moxie showed the mysterious spirit, but the sky blue Tianxuan peak level mysterious color!

As today's Xuan's peak master, he beats a Tianxuan junior who is several floors lower than his own level, and the other party still can't fight back. Does he still need such a crazy beating? Just solve it with one punch,,

Young Master Jun is full of tears, and the ghost doesn't want to get in the way with a blow. What do I think? Isn't he unable to catch it?

Fortunately, this is not a pure data game world after all. Even the strong man of Tianxuan has his limit. Master Jun made more than 300 attacks one after another, all of which hit the same position in the chest. Only then did he finally break through his protective Xuanqi, broke his strong and arrogant body, and finally in the most The latter blow pierced his heart and cut off all his vitality!

But he didn't know that he punched the last time, and the image of resting still under fatigue, in the eyes of others, was pretending to be extreme, cruel and perverted to the extreme!

Since you have killed him, why are you still holding his body like this? It's like drying salted fish. Do you want to scare people to death, boss? It's a big night,

Nearly 200 people looked at the king killer in the field in awe, and they were silent for a moment.

It's so shocking!

It's so shocking!

After a long time, he came to his senses. The other two Tianxuan masters looked at Jun Moxie sadly and indignantly, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you? If you have the guts, sign up! The mountains are high and the rivers are long. Your kind gift today. I have no teeth to forget, and I have to repay it in the end of the day.

"Uh? Report it? Don't you still want to go?" Jun Mo blinked in surprise: "I'm too rich to rely on your imagination, aren't I? When did I say I would let you go? Are you sure you're not dreaming? Do you talk in your sleep?"

"Hahaha, we have been poisoned by you, and we have lost most of our power. This is an indisputable fact. Today is indeed a fiasco for us! But do you think you can trap us with you and the garbage stinky birds in front of us? Yes, you are the strongest person at the peak of Tianxuan, and your skills are far beyond ours, but if we just want to leave, even with your ability, you can only stop one of us at best. Come on! If you want to keep us all, it's a dream! Therefore, it will only you who really have beautiful dreams and talk in your dreams!"

Two blood-clothed Tianxuan laughed sadly, and the cold words sounded: "Don't be afraid to tell you honestly, no matter who you are, whether there is someone else behind you, in short, you and your power are dead! There must be no beautiful dreams, but nightmares must keep coming!"

"Only one of you can be left? What kind of bastard are you talking about! If I can't keep you, I won't come tonight! Dreaming? Let's see who is dreaming!" Jun Moxie sneered and waved his hand: "Kill!"

Two hundred people roared at the same time, even those who were seriously injured regardless of the injury. They raised their swords again and rushed up like a tide.

"Haha" The two Tianxuan killers laughed loudly and suddenly rose up, one to the south and the other to the north.

Sprinting long body!

Even if the perverted leader in front of him has the peak cultivation of Tianxuan, there is always only one person. How to take down two strong people of the same level who are going to the opposite direction!

Jun Moxie hummed and laughed. He didn't even mean to move a little. He just shouted coldly, "Come down!" With his voice, he shouted. The sky also seemed to suddenly dark with this shout! The big men on the ground also scattered in a neat and orderly manner, and quickly flashed out of the circle.

If the two bloody killers raise their eyes, they can't help cracking their liver and gall at the same time!

In the air in all directions, dozens of huge nets with bright hooks covered all the spaces within dozens of square meters of the place, and covered them densely and without omission! Looking at the flying in all directions, Ercangran has no dead angle! And Yao fell down with a heavy curtain. Zhang Net!" There is another one, even if you can barely break through the first weight, there is a second weight, or even the third weight,

In the miserable and desperate cries of these two Tianxuan killers, forty or fifty big nets fell down and covered them.

If their power has not been lost, or they can carry their whole body's power to break or even break these big nets, it's just a matter of an eye.

But at this moment, the power is greatly lost. Even if you can still break it, it will take a lot of time to transport the power.

However, what they lack the most now is time!

How could Jun Moxie give them plenty of time for drama?

Under the order, more than 200 big men threw down their swords one after another, casually took out the thick wooden sticks that had already been prepared, and smashed them down the two moldy eggs shrouded by dozens of layers of big nets!

This is a great opportunity to take Jin Xuan's cultivation as ** Tianxuan's master. It may not be once in a lifetime. How can you let it go? Everyone had the pleasure of watching Master Jun's opponent before, but they refused to let Master Jun specialize in the front!

What about the strong man of Tianxuan? It's still ** to kill you, no, it's you!

The sky-blue mysterious light can still be faintly seen through the heavy net. Obviously, these two strong people today are still struggling desperately, trying to turn the tide, but the ruthless facts tell them that everything is useless! A wooden stick that approached the thickness of the thighs fiercely, the force was heavy, and it fell on the two meat eggs,,

Their nightmare really came!

The screams were endless. At first, the two masters of Tianxuan, who were still full of face and refused to shout pain. This Xuan shouted more happily than anything else. The sad cry broke through the night sky, and the sound spread for several miles, like a night otter.

Although their other companions today died miserably, they always died under the sneak attack of such a master such as the "Tianxuan Peak". Although they died gloriously, what about the two of them? But he is going to be killed by a group of ants Jin Xuan**. How tragic is life so far?!

Speaking of which, these two people are really unlucky. All the tragic encounters are found by themselves, and they have nothing to do with others.

Jun Moxie was originally very concerned about the two of them. Although these two people have won ** incense, they are real masters of Tianxuan after all. No matter how their strength regresses, they can also have the initial level of Dixuan, or even higher cultivation, and it is impossible to directly degrade the Xuanqi to the point. If they are real. Fight to the death, I'm afraid it will cause huge casualties to 200 guards!

So before, Jun Moxie transformed his own fantasy into the unique color of the peak of Tianxuan, and used Ran to deter them!

Sure enough, after the two saw it, the only choice was to run away immediately and run away separately. In fact, it's no wonder: the strength of the two is only the primary level of Tianxuan. Even if they meet the peak of Tianxuan in the heyday state, they have to run for their lives. What's more, most of the Xuanqi has dissipated now?

But the two of them escaped, and they just fell into Jun Moxie's plan!

He has already arranged for four people to hide in the tree for five years, each with two big nets in hand, just waiting for this mysterious appearance! Are there only 200 people who didn't show up? You know, the total number of these people is two hundred and fifty-four!

is equivalent to fifty-four skilled Wang Fu, who scattered a large and dense number of large nets at the same time. These two people are in a panic, and when they have nowhere to borrow in the air, how can they not be hit?

The two masters who should have caused huge casualties to Jun Moxie's side may not be able to catch them, so aggrieved and became the fish in the net! Not only the fish in the net, but also the meat of the cutting board at this moment, which can be slaughtered by others. You can cut it as much as you want!

Two hundred big men waved big sticks like they were desperate, as if the soybeans needed to be threted after harvesting in the golden autumn. It was so happy to beat it! As the screams became more and more, there was no movement in the end. Jun Mo was afraid of fraud, so he still drank the order to continue to hammer half a column of incense for no other reason. This is just the caution of the killer.

After beating, Master Jun came forward to have a look. Well, the effect was very good, and even the big net was directly broken. It seems that the face in my hand can no longer be regarded as a human being. Well, it is not even meat. It has directly become minced meat, 100% minced meat,,

Even if you stew it in a pressure cooker for a day, it won't be so bad.

Jun Moxie narrowed his eyes and looked forward. He waved his hand and said, "Clean up the battlefield immediately. If you are an enemy, you can make up another knife if you don't breathe; take care of yourself carefully and leave the injured; carefully clean up all the hand crossbows and arrows, and make sure that there is no trace. Start the action now!"

Everyone agreed.

Jun Moxie raised his head and looked in a certain direction in the mountains and forests. His eyes seemed to smile, which was meaningful

In an instant, the battlefield was cleaned up and quiet. Jun Moxie gave an order. With the roar, everyone turned over their horses at the same time. With the sound of hooves, a group of people disappeared in an instant.

Only the world is full of flesh and blood, a mess, witnessing this extremely bloody battle!

(Monthly ticket does not increase" (to be continued)