The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 97 Two little girls and two troubles

"Alas, it is said that the magistrate in three years, 100,000 snowflake silver, you have only made 50,000 in the past five years... What a loser!" Jun Moxie continued to sigh.

You also said that you are a magistrate, 100,000, but I am just a county magistrate, or a county magistrate with only tens of thousands of people in the jurisdiction... It's several levels away from the magistrate... The fat pig intestine continued to mutter in his heart, but his face was still respectful, listening to the words of the king's vanguard.

"But it doesn't matter, or eat a gap to grow wisdom. When the young master comes this time, you will know what to do; well, there are still two months before the young master can return from Tiannan, and I'm afraid that this carriage can't be taken. In the past two months, you have seized the time to levy and embezzlement and bribe quickly. When the young master comes back, you have to take a better carriage. Get ready early! Don't be in such a hurry as this time. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared!" Mr. Jun said so.

The fat pig intestines fell to the ground, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and tears flowed down: "Major General, I will never dare to do it again. I will definitely correct my past, wash my mind, and get lost my way. "The prodigal son turns back, repent, and be a new person! Resolutely seek the welfare of the general public - painstaking efforts, dedication, dedication... This..."

"You are so educated! I can't believe I can say so many idioms. Say a few more words. If you say a few more words, I may be kind-hearted and compassionate!" Jun Moxie looked at him with a smile and praised him.

The fat pig intestines kowtowed and threw himself to the ground. In this mysterious \\& 1, he has made a decision in his heart that he would rather die than change: to be an official, it's better to be a clean official. Corrupt officials... can't be, brothers. When you meet this major general, you will know the pain of being a corrupt official...

Don't regret it... Is this girl going to make another carriage in two months?

I cried and shed tears in my heart!

If you cry to your face, you will probably die...

I must call on the corrupt officials all over the world to be clean officials and serve the people. Master Jun searched fiercely, and the soul-eating troops outside to suppress bandits also came back. The blood of the people's heads ticked on the lobby of the county government office, almost scared the poor fat pig intestines. I have to faint...

This is a human head, wow, I cao, why are there so many...

Jun Dafeng, who had enough to eat and drink enough to blackmail, detained his buttocks and left, the fat pig intestines began to look forward to your unintentional army, because Jun Moxie said: If there is any omission in the army's materials, I will come back to make a carriage immediately. If I can't do it well, I And it's up to you to decide whether the military supplies are good or bad. You can do it...

So the enthusiasm of the fat pig intestines simply made you unintentionally a little creepy. What kind of person is this? As for Jun Mo Xiejun's vanguard, he continued to lead his 250+1 remnants of the sky and soul all the way straight to the south. It seemed that there was no bridge when the mountain opened the road, but the On the ground, it rolls south.

Naturally, under his deliberate bloody training, the strength of the two teams that devours the soul in the sky has made rapid progress. Thousands of miles a day, the temperament of each one is becoming more and more murderous.

All of them are like fierce ghosts coming out of hell. The sharp eyes and cool breath are all clearly displayed. This is a team of battlefield meat grinders and seem to be horrible!

Punishment is not a big deal, but face is important!

At noon on the fourth day, Jun Moxie and his party and the main force had already opened a journey of 400 miles. Jun Moxie sat in the carriage of six tall horse carts and leisurely. The horse was very wide. The carriage was two meters wide and three and a half meters long. There was not only a small bed in it, but also a coffee table with a bench, which was enough for Jun Mo Xie to have a meeting in the carriage.

However, Jun Moxie did such a thing once, and it was stopped in less than half a quarter of an hour. For nothing else, these old men who have been running all day on the road, "Even if they are wearing shoes, the smell on their feet can hit people! Especially in this almost sealed carriage, the taste is like the genuine salted fish has just been fried. In this way, after that, the young master Jun left it for a whole day to get rid of the taste...

"Son, there is someone blocking the way in front of you." The speaker is Wang Dong, the leader of the soul-eating team.

At this moment, this method is quite ferocious, and the soul-eating leader, who is already a murderous chicken, actually stutters a little.

"Block the way? Shit!! Is there anyone in Tianxiang who dares to stop the young master's way? Jun Moxie asked in surprise, lifted the curtain and jumped down. Let's see who this bold brother is.

As soon as he came out, Jun Moxie took a look and immediately gasped, my good boy! No wonder Wang Dong stammered!

However, there is nothing too terrible and charming in front of him. He is simple and cute. He is holding a snow-white leopard in his arms. The little leopard is blinking at Jun Moxie and sticking out his tongue. There is a meaning to throw himself into his arms...

The other person is dressed in snow white, with a beautiful face like ice, cold and arrogant, natural and national color, graceful j; posture, peerless.

This, 1, the two great beauties looked at Jun Mobang's eyes, which was exactly the pleasant expression of the cat catching the mouse.

The two girls are Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi!

Jun Mo Wu moaned and wanted to faint directly.

It's too shocking-!

No wonder I didn't see two women pestering me in the two days before the expedition, and I misunderstood them, but it turned out that they had already made an appointment to leave home at that time! Now, I'm waiting for myself here.

What should I do?!

For the first time, Master Jun regretted his merits and demerits of being this pioneer!

Real regret, how come these two hot potatoes are still in their own hands after all? I, I... What kind of evil have I done in my life?

I, I... Why do I have to be this pioneer? Isn't it beautiful for me to follow the team obediently? In that case, everything will be supported by the third uncle, and it will be my turn to worry? It's good now. This is really called Tiantian should not, and the land doesn't work...

This is going to Tiannan. It's really not a travel vacation...

Young Master Jun doesn't know what to say. What can he say? ......

Jun Moxie couldn't help looking back. How he hoped that at this moment, the smoke and dust rose behind him. Jun had no intention of leading 20,000 troops, and the divine soldiers and generals generally fell from the sky! Save the poor me in the water and fire...

That's also a luxury. The distance between the two is at least more than 400 miles, and you can't catch up!

"Don't look at it. It's useless to look at it again. We have inquired about it for a long time, but we came here specially to wait for you. Guan Qinghan looked at him faintly: "Now, you can come out of the carriage. My little sister Xiaoyi and I will ride in the carriage. You won't have any problem with riding, will you?"

Jun Moxie was speechless for a while.

Does it seem to be a kind discussion? What can we have? What do we dare to have? What does it mean to be domineering?

That's right.

What did my brother do to the fat pig intestines? Is it as direct as the former female king? Unexpectedly, it directly drove my brother and me out of the carriage. Isn't this the legendary dove occupying the magpie's nest? One by one, there were soul-eating team members secretly laughing around. Jun Mo Wu stared angrily, and the laughter suddenly stopped. Everyone did not squint, and their faces were solemn and serious.

"Cough! Cough..." Jun Moxie cleared his throat and was ready to use his three-inch tongue. He persuaded the two beautiful women in front of him who seemed to have made up their minds to get lost: "I said \\& \\& that... sister-in-law, um, and that... little girl..."

"Well, Brother Mo Xie, aren't you surprised to see me here? Isn't it unexpected? Do you want to hug me? I know, I understand, that's what I am!" Dugu Xiaoyi jumped in front of Jun Moxie with a smile and looked at him with his head tilted.

Just like Xiao Baibai, it's a little that I want to throw myself into my arms, but the little girl is still more reserved than Xiaobai Bai Bai. Xiaobai has jumped over, but Miss Dugu is probably waiting for Master Jun to take the initiative, and then she will come to a flying swallow.


I only feel scared! As for the accident, it's true, and the hug is something. I don't feel very urgent, but I really want to hit your little buttocks hard! Jun Mowu wanted to take a look. Well, it doesn't seem to be small. If you hit it twice, it should be very touching...

After thinking about it for a while, Jun Moxie suddenly remembered, what's wrong with these two girls? It's serious to drive them back quickly! In an instant, his face darkened, and the young man said sanctimoniously, "Sister-in-law, Miss Dugu, you are worried about us. Mo Wujin is grateful to the soldiers of the whole army on behalf of this trip to Tiannan; but... Here is heaven's punishment, the mountain is high and the road is far away Besides, both of you are single women, and it is inconvenient to travel together! I'll send someone to force you back to Tianxiang City.

Speaking of the four words of single woman, Jun Mo Wu found that these two girls really didn't even bring a close-fitting maid! I really thought this was a public-funded trip to the mountains and water. We are going to war!

"Try it. I also want to know who dares to send us back." Guan Qinghan didn't care at all and looked at him coldly.

"Brother Mo Xie... You really have the heart to drive us back. We're all here." Dugu Xiaoyi didn't care as confident as Qinghan. Chu Chu looked at him pitifully. His eyes turned red, and he seemed to be about to cry: "Brother Mo Xie, this place is more than a thousand miles away from Tianxiang. It's such a long journey. If something happens to my sister Guan on the road... How can you bear it Besides, the road is dangerous and unpredictable..."

"Come with me like this! It's useless for me to look at me. Jun Mo Wu is indifferent. Now he knows that the road is dangerous and people are accurate? Didn't you think of it when you came out? In this case, will I believe it?! Do you really think I'm two hundred and fifty?