The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 109 Heavenly Punishment

"You boy, don't talk nonsense here! Under such circumstances. How can you be wise and selfish? If this battle is defeated, at least tens of millions of mysterious beasts will flood inland! How many civilians will suffer at that time? Even if it is the most conservative estimate, I'm afraid it will be more than tens of millions! This is simply a catastrophe!"

Jun said harshly, "At this juncture, only by putting all personal grudges behind, working together and working together, can we barely have a little hope!"

"Yes, I don't mean to say it well; this battle between people and mysterious beasts is related to the success or failure of the whole continent for more than a hundred years in the future. If you can't really twist it into a rope, I'm afraid it will really be a fiasco." If the situation is really easy, how can you I believe that he is the key to seeing this. Forced by the severe situation, he did not hesitate to surrender his identity and issued the supreme summoning order! If this is not the case, the eternal sinner will be his fierce!"

Dongfang asked Qing with a wry smile: "If it is the benefit of the first battle. Naturally, morale will be greatly boosted. If it fails, I dare to guarantee that at least one-third of the people in the world will slip away, or even more! After all, preserve your strength and compete for hegemony. It is an idea to make a profit in the chaos, until then. But it's really over

"The inferiority of human beings" Everyone wants to fight, and everyone wants to smash the dog that falls into the water; but when the battle turns into a hard bone and the dog that falls into the water becomes a big tiger, I believe that the vast majority of people will try their best to stay behind, let others fight first and then pick up the bargain by It's better to lose face than to lose your life. Anyway, I'm not the only one who is unlucky, but also humiliated by more than one person. Everything goes *** has nothing to do with me

Jun Moxie shook his head and said sarcastic words. He was very happy, but he saw that all four of them looked bad and getting darker and darker. It seemed that he was about to beat himself up. He hurriedly laughed dryly: "I'm going to pee" and panicked." He didn't excrete the pollution when he "Brothers, let's talk slowly." As he spoke, he turned around one by one. Run away immediately"

The four people in the tent looked at each other in consterration, and there was nothing they could do about this lazy boy.

"It's so far, it's useless to think too much! When I arrived in Tiannan, after seeing Li Juetian, I came to your army to protect you and Mo Xie nearby. If it really doesn't work, let's get together. There is also a chance to save your life. As Mo Xie said, saving people is a good thing, but it is meaningless to put yourself in order to save people. Everything should be improvised at that time"

Jun nodded heavily and looked up to the sky and sighed: "I really don't know where the root cause of this catastrophe came from and why did it cause such a big disaster? I think that the mysterious beast will never be punished for no reason; it must be because there is something or someone who provokes them. If I know who the originator is. I will definitely skin him alive! This is simply a joke about the world!"

The other three people are called at the same time.

After slipping away, the young master Jun, who came back to listen to the corner, only felt a cold sweat all over his body. I shouted injustice in my heart: My original intention was just to let them teach the Blood Soul Villa. Who let him dare to rob our king's daughter-in-law? But the conscience of heaven and earth, why did this matter develop so spectacular? I really don't know."

I really didn't mean it, but you can't blame me!

It was only the next day that Third Master Jun knew that Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi also secretly followed Tiannan. When he saw these two women who were hiding with expressions of bad intentions, Third Master Jun was almost mad on the spot. He almost scolded Jun Moxie to death, and he scolded him once he saw him! I almost chased and beat him with a stick...

How can these two women come to such a dangerous thing in such a place?

This directly led Jun Moxie and his third uncle to start the game of hide-and-seek. Wherever you don't intend to go, Jun Moxie will run away in advance, slip faster than a rabbit, and never look at him.

The army marched forward and finally arrived in Tiannan City on the third day! At this time, it is already the thirty-third day from Tianxiang City! Based on the daily march of 400 miles, he came all the way and waded through mountains and rivers. More than 10,000 miles!

As soon as they arrived at Tiannan City, everyone gasped together.

Outside Tiannan City, it is almost thousands of miles away. Well, of course, there are still forests. But those places that used to be inhabited are now full of ruins. Especially when you see a certain direction, Jun Moxie gloated and his stomach cramped."

That was the original location of the Blood Soul Villa, and now it is the headquarters of the headquarters of the mysterious beast,

All the way, even if it is behind Tiannan City. There are also a large number of high-level mysterious beasts roaring around in groups. If you see a single mysterious person. There will definitely be a rush of attacks! But the discipline of the mysterious beasts is obviously very strict. Three hundred miles north of Tiannan City, you will never see a mysterious beast


It can be seen from this that the target of the mysterious beasts is only the people of Tiannan Chengfeng for the time being. Or, only those who have a grudge against them, such as Blood Soul Villa, Li Juetian, "or his son,,

Tiannan City, which is by no means smaller than Tianxiang City, is the largest city in the southern end of the whole continent. However, the surrounding mountains have been occupied by mysterious beasts, which is equivalent to being surrounded like an iron barrel.

You didn't mean to occupy the light of many people and drove into Tiannan City all the way.

At the moment of entering the city

"A long howling in my heart suddenly sounded across the mountain at the northern end of Tiannan City, and it spread far away through the clouds, as if it was conveying some message.

In an instant, the "wow" voice sounded from north to south, from east to west, and the message was transmitted in front of each other, rolling all the way through Tiannan City and all the way to the south.

A "roar" sounded from the south end, and then responded to the general relay all the way


It's like two people passing on the message, one person is saying: Another 10,000 enemies are coming, God is coming,

Another person said: I know,,

Well, the translation may not be accurate, but generally speaking, this should be the case.

"What an organized and disciplined mysterious beast. At this point, it is already better than many armies. It's almost about to talk about four beauty and three love." Jun Moxie praised from the bottom of his heart and shook his head and said, "The mysterious beast is not terrible. I'm afraid that the mysterious beast is educated."

There were two coquettish smiles around him. Before Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi entered the city, they were blackened by Jun Moxie, dressed up as two thin soldiers, and followed him. The kind of ten soldiers that made people look at the first sight and never see the second time" once aroused the strong dissatisfaction of the two beauties, OK, never accommodating, fully reflecting the iron-blooded side,

Dongfang Wenqing looked helplessly at this extremely nerve-minded nephew, and was extremely surprised that he was still in the mood to joke at this juncture. The ignorant are fearless"

sighed and said, "The message just delivered should be the eighth-level charcoal peak mysterious beast, white jade lion beast. This king of the jungle was actually used by the king of mysterious beasts to convey the message. It seems that this incident. It's really a big strip

"It's so big, it's lively, and it must be wonderful to fight." Jun Moxie smashed his mouth and said unwillingly, "Why did you come all the way here? Didn't you see the flying beast? If you grab one head and go back as a mount, Dora Feng, it's a sharp weapon to pick up girls. Wow, the little girls are red-hearted when they see the two-eyed concubine

Dongfang Wenqing stared at him and gasped for a long time. Finally, he turned his head and almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

Uncle Dongfang finally knew that his nephew's name was crowned by Tianxiang, which shocked the mainland. It was not unreasonable,

I finally understand that people with normal heads can't communicate normally with such crazy perverted thinking people in any way. Directly, chickens and ducks are foreign languages"

In the face of the arrival of Tianxiang reinforcements, Tiannan did not neglect at all. The silent and respectful generals of the Yuan garrison in the city did not intend to welcome the whole army into the city.

At first, the third master was quite suspicious. It should be known that although Tiannan City is a big city as famous as Tianxiang Capital, covering an extremely large area, the number of residents is also extremely large. In addition, reinforcements and tycoons from all over the world have come one after another since these days. If the third master of the king wants to come, I'm afraid that the city has been over Overwhelmed, more than 20,000 people on our side arrived in a rush. I'm afraid that there may not be enough space in the city to accommodate them, but if most of the sergeants are stationed outside the city, it is too risky. The third master is quite worried about this!

However, it is so easy for the whole army of 20,000 troops to enter Tiannan City, and the defenders are speechless and not embarrassed at all. This is really a strange thing, which is puzzling.

As soon as the whole army entered the city, the suspicion was finally solved,

In Tiannan City, there are rich and lakes on both sides of the road. Occasionally, you can see the wounded with bandages on their bodies and white cloth on their heads. Although it is a little noisy, there is no confusion. But everyone always felt that there seemed to be something missing in the city all the way.

Young Master Jun thought for a long time before he finally saw what was wrong and said, "Why does this city seem to have no people at all?" With his reminder, everyone suddenly woke up, and it was not that there were no ordinary people at all, but the number was very small, and even a small number of ordinary people, most of them were young and middle-aged, and the old, weak, women and children were the real ones.

The general of Tiannan smiled silently. He said, "The tide of mysterious beasts is so huge that how dare the last general neglect it? As early as half a month ago, all the people in the city had been escorted and relocated to avoid the disaster of the fish pond. All the old women and children moved to 300 miles away, leaving only the young and middle-aged men and the required store goods. If they can finally defeat the mysterious beast tide, they will go there in person and pick up the villagers. "They can't live and work in peace and contentment there, at least they can at least keep their wealth..."

You have no intention of awe!

"General Wan, you admire your heart for the country and the people!"

He smiled bitterly and said, "Speak honestly. In this sudden tide of mysterious beasts, in the unprecedented catastrophe, strong mysterious beasts have come to the city to make trouble more than a dozen times; such cruel wars that often cause thousands of casualties, why bother these ordinary people? I have no one in the court. I have been stationed in Tiannan for more than 12 years, and I have long formed a deep relationship with the grass and trees here. Although the people here are a little unkind, in my eyes, they are all my parents, brothers and friends! Now, even if I have the opportunity to leave, I won't choose to leave."

He looked at Tiannancheng's eyes, like looking at his hometown where he grew up, full of warmth and nostalgia.

The atmosphere became a little depressed for a while.

"There are a lot of people in this migration, right? It must have took a lot of effort?" Jun Moxie changed the topic.

"The south of the sky is no better than the inland. Although the place is large, the population is not large. It is surrounded by the city. A total of more than 154,9 million people have been relocated!" Wan Wu was a little gratified and a little proud. He smiled and said, "It's a little hard, but after all, it's more than 1.5 million lives!" Even if it's hard work, it's worth it!"


You have no intention to look at this ancient Tiannan City. He said heavily, "General Wan's painstaking efforts will not be in vain! Jun will not allow General Wan's efforts to be in vain!"

"I hope so, everything," please, General Junsan!" He was silent for a while and said in a low voice.

After rectifying the army and arranging camps. Wan Wuyan took the crowd and walked towards the city lord's council hall.

Turning around, you didn't mean to wait for someone to be neatly shocked!

Is this the conference hall?


This is simply a discussion square!

In front of the city's main house, all unrelated buildings have been demolished, leaving only a large campus that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. I don't know when a high platform was set up in the front of the original city master's house, which was more than ten feet high from the ground and surrounded by thick green cloth. At a glance, Jun Moxie almost thought he was going to set up a stage to sing a big play,,

Below, countless tents are set up on both sides. In front of these luxurious tents, a pole flag flutters in the wind and the autumn wind is strong. Nearly a hundred flags are flying obliquely at the same time, which looks very imposing. It says: "Blood Soul Villa Wind and Snow Silver City Ouyang" and "Duanmu Baili North Palace Wenren Zuoqiu God Gift"

"Yutang Broken Soul Palace" and so on.

Jun Moxie was full of interest and smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I saw the legendary martial arts conference today. It's really ***." I'm excited. I don't know if there is a beggar gang in it."

And you didn't mean to be the third master, but he was not as heartless as him, and he wrinkled at the first time


If you want to really win this battle, you must rely on the unified command of military generals to have a chance. Those powerful people, or command dozens of people and hundreds of people to fight in a group, but you have no intention of thinking that any of these people can command tens of thousands of troops.

But the formation in front of us obviously equalizes the armies of major empires with various martial arts families, and even the position of the army

In normal times, the army naturally does not put it in the eyes of these powerful mysterious people, but is it an ordinary time at the moment? Even if you look at people in the cracks of the door, you have to finish this battle and be so fragmented. Unexpectedly, he still wants to deal with the heavenly punishment beast king as a beast. A tide of mysterious beasts with a unified command? Is this simply the nonsense of the world?

"General Jun, our military account of Tianxiang. It's over there." Wan Wu smiled and stretched out his hand to point. In the middle, there was a larger tent, surrounded by green cloth, and the thick trough columns on both sides were buried deep in the soil. The curtain rolled up high, and it could be seen that the inside was very neat and quite spacious. There should be still free time to accommodate more than ten or twenty people.

In front of the door, a bloody flag flew in the air. "Tianxiang, Jun" three, the word is like a dragon soaring into the sky. With the sudden appearance of the strong wind, this flag. It is at least ten feet higher than that of other families, and the flag is much bigger, and it is the only one with a surname again!

"Huh?" You looked speechless with no doubt, and he was a little puzzled.

With a speechless smile, there is reverence in his eyes. He said, "The four commanders of the Jun family are the military family that I admire the most without saying anything; from the time of Marshal Zhan Tian, the commander in white has no regrets. The iron-blooded god of war has no dream, and the blood-clothed general has no intention of being the pride of my Tianxiang; I have always been proud of being speechless. Tianxiang has such a military god iron-blooded family! At the gathering in my Tiannan City, although they are all unrivaled masters, after all, they are the territory of my family and the land of my Tianxiang! This is the only thing I can do; I will never let our heroes bow down to others! General Jun, please!"

"Thank you very much!" I was unintentionally silent for a long time, cautiously, solemnly, and said these two words word by word.

"In the past few days of conversation, Wan can hear that many people seem to have a lot of opinions about the Jun family. General, be careful!" He was speechless and cautious, and reminded in a low voice. You have no intention of slowly nodding your head. He looked resolute in his eyes, but Jun Moxie's eyes flashed cold!

Jun Moxie pushed the wheelchair and walked slowly all the way. Behind him, the four people of Tianxiang lined up one by one. Press the handle of the sword with your hand, and don't squint. By his side, the three swords of the East walked forward proudly.

The party entered the venue leisurely in the eyes of the major families, if anyone would pay attention to it. You will definitely find that Jun Moxie pushed the wheelchair and walked in a straight line, which is the middle line of the whole site, no more than one point on the left and no less than one point on the right!

This is an extremely arrogant attitude!

This is my land! My territory! I have the final say! I can go as I like!

Such a route, the major families on both sides seem to be being reviewed! Hundreds of eyes shot over like sharp arrows!

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the whole venue seemed to be a little depressing. It seemed that Jun Moxie and Jun's unintentional arrival brought heavy wind and clouds and heavy pressure to this Tiannan City!

These six people moved forward quietly, but in the eyes of the surrounding major families, they seemed to see an invincible torrent of steel, moving forward silently, resolutely and irresistible!

The autumn wind over Tiannan City suddenly roared, blowing bigger and bigger. Clouds rolled in the sky on all four sides of the sky, slowly closing in the middle. A gust of wind whistling to the ground, flying sand and stones. Dust and smoke rose everywhere, and dozens of flags suddenly drifted neatly to the south, and even the rustling sound of the flags suddenly coincided at this moment!

The wind rolled up the dust and rushed into it; the four generals behind him, and the three of them in love with the East, narrowed their eyes slightly, and their bodies were slightly stagnant; but the king in the front did not look indifferent, looked cold, and did not even move his eyebrows;

The Jun Mo Xieyun behind him is light-hearted. The angry dragon with two eyebrows like dormant eyebrows seems to fly out at any time. The handsome face is a rare Xiao Sha; it is also motionless. The wind and clouds of the sky are changing, and the hundreds of burning eyes around are washed away. The speed of progress is not slow. Nothing has changed!

In everyone's eyes, the two uncles and nephews are like turning into a sharp and peerless sword, splitting the sky!

split a broad road that only accommodates two people to move forward!

This is the land of Tianxiang, which is also the closest to Tianxiang, but the army of Tianxiang came the latest. Many people have been unable to calm down and are very dissatisfied. They want to embarrass him when Tianxiang's army arrives, which is also the biggest reason why the major families have not gone out to welcome the army into the city .

But this Xuan looked at the two uncles and nephews who came slowly. No one came up with the idea of blaming! No one remembered the previous discussion. Everyone's heart is actually solemn! It's all respect!

Even Xiao Han, who is most jealous of you and wants you to die unintentionally, at this moment, his eyes can't help but be a little envious, with a strong sense of self-ephobiasment!

Is it true that I'm not as good as him!

You have no intention or no mysterious level of cultivation. There is no supreme level of martial arts; however, this generation of famous generals, who once commanded millions of heroes to fight in the battlefield, at this moment, really and truly to the heroes of the world, to countless Tianxuan, Shenxuan and supreme; he showed his unparalleled general demeanor and famous generals!

This kind of demeanor, if it weren't for holding millions of soldiers. Between the fingers, you can make the killing generals of thousands of miles of beacon fire and thousands of miles of scorched earth, if it weren't for the commander of Weifeng of the long-winning division and the will-win heart of planning. No one can have it! Even if he is the first master of Xuangong in the world, he will definitely not have such a high demeanor!

This is the hegemony of the palm of the mountain and river! The power of the world! yin��yin��sheng!

Although there are only two people in total! But that's enough! The alod wind bone was arrogantly stirled up from the seemingly quiet two people. Spread it out!

Even if there is a sword forest in front of you, a sea of hell and fire! Old man, step over there! Stepping!

God-given the Empire and the unified generals of the Yutang Empire. He stood up at the same time, involuntarily straightened his body and looked at the former sworn enemy. He is also the idol of the god of war in his heart, with eager eyes!

This is the pity of the soldiers!

In the silence, there are nine people in a group. Stepping on the same sheep, he slowly entered the tent.

The wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the wind and clouds covered the sun. The sky seemed a little dark in an instant.

At this time, a man laughed loudly and said, "Sure enough, he is a famous blood-clothed general, which is only the handsomeness that shocked the world. It's so convincing! I admire it in the dark night! And I apologize for not welcoming General Jun at the gate before! If General Jun has leisure time. Sikong's family wants to have a good drink with General Jun!"

The majestic laughter sounded heroically. From the big state of the tent of the Sikong family, the famous Tibetan man came out. He painted his back bear's waist, and his figure was extremely strong, but he had an extremely harmonious and comfortable feeling. His face was thick and expanded, and his cheeks on both sides were shaved A stubble came out.

Jun Moxie took a cursory look. This guy's height is at least more than 2.2 meters. Standing in front of the tent is like a towering towering iron tower and a dangerous mountain!

The person who came is the master of the Sikong family. Sikong Dark Night!

"Brother Sikong is serious! My younger brother is a landlord. It was the latest. It should not have been. I should have apologized to all the predecessors and brothers. As long as Brother Sikong is interested. You and I can drink at any time!" Jun inadvertently, his clear voice sounded leisurely, and his tone was calm.

"Good! OK!" Sikong laughed loudly in the dark night.

"Haha, my family, the master is right, just about to talk, but you, you, you guys took the lead, General Junsan, I am the Duanmu family, family, family, Duanmu "fried" fried rice,, polite

This man pulled the long cavity, but he still stuttered a little, but he still looked like something wrong, and he heard a taste of pretentiousness from his breath.

Jun Moxie burst out with a laugh. As soon as I heard it, I knew that there was no one else to speak, except for the "Duanmu fried rice" mentioned by Uncle Dongfang before.

I don't know whether it's extraordinary or not, but it's certain that it's pretentious!

"The owner of the Duanmu family is really polite. I don't want to be the owner of the house for a while!" Jun's unintentional voice is not happy or angry, but it makes people feel kind and comfortable like a spring breeze.

"No, you're welcome," polite Duanmu fried rice. Well, Duanmu Chaofan smiled twice and was about to speak when he suddenly said in a strange voice, "These two people are really arrogant. The last person to come is the people of the Tianxiang Empire. You don't mean it, do you?"

Jun Moxie followed the sound and looked at it. The speaker was twenty** years old, standing upright, and his demeanor was very vulgar. His eyebrows were handsome, but there was a faint shadow between his eyebrows. He stood under the big of the Blood Soul Villa, with a brocade robe and an antique scabbard sword slanted around his waist. When he saw it, he could confirm that he was a rare soldier. At this moment, he was looking at his side with disdainful eyes.

Jun Moxie has understood who the other party is in an instant. Who else can there be besides Li Tengyun, the son of Li Juetian, who wants to eat swan meat? A little white face that only relies on Zu Meng is extremely vulgar. If it were not for you, could there be this "human and beast battle"? When I find a chance that day, I will waste you!

Jun Moxie laughed and stood up.

In the oral war of the younger generation, you don't want to know how to interface. Naturally, it is appropriate for you to be a sangma. He said lightly, "This buddies with eyes on the top of his head and his nostrils are facing the sky. Do you think he is the young master of the Blood Soul Villa? It's also the local snake here who wants to bully people, Li Tengyun and Li Shaozhuang, right?

"You!" Humph, for you, do you still need to take power? Li Tengyun showed a trace of gloom in his eyes, a trace of contempt, and said gloomily, "The current situation is so urgent. As a landlord, your family came so late. What's your intention? What you did. Can't others ask?"

"The military situation is urgent, we naturally know; but why did you come so late? First, you have to ask our emperor why he didn't order earlier, and second, you also want to ask you Blood Soul Villa. Since the situation is so urgent, what did you do earlier? Why didn't you ask for help earlier?"

Jun Moxie snorted and said, "That's right. The face of the Blood Soul Villa is still very important. If you Blood Soul Villa hadn't been arrogant and stubbornly, and finally delayed the matter to the point where it is almost unmanageable at the present, how could it be like this? You are incompetent and powerless before you think of finding a helper. Don't you feel ashamed that you still have the face to blame others? Anyone present can ask what we do, but you and your Blood Soul Villa can't ask!"

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "Even if it's a question. There are so many seniors and masters here. When will it be your turn? Don't forget that the Supreme is just you, not yourself! What right do you have to ask? What are you?

"How dare you say that about me? What a bold man! Who are you?" Li Tengyun's eyes condensed, and he knew that his tongue was not the opponent of the person in front of him. He simply turned his words and questioned the other party's identity, and there was no lack of the intention of accounting in his heart.

"My brother is Jun Moxie!" Jun Moxie smiled proudly: "You must have heard of my brother's name, right? Is there a kind of "I've heard the name for a long time, like thunder, and the bright moon is in the sky. When I see it today, it really lives up to its reputation. The feeling of admiration."

"It turns out that you are Jun Moxie, the prodigal son of the Jun family who eats and waits to die, and the disciple of Tianxiang Deng who does all kinds of evil! The young master has indeed been admired for a long time. The real notoriety is like thunder, and the ruffian's reputation is worth it!"

Li Tengyun consciously grabbed the other party's little braids, laughed twice, and said, "It's just that all the people here are outstanding in the world. Can you let such ruffians sneak in? What's the right to talk to the young master like you?

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "I'm an evil disciple. There's nothing to deny, but no matter how obscary my brother is, I'm not shameless enough to rob someone else's daughter-in-law. Master Li, at this point, you are my predecessor. You are really a role model for my generation of dy Ah!"

"You" Guan Qinghan is a good Tsinghua woman, but she was occupied by your family. The two of us fell in love with each other. What's wrong with me saving her out of the fire pit? Don't mention that your eldest brother has been dead for many years. Do you still have to keep your dead brother's spiritual card for the rest of his life? Is there such a truth in the world?" Li Tengyun's face turned slightly red, and he suddenly became angry. Naturally, he refused to be despicable and hurriedly quibbled.

"Do you like each other? Save her from the fire? Have you asked for her own consent? Jun Moxie looked up to the sky and laughed, "I really didn't expect that there would be someone in the world who was so shameless! It's not reasonable to hold it, it's black and white, and it's confusing right and wrong. Not only did he rob the daughter, but the woman was also his daughter-in-law. What's more, he had to threaten his mother's family. If you don't hand over this woman, you will destroy the whole family. Li Tengyun, are so devoted to saving her out of the fire? What a great man acts and is different! My best darling prodigal son also has to bow down and write a "service" for you. Words! I admire the take-out! Your shamelessness is the number one in the world!"

The vast majority of the people in the field did not know about this matter. At this moment, when they saw the two of them talking, they couldn't help looking at Li Tengyun with contempt. Although the Blood Soul Villa was domineering, it was angry at this moment. You have to be afraid of it no matter what.

People in the world, the most important sex ring;

If Kouchuan Jiang Yun really did this, he really violated the Jianghu taboo! " That's enough. Don't say any more!" Inside. There was a deep voice and an angry cry, which was not loud, but it shocked everyone's ears.

Ses of several figures slowly came out, and suddenly the whole campus was full of turbulent and empty Wei Ba


Be the first person, with a long figure and a clumsy face. Three wistles of black Beard, floating in the wind in front of the chest, a pair of slender eyes, powerful, not angry but powerful. But naturally, there is a kind of domineering demeanor; it makes people feel like the domineering superman in this person's bones!

He was not deliberately arrogant, but it made everyone feel. Between heaven and earth, I'm afraid that no one can be in his eyes, even the blue sky above his head. Dare to fight!

This is the person who spoke before!

Although we have never met, Jun Moxie knew at a glance that this person, who is like 40 or 50 years old, has become more than a man of fame, the supreme and the sky!

Except for him, no one can have such a shocking domineering demeanor!

According to the actual age, I'm afraid that this supreme Li Juetian is at least about 100 years old, and it looks so young! Jun Moxie secretly slandered himself: No wonder this old man can still have a son in his twenties when he is more than 100 years old. In this way, I guess it's not a problem to have a few more children.

It's really... a monster!

And behind Li Juetian, there is the supreme stone of life and death with a long smile, cold-blooded supreme tears without sadness, and the divine eagle supreme eagle fighting in the air. At the end, there is another person with a cold face, black clothes, black face and black robe. Black shoes, black scabbard at the waist, black sword hilt, black sword stability.

This person looks like a dark blade.

Just standing there quietly, it has naturally made everyone feel like a sword!

The sword spirit goes straight to the nine heavens! Needless to think about it, this person must have been fighting with the eagle for decades. The wind and sword god wind and clouds! In addition to the eight supremes. The only substitute! He is also a peerless swordsman! The strong man who counts the peaks!

But Master Jun is very confident. Under his own point, the successful breakthrough of the God Eagle Supreme Eagle has definitely left this old opponent who has been fighting for decades!

"Now that everyone has arrived, please gather in the lobby to discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy." Li Juetian glanced around faintly and didn't mention the argument between his son and Jun Moxie at all.

But when he saw Jun Moxie, although his eyes were peaceful, Jun Moxie felt it clearly. Those two eyes, like two sharp swords coming through the sky, pierced fiercely in their eyes! In an instant, it seemed that even the soul trembled in the depths of his heart!

This is a kind of fear that rises from the bottom of my heart!

It can't be matched!

It can't be matched!

For the first time in his life, Jun Moxie has this feeling of frustration and waste.

Before this, Jun Moxie has not faced the supreme master, but even in the face of the life and death supreme stone long smile, the cold-blooded supreme tears without sadness and the divine eagle supreme eagle fighting, etc., he can talk and laugh freely, but at this moment he faces the eyes of Li Juetian. Unexpectedly, this feeling rose for the first time!

This should be an attack similar to spiritual hints. If the seeds of fear are planted in your heart, there will be no more progress in this life!

However, this supreme protection also made Jun Moxie feel angry from the bottom of his heart! Sincere anger!

The quarrel between the two juniors, as the second supreme in the world, you can actually use this method to vent your anger on your son! It's too bad.

The second supreme of bullshit. What the hell is it!

But I also learned how much Li Juetian loves his son!

Knowing that his son was wrong, he did not say right and wrong, but used domineering means to the bitter master in full view of the public!

No wonder the two kings of the former's mysterious beasts came together. They just wanted to break his son's leg. It was not directly killed, but it also provoked such a strong reaction from him! In the end, he even did not hesitate to issue the supreme summoning order and refused to compromise. Jun Moxie vaguely understood the real reason why this matter was intensified to such an extent.

Jun Moxie quickly closed his eyes and opened the sky for a while, eliminating this terrible feeling in an instant.

But I'm still awe-inspiring!

Li Juetian's skill is obviously several levels higher than the eagle fighting and tears!

It really deserves to be the second place today!

As soon as Li Juetian's words came out, everyone echoed. Unexpectedly, no one found that Shicai Li Juetian had already made a negative hand on Jun Moxie!

I believe that even if someone finds out, no one will uphold justice. After all, big fists are the greatest justice, offending the second supreme for the sake of a squit. I believe that individuals will choose!

Just as everyone came out of their tents, suddenly

A long and ethereal roar seemed to come from the sky. At the same time, everyone was shocked and listened carefully.

In an instant, the long roar suddenly increased many times, and it seemed to have come to the sky in an instant. In a breath, it seemed to have crossed tens of millions of miles of space, from inaudible to thunder, and then it exploded in everyone's ears like a sudden collapse!

"Puff!" Several former sergeants of Tiannan City suddenly looked up to the sky and fell, spitting blood in their mouths. Unexpectedly, I was shocked by this long roar! And the person who roars is estimated to be dozens of miles away!

What a terrible lethality!

After such a violent shock, the roar stopped the rage in an instant, but it looked very resolute; it stopped abruptly! At this time, everyone could hear the sound of the roar, which was very clear and melodious!

As soon as the roar fell, suddenly the mysterious beasts in all directions looked up and shouted at the same time. The sound of hundreds of millions of mysterious beasts exploded, like avalanches and tsunamis, and earthquake-like power!

On the big playground at the feet of everyone, the ground trembled slightly and the dust rose!

The huge volume formed by the roar penetrated the sky, and the originally dense dark clouds suddenly disappeared! Unexpectedly, he was driven away by this violent roar!

The clear sky!

Li Juetian's face changed greatly, and he looked solemnly into the distance. In his voice, there was an unconcealed shock: "God's punishment, boss, unexpectedly" came out!"

(In order to attend the wedding today, I stayed up all night last night to get out 10,000 drafts; when I came back tonight, it took nearly two hours to modify it. My brother was drunk and the bride was so beautiful) (to be continued)