The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 119 Thousands of Evils and Poisonous Fruits

God, to what extent does the toxin in the fruit accumulate? I believe that even if the strong man eats it, he will die!

With the infusion of massive toxins, the color of the fruit changes again at the darkest moment! White! Pure white, but massive toxins are still pouring in crazily!

Is it true that there are thousands of evil and poisonous fruits!

Jun Moxie was shocked and almost knotted his brain. The eyes almost stared down. Unexpectedly, in this heavenly punishment forest, I found that such an evil fruit of heaven and earth existed, and it was also the final formation of the evil fruit!

Thousands of poisonous fruits, as the name implies, the toxicity of this fruit is really incredible. As Jun Moxie knows, almost no life can resist its toxicity! I believe that even if it is the legendary Daluo Jinxian, I'm afraid it's difficult to shake the poisonous fruit of this set of heaven and earth creation!

This poisonous fruit can only grow in places where the poison is extremely dense, and a large amount of venom is needed to be watered in the process of growth! Only where there are toxins in the air can there be a chance to give birth to this kind of thing.

The most mysterious thing is that once it starts to grow, the required toxicity cannot be reduced. It can only be increased, otherwise, there is a possibility of withering at any time!

And the growth cycle of poisonous fruits is also relatively short, and it can mature in just one year! However, in this process, the toxins needed are absolutely massive. To put it bluntly, even 10,000 kinds of poisons have a ton accumulated here. It will also be absorbed by it in just one year! The original poisonous things turned into a pile of garbage.

In addition, if this evil fruit begins to grow. Until the result is ripe, it can't stop. Once stopped, the evil fruit will wither and wither at any time.

Until the fruit is ripe. First white, then pink, blue, green, yellow and cyan. Purple, silver, and finally purple gold!

When it comes to the purple and golden poisonous fruit, it is no longer a poisonous fruit, but a kind of medicine that is enough to cure any toxic wounds in the world, and it is also a heaven and earth elixir that can increase cultivation!

In fact, it is reasonable to produce this magical change. There is no absolute thing in the world. There are all cathodic yangs between heaven and earth, things must be reversed, whether it is extremely prosperous, and the extremely poisonous fruits will also evolve into "great poison tonic". The magical effect.

But the purple-gold poisonous fruits will be tonic. But no one can swallow it directly. Otherwise, even if you have the invincible skills in the world, you will die in an instant! That strong medicine. It's like dozens of atomic bombs that are tens of millions of times concentrated in the body!

In the drug introduction of Hongjun Tower, this purple and golden poisonous fruit is the sixth super spiritual fruit! It is also one of the important materials for refining Jiujiu Lingxiao Dan! As the name implies, it is a super elixir that can only be refined when Jun Moxie climbs the ninth floor of Hongjun Tower!

In fact, this kind of evil and poisonous fruit can be used on the eighth floor of the sixth floor of Hongjun Tower to refine the magical elixir. However, after each elixir, it will be specifically pointed out that it is a little wasteful to use thousands of poisonous fruits when refining this elixir.

If it weren't for the fact that the fruit itself was too domineering, it wouldn't be too much to call it the first spiritual fruit! Because after the fruit is ripe, if it cannot be used immediately or used for alchemy immediately. It must be stored in a special place, and it must be put in a thousand-year-old jade box. Even the best white jade box will be corroded by it!

Otherwise, the fruit can only be stored in a short day, and then it will wither! Once it withers, all the effects immediately return to the ground with the branches. At that time, around the central area of thousands of evil and poisonous fruits, hundreds of miles will become a dead place, and it will be difficult to restore vitality even for a hundred years!

As for the correct way to take it, it is actually simple. As long as the eater has considerable cultivation, he can eat a certain amount of fruit liquid! For example, taking the strong man of Shenxuan as an example, taking a drop of food is already the limit, and it is just a drop of fruit liquid, which can improve its almost its ability in an instant!

However, if you are greedy and eat a little more, then I'm sorry, you will die immediately because you can't control the medicine! There is no room for cushioning!

So this kind of fruit can be said to be a good thing that any master dreams of, but anyone who comes to it is full of hate and love, and has a headache! Those who want to eat but dare not eat, and all those who can't control themselves and can't stand ** will explode and die after taking that drop of fruit liquid!

And the bones will be burned in an instant, without a trace, and the real bones will be gone.

Anyone who has the opportunity to get these evil and poisonous fruits is a peerless strong man? But most of them will still explode and die under the power of the medicine to the extreme!

The drug nature of this fruit is so fierce that you can imagine it!

The great poison is the most tonic. It's not a life-death situation!

Jun Moxie never thought that he had a whim to enter the Heavenly Punishment Forest today and unexpectedly met this divine object that only existed in the legend! There is really God's will in the dark, but Jun Moxie only regrets in his heart, because the fruit has turned white.

That is to say, this

At this stage, a large amount of venom must be watered, and now the toxins in the air have obviously been almost absorbed. And this fruit net becomes white, and it still needs to be converted into eight colors to finally mature!

This final conversion, each of which requires a large amount of highly poisonous!

And the ready-made toxins are obviously not so much! That is to say, I'm afraid that this evil and poisonous fruit that can only appear once in tens of millions of years will come to a tragic end.

After maturity, it is the holy fruit, but before maturity, it is the first poison in the sky and earth in the three thousand worlds!

What's the use of that?

Jun Moxie suddenly regretted beating his chest. Oh, my God, if I had known, I, I, I would have to search for a lot of poisons to get my tongue! Oh, my God. In my eyes, this is the first elixir of dozens of heaven and earth!

Jun Moxie doesn't know this kind of fruit. In the mouths of the kings of the heavenly punishment forest beasts, there is another resounding name.

The holy fruit of heaven!

And the party that Jun Moxie inexplicably broke in is the place of punishment in the forest of heaven!

I don't know how many poisonous beasts and ordinary beasts in the heavenly punishment forest can be cultivated for hundreds of years!

The fruit has slowly become pure white and emits a faint fluorescence. The epidermis has turned into pink in some places. The mature road of thousands of poisonous fruits is like the wheels of history rolling, without any pause!

Jun Moxie almost vomited blood.

The most depressing thing in life is to see with your own eyes the heavenly material and earth treasures that can make you almost ascend to the sky in one step, but you can only see and can't move; not only can you see and can't move, but you have to watch this heavenly material and earth treasure become a waste and there is nothing you can do

If God gives me a chance to do it again, I will. I would rather scatter all my money, smash the pot and sell iron, sell blood and sell sperm, and buy enough poison to water"

God, earth, why did you let me see this broken fruit? It's better not to see it!

Let me die,

Just when Jun Moxie was very depressed and at a loss, suddenly, the inexplicable girl in green made a strange "ssing" sound in her mouth. Then, the sound of brushing around kept ringing, and bursts of strong smelly smell surged in. Jun Moxie was creepy for a while, and he couldn't help floating higher and higher.

Looking at it, the bottom has become a sea of poison!

All kinds of poisonous snakes, there are countless centipedes, scorpions, three-legged toads, and four-tailed snakes. All the poisons that Jun Moxie can think of and can recognize are coming in groups, and they are actually lined up and coming one after another in an orderly manner.

This is not over,,

The sky is shaking its wings.

Cucans, poisonous bats, two-headed falcons, seven-colored eagles" all kinds of flying mysterious beast poisons are densely deleted

Jun Moxie was shocked. It turned out that these thousands of evil and poisonous fruits were actually cultivated by the heavenly punishment forest! I don't know if it will take decades and hundreds of years of to get this thing out?

How much animal power, material and effort does it cost? How much effort does it take?

How dare you do it!

But in this way, Jun Moxie was relieved. With so many fierce guys to help, it seems that it is no problem for these evil and poisonous fruits to mature! Let's sit on the Diaoyutai.

As for looking for He Chongxiao and Xiong Kaishan...

Let's wait until the matter in front of us is over; the decisive battle time is three days later, and there is no time! But who is this girl in green? Is he also a beast king? And he is also the king of beasts in charge of poisons? This is too strange! He Chongxiao and Xiong Kaishan are both crooked and cracked dates. What's wrong with this? So handsome? Shocked!

The toxins in the air are getting less and less and thinner. At the moment when the air was about to return to clarity, the girl in green whistled, and her body flashed ten feet away. Suddenly, a neat team of flying beasts in the sky swooped down. When approaching the ground, open your mouth at the same time. A thin venom shot out of his mouth. It just landed on the ground where the poisonous fruit plants are located. The venom landed on the ground and changed immediately. In an anze, there were many colorful poisonous mist rising, which was extremely fishy and disgusting.

After spitting out this venom, these mysterious beasts are obviously much more depressed, which can be seen. This time, they all hurt their vitality, and I'm afraid they won't be able to recover in a few years. After all. This is the essence of their accumulated strength.

These mysterious beasts that had vomited venom stopped and flew up, squeaking, as if they were complaining, and then disappeared from the opposite direction to the vast night sky.

A team and a team of flying beasts swooped uninterruptedly, constantly spitting out the essence venom, and then flew away; the movements were extremely orderly and not chaotic at all. But it's extremely fast, just a moment's work. Thousands of game beasts have vomited venom and flew away. There are still dense batches left in the air, but they have not decreased at all!

The 16th of this month? The fourth outbreak? I buy Gada, I'm really diligent." If you want to know what's going on, please log in. More chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!