The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 142 Tears Without Sadness

Master Mei's cage of heaven and earth is really an unpredictable means.

"I want to move, but I have to move." Jun Moxie cursed in his heart and sat in front of the Master Mei with a smile in the cage of heaven and earth, even unable to move the muscles on his face.

Bang bang, bang, three feet in a row, kicking heavily on the buttocks. Jun Moxie's heart has been cursed so much that he is almost so angry that he is about to explode! What's wrong with you being addicted to kicking? You old pervert!

He didn't know that in the veil of Master Mei, his little mouth was pouting high and kept silent. I also asked you to twist my buttocks every day and then rub it! You rub it! I asked you to rub it! You hateful bastard! Fengshui takes turns. Let's see if I don't play to death!"

While talking silently, he kept his feet. The more he kicked, the more addicted he became. The more he kicked, the more addicted he became. The battle between the snake king and the cold-blooded supreme had not yet begun. Jun Moxie's buttocks were completely round, and the whole swelling was almost transparent.

On the opposite side, Dongfang Wenqing looked carefully and smiled at ease, "Look, Mo Xie always has a smile on his face. It seems that it should be a good thing."

You didn't mean to pay attention to it. Finally, he was relieved. He smiled and said with a happy smile, "This boy is really lucky. Such a senior and senior man actually favored him. This is really the blessing of Mo Xie and the king's family."

"Yes, looking at him laughing like that, he seems to be very happy. I guess Master Mei has given him a lot of benefits." Dongfang Wendao touched his chin and said with a smile.

"Nonsense, if it were me, I would be very happy. That's a master who is taller than the supreme strong man!" Dongfang Wenjian glanced at his third brother. Does that need to be said? How can a young teenager be unhappy to be so favored and greeted by a peerless strong man?

Why didn't I have such good luck when I was young? The three brothers are a little jealous. The three of us are very close to this boy...

They don't know that Jun Moxie is really (, cool) now! It's almost "cool" to death. The real pain is unbearable. The buttocks can't help being kicked, and the body can't help twisting. It's already blue and red, but it's obviously painful to my heart, but I can't even make a crying expression on my face "

If uncles knew that Jun Moxie was doing such a "cool" method now, I believe they would never be jealous again...

Jun Moxie clearly felt that his buttocks bulged like a balloon in a short time, twice as big! And this trend is still developing,

Is this still fucking ass? This is just a hot air balloon. I sat on the flat ground like this, and slowly felt like I was sitting on the bench, rising up "

At this time, there was also a movement in the field.

"Cold-blooded supreme, tears without sadness?" The snake king Qianxun's voice was unusually crisp and pleasant, and even with a trace of gentleness, blinked her big eyes with a little innocence, and asked curiously.

This look, this action, is obviously an unknown little girl. After seeing a stranger, she was shy, scared and a little shy to say hello. Almost all the bystanders on the sidelines had an impulse in their hearts: go up and touch her head and praise: the little girl is so good, don't be afraid, I'll buy you candy...

But the tears on the opposite side are never afraid to think so!

Except for the Supreme Mei Venerable, the Xuangong cultivation of other beast kings is indeed not as good as the eight supremes. The reason why they can be as famous as the eight supremes of the mainland is that they all have a strong body! The general blow is simply itching for them!

With a strong body, even if the Xuangong is slightly inferior, it is enough to keep pace with the eight supremes. Coupled with the mysterious insidious means, it is also possible for me to overturn the boat in the gutter today!

Although the little girl in front of her looks delicate and weak, she is simply a pinch of water, pink and pink, but she knows clearly that the little girl's body is a snake king!

And it is also the most insidious one in the heavenly punishment forest!

If her fist hits her, I'm afraid she won't even turn red, but if she gives it to herself, does she dare to take it?!

"Is it Your Excellency the Snake King? Long time no-time!" Tears without sadness are like facing a big enemy. When the hand is turned over, the cold light flashes. It is actually a strange-shaped serrated knife! One side is as clear as autumn water, with a breathtaking cold light. Obviously, it is a sharp tool for cutting iron like mud, and on the other side, it is a staggered dog teeth and densely serrated. This is a sharp weapon and a murderous weapon!

When he saw this weapon, Jun Moxie finally figured it out. It turned out that in addition to the previous reasons, the biggest reason why tears appeared without sadness was his sword! To deal with the thick skin of the mysterious beasts, it is obvious that this precious knife has a strong destructive power! Especially the sawtooth is a wonderful way to target the Snake King!

The snake king Qianxun stood there timidly, with a pitiful smell. It seemed to call out in surprise: "Tears Supreme, such a terrible weapon, are you so cruel? As you spoke, raised your hand in fear, covered Xiaoli Wanjuan Library Xiangchuan muscle eyesight free novel reading net girl, if you like Qingzhi The author supports the genuine female

Jun Moxie's eyes can only rotate all over his body. Naturally, he should make good use of it. At a glance, he can see that the snake king Qianxun's clothes, with narrow shoulders and slim olives are worn on his body. However, in comparison, these sleeves are too wide and almost hang to the ground!

It's weird! Absolutely weird! !

Sure enough, with the words of the Snake King, he snorted heavily without sadness, quickly turned sideways, and the long knife in his hand cut out a cross knife flower very quickly, as if two lightning suddenly intersected in the air, and the little snake was cut into four sections and twisted painfully on the ground. Sure enough, he is the king of snakes! It's worthy of the reputation of insidiousness!" Tears snorted without sadness and anger, and the black face turned a little white. Those two poisonous snakes are actually extremely poisonous colorful ladies! If you are bitten, even if you are the supreme strong, even if it is not fatal, you will be paralyzed for a while.

Although it can only paralyse one or two breaths, for the strong person at the level of the Snake King, it is enough to put himself in a hundred different postures. You can do whatever you really want..." Wrong, he didn't do anything!" The snake king Qianxun smiled and said, "Ah, what is that? It's terrible. Looking at the poisonous snake on the ground, his eyes were wide open, as if I was scared and surprised.

The tearless steel knife stood again, and another snake hit the surface of the knife. This one comes faster and faster, and it is aimed at the throat of tears. The most important thing is that it is silent, and there is no shadow or reflection in the sun! The snake king's attack was really unpreventable. He spoke with a smile, and he had silently killed the poison killer.

Jun Moxie's back is cold. It's really that people can't look good and the sea water can't be measured.

Looking at the little girl's pure and cute, naive and pure, harmless appearance, who would have thought that she would have poisoned tears three times in the blink of an eye! It's really typical: the opposite side sweetly called brother, and quietly took out the guy in his waist! The conscience is very bad.

The situation in the field has changed again.

The snake king twisted his slender waist, and his graceful body turned quickly. Suddenly, he waved out his two sleeves at the same time. Suddenly, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and he rushed out of her sleeves like two green dragons. In an instant, it was seven feet long. It was really far or near, everything! In the roar of the strong wind, the whole site suddenly turned into a green ocean, completely drowning the cold-blooded supreme tears without sadness.

This is the real beginning of the snake king's strength!

This is just the beginning...

Tears without sad black figure, like a reef out of the water in the vast sea, let him turn over the waves, I don't move! The real mainstay stream!

With a low roar, the Snake King's offensive did not stop, but it was even more fierce. Suddenly, the slender body flew up in the air and danced in the green ocean he waved out, just like a fairy in the sky, stepping on the vast waves of the Tianhe River and coming in the air!

The jade hand was gently raised, and countless cold stars flashed away, and then the cold stars suddenly appeared, all of which were full of tears without omission. However, while the snake king sprinkled the cold stars on one side of the jade hand, his face was still a pure and flawless look, and it was full of fun, as if he was playing a !

It seems that I didn't expect that the little cold star I scattered was enough to poison all the rocks under my feet...

Tears without sadness finally no longer blindly guarded in place. In the face of the crazy aggressive attack of the Snake King, the cold-blooded supreme finally sacrificed the bottom of the box.

With a muffled roar, the long knife crissscrossed, the knife was awe-inspiring, with extremely magnificent power, and also a silver-white spray slowly turned out of the center of this green sea, rolling and surging endlessly...

At the moment when the vertical knife spirit rose to the sky, several supremes watching around carried up the Xuangong defense at the same time, and firmly protected the piece that belonged to them. Otherwise, if the tearless knife spirit rushed into the crowd behind them through their defense, I'm afraid it would be like a dragon crossing the river! If you haven't hurt others, you have to pay a lot of money first!

Tears occupied the ground without sadness, rolling counterattack, but the snake king Qianxun firmly controlled the air power. A pair of slender white jade feet ran more and more quickly, and the expression on his face gradually turned into a calm and heavy smile. Between the wave of the jade arm, the cold stars fell one after another, and later they had become one after another, becoming a wave of cold light!

In the field, the dangerous battle of the soldiers was particularly pleasing to the eyes. In a green ocean, a silvery white wave kept showing, and another wave of cold light kept spilling in the sky... This is simply a beautiful scenery!

Anyone who sees this scenery, although he knows that there are many murders in it, he is still relaxed and happy!

This kind of scenery is no longer owned by the world!

[Ti: Dear 3Z book friend, the current chapter has reached the last page of the book]