The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 165 Tang Yuan's Means

, the day of the people broke out! The first update is delivered! It broke out for the fourth time in July today. Give me some face. Thank you very much for a few more tickets.)

The major families are using their own means to deal with this rumor. No matter how confident other homeowner candidates are in themselves, no matter how strong their strength is, they are also a little panicked. Although the rumor is only fleeting, in line with the principle of trusting whether they are trustworthy or not, individuals have also begun to move. If it is already active, then the activity will naturally become more frequent,

There are still some people, although they know that the rumor is false, they also plan to take advantage of this opportunity to praise their son or father, so they secretly start the game again and again.

The surface of each family is the same. In the dark, it was full of turbulent turbulent, and all of them came and went in a hurry. They were as busy as the wind, but they were like walking on thin ice. I'm afraid of being careless for a moment.

The only family that can still be moved. There is only the Jun family and the Dugu family. There are no more descendants of these two military families. Anyway, there is only one heir who spreads and does not spread rumors, which has no impact. The other family is like a discus in its own family. Even if it is mercury, it has no holes to enter.

But even the two families that have not been affected are only internal stability. The old generals and old subordinates in the army have still been dispersed a lot because of this storm, and the disciples of these two families are also very different from other families. Basically, it is only when the evidence is conclusive. Let these two families have no chance to reverse the case. I had to save my life and fill the army far away.

Then come to the Murong family, the Meng family, the Song family, the Tang family, these Tianxiang "giant" family, the old men of each family, without exception, are almost bedridden by this storm. The children and grandchildren of the family are respectful and obedient on the surface, secretly, which really makes the old guys work hard.

The other one. It's still a calm family, but it's the Li family. With the genius Li Youran, the other house brothers dare not fight at all. As early as the bud, they were suppressed by Li Youran with thunderous means. Therefore, the rumor that the so-called war participants are the heirs of the family is the least harmful to the Li family!

Of course, not all forces are affected by this storm!

For example,

During this period, Tang Yuan's noble hall ignored foreign affairs and only tried to develop itself. It can be said that it was a big profit market, and it was booming. Several auctions were held in a row, and each time it made a lot of money. Jun Moxie left a few bottles of elixir to Tang Pangzi. The fat man's business method was really good. With this batch of elixirs, after the first auction, as soon as the effect came out, the capital directly caused a sensation!

Fatty started the limited purchase in the second game. Each elixir is only sold for 20 pills, and each person can only take up to five pills! Moreover, the reserve price of the auction is getting higher and higher, and more and more guests are getting more and more.

Or because Luoyang paper is expensive. Even if the reserve price and transaction price of Yao Dan are getting higher and higher and more horrible, there is always an endless stream of buyers. In this noble place, there are basically no people who "throw a lot of money". Without ten thousand gold and hundreds of thousands of gold, it is really embarrassed to say!

The fat man also gave the elixir a few good-looking and abnormally popular names. Xuanyang elixir was directly called by him: "The golden gun does not fall down to strengthen the yang and strengthen the kidney, powerful and thick a thousand catties can hang the thunder thunder Xuanyang elixir!" Hearing this, it's definitely **, ten times more powerful than the most powerful hanging of 100 catties,

As the saying goes, there are poems and clouds: young and strong people go to buy spring. If you are over 50 years old, you can enter the door; even if you are eighty years old, ** still have a thousand catties!

As for the change of the name of Shaoyin Dan, it is more fascinating: "Beauty, beauty, national beauty, fragrance, flowers, moon appearance, a grain of effect, ugly woman becomes a beauty, the universe reverses the river, the river turns to the stars, the most Shaoyin Dan!"

These two kinds of elixirs, in Tang Yuan's hands, are directly the names of running Jianghu to sell Dali pills and dog skin plasters,

Now these two words have reached the extreme, and the vulgar names have been respected in Tianxiang City: the elixir!

Anyone can be catchy, the most outrageous thing is. There is a stammer who talks about these two names every day. He slowly speaks fluently and doesn't stutter. This curative effect hasn't been eaten yet. Nian can cure stammering. This is not what the elixir is,

Later, there was not enough manpower. Tang Fatty pretended to be public for personal gain and arranged for his fiancee's grandson, Xiaomei, to come to the aristocratic hall to help, and even pointed out that the two days of Hai Shenfeng and Song's Xuan masters turned around and complained incessantly.

At the beginning, the two masters also gave the fat man several times, and your whole Tang family did not have a strong man. You boy dare to say that to us both. Who do you think you are?

But then Tang Yuan gradually figured out the doorway.

When Gain once arranged for the sea sinking wind, Tang Yuan said, "It's most appropriate for you to do this matter." This sentence is out of the Internet. The sea sinking wind immediately went to do it, and it was sharp and vigorous, lest it slow down a little.

This makes the fat man's heart come to life, and another day's practice of the old skill to do the Song injury in the same way, and the collection is also generally effective. So Tang Yuan took the chicken feather as an arrow from then on. When we are powerful and blessed, we don't think who we are. We are the spokesperson of evil brother Tianxiang. We work for the evil brother, and you have to listen to what we say! Otherwise, I'll sue you!

This directly led to one thing, that is, Liang Daxuan ran away when he saw the fat man coming and didn't meet him at all: Can't I afford to provoke him? But in this way, the fat man also has a lot of ways. He stipulates that the two must come to the aristocratic hall once a day, and then prepare an office for the two of them separately. As long as there is anything, it is a big white paper with words hanging on the door. The first sentence on it without exception is: San Shao said, something...

As for Yang Mo, a little prince, of course, Tang Yuan will not let this boy be idle. On that day, the prince invested a large amount of money, which made Fatty Tang, who was on hand at that time, greatly praised Jun Moxie for his sponsorship. The money came in time"

But now the Noble Hall is scoffing against gold, and the royal palace just stretches out its hand and waits to get the silver. The tattoo can make Tang Yuandan come and scold every day, saying that I am busy and tired of maning alone, and I am almost thin into a monkey, but I'm still supporting my uncle,

Now Tang Yuan and Tang Fatty have forgotten their originals. He had long forgotten the hardships of the start-up period. "It's still a stall that depends on other people's money." He only saw his own silver flowing out like cutting his meat!

Monthly dividends, Tang Yuan's hands are shivering. The eyes are shining red, and the fat meat is also ups and downs. It's full of twists and turns. "The third young master can take as much as you want. This is his, but you lie here to eat candy every day, and you even take money?? And take so much, why???

Fatty Tang's heart is completely unbalanced.

So, even if Jun Moxie didn't have that instructions when he left, Fatty Tang would push away all the troubles. Xiao Yangmo suffered. All the imperial relatives or even the seven aunts and eight aunts, the princes and princesses who come to Xiao Yangmo has to go out under Tang Yuan's eyes. It's all a matter of the royal family. Who won't you go?!

At the beginning, Xiao Zhengtai couldn't wipe his face and couldn't pull his face. Naturally, he suffered a lot of losses, but Fatty Tang would not pay for him. He settled accounts with him again and again, and then deducted the loss from the dividend of the royal palace. If you are willing to pay the bill on behalf of the royal family, There must be no money!


This shy Zhengtai was finally anxious for his own benefit!

I can see that the aristocratic hall keeps buying and selling every day. Silver tickets are flying all over the sky, but they don't have their own. Sometimes even when the account is settled, I actually have to put it in it. "Is it unbearable?

So Xiaozheng changed too much. He became eloquent and did not flinch at all. His eyes were red every day like a little cockfighting. He didn't give up a penniless, and he would not say anything about selling girls. Sometimes he even added one plus two to ask for the bill. When an elder comes, he has to give some rewards. We are children. Can't we buy this as a child?

But in this way. The people in the royal family are easy to talk to, and contradictions naturally continue to occur. But Xiao Zhengtai is selfless and looks at money. Even his father said a few words, but he dared to collapse on the spot,

So all the royal families and people in the harem, including several princes, went to the Noble Hall to take advantage of it. It's not easy. Especially if you send the servants of the royal palace here, it will not work directly! So the three princes were furious and came to the door in person. I really suffered a few times for Xiao Zhengtai. Then what Xiao Zhengtai should lose is still a loss. "How can the small arm twist too thick legs, or the whole three thick legs,"

At a dinner party, Tang Yuan and Song Shang poured a few glasses of wine with evil intentions. Xiao Zhengtai was very eye-catching, but his drinking capacity was obviously not eye-catching enough. In addition, the wine was sad, which naturally aroused sadness. They couldn't help but think of the helpless words of Brother Mo Xie at the beginning: Your father is Ge, how can I help you? To help you is to do the right thing with the emperor's son. That's the future emperor, so I can't live? The so-called drunkenness is sad. If you are not drunk, Xiao Zhengtai is completely drunk. If you are drunk, you will be drunk. It's good to have a good sleep. However, Xiao Zhengtai's wine is not good, and he is actually crazy about drinking directly. The childish voice that had not yet changed his voice looked up to the sky and shouted, "I want to be the emperor!" *** I want to be emperor, I want to rebel! I want to be the emperor. I won't let my son be bullied."

At a young age, I have thought that my son has been bullied. This consciousness alone is much higher than Dugu Xiaoyi,,

He shouted in the middle of the night, which scared Fatty Tang to death. He didn't dare to retreat. He was afraid that this was heard by outsiders. In the middle of the middle of the night, there was undoubtedly the night of fear, panic and terror. It is estimated that even if the fat man forgets his last name in his life, he

This is a great crime of raiding the family and destroying the clan!

The fat man swore on the spot that he would never drink too much. If he drank other people's wine, at most he would get drunk with him. If he drank this boy's son, he might have to accompany his life. It's so terrging. It's really killing me


The following words are free:

(This chapter is automatically updated. I'm really a little tired. The continuous high intensity in the past few days. When everyone saw this chapter, Feng Ling may already be in a dream. 7 consecutive outbreaks, flight 6 guaranteed two updates. This speed is not very fast, but I have tried my best. I saw a book friend in the book review area saying that there were too many tickets for a single chapter, and I was speechless.

There are many brothers who have followed from the legend of Lingtian. From the first day of writing the book to now, there has never been a single chapter when there was no outbreak. Even if you are sick, if it doesn't break out, you won't ask for a ticket. I respect my brother and my sister! If I want your approval, I will exchange my efforts for it! Exchange it with my update! Instead of gaining sympathy.

However, as long as I break out, after the outbreak, I must follow a single stamp to ask for the ticket! On the 7th of this month, there will be four outbreaks; after today's outbreak, there will be a single chapter. If it breaks out 15 times this month, it will be 15 single chapters! I really don't think it should be.

My brother and I don't talk about the conditions. Look, please click to vote. If you don't read it well and have a problem, you can go to the book review area to vent. If you think I'm diligent in updating, please support me; I don't think it's satisfactory. You can also grasp the ticket as much as you can. Really, I won't force any of my friends.

In a word, the vote is in your hands. It's up to you whether to vote or not. If I want to. I will update the ticket! If you don't want to vote, I'll open 10,000 single chapters. The ticket will also be in your own hands.

In another word, even if no one votes, when it is time to break out, I will still break out. Keep the manuscript, he can't cure his hunger)