The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 172 Ultimate Goal

, it broke out today! The second update is delivered! The second update and the fourth update are in the evening divination. I tied it up and suddenly found that my belly was sticking to the spine...

Drinking wine slowly. Well, it should be sucking the wine fog. Jun Moxie finally understood the level of the mysterious beast. The so-called level of the mysterious beast is actually more detailed and strict than the level of the human mysterious beast.

In terms of the nine-level peak Xuanshou Curtain, it is necessary to go further to the King of Xuanshou, or to have the qualification to challenge the King of Xuanshou. That's metamorphic!

They are also nine-level peak beasts, some of which can turn into human shapes, while others can't. And after the level 9 Hengfeng Xuanshou, it is the level 10! This is the most difficult level for the mysterious beast to advance!

Nine-level peak mysterious beast, as long as it can be transformed into * people, it can be automatically promoted to the king of beasts. But. Only after crossing the tenth level of this big concubine. He is the real beast king! The real king of beasts! Not the king of a single race!

And it is this difficulty that Jun Moxie helped Xiong Kaishan and He Chongxiao just break through! Of course. Further up, there are still a few levels, but He Chongbei said that except for the Holy Emperor, no mysterious beast has ever reached that level, so he doesn't mention it.

Jun Moxie has a "special" just been made. The wine glass muttered, "That is to say, both of you are now the junior level ten mysterious beasts? And all four of them have reached the peak of level 9?

The six kings nodded at the same time.

"In this case, when the elixirs equipped with thousands of poisonous fruits are refined, you should all be able to advance on the basis of the present." Jun Moxie is a little uncertain. Although the young master is also sure that the magic elixir he wants to refine in the future is extremely effective, he has never tried it himself, but he doesn't know how big the effect can be.

The six kings were all bright in front of their eyes, and their eyes burst out at the same time!

One more step!

It has just been advanced, so if it is another level in three years?! Oh, my God, this is the speed of flying! The advance of the heavenly punishment beast king in all dynasties has never been so fast!

Three years of time is not short for human beings, but for long-lived mysterious beasts, it is just a little short time!

You should know that it's easy to go to the first level. But the gap between the first levels is quite a long vitality! For a moment, the six beast kings were all short of breath, and their eyes burst into incomparable eagerness!

A silence. He Chongxiao finally waited for Ai Ai, but he couldn't wait to ask, "Senior Feng, if you want to refine that delicious elixir, do you still need several medicinal materials!?" Let's put it this way. Everyone pricked up their ears.

"Alas" is true, it's not just a lack of one kind." Jun Moxie sighed and suddenly opened his eyes: "How do you know how many medicinal forests are still missing?"

He Chongxiao smiled and said, "I'm just guessing. Ha ha, with the ability of the predecessors, if the medicinal materials are already available, I'm afraid I can take out the elixir now, and with the ability of the predecessors, it will be pushed to three years later. It can be seen that the predecessors are also looking for some medicinal herbs, which must be collected before they can really start alchemy. Judging from this time limit, I'm afraid that the other medicinal materials needed by the predecessors are not ordinary, "

"Not bad! The Crane King is indeed the Crane King. He is careful and different. Jun Moxie smiled, and his tone was quite hesitant and uncertain. He said, "Yes, I want to refine the elixir. How can it be comparable to everything? Although thousands of evil and poisonous fruits are rare, they are just medicine. Other elixirs still need to be gathered in large quantities. After gathering to a certain extent, they will be extracted together. Only by turning thousands of medicines into physical objects with supreme magic power, and then supplementing them with thousands of evil and poisonous fruits can we refine the unparamable elixir to be refined!"

Jun Mo's evil tone was heavy, leisurely speaking; the six beast kings all held their breath and straightened their ears to listen.

"This kind of anti-sky elixir is so effective that it can increase the longevity of ordinary people for at least a hundred years! If it is Xuan, take it. It can be used from the level of Dixuan, after taking the elixir. In just a few months, the effect of the drug gradually evaporated. Promoted to the second grade of Shenxuan in one fell swoop! Even stronger. Moreover, in this process, there is absolutely no magic or aura that is too violent and explosive! Because the nature of the medicine will spread little by little with the progress of my cultivation, which can be said to be alarming. It can be said to be a magic medicine for the creation of heaven and earth

The sound of neat breath sounded, and the twelve eyes of the six beast kings stared into copper bells at the same time! The body trembled slightly with excitement!

From Dixuan all the way to Shenxuan" second grade?! A hundred years of life?! No surprise, no danger?!

Oh, my God, what kind of elixir is this! It makes me crazy. "It's a dream! Ah! Ah!

"How many drugs are missing? Let's all figure it out! It's much faster than your seniors. I don't mean anything else. Even if the seniors are powerful, they are always stunned by the power of one person. Although we don't have the magic power of our predecessors, we take up more than one person's convenience, and we should be able to do our best.

A pair of round and huge bear eyes of Xiong Kaishan gave off a wolf-like green luster, which turned out to be full of literary words.

"Yes, our heavenly punishment forest covers a vast area and has a lot of natural resources and treasures. I believe it can help seniors gather medicinal herbs early?" The other five beast kings one

The state's fierceness has seven mouths and eight mouths, and they all have a lot of words while sticking out their tongues and hearts.

"Well, that's fine; since you are willing to help, it also saves me the time to look for by myself, which is really helpful." Jun Moxie pondered for a long time and finally agreed. All the beast kings were happy.

"The medicinal materials we lack here are also dragon beard grass, phoenix tail flower, nine-section lotus, intermittent root, tricolor rose, colorful and "Jun Moxie is honest and rude. He read out a long series of foreign words, and took a breath and continued to read: "Thousand-year-old ginseng, white OK."

The six beast kings were stunned. The eagle king eagle was the most vivid. He had already torn off a large piece of bark as paper, used his sharp nails as a pen, brushed and wrote silently all the way. His wrist was almost sore, and Jun Moxie finished reading it.

Then Jun Moxie explained one by one, what these drugs look like, what environment they usually grow in, how to pick them, etc. The beast kings held their breath and listened carefully, lest they miss a little bit. This is a major event related to your own advancement, but don't be sloppy,,

"Of course, I believe that so many precious medicinal herbs can be collected at one time, even with the power of today's punishment. You can count as much as you can collect. After collecting a batch, you can send someone to the Jun's house in Tianxiang City, and then slowly prepare the next batch. Well, I will go there every once in a while. Jun Moxie laughed and said.

"Well" In this case, you are responsible for the collection of the elixir of heaven's punishment, and in the past three years, I have rushed to the far north to take the elixir there. With a two-pronged approach, it can definitely be done in one fell swoop!"

Jun Moxie thought, after this promotion. It won't take long for me to have a trip to the far north. Several things, including drug collection, might as well be done together.

The third uncle is crazy and waiting. There are still beautiful women looking up there in the snow peak. How many years can there be in ten years of life? How many ten years can you wait for a lover? Stay until the gray hair is like frost. Old-fashioned dragon clock, even if we are reunited, what can we do? In addition to this matter, the Oriental Family also has an oath: the sword front collapses the snowy mountain! Jun Moxie really wants to see how spectacular the collapse of the snow mountain sword peak is. Jun Moxie has already prepared to create the wonders of heaven and earth with his own hands!

These things should be done sooner rather than later!

So Jun Mobei has been preparing for it. After the heavenly punishment forest, although the strength is still not caught. But the trip to the Wind and Snow Silver City has been put on the agenda in his mind,

However, the boy's heart was not black. When the beast kings asked, he directly listed all the medicinal herbs that were not easy to collect in the elixir of his Hongjun Tower,,

This alone, if these six beast kings want to collect all of them, I'm afraid they may not be able to collect them all their lives."

The main purpose of Jun Moxie's heavenly punishment this time is to collect some natural materials and treasures. Although a lot has been collected before, it is still far from enough for his demand.

This time, He Chongxiao and others took the initiative to propose. For Jun Moxie, he is in the middle of his mind. So he simply reported all the elixir he needed. In this way, it will directly save you the time. There are so many medicinal materials, and they are all treasures that can only be grown by cherishing the aura of heaven and earth. If you collect it by yourself, it is estimated that you can't collect it all in eight lifetimes.

Besides, although I took advantage of the beast kings this time, when the elixir was refined. As long as everyone has a share, they will never suffer losses. I believe that for them, it is definitely worth the money. It's even great value for money!

So, Jun Moxie doesn't have any guilt. It can be said that I have an abnormal peace of mind.

For Jun Moxie's request, the beast kings had no doubt at all. They all agreed and decided one after another that even if they suspended all the other things in their hands, they should try their best to find these panaceas first! After all, this is related to the advancement of all the beast kings. How can they not be careful?

Among other things, the former thunderstorm and two people blasphemed the heaven and punished fiercely, which is enough to detonate the spirit of the beast kings. In the past, there was no way to enter, but now it is a period of promotion. The living example of the four beast kings is in front of us!

In addition, he finally has an effective way to contact this peerless sman. Tianxiang City Junjia. Well, now that we have such a goal. That's even more confident. Even, the beast kings have already calculated in their hearts that if the first batch of elixir is almost ready, should they volunteer to escort the elixir to Tianxiang in person? Maybe we can get a piece of the pie first!

For a moment, all the beast kings had this idea in their hearts, and their faces were a little strange. Looking at the brothers around them, I think it is impossible for them to give up such an opportunity. It seems that there will be infighting at that time,,

It's not early to see if it's getting late. At most, it will be dawn, and Jun Moxie said goodbye. The kings tried their best to keep them, but Jun Moxie had made up his mind to leave, and finally drifted away. If you want to know what will happen in the future, please log in to your heart. More chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!