The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 9 Never Escape

It broke out today! It's more prosperous! The seventh outbreak this month, one by one. It has been seven times, and it has been more outbreaks than the previous whole month, but now it is less than half a month,,

Almost in a blink of an eye, Baili Luoyun already has a goal and a plan in his heart. But he didn't say that he just needed to do it!

Before the calculation is completed, it is just a few words. There is nothing to say, and even if it is said, it is meaningless.

in two. Within a month, 50 people were killed. Time was quite tight. Baili Luoyun carefully put the white paper in his arms and looked up at Jun Moxie. He even smiled a little relaxedly: "Then I'll go."

"The sooner the better!" Jun Moxie smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You can do it!"

Baili Luoyun nodded and turned around. He didn't want to waste any more time.

"Wait, take this with you." Jun Moxie raised his hand, and a small jade bottle fell into Baili Luoyun's hand: "There are two drugs in it, and the yellow one can solve all poisons. Under the red suit, you can increase your skills for ten years!"

Baili Luoyun's fingers clenched the small jade bottle tightly. He didn't look back. He pressed the hilt of the sword around his waist with one hand and paused, with a trace of emotion and surprise on his face. Suddenly, he strode and walked straight forward without any hesitation. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

When Jun Moxie and Baili Luoyun were talking to Jun Moxie, they didn't interrupt.

All the five masters know that today's talk is that Jun Moxie is cultivating his own power, which only belongs to him. Human power, but Jun Moxie did not avoid them, and there was no intention to avoid them at all. Invisibly, the five people already felt satisfied in their hearts.

At this time, if five people interrupt, no matter what they say, it will undoubtedly greatly affect the leadership authority of Jun Moxie. This point. The five of them are all old deep-fried dough sticks, don't you know?

At this moment, Jun Moxie has finally been dealt with. Jun didn't mean to look at the three brothers in the East and said, "Mo Xie, come with me. We have something to say to you."

Eagle Bokong smiled and said, "You talk about yours. I'm wandering around. With that, he circled and walked away without a trace. He could roughly guess what these people were going to say, but he was not interested in the eagle fighting. For him, the most important thing in the world is the entry of Xuangong, that is, the progress of martial arts, what is the love between men and women, what is that? Therefore, the eagle supreme has no interest to participate, directly smeared the soles of his feet and slipped away.

You have no intention to fall in love with Dongfang and others. After all, the four of them are a little embarrassed to talk about those taboo topics with their descendants.

I saw five people walking to the big tent. Dugu Xiaoyi and Guan Qinghan in the distance also looked at each other and quietly followed. Both women want to figure it out. Why did Jun Moxie have such a big change today?

The contrast between the two images before and after is really too vivid and strange,

In the battle just now, the two women have been watching secretly, and they have different ideas in their hearts. Dugu Xiaoyi thought: Sure enough, this guy is so powerful. Humph, after enduring for so long, I finally jumped out. I still have the best eyesight. Brother Mo Xie is the first one to like, and no one will give it to me,,

But what Guan Qinghan thinks is much more complicated than Dugu Xiaoyi. She looked at Jun Moxie's back in a sanglancholy, and just thought in her heart: "It turned out that "he really gave me before"

here. In society, women have always been a vassal of men. Which man is willing to be bullied by women? Thinking of Jun Moxie's entanglement in the past few years. He is often beaten and scolded by himself, and he has never given him a good face, but this. A man with unique skills has been forbearing. He would rather use a disdainful posture and get close to himself,

Thinking of Jun Moxie seriously practicing martial arts with himself, and then being abused by himself. But with a scoundrel's smile, Guan Qinghan's heart was full of sweetness.

How rare is it for such a proud man to put down his figure for the woman he loves?

Easy to find priceless treasure, rare lover!

Now, this man is already sharp. Prepare to show his unique demeanor to the world! At this time, he became his woman at a helpless and coincidental moment. He was the first woman he admitted,

Is this fate?

But how can this matter be so simple? How much will you have to face in the future?",

Guan Qinghan was thinking about his mind and was pulled by Dugu Xiaoyi, intentionally or unintentionally. He quietly came to the handsome tent. You have no intention to sit down with all your heart. Four adults, look at me and I look at you. No one speaks first. They really don't know how to open their mouths. After opening their mouths, they have to say something. Even though they knew that the two women were eavesdropping outside the door, there was no need to hide it from them. After all, they were all involved.

Jun Moxie looked at an uncle and three uncles strangely: "What's the matter? Why do they all have this expression? Isn't there something wrong at home?"

"What can I have at home? It's not for your boy!" The four of them shouted and scolded at the same time, with one voice. It is estimated that pure cooperation is not so neat. After saying that, I couldn't help looking at each other.

"Mo Xie, about you and Qing Han. I just discussed it with your three uncles. Jun's unintentional eyes are very complicated and a little helpless. He said, "Although I have taken Qinghan as a righteous daughter and terminated the marriage contract between the two families, after all, the outside world still doesn't know, cough, even your master

"Huh? What the hell is going on? Third uncle. What the hell are you going to say!" Jun Moxie is not stupid, but he really didn't expect it. In his thoughts and concepts, Guan Qinghan followed himself. Even if there were some gossips, it would not be too serious.

No matter who this woman is, but her husband, that is, his eldest brother, is dead. Do you want a beautiful woman to be widowed for a lifetime? I haven't met him a few times in total, and I didn't even have a worship hall, so I asked them to observe the festival. "What kind of truth is this?

Who doesn't want to pursue their lifelong happiness? Since the Jun family deliberately gave Guan Qinghan freedom and even given him freedom, Guan Qinghan naturally wants to marry someone else. Since you have to get married sooner or later, you can marry someone else. What's wrong with marrying me?

So, although Jun Moxie also thought of this, he always thought it was not a big deal. This is the thought of his previous life, but he ignores the men's and women's defense at this time. How serious the corrupt concept of etiquette and morality is! That's completely different from the situation on the earth before he crossed.

The defense of men and women in this feudal era is even comparable to the time when Cheng Zhu Lixue was most respected in the Song Dynasty!

"I really don't know what you think. Even if you don't learn anything, you should think that if your grandfather knew about this, he would be furious!"

Jun looked at his nephew inadvertently and said, "The housekeeper knows, and it is inevitable to feel ashamed." So. I discussed with your uncles. If the army pulls out the camp, don't follow us back to Tianxiang. Let's go to the Oriental Family first to see your mother and your grandmother. After all, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. It's a family relationship over there. Well, I will deal with this matter as soon as possible. When your grandfather's anger subsides, Zhu is calm down. "You come back again, otherwise, your grandfather is angry now, and he may not do anything." Jun Moxie frowned and couldn't understand: "Third uncle, listen to you, let me go out to avoid the limelight?"

"You're not stupid, that's what I mean!" Jun sighed inadvertently: "This matter. It always needs to be operated many times to eliminate many negative effects

"What negative impact? Why is grandpa so angry? Third uncle, what the hell are you talking about? Jun Moxie suddenly broke out: "What's the impact there? Could it be that this matter still humiliates the family tradition?

Guan Qinghan outside the tent suddenly covered his mouth with his delicate hand, and two lines of tears came out of his eyes.

This matter is not an insult to the family tradition, but what is it? Dongfang Wenqing and other three people and Jun had no intention of muttering in their hearts. What's wrong with this boy? He is usually a very smart person. Why are they so confused now? Although the four of them know that they really can't blame Jun Moxie or Guan Qinghan for this matter, the result is like this, and it's the same! And this fact is always a mistake!

At least, when the world has not recognized Guan Qinghan's new identity, it is a complete mistake!

"Third uncle, this is for the good of both of you." Jun didn't mean to twist his eyebrows: "I'm not willing to let you go out for a while, but you should know that in these things, it's not what you want to do." All of this, we all need to work hard! I believe that it won't take long for this incident to be diluted. When everything happens, everything will be easy to say! Don't you want to see your mother, grandma?

"No way! This is two different things! I will definitely visit my mother and grandmother, but it will never be now!" Jun Moxie categorically refused: "I will never hide in the Oriental family, just passively wait for the result. That's not me, Jun Moxie."

The four of them didn't expect that he was so excited that they couldn't help but look at each other in amazment. Obviously, it was the best way to solve the embarrassing thing in front of them. What's wrong with this boy?

Jun Moxie suddenly stood up: "I don't know what damn customs there are in this world. No matter what others think of this matter! But this matter is not negotiable! I won't make any concessions or compromises! I will never escape!"

"Is there one? Should a woman be a widow? Don't forget that this woman has not even met his husband several times, nor has she married, let alone the entertainment of men and women. What is the meaning of such a so-called marriage? Can't women pursue their own happiness?

"Since our family has decided to return her happiness, why not marry me? Am I not a man? Can't I make her happy? What's more, she is already my woman!"

"Why do you care about other people's opinions and opinions? Does it have anything to do with us? Those rotten Confucians are just *** a fart! If you annoy me, I will *** unify the world, and then come to burn books to pit Confucianism! Give them a root! Let's finish it together!" Jun Moxie was a little angry, and his crazy murderous intention soared!

If you want a monthly ticket, it must break out. "This month, it has continued to break out until now." Suddenly a little tired, tired." I hope, I need it. Brothers and sisters, give me motivation. I want to cheer up!

After finishing this chapter, I lay on Jiang Zi. Looking at the starry sky outside the window, I have stayed for a long time. The man's responsibility will never escape from fighting for one person. If it were me, could I do it? It's better to live up to the sky than to live up to you, but now you are a woman! Isn't it a big joke?"

I'm very lost. Turn off the phone to sleep. I hope tomorrow, swords and shadows will fight again! If you want to know what will happen, please log in to the muscle call, there are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!