The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 28 The way to play in the middle!

Today's outbreak of the second update is delivered! The third update is in the middle of modification. The fourth is working harder..."

Again, the sharpness of the sword in the young man's hand is also amazing! Xiao Buyu has never seen such a magic sword in his life! It can be split immediately with almost a little bit of rubbing! Whether it's stone, steel, or... mysterious power!

The Xuangong strength of the four levels of Shenxuan, which has been split out one after another, can even be split from it under the sharpness of this long sword!

Xiao Buyu had to take the most stable defense. Even if it was a simple defense, Xiao Buyu gradually felt a little powerless! The series of things I saw today are all unimaginable, and all of them are anecdotes in the world!

If these things happen to others, I'm afraid that I will enjoy watching it just by looking at them. I'm full of amazement, and the excitement on my face is like **!

But if it happens to yourself... it's really a complete tragedy!

At this moment, Xiao Buyu can be said to be crying without tears!

This feeling is like a living person fighting with a ghost. Even if the living person himself has the power of a hegemony and can shake the mountains, the other party is tangible and intangible. No matter how strong you are, it is useless. You can't affect the other party at all. No matter how strong you have!

Although I know that this ghost is just a ghost. But this ghost still has the ability to kill himself! Xiao Buyu is really sad! He regrets it very much now. How good would it be to lead the crowd back directly when he received the order from Silver City? How can there be such trouble?

What a pity, what a pity! I can't regret it!

Xiao Buyu has always insisted on supporting with unchanging tactics, and only looking forward to the moment when Jun Mo is exhausted. In his thought, even if you are a genius, your body is wonderful, and it is also true that you can't attack him.

But Jun Moxie is still young, and how deep can the mysterious power go?

Although after the previous fight, Xiao Buyu also judged that Jun Moxie's current strength had reached the initial level of heaven, this age and this cultivation can really be said to be shocking! But even the Xuangong at this level has a score compared with anyone. He is a strong man of the four grades of Shenxuan. He has been skilled for hundreds of years, and he is only one step away from the supreme level. In addition, in terms of the comparison of attack and defense, the defense side of the guard consumes a lot of mind, but the consumption of strength The fierce attack of the thief in such a storm consumes the most mysterious power!

The theory of martial arts is that it can't last long and can't be kept, so it's reasonable! I believe that as long as you work steadily and keep it without revealing fbreaks, the chance to win in the end will belong to you. If you take another 10,000 steps, even if it consumes, it will consume energy to death!

In general, Xiao Buyu's plan can be said to have no omissions. The calculation is even more wise. Such tactics are universally accurate. I believe that basically no one in the world can go beyond this category.

But basically no, but it doesn't mean absolutely no!

For example, this time he took this delaying tactic in the face of Jun Moxie, but it was a big mistake!

Because... Master Jun is a downright freak, and this freak is not afraid of any loss at all!

To be honest, although the young master has the overall advantage, he still has a lot of scruples in his heart. Xiao Buyu has always been the strong man of the four grades of Shenxuan, or he is still not as good as the eagle, but in terms of Xuangong alone, the gap will never be too far apart Out, it's better to fight hard than in the wind. No matter how sharp and strong your moves are, the gap between the two sides is too big. I believe that at least you can fight for a situation where both sides are defeated! It may even be a big hit. Although it is inevitable to be hit hard, it will never be fatal!

After all, in the face of such Shen Xuan Lao's deep-fried dough sticks, how could Jun Moxie choose to fight with him? Young Master Jun is in the morning sun. It's not enough to live. Isn't it too much to play with an old monster who is almost 100 years old? ......

Unfortunately, Xiao Buyu also cherished his life, even much more than Da Shao imagined, and even wanted to maintain Shen Xuan's face! So much so that he actually put on airs to deal with such a strong enemy as Jun Mo Xie. He would rather fall into a disadvantage, fall into a disadvantage, and be so passive, but he has not yet showed his sword!

After all, a four-grade master of Shenxuan, a well-known super master with more than one Jiazi, if he has to deal with a sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenager, he still has to use his sword... It's really too much...

But Xiao Buyu never thought that the choice he made now, which he thought was infalluable, was not consumed, but what he could not afford was himself!

After a long battle, Jun Mo's evil momentum is like a rainbow, and the offensive is getting stronger and stronger, but he is also a little admired in his heart! My offensive is so urgent and rigorous, and every move I use does not belong to the world. I believe that any move I make can cause great shock!

However, Xiao Buyu, the second master of the Xiao family in front of him, is really worthy of the fame of a generation of gods and the strongest person closest to the supreme. Even under such a violent offensive, although he is a little embarrassed and even a little busy by himself, he can still support it with his profound skills and strong combat wisdom. It's been so long!

Xiao Buyu's Xuangong is not the same as the Baili Xiongfeng he killed that day. It is definitely the same heaven and the same underground! Although both of them are nominally called Shenxuan, the most heroic style of a hundred miles is the first grade of Shenxuan. But Xiao Buyu is the fourth grade of Shenxuan!

This is a huge distance!

Moreover, although he has countless opportunities to stab Xiao Buyu with a sword on his body, while stabbing him, he will inevitably be attacked by Xiao Buyu's crazy counterattack, which is enough for a fatal counterattack!

With the theory of the divine power of seizing heaven and earth, a fatal blow for ordinary people may not be able to kill himself, but the mysterious power of the other party is still not what his current body can support! In this way, the gains outweigh the losses.

So you have no other way but to continue to fight!

With the protection of Kaitian Gong and the support of Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie's spiritual power can be said to be endless, even if it is inexhaustible! Seeing that Xiao Buyu is becoming more and more shrinking the defense line and blindly guarding, the young master is even more in the middle, energetic, the more brave the war, the more fierce the attack, the sword style is like a fire tree silver flower at night, floating on the moon sleep, the Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, the sword light shines in the

Xiao Buyu became more and more careful in the war, afraid that he would be careless and reveal his fright.

As a result, Jun Moxie is more lively and comfortable. He even made a few postures that made him feel good, which made him look more heroic. The jade tree is in the wind...

On the other side, Jun inadvertently ended the battle, took back his sword and stood with his hands on his back. At this moment, Xiao Han curled up on the ground like a mass of mud, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive at all. On the other hand, the eagle fought against the seven swords of the silver city, which was even more wonderful.

However, the eyes of the snake king and the girl in white have always focused on the war between Jun Moxie and Xiao Buyu, not because it is so fierce, but because of Jun Moxie's sword moves, which is too magical. Each move dazzled the two women. Obviously, it seemed to be an ordinary and simple move, but once I thought about it carefully, I found that it was profound, mysterious, virtual and solid, advance and retreat, attack and defense, especially the cooperation between sword moves and body footwork, which is even more amazing!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe that there are such wonderful tricks in the world!

With their superb strength, you can naturally see the true power of Jun Moxie's sword moves at a glance. Jun Moxie is just the strength of the first level of Tianxuan, and can use these moves to draw with a solid Shenxuan four grades, and even occupy most of the offensive, although there are some additional reasons. Su, but most of the facts are like this. Imagine, if such a move is played with the strength of the snake king and the girl in white, what would the power be like?

"Puff!" The Snake King laughed, because after Jun Moxie took a sword, at the moment when he was old, he opened his legs and arched his buttocks at Xiao Buyu. Although he must not be arched to the ground, this action was really indecent, and it was full of faults. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Just hit it. Unexpectedly, In this posture, the little Tianxuan faces the four grades of Shenxuan. Isn't he looking for death?

"You're wrong!" The girl in white looked at the fight between the two indifferently and slowly said, "Xiao Buyu has always been a strong man of the four grades of Shenxuan. How profound the Xuangong has been carried for hundreds of years. Although the gentleman has other mysterious methods that can quickly replenish the consumed Xuangong, his own output is always only the power of Tianxuan Gong. If so Go, even if it's another day and one night, it's difficult to distinguish the winner, and it's hard to consume Xiao Buyu's combat power at all.

"So Jun Moxie is in a wild attack. It is necessary to successfully provoke Xiao Buyu's anger before he can pick up the bargain. According to the analysis of the situation, although Jun Moxie is indeed dominant, after such a long period of intensive and fierce attack, no matter how many exquisite moves he knows, there will always be a useful moment. At that time, it will be the time when fatal fbreak appears. Xiao Buyu can endure it once or twice, but as long as he really seizes the opportunity, he only needs one opportunity. In terms of his mysterious strength, it is bound to be a fatal blow, one blow will win!"

"However, such a strange action of Jun Moxie can't a cause Xiao Buyu's anger. Xiao Buyu is an old world. He has been cultivated for hundreds of years and countless years of experience. How can he not be angry easily?" The Snake King is a little inexplicable.

"Of course, with Xiao Buyu's sophistication, he will naturally not be angered by the other party's means, but have you noticed that every time Jun Moxie uses a clever new move, he always makes an inexplicable insulting action when Xiao Buyu is in a hurry, and this At that time, Xiao Buyu will definitely be in a hurry for a moment. Jun Moxie's own body is extremely magical, so even if there is a flaw at this time, it is difficult for Xiao Buyu to grasp this best opportunity to attack.

"But Xiao Buyu doesn't want to catch it, so this invisibly disrupts Xiao Buyu's thinking about Jun Moxie's new move. When Jun Moxie uses this move next time, Xiao Buyu still can't crack it and can only be in a hurry again. This is Jun Moxie's opportunity. It is also a wonderful way for him to protect himself! I have to say that this idea is really wonderful!"

"Yesterday's September 18th... Drunk!!!"