The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 35 Do what you say

"It's too fragile! The endurance is really poor!" Jun Mo Wu just stood and was still in ** performing undressing

Not far in front of the dancing Xiao Buyu, Xiao Buyu suddenly played a self-explosion, which was really too abrupt [even

With the young man's calmness, he couldn't even react, although Xiao Buyu's self-explosion was to solve

Take off, it's not very lethal, but the young master is still coldly sprayed with blood all over his face by this change


The young master wiped his face, shook his head, and said with some dissatisfaction; "Why did you do this

I committed suicide brittlely, and I'm the first person under the supreme. I don't even have such a little endurance... Brother

The means haven't been used up yet. It's a pity that it's such a white buttocks. Haven't you seen it yet? Grandma

, I originally planned to cut his heavy grandson's skin and pour mercury in front of him

's...or knock off the skull alive and make the brain boil... This is a follow-up show

It turned up before it could be implemented, and it turned up so without a trace... It's really too urgent

, there is also a little strong man's demeanor and demeanor there. It's so lame. It's more famous than meeting and meeting.

It's not as good as being famous. It's really sparse..."

All the people present who heard his words had the same expression and stared straight at the big

Less, the eyeballs are directly solidified...

As mentioned in the words just now, the parties who can still stand upright one by one

The legs have completely bounced up the pipa, and the little face is even more white, just like a freshly boiled stone


And at this moment, the inexplicable power that had been enveloping the five elders suddenly

If it is scattered, it will be silent and without any trace.

The five people naturally resumed their actions at the same time, and at the moment they were able to move, then

Immediately, it was clearly divided into two camps, and the three members of the Xiao family confronted the two people belonging to the Han family,

The eyes of both sides are full of extreme hatred

Only the three elders of the Xiao family still have a little shame in their eyes, but not much.

The current state of these five people is basically the same, and they all sweat under the pressure of the huge pressure

Several bodies, sweaty clothes, and his face was extremely tired. Obviously, he was so tired before he resisted

When it comes to Mo Yu's powerful power, he has exhausted all his strength and can no longer support it,

But everyone stared at each other, and they couldn't wait to have this one a quarter of an hour before

The allies of the brothers swallowed their stomachs!

"The surname is Xiao... Hello, you! Good scheming, good calculation, that's great! It's really good!"

The three elders gasped angrily, and their eyes were burning like flames; "The lord of the city is so

Over the years, I have always been courteous to the Xiao family and humble everywhere. Unexpectedly, I would raise a tiger for trouble,

Boh, it is said that raising tigers is the king of all beasts, and it is basically raising a group of unfamiliar wolves! Like you

How can this person still have the face to live between this world?

The eight elders turned his face, snorted coldly, and said, "Han Feiyun, how are you doing?"

The three elders trembled with anger and spoke very rudely, "You Xiao family did it yourself

What do you think I'm going to do? If I were you, I would not have been able to live long ago. I would have found a crooked neck tree

hanged to death! Such a shameful... Such kindness will be avenged!"

"Do you want us to die? It seems that you don't have this qualification alone! Humph, wait to come back

Silver alkali ", two games, your cold family may not be able to have the upper hand!" The eight elders looked coldly

He sneered.

"Are you qualified? You have to try to know!" The old face of the three elders twitched for a while

Suddenly, he stood up his palm and shouted, "Seven swords! Array! Exercise the family law! The rebellion of the three Xiao families

Take it down to me! Xue Tong, together with the seven swords, these three rebels have already been strong

It's vulnerable!"

The faces of the eight elders and three others suddenly changed. At this moment, the comparison of strength can be said to be clear at a glance. The five elders were suppressed by the mysterious pressure of the origin at the same time, and they were full of magical power

Save one or two, which can be said to be the weakest moment.

At this moment, it is clear, but with three enemies and two enemies, it still has the upper hand, and the seven swords join hands with great power

Strong, if in normal times, it is by no means an ordinary god, but this is to fight against the grassland of the supreme strong

The eagle fights in the air, and also bears considerable trauma. Even if it is a seven-person sword, it may not be able to win

The three elders of the Xiao family...

However, there is another Tianxuan middle-level master Mu Xuetong whose strength has not been damaged by the Han family!

If on weekdays, although Mu Xuetong also has the strength of Tianxuan, she can enter the method of the Shenxuan strongr

Eyes, however, it is easy to change things, and the small role that is usually not eye-catching has become a light role at this moment

A heavy trump card!

Will the engraved civil war in Silver City be ended by Mu Xuetong?!

At this moment, another unusually peaceful voice sounded. "Do you have enough to deliver the grid

, it's really hard to say... It seems that this place has the final say at the time! The death of the reckless family

Although they can't live by themselves, they don't come to the cold family to make a choice!"

In this case, you can also speak with such Youyou f6, in addition to Master Jun

There is no one else!

The young master's body floated gently with the sound of the words, and suddenly disappeared in the air. In a flash, he actually

It has appeared in front of Xiao Fengwu. As soon as he reached out, he pinched Xiao Fengwu's neck, followed by another line

The clouds and flowing water retreated at a high speed, leaving only a string of shadows of him pinching Xiao Fengwu's neck, the next moment

Well, the young master has returned to the place where he originally stood, and the only difference is that he has one more in his hand


What happened to Xiao Fengwu earlier

I was so scared that I couldn't remember to resist when I saw Jun Mo's ghostly appearance in front of me.

Seeing Jun Moxie pinching Xiao Fengwu's neck, it was like holding a chick to be slaughtered

Sample, the six-eight-nine elders were suddenly anxious, and they could take care of their physical weakness and take a step at the same time

Step out: "Don't be evil, there is a debt and a master. Fengwu has not offended your family. Don't

Big bully and small implicate innocent people!"

It's no wonder that these three Xiao's parents are always anxious, not only the men of the Han family are thin, but also the Xiao family's generation

Although there are many men, there are also not many men who can become weapons, except for Xiao Fengwu,

And Xiao Fengwu is still the best of the Xiao family!

"How can I bully the young with the big? It seems that I'm not yet seventeen years old. You guys

Master Sun seems to be almost twenty, right? Do you have a debt? This sentence can actually be from you

What did the family say? Haven't you always advocated anger? If you don't like it, do whatever you want, do whatever you want

For that reason? Did he make up what Xiao Buyu just said? You don't know it at all

qing? Fuck you, you guys!"

Jun Moxie took out his ear with an empty hand and scolded in disbelief.

With his words, there was a boo around him, which even included the Seven Swords of Silver City

A sneer from


Your Xiao family has their own personal grievances, and millions of people have been displaced because of you,

It has caused hundreds of thousands of people to die! This is not over, and it has harmed countless children, and now it is still

You have the face to say that there is injustice, debt and owner!

Or anyone has the position to say this sentence, only the Xiao family says this sentence, no


Jun Moxie looked at them coldly, quietly, but with an awe-inspiring murderous spirit, slowly

said, "I once made a promise to Xiao Buyu. I won't let go of any of the Xiao family!

If a person has no faith, he will not stand, and I will not be a dishonest person. I must do what I say! Even if it's right

Dead people, promise, can't give up!"

The six elders were teased by the young master, trembling with anger, barely cheering up, and shouting

When he came up, Jun Moxie sneered and clicked. Xiao Fengwu howled like a pig, but

The left shoulder was crushed by Jun Mo Wu!

No...don't kill me, don't cut the skin and pour mercury, please, please, sir

Master, your ancestor...Wow..." Under the severe pain of Xiao Fengwu, he suddenly begged for mercy. The more he talked, the more painful he said.

The more scared I was, the more I suddenly cried loudly and burst into tears. What can I say can't be said?

Say it all.

The six elders immediately stopped and shouted angrily, "Jun Mo Wu, you are so despicable!"

Jun Moxie laughed, and the Taoist worker was "despicable? How dare you say that I'm despicable? You don't have

When you slaughtered tens of thousands of people, did you ever think about despicable? You will take the descendants of those loyal ministers and good generals,

When those children become useless people, have you ever thought about the natural cycle?! Why is it your turn

Is it despicable for your family to suffer? Can I compare with your Xiao family today?

In his laughter, Xiao Fengwu kept screaming, wailing, and the sound of bones breaking

The sound kept ringing, the limbs were broken one by one, and the soft fell down. The sound was almost in

Moaned. Why did the six elders roar and rushed up crazily? Jun Mo Wu looked at the six elders,

Suddenly, he grabbed Xiao Fengwu's back colonization and threw it over. With a click, his voice was crisp, and his whiskers were also broken

one one r one one one

And Jun Moxie's body followed Xiao Fengwu Wuzi and rushed over from behind! Like wind and lightning!

The six elders were shocked. He was rushing over, but Xiao Fengwu's body was coming towards him. He was busy

In the middle of the body, he stretched out his hand to catch Xiao Fengwu's body, but he heard the sound of the wind, Jun Mo Xie followed

Come later.

After seeing the battle between Jun Mo Wu and Xiao Buyu before, how did the six elders not know Jun Mo

The evil body is like a ghost, coupled with my own strength, my ability is far less than usual, and there is still

Dare to be careless at the slightest, he immediately refused to take Xiao Fengwu's body, and flashed to the left, the first

For a moment, the long sword came out, and as soon as I struggled in the wind, the snowflakes suddenly appeared all over the sky!

He has just finished his long sword and used the sword of Silver City, but he suddenly heard a " bang" one

The sound of "k" sounded, but he saw Xiao Fengwu's body turning towards him like a cloud and fog

When he flew over, it was Jun Moxie who suddenly kicked him again while marching, let

He turned around and continued to fly to the six elders.

This foot, in addition to the right direction correction, is also kicked in the waist, pause

In the seasonal, Xiao Fengwu's lumbar spine is also completely broken! So far, Xiao Fengwu's face is still intact, already

is the footsteps of Xiao Han!

Completely useless...

The six elders can't avoid it. If they are forcing the sword, the first one to be unlucky is Xiao Fengwu, in a hurry

Withdraw with all your strength and hold Xiao Fengwu in his arms, what kind of figure the six elders are, as soon as they get started

When he found the tragic situation carved by Xiao Fengwu, he couldn't help but be furious and screamed, "Jun Mo Xie,

You are so cruel, a vicious way!"

But after he said this, he was immediately stunned by the fact in front of his eyes!

[Ti: Dear book friend, the current chapter has reached the last page of the book]