The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 51 You are going to be a grandfather

, broke out on the second day, the fourteenth time this month! The first update is delivered! Severe drip requires vertebrae,

Dugu Invincible opened his eyes, stunned, and trembled his fingers: "You, you, you" for a long time. Unexpectedly, he couldn't say half a word again, and suddenly he fell off the horse with a "plop" and fell upside down, embarrassed to the extreme. But he still stared at his daughter with his neck straight. The eyes are full of disbelief.

Jun Moxie on the other side was also shocked at a glance! The eyes are bulging!

What the hell is going on? What's going on?

As for the three former brothers of Dugu Chong, Dugu Shang and Dugu, even the eyes almost stared out!

I saw Dugu Xiaoyi holding his stomach with his hand. Walking carefully and slowly, her figure turned out to be abnormally bloated. In that way, she looked like a pregnant woman who had reached the pre-paternity period, and it was extremely difficult to walk.

If you look down from the top, you probably can't see your toes anymore"

This girl was so slim that she was blown down by a gust of wind yesterday. Why did you have such a big belly today? This speed is too ridiculous. Even if a woman who is pregnant in October and is about to give birth, she may not have such a big belly. Not to mention that we don't have that at all, even if it's really that. And it's not possible to get it so fast, can it? This girl is too tough,"


For a moment, Jun Moxie couldn't laugh or cry.

It turns out that this girl finally used this trick!

Jun Moxie was not only funny, but suddenly he was a little moved.

The little girl's move is undoubtedly messing around, but it shows that she is completely sincere to herself. She has fallen in love with her and has reached the point of ignoring nothing!

At all costs! I like Jun Moxie. I just want to marry Jun Zhenxie!

The practice of this alone is quite similar to that of the young master. The young master is a person who goes his own way. He never pays attention to what others think and what he says, and the girl ignores everything outside for the person she loves most. Although the two are not the same, they also have similar meaning!

So it came out in front of the Wanma Army and in front of the gate of Tianxiang City. You can imagine what the little girl has to bear! As a descendant of the big family, how important is the reputation of the only girl in the third generation of the Dugu family? The little girl was not stupid, nor did she think of the consequences, but she still resolutely did so.


is a little nonsense, it shows the firm determination to bear the public opinion offensive of Tianxiang rumors with me! This ridiculous behavior is equivalent to going to Jun Moxie: No matter what you suffer, I will accompany you. You will not be alone, and you will not be alone!

Because you still have me!

Jun Moxie's cold lips suddenly showed a trace of softness. At this moment, his heartstrings were really moved by Dugu Xiaoyi, a little silly and naive little girl!

So affectionate love. Such a little girl, "What else can you do with her?

"Xiaoyi, you, you, you, "I, I, I" do evil, do evil! My grandma is a hammer. What's the matter with this?" Dugu was invincible and grabbed the ground with a bang. The general of a country, burst into tears, called every day, and the ground did not work.

"Dad, don't do this." Dugu Xiaoyi was suddenly anxious. He had long forgotten that he was now "with Liujia" and ran to his father. The little girl herself also had good cultivation. Once the distance between these two steps is really let go, it will naturally arrive in a blink of an eye.

"Stop! You, you. Don't move!" Oh, you silly girl, you're going to die." Dugu Invincible was shocked and jumped up. He didn't care about the sadness. He opened his hands and said nervously: No,... Don't touch the fetus! Ah, ah, ah"

Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly realized that he can't run around in an "emergency period" now! Suddenly, he stopped from the rapid running, carefully holding his stomach with both hands, lest he suddenly fall down and lean back. He swung over like a penguin and said in a delicate voice, "Dad, don't be angry, your daughter is unworthy, but" I'm going to be a mother, you're going to be a grandfather... You should be happy, not be angry"

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I should be happy, I should be happy" Dugu Invincible gasped, his angry eyes turned blue, and hammered his chest impatiently. Only then could he resist the anger that was about to break out. He pointed to his daughter's stomach with his fingers, and he was a little angry but a little excited: "Whose?"

Speaking of, General Dugu is also the father of several children, and he is even more used to the big-bellied woman. The girl who is not so ignorant has only been away from home for a few months. No matter what, it can't be such a big body. However, the idea that his daughter was "doed" was preconceived, and the general actually ignored this fact!

"Uh? What, "Whose?" Dugu Xiaoyi was stunned. He asked with his big eyes wide open.

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Dugu is invincible and almost vomited blood. He looked at Dugu Xiaoyi tremblingly and roared like a blood cone: "I asked the doll in here. Whose is it!!

"Where is it? ...Oh, "Well, Dugu Xiaoyi lowered his head shyly and whispered, "Except for Brother Mo Xie's, who else can there be?"

"ho...ho"" Dugu was invincible and gasped violently. Although he had been prepared for a long time, he suddenly saw his precious daughter suddenly appear in front of him with such a big belly. The general still felt a burst of black in front of him. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and looked up to the sky and shouted, "Junmo, I must castrate you,"

Jun Moxie in the team shuddered with excitement.

What? Why did you caste me? Your daughter drugged me. Let me die, and you still have to castrate me. Is there any justice?!

"Dad, what are you talking about!" Dugu Xiaoyi stamped her little feet, blushed her little face and covered her ears with her little hand and bulged her mouth. Although the little girl seemed to understand the affairs of men and women, she was also very clear about the meaning of the so-called " castrate". Naturally, she was very dissatisfied.

"Don't stamp your feet" "... Don't stamp your feet..." Dugu jumped up in a hurry. Scratching the scalp: "Oh, ah, ah," my little aunt, you are now in both bodies, can't stand the big move, be careful,"

At this time. The imperial envoy holding the imperial edict finally arrived breathlessly and waved the dust at you inadvertently: "The imperial edict has arrived! The commander-in-chief has no intention to take the order!"

"Pie up your grandma, mouth!" Dugu was so angry that he had nowhere to vent. Suddenly, he heard the strange tone of the eunuch, and he was so angry that General Dugu did not hear clearly what the eunuch was shouting. Suddenly, the volcano erupted and kicked a rolling gourd: "** The thigh of your ancestor's grandmother of the 18th generation, haven't you seen you? Am I busy? Your grandma pulled the male duck's throat and shouted with yellow smoke in her asshole! Call me your mother's hair!"

The old eunuch rolled out. Directly turning over more than a dozen difficult somersault movements, the dried salted fish fell to the ground with a chirping, and immediately fell into a clean and coma.

The imperial edict held in his hand has already come out of his hand, and it happened to fall into a puddle. The water doesn't care whether you have the imperial edict or not. It came up, and the handwriting on it was suddenly blurred, and my concubine was dizzy.

Suddenly, the eyes bounced around!

From ancient times to now, I have never seen anyone who dares to beat the imperial envoy like this, and it is also the imperial envoy who came to announce the reward. Moreover, General Dugu's scolding is really fluent, which makes people turn their heads several times before they figure out what he is scolding."

And this imperial envoy is also really unlucky. He is clear that this unintentional reward for you is really not light, and it is full of calculations that this time the unintentional will definitely reward himself a large amount. Full of dreams of making a fortune, I didn't expect that my head was a vicious and confused coma. I don't even know which immortal I offended from beginning to end

Jun inadvertently watched the imperial envoy come over and was waiting for his clothes. Then he was ready to come forward to take the order, and then he saw the imperial envoy's ball rolling out of his eyes, very fast.

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I immediately said, "My minister, you have no intention to take the order. I swallowed it again. Looking at Dugu invincible in a daze, he sighed for a long time and said, "Brother Dugu, you have caused a big disaster this time!"

"Did I make a big disaster? You don't mean to ho ho ho, you are not a good thing!" Dugu invincible ignored what you didn't mean to say, and shouted an out of anguity: "You indulge your nephew's murder, ** plunder, the crime is extremely heinous, I'm at a no-way with you! What about Jun Moxie's little beast? Get out of here! If you don't appear automatically, you will be caught by me, and you will be punched to death!"

Get a crisp sound of horses' hoofs. The young master came out in the crowd, with red lips and white teeth, beautiful eyebrows, handsome face, elegant demeanor, demeanor, like a jade tree in the wind, and the golden boy is alive!

"Don't be evil! You little beast! ..." Ah, ah, ah, ah," Dugu Invincible rushed up with red eyes as if he wanted to eat people. Jun Moxie rushed to the flagpole that had just been doubled by himself. After a few swipes, he reached the top of the flagpole of more than ten feet and shouted, "What are you going to do? It's none of my business from beginning to end." You have to investigate clearly before you speak! If you want to go crazy, you should find a crazy partner first.

The flagpole is too high. Although the Dugu Invincible General's kung fu was not bad, he really couldn't jump so high. If he climbed up, his thick body was not so flexible, and he could only jump around under the flagpole. Hearing Jun Moxie's words, he suddenly became even more angry and angry with the bullfight: "What! Don't do your business? Whose business is that? ***, let me figure it out? I... my daughter... It's all like this. You want to eat it clean and don't admit it!? What do I know?"

Dugu Invincible trembled all over and looked at Jun Moxie angrily, holding the flagpole in both hands. Shake as hard as you can. Jun Moxie above suddenly became like a flying man in the air, sling back and forth.