The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 78 Joke or framed

Update on the day of silt! Today's double last day, I will keep typing until the pear banana spider can code as much as I can send, at least there should be three updates!

The hero rushed to the front seven people and was also drunk. He opened his throat and sang the drama. He was drunk with his eyes. Finally, the seven brothers rolled to the ground and snored for a moment.

Anyway, everyone drank too much, so that a maid came in and said something, and everyone didn't hear it clearly...

Even the young master didn't run away. At night, he finally stayed in the Dugu family. There was nothing he could do. The young master also drank a lot. Although he forced out a lot of wine by cheating, the remaining alcohol was enough for him to drink a pot. Later, he was drunk and confused. He couldn't find Tang Yuan everywhere, I feel it.

When I got up the next day, I heard two maids whispering outside: "Hey. Do you know? The distinguished guest who came yesterday drank too much, "

"Uh-huh, I've heard about it too, but it's not detailed

"Then let me tell you, don't roar..."

"Uh-huh, I will definitely pass it on,"

"I heard that. Fatty, I went to the toilet yesterday, vomited for ten days, and then splashed. Guess what?

"What's the matter?"

"He actually jumped into the latrine and wanted to catch fish in it." Oh, my God, after the heavy rain under the net, everything splashed out, oh, but it's so disgusting, "

"Real? What did you do later?

"Hey, Wang and the others are exhausted. The smell is bad, and the place is not right. The fat man's whole body was sunk in it, and more than a dozen people wrapped ropes around him before they pulled him out. Everyone splashed all over. Then he dragged it to the pond and washed it five times before entering the guest room. It is said that there is still a smell after entering the guest room. "Wang Tongren had no choice but to get seven or eight buckets of water and washed it for him twice before it was cleaned

"So," he hasn't woken up after such a big toss?"

"I didn't wake up! Not only didn't he wake up, but he kept calling for catching fish in there"

"It's really powerful

"That's not enough. It is said that when he went in, the young master cousin was squatting inside. He was grabbed by him with one hand and threw it out. Later, he still had a lingering fear. Master Wei was thrown out by him, otherwise he would have been smashed into the pit together. Although the young I heard that Master Tang had to go fishing for fish, and then he jumped down by himself"

"Ah? Hahaha, but it's so funny."

"Hahaha" I'm laughing to death." Jun Moxie, who eavesdropped, also laughed. Although he knew that this was an epoosure of his good brother, he really shouldn't laugh, but this fat man is too good to do it. His weight fell into it. It's really not good, and the earth doesn'

As soon as they heard the young master's laughter, the two maids suddenly panicked.

I saw this guy laughing all the way. He just inquired about where Tang Yuan lived and left. Then he was relieved to know that the rules of the family were the strictest. For example, their maidservists talked about the guests in private, let alone let the guests' companions know"

When Jun Moxie saw Tang Yuan again, this guy was sleeping wrapped in a quilt, and the room smelled of wine.

Look at this, I have no impression of what happened last night.

Before he came, Jun Moxie only felt funny. The fat man was too few, so he drank a little more wine and actually ran to other people's latrine to fish, but now when he saw Tang Yuan lying **, Jun Moxie suddenly became suspicious.

Tang Yuan is either countless, or careless, or disappointing, or even tasteless, but he is absolutely not confused! Even if you are drunk, you will never be mentally retarded and go to the pit to fish, right? Besides, with Tang Yuan's physique, is there such a big pit there?


make him fall and flutter in it?

This *** is not a swimming pool!

Other people's families don't know, but Jun's pit Jun Mo Xie knows. In addition to the personal convenience of the owner, there are also conveniences for entertaining guests, and in addition, it is the convenience of the guards at home. Except for the larger guards, the other ones have good equipment, and there is no possibility to get the guests in at all. In addition, in terms of the fat man's size, there is only so much space, and it is estimated that it can't be stuffed into the hard match.

But this is the case, so how did Tang Yuan fall into the pit?

The only explanation is...

Is it calculated?

Jun Moxie gently lifted Tang Yuan's life and carefully checked his body, but he didn't see anything. He stood up and meditated for a long time and went out. He called a guard casually: "Take me to the place where I drank last night."

Seeing that it was the future uncle's greeting, the guard did not dare to neglect it. He took Jun Moxie back to the place where he drank last night. The mess had already been cleaned up, but the faint smell of wine was still self-eviating.

Jun Moxie stood where Tang Yuan originally sat. At this time, the big chair specially made for the fat man had already been removed. The young master pondered for a while and said, "How many convenient places are there nearby?" The guard was stunned and said, "There are two convenient places nearby. There are more in the distance.

"Oh, take me to have a look." Jun Moxie waved his hand.

The bodyguard was very surprised. He said that the future uncle was strange. He visited the rockery garden and so on, but it was really the first time to visit the toilet. But the guests had requirements, especially their own future uncle. In any case, he did not dare to take it. He had no choice but to take him there.

After seeing three conveniences in a row, Jun Moxie became more and more suspicious. There is no such trace in these three places. However, after coming from there, only these three places are convenient. So is it convenient for Tang Yuan to go there?

"Is there any other convenient place to go?" Jun Moxie straightened up thoughtfully. I asked faintly.

"Yes, but a little farther away, the land is used by some servants." It was filthy, and the emperor inexplicably felt a little cold.

This young master Jun is really strange. In such a place, ordinary people have to cover their noses when they come, but he doesn't frown as if nothing happened.

"Bed me!" Jun Moxie calmed his face and walked out first.

The guard was nervous, and now he has found something wrong. I'm afraid this uncle is investigating that Master Tang fell into the pit last night. He simply took Jun Moxie to the place of the incident, winned at several familiar guards along the way, and asked them to find a few young masters and masters quickly. I'm afraid it's going to be a big deal...

Jun Moxie didn't care at all and let him deliver the news. This matter must be said to the people of the Dugu family, so he simply saved the time to tell others.

Jun Moxie stood in front of the big latrine at the place where the incident happened last night and took a closer look. Yes, it should be here, a few stone steps, and then there is a deep pit below, but at the edge of the stone steps, there is also a protrusion of about 40 or 50 centimeters. This should be a precautionary measure to prevent adults from getting drunk or children from falling.

The Dugu family has done a lot at this point.

Xian... How on earth can Tang Yuan fall? It's still far away. It's really a big pool. In winter, it's slightly frozen. The more Jun Moxie looked at it, the colder his face became. With a snort, he came out and asked, "I heard that there was another young cousin here to go to the toilet last night?" Dare to ask who he is?"

"Yes, the young master is the niece of the second grandmother's family. It has been many days since he came to Dugu Mansion,"

"Call him to come! Just say that I have something to ask him!" Before the guard finished his words, Jun Moxie interrupted him and said in awe-indifferent tone. At this moment, the young master's words were full of murderous intent!

Outside the toilet, the invincible general of Dugu has rushed over anxiously, as well as Dugu Ying Duguxiong and Duguhao brothers. Seeing Jun Moxie coming out, Duguying first said, "My brother-in-law, why did you look for pits everywhere early in the morning, but you don't squat. What on earth do you want to do?"

Only Dugu invincible saw something wrong from Jun Moxie's gloomy face that seemed to kill people. He asked, "Mo Xie, but what happened?"

"Last night, Tang Yuan was drunk" Ha ha, that guy was not promising and fell into this latrine, "Well, that's what happened." Jun Moxie stretched out his finger and pointed back. His cold eyes turned around the father and son's faces in an instant.

"Flinched into this latrine?" Although Dugu Invincible is rough, his brain is not stupid at all. Otherwise, how can he be qualified to become the head of an army? His brain has understood in an instant: "How can he fall into this?"

"Did the general also think of it? I also suspect that he doesn't go to so many toilets in your house. He has to run so far, and this is never his home. Those who are not familiar with the place are even more in the banquet. While drinking in the hall two miles away, they have to come here to jump into the latrine, "

Jun Moxie sneered, "Is that fat guy possessed by a ghost?"

Dugu's invincible face is as heavy as water. Although the fat man may not attract a lot of people, the fat man has always been the heir of the next generation of the Tang family. In addition, today's Tang Yuan is not comparable to the past. With the important status of the master of the noble hall and the god of wealth in the Brother, how can it be neglected? If there is a slight mistake in dealing with this matter, it will lead to extremely serious consequences!

General Dugu turned around and looked at his three sons: "Who can tell me what's going on?"

"Dad, this is also very common." What can't you do when you're drunk? Fatty Tang is so heavy that he drank too much and fell into the latrine, so it's not worth making a fuss, right? Dugu Ying twitched the corners of his mouth and still wanted to laugh. It was really too colaty.

"You stupid bastard, you are still happy, do you have no brain, or do you have a bad brain!" Dugu was invincible and was almost angry with his son and vomited blood. Isn't it worth the fuss? Didn't you see that your good brother-in-law is about to kill someone? With such a bulky figure of Fatty Tang, don't you think about how he can wander out two miles after drinking so much wine?

"Mo Xie heard that there is another young cousin here in your house?" Jun Moxie narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said quite gently, "And this young cousin was very predestined to squat in a toilet with Tang Yuan last night. I would like to see this predestined man."

There are a few words: After today, our deputy moderator Xizhu will leave us for a period of time due to work and physical reasons. Xizhu is a respectable elder sister. In this book of evil king, Sister Xizhu has contributed a lot. She didn't get anything from me, and even chatted very little. Basically, she said, I listened. To be honest, I'm ashamed!

However, Sister Xizhu did not hesitate to work hard and created a harmonious book review area for our evil king, a group of two steel and one class, working hard! With her efforts, many brothers and sisters in our group have become good friends in reality! There is nothing to talk about. In the group, there is also a feeling of home!

Usually, I am also extremely concerned about my living conditions. It makes me feel like there is a sister like this taking care of me at any time. This feeling is very warm! I am very grateful!

Nowadays, Sister Xizhu is not in good health, and because she worked hard for her life in the past few years, she has fallen rheumatism on her legs, and she is even more uncomfortable in winter! And for work reasons, winter is also a busy time, and I need to leave for a while. What we can do is to bless her silently!

I wish her success in her work and good health!

Here, say in the tone of a younger brother: Thank you, my sister! I will keep your moderator number. Whenever, please remember that there are many of your brothers and sisters here! Wishing you a safe journey! No matter when you come back. We will all wait for you! We will all miss you! If you want to know what's going on, please log in to the muscle, more chapters, support