The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 104 Knock on the Widow's Door at Night

, the second update! Later, please delete the original second update in ten minutes...

Tang Yuan scolded in his heart: "Your grandfather is not afraid of death! Your grandfather is just lying to you two to die!" But he couldn't help complaining for mercy: "Two heroes, I've said "I, I" I'm a hard-working person, and I don't have any status in the noble hall," "Two heroes... Poor me, I have 80 mothers, and there are children waiting to be fed, "You are very kind and compassionate", huh? Huh? Why is there no one?"

Before he finished speaking, the two masked men in black shivered together. It was really shameless! This fat man's begging for mercy is also so shameless... Eighty mothers, the child waiting to be fed" *** You haven't got married yet, okay? According to the intelligence, your mother is not yet 40 years old. Where did the 80-year-old mother come from?"

Eighty years old. When your grandparents are qualified..."

Looking at this fat body again, both of them are all people with great status. I really don't even have the interest to touch him. Anyway, I have to settle the general account with this fat man in the future. If I deal with him now, in case I can't find the bone elixir. On the contrary, it's not beautiful." After all, this fat man has to be responsible for the auction at that time, but he can't die.

The two of them flashed, and they were almost at the extreme. If you stay with this fat man again, you may make him sick to death,"

Tang Yuan closed his eyes and begged for mercy for a long time. As soon as he opened his eyes, he didn't know when he had already left.... What he had experienced was as unreal as having a dream"

He pinched himself hard and immediately shouted in pain. He quickly shook the rope and climbed up the lamp. He saw that his body was blue and purple, and the pinch marks on his neck were still in severe pain. The fat man stood in a daze. I finally came to my senses,"

A sharp, painful, over-scared big throat, like the remarried father and mother's remarry, shouted earth-shakingly: "Come on." Come on, people,... something big has happened"

The loud voice curled out like a high octave tenor in the silent night sky. Not only the Noble Hall, but also all the sleeping people within a few miles around the Noble Hall were shocked and woken up,...

This sound is so penetrating!

Far away, the two masked men in black who were flying high staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Both of them remember that they didn't hurt this fat man much. How could they scream so miserable?

When the sea sinking wind and Song Wound came back, Tang Yuan sat in shock. With his rapid gasp, his fat body trembled and trembled.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on?" The two rushed into the room like a whirlwind.

"What's going on?! How dare you two ask me what's going on? Tang Yuan finally recovered. The indignant mouth splashed around: "If you really want to wait until you come back to ask me what's going on, my young master's fat body has been pulled out and lit the skylight! ***, why does everyone say that as long as it threatens me? Is it fun to light the skylight? It's a little guilty to be fat, grass!"

Fatty Tang roared indignantly. After roaring, the sea sinking wind and Song's injury that had just come to the net also disappeared"

"I don't even talk to me! All right, all right! Come on! Shock the banquet for the big shopkeeper and get more fat. Hoof tendons, a few steamed buns!" Tang Yuan roared, and then he was shocked. He was already hungry in his stomach. "Hui Chang can't wait to have a big meal"

It seems that the fat man really wants to lose it, but it is really difficult! Mei Xueyan and the snake king Qianxun had already made a good contract with Guan Qinghan on the way from Tiannan to Tianxiang, and they were even more sympathetic and admired by his experience. Now the three of them live together again. Of course, their attitude is quite kind. The three people have three rooms, and Guan Qinghan is in the middle. This night. The three of them talked late as usual before going to bed.

I heard Jun Moxie's original ponssy deeds. Mei Xueyan and the Snake King both have a smart smile on their faces. Naturally, now the three of them think that Jun Moxie at that time was a disguise. It's really hard for him to pretend to be so similar. Tianxiang's first scumster is not easy to disguise. It's also a very effort to pretend to be a bad guy."

And Guan Qinghan has just passed the storm. I was worried. Suddenly, two companions who I could talk about came to live with me, and I was also very comfortable in the past few days. Accompanied by the two women, he gradually put aside the shadow of the past and became a little cheerful. I'm not as sad as before, and I'm worried...

This night, the three women had just separated and returned to their respective rooms. They were about to undress and go to bed. Suddenly, Mei Xueyan frowned. Blowed out the oil lamp on the table. She was keenly at ease, and two powerful breaths came straight to this side with integrity. It was really a powerful person. Qianxun, the king of snakes, also felt it and knocked on the window. Mei Xueyan sighed and motioned not to be impatient. In the darkness, the cold light flashed in Mei Xueyan's eyes. If she is here, it depends on who dares to move the earth on Taisui's head!

Can the powerful person in the eyes of ordinary people enter the supreme eye of heavenly punishment?

What a figure the snake king Qianxun is. I already felt it in an instant, and I immediately fully restrained all the breath in my body and watched the change

The night is dark. The two darker black figures, like bats in the dark night, glided quietly and landed almost silently in front of the courtyard. The two flashed brightly and looked at the plaque of the courtyard at the same time.

Yaxiang Xiaozhu.

That's the right place.

The two looked at each other and saw the affirmation in the eyes of the game at the same time!

It seems that such a secular family has nothing to pay attention to in the first place!

The two of them were really as light as feathers. They just dodged and entered the small yard, and then they were in front of the door.

"It's actually shrinking into an inch, which is almost the peak achievement of human light kung fu!" Mei Xueyan's pupils shrank. She never expected that the people who came to Jun's house to do such things were two supreme masters!

In terms of the cultivation of these two people alone, any one person is not inferior to the prairie eagle!

Although these two people are both masked and can't distinguish their true faces, Mei Xueyan has clearly judged that these two people, if they were not from the Dunshi Fairy Palace. It's the Supreme Golden City, or the dreamy sea of blood!

looking at the whole world, except for these three places, there is no other place that can drive the two supreme masters to do this trick in the dark night. Even if there is a heart in other places, they do not have the ability to send two supreme masters at the same time.

In the blink of an eye. The two had come to the door, seemed to listen to the movement in the room for a while, and finally chose the target. Because the room where Mei Xueyan lived was facing the direction they came in, and Mei Xueyan deliberately made a sound similar to a sound similar to even breathing after people fell asleep. This made these two supreme masters coincidentally identify this room.

Tang Yuan's confession made the two of them extremely confident and hopeful. Who would have thought that such a fat man who was afraid of death had designed such an extremely sophisticated death trap?

So the two of them didn't have any scruples and touched it directly.

It's not to blame for the careless of the two people. The news that there is a peerless master in the Jun family is known to everyone, and even everyone says that the peerless master behind the Jun family is already absolutely invincible in the world!

But it's okay to tamp others with such news. For Fantasy Blood Sea, such news is simply a big joke!

Invincible? Who dares to call himself invincible? Especially in the most powerful place in the world, calling yourself invincible in front of the dreamy blood sea of one of the three holy places in the world? That's not what I said about jokes

As long as the real strong people in the world reach the stage of the supreme bottleneck, someone will come to pick up the introduction of the holy land in the three holy places, which is very sacred in name. For the sake of the peace and future of the whole Big 6, participate in the profound Xuangong and prepare for the battle to seize the sky. There is no reason for It can be said. In the eyes of the three holy places, there has been no so-called master in the world!

Even if one or two people can't go immediately because of the trivial matters of the world, they have already made an appointment to go in the future. Just wait for them to deal with their own affairs, and they will go to the three holy places to report"

The strong in the world are all in my hands"

As for the so-called invincible master of the Jun family, I really want to see it. Any of the eight people who came to the sea of fantasy blood used to be the top role of the majestic eight sides in the past, and which one is not the supreme level of strong? How can the so-called masters be seen in their eyes?

Therefore, the two masked men in black are confident that the power of the secular world can't help themselves at all. They entered their own home and calmly. The big thorn stepped up. When he came to the door, he knocked on the door politely and gently.

You should know that this room is the residence of Guan Qinghan! Now that the Jun family has not yet told the world to accept her as a righteous daughter, nominally she is still the granddaughter-in-law of the Jun family, the surre of Jun Moyou!

Commonly known as a widow!

Knock on the widow's door in the middle of the night!

Such a thing. These two masters of the dreamy sea of blood can really do it, "

There was a soft and cold voice in it: "Who is it?"

The two masked men in black looked at each other awkwardly. These two brothers are really not young. They are both one or two hundred years old, no matter how strong they are. How high is the status? But it's not easy to do at the right time. But it sounds like a woman's voice. It is basically certain that it is the cold inside. Rumor has it that this beautiful woman speaks very coldly,

So after the two set their goal, they immediately decided not to answer, and took action directly to get something and leave quickly. The palm of his hand moved slightly, and the two doors silently turned into powder, and the two figures flashed in. It was the best light skill of stepping on the snow and chasing the wind and control electricity!

In an instant, the two of them were already standing in the room.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman in white sitting quietly at the table, looking at them coldly like a cold star. As soon as they saw the woman's appearance, the two of them praised in their hearts at the same time: This Jun Moxie is really a blessing!