The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 109 Huang Lao's move

, the second update on the second day! I'm drunk, Yao is also turning, the ground is also turning, and I feel like I'm going,")

They are rude to us, and they have a lot of strength. If they are rude, they will be rude, but we play tricks on others. Isn't that looking for abuse? It's not a level at all!

God, earth, what can I do?!

I'm complaining in my heart. With a bang, Mei Xueyan blushed and rushed out with some rage, madness and embarrassment of three lifetimes, like a tornado and an angry tornado.

"Well" How do you say "you" Why are you rude to me?" Jun Moxie is the first to do it. Ask the question out.

"I, I" I'm rude to you?" Mei Xueyan's eyes darkened, and she wanted to take action as soon as she raised her hand. What kind of words is this? You are a big man, I am a woman, am I rude to you? Where does this start? Say this sentence. Are you still ashamed?

Jun Moxie turned it over. My body, buttocks are still on the ground. Before I stood up, I smiled and said, "I, I" didn't mean it. Yes, I was wrong. "You, me, what, or, I'm in charge? I, I, I'm willing to be responsible... in the end!"

"You" get out of here" Mei Xueyan was angry, funny and shy. Her face was ** hot. When she came out, she wanted to beat him hard, but somehow. Looking at his extremely tired, lazy and scoundrel, I don't know how to soften his heart. Unexpectedly, he didn't do anything, just stamped his feet and roared.

Jun Moxie was like an amnesty, and he dared to say more, rolling and crawling up, holding his head and rat. The brush disappeared...

It's an escape, but why didn't she hit me? Do you also have a fancy to Master Ben?

Pick up the snow smoke and stamped his feet and covered his face. "What's going on?" "I, I" What's wrong with me? Why did you let him go like this? This doesn't look like my usual style"

"Sister" What's wrong with you? Did this boy mess with you? The snake king Qianxun rushed out with a quick sound. After saying this, he suddenly exclaimed, "Ah" elder sister. You, you, you, "What's wrong with you?"

Because the snake king suddenly appeared that his eldest sister was like a little woman in love, blushing, covering her face, stamping her feet and not knowing how to do it." Suddenly petrified!

Oh, my God, how many years has anyone ever seen a little woman like the eldest sister?

Does that boy dare to be rude to the eldest sister? But "Isn't this too bold? This is something that no one dares to do in the whole heavenly punishment forest. I'm afraid I don't even dare to think about it, right?! But "this is too unbelievable, isn't it?" With a snoring sound. Mei Xueyan covered her face and returned to the room without saying a word. But it's a shame,"

Guan Qinghan didn't come out until this time, and saw the snake king Qianxun standing in the yard. With a strange expression, he couldn't help asking with concern, "What happened just now? What's wrong with Sister Mei?

" No, it's okay. It's okay." The Snake King said in a hurry. Half a day. It's a shock. I couldn't help saying, "It's really okay." He stamped his feet and said, "I'll go to see my elder sister." He even left as if he had escaped.

She didn't forget the relationship between Qinghan and Jun Moxie. How dare you talk nonsense?" Besides, your own speculation may not be accurate. Jun Moxie has such great ability? But "After all, at that time, the eldest sister's performance was too abnormal, and it was obvious that she was something." I have to make sure that if it's something like that, how can Jun Moxie take advantage of him in vain?

Gan Qinghan frowned and was full of doubts. "What happened? Why do you feel that the atmosphere is so strange? She came out late. I didn't see Mei Xueyan, and naturally I didn't see Jun Moxie, but I heard the sound.

Especially Mei Xueyan's "Get out of here, it's full of air, and it's strange if you can't hear it.

It seems that Mo Xie somehow offended her. Tomorrow we have to talk about Mo Xie. Anyway, he is also a guest. You have to treat him well." Guan Qinghan frowned and returned to the room. Mo Xie's temper is too violent. How nice it would be to change it"

In a while, the traces and bodies in the yard have been cleaned up by the guards, and it was quiet...

"It's fun" is really good! That's really "soft", "really" it's too enjoyable" all the way to the Noble Hall, Jun Mo Xie is still recalling the feeling just now, although the process is really thrilling!

But you think it's worth it! It's worth it!

It's really cool!

Nothing else, it's the sweetness of the mouth. Even if the sweetest honey in the world is compared with this), it suddenly becomes blue water, which feels like three days of sorghum, and the aftertaste is endless"

And the tentacles are soft and smooth. That kind of plump and soft feeling. That kind is hard to describe. It's really difficult to describe. It's not a wonderful feeling that can be described by pen and ink. In a word, it's just a sentence. The best!

The young master Jun Mo Xiejun was stunned and swayed all the way, and came to the Noble Hall like a sleepwalker.

Fortunately, no one has to calculate him at this time, otherwise. This road must be the easiest moment for Jun Moxie to be killed. This moment may also be the lowest fear of Jun Moxie. It should even be said that there is no vigilance at all."

On the way, the young master has made an oath in his heart and made an oath to himself: no matter what, no matter what, he would rather take any means, this world. I want it too, I have to, I want it anyway. I strongly want to marry her as a wife!

No matter who she is! No matter how high her Xuangong is, no matter how high she is." In a word, in a word, I just have to marry her as a wife! There is no specific reason. No reason is needed!

Besides, isn't she still begging me? Humph, I will blackmail her every time in the future. No matter how brazen I am, I won't hesitate to fight!

said that he always despised this before. The world's very backward feudal system seems to be now. There is still a very attractive point in this world, at least in this world, men, especially the children of the family. A powerful man with three wives and four concubines is really the most normal and natural thing."

Thinking about it all the way, Jun Moxie suddenly appeared a seemingly rather serious problem. It's still a great reason. Among the confidants I have dated, Dugu Xiaoyi is unruly and capricious. Moreover, he is too old to know too much about anything. Obviously, he is not a candidate for a woman to live at home. As for Guan Qinghan's identity and cold personality, it seems that he is really not suitable for a housewife to supervise the harem. On the contrary, Mei Xueyan, who is graceful and generous in front of him, is gorgeous and magnificent, and the first group is really the best choice for a big woman!

Dude, it's you! Beauty. Don't try to run! My dear wife!

Jun Moxie snapped his fingers and wandered into the nobleman's hall. Seeing that Tang Yuan was eating Haisai there, he immediately put down his heart hanging in the air. I asked a few more simple questions, and I was going to care about it. But seeing that Tang Yuan rolled up his robe with tears in his eyes and insisted on letting himself see the place where he was abused, Jun Moxie fled directly, "

What's the difference between that and looking at a fat pork? What's more, it's still alive and fat, which can almost make people sick to death."

Fatty Tang felt that he had been framed too hard this time, and the culprit was obviously the young master Jun Mo Xiejun. After telling the whole thing, he complained with blood and tears to maximize his own interests. At least he had to get millions of snowflake silver to make up for our fragile heart. Lingba, I didn't expect that an action had not been finished yet, and Jun Moxie's side had disappeared directly."

Just left a sentence of hatred: "Fatty, I've been in a good mood for half a year, and your fat belly has been ruined! Your share will be reduced by one or less this month!"

The liver was stunned and stroked his drooping belly and said for a long time. Does Brother's belly really have such great power?

Suddenly I thought of something, a howling like killing a pig. We are the bitter Lord. How can you be reduced? Where is the justice? One component is at least a million taels of white flowers and silver, my God. The earth. Let me die!

The dreamy blood sea of the Huang family in Jindongcheng slept beautifully all night. In their opinion, these little things are eight. It's enough to go to just one person, not to mention sending two people at a time? That's three fingers to pinch the field snails. It's absolutely not a big problem. Ten thousand percent is absolutely safe.

Unfortunately, the world is absolutely floating. Even if there is no mistake, it will be a mistake. This is the 10th time!

Everyone woke up and was about to listen to the good news, but they asked around and said that the two did not come back!

I haven't returned overnight!

This is too unexpected. However, everyone didn't pay attention to it, or the quenched elixir was hidden far away. It may take some time to get it back. After all, those two are really supreme masters! Even if you really meet a strong enemy, can't you run away if you can't beat it? Even if the two are not strong enough, it is absolutely no problem to escape one.

As for both of them, they can't escape back",

Is it possible? Who has that strength in this world? What a ridiculous question!

So everyone is still not in a hurry.

The waiting continued until the afternoon, and it was still like a mud cow entering the sea without any movement. The two people seemed to be completely melted in the air, and a lot of people were a little panicked.

"Huang Lao. I'm afraid this situation is a little bad. Hu Yan, the young suzerain of the dreamy blood sea, frowned. He gently tapped his finger on the table next to him and said, "It's unreasonable for Lao Wu and Lao Liu not to come back at this time. I'm afraid they have encountered something irresistible!" Is it true that there is such strength behind this noble hall? Even my master of the sea of blood is not his enemy?"

Mr. Huang frowned, his white eyebrows trembled gently, and his face was gloomy. After a long time, he said, "We know the strength of the aristocratic hall. There is only an apprentice of Meng Hongchen and an alcoholic. These two people only have a mysterious level, which is not to worry about, and There are really no more strong characters in Tang. If the two of them really encounter any strong enemies, it will never be in the Noble Hall!"

"Is it, the three major families?" Hu Yan whisled and frowned.

"No! Tianxiang is crowned in the big 6 with military strength. When it comes to the master of Xuangong, it is the countdown of the whole big 6, and it is difficult for the whole country to find a few master Shenxuan. Not to mention the stronger existence!" Mr. Huang twisted his eyebrows gloomily, and two gloomy lights shot out of his eyes. He said with hatred, "If it's really an unexpected strong man, I'm afraid it's the Jun family, and it can only be the Jun family!"

"Jun's family? That. Can the family that can hardly turn over the bullied by Fengxue Silver City have such a background? Isn't this too strange?" Hu Yan Xiao was a little disapproving.

"Young master, don't forget that we received the news some time ago that the mysterious masked man in black who appeared in the south of the world can be called invincible! In my opinion. The world is invincible or may not be seen, but in any case, it should have the strength of others! Although the fifth and sixth themselves are also from the cultivation and skills of the supreme level, after all, they are built behind closed doors, and there is always a lot of distance from the real supreme who has been trained so hard. If you fall into a trap unexpectedly, it is reasonable for the two of them to have little experience in fighting against the enemy.

Mr. Huang muttered in a low voice, "It seems that. I'm afraid I really underestimated him this time.

"If the Jun family really has such a master to wait for the current plan, what should we do?" Hu Yan Xiao frowned tightly: "The most important thing is that this magical Yegu elixir is probably refined by this master. When it comes. My father once told us that if there was such a thing. People. Bento wants to do everything possible to let him join our dreamy blood sea. Even if he can't, he should get along well. Xu Tu's tricks, at least he can't be hostile to it; so as not to be picked up by the escape fairy palace and the supreme golden city.

"If we have a conflict with him. Isn't it that all plans have failed? Hu Yan had a whistling headache.

"No matter what kind of master he is, our dreamy sea of blood can never suffer this loss for nothing." Huang Laoyin smiled and said slowly, "Wait until midnight, if the two of them haven't come back yet. The old man went out in person. Go to Jun's house and see what kind of Longtan Tiger Cave it is! What kind of world-class man! Invincible in the world? Is this name so easy to afford? Hey hey," "Lao Huang, you must be careful." Even if that person appears, don't easily put him to death. After all, this Yegu elixir to us" Hu Yanhu hurriedly said. He was not worried that Mr. Huang would make any mistakes. With Mr. Huang's strength, he could also stand firmly in the top ten in the sea of dream blood. In this secular world, rudely speaking, that is the real invincible strongman!

"Naturally, I have my own proportion! However, now that the hostile situation has become, if it really can't be used for me. You can't take advantage of others. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who rebel against me will die!" Mr. Huang's eyes flashed. Gloomy. With a bang, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

(To be continued)