The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 122 The second prince wants to grab the medicine

"What is this?" Mr. Jun asked what it was, but his palm clenched tightly. He knew that what his grandson took out was definitely not waiting for idle goods. Don't worry about it. Let's talk about it first.

"Tongyuan Dan." Jun Moxie said mysteriously, "If you take one, you can triple the flow of meridians."

"Isn't that an elixir that can triple the body moves? Is there really such an elixir?" Mr. Jun's eyes widened.

"In theory," it's Di Jun Mo Xie scratching his head.

"How is it possible? There is such a divine thing in the world!" The old man was completely speechless. Shocked thinking will not turn.

"So, please find a place to eat. Let the eagle protect you. There are two in it. You can protect him after you finish eating. We can't call him for nothing. Jun Moxie proposed.

"Well, I'm going!" Mr. Jun stared at him: Little son of a bitch, I don't know how to bring such good things early to filial piety to Grandpa, otherwise. Grandpa, couldn't I go up last night to show my grandeur? It's really time to fight! Is there anything else good?" Jun Moxie was sweating: "No, I dare not give it to you. I'm really afraid to hear what you said. Fortunately, I didn't give it to you before last night. As soon as you go up, you will be killed in seconds. That's a strong man at the supreme level. Even if you increase it by three times, you still give it for nothing

"Sond! What the hell are you talking about? That's how your grandfather can't mention it? Mr. Jun was furious! Although the old man knew that he could not mention it even if he was facing the yellow sun, Jun Moxie said so. The old man still feels that it hurts his self-esteem. This unlucky grandson, as long as he knows it, he has to say it!

Jun Moxie screamed, "Wow. All of a sudden, it disappeared.

The old man spit fiercely and said, "You ***, you don't know how to turn a corner. I'm your own grandfather, so I'm excited to find the eagle,

After that, it was simpler. The two excited old people went side by side to find a secret place to improve!

For several days in a row, the Fantasy Blood Sea did not come to the door again, the wind and snow silver city did not come, and the Tianxiang royal family did not move as usual. When Jun Moxie saw that the storm was temporarily extinguished, he was also happy and leisurely. He continued to work hard, either practicing kung fu or alchemy.

My favorite thing to do is to flirt with beautiful women** in the past few days, which directly makes me feel dizzy.

During this period, I visited Sheng Baotang several times, but Mu Xuetong and Han Yanmeng were tightly hidden by the Jun family, and nothing happened, so they had to leave. The Jun family was not the one who could let them rub and flatten the Jun family before! How dare you make a second easily?

Princess Lingmeng has also visited Ye Guhan several times, but she has never seen Jun Moxie. However, after the incident, I heard Guan Qinghan say that Princess Lingmeng has lost a lot of weight recently and has been silent a lot. Her face is a lot of trouble, which is very different from before. She originally had a close relationship with Dugu Xiaoyi and Miss Sun Xiaomei and Sun. But I don't know why even the two women are not very close.

Jun Moxie listened and just frowned and thought about it. I didn't take it to heart, so I went back to work.

The girl of Dugu Xiaoyi naturally ran to Jun's house without interruption. The girl's eyes were dripping. As soon as she came and went to Guan Qinghan, and the question turned to that aspect without three or five sentences. For example: Did you cook yesterday?" Such things make Guan Qinghan blush and can't laugh or cry every time.

It can be seen that the little girl is not dead. I also want to have a chance to cook.

Jun, who is suddenly in a cheerful state of mind, has no intention to change his mental outlook. These days, he has been particularly active. He personally presides over the affairs of the Jun family, and he has put out the list one by one, and concentrates on preparing to accept his adopted daughter.

Fatty Tang is preparing for the opening of the auction, and it is estimated that it will be a day or two later,

However, it was this morning that an unexpected thing suddenly happened, which was really an unexpected event!

This matter has aroused the extensive close attention of the major families in the capital, and even the Xuanqi family who came from home was shocked! Because of this matter, it actually has something to do with Jun San Shao, who is the most popular in the capital now,

It was born at the south gate of Tianxiang Capital. The party concerned is the heir of the family following the second prince, and Cheng De has become a young master. It's not a big deal if it's just like this. The really worst thing is that he actually involved the second prince in this matter,

It is no secret that someone in Tiannan has brought a large number of the best elixirs all the way to Tianxiang. The giants and tycoons of various medicinal materials in Tianxiang have been waiting for a long time. According to the continuous news during this period, it seems that there are not only thousand-year-old ginseng, the best red fruit, three-color ganoderma lucidum and other rare elixirs in the world, but also ginseng fruit, purple vine, no thankless flowers, water jade, spring and so on. That's Stop one!

These elixirs are all legendary things. Not to mention, they are very illusory. They only exist between existence and non-exists. They are life and death. It is said that they can live immortality after eating it.

Immortality is naturally a misrection, but it must prolong life!

Such a thing that is only available in the legend actually appears in front of his eyes, and the number is not very impressive. Under the impact of such a terrorist interest relationship, who is the original owner of this group of elixirs and what kind of background has been automatically ignored by greedy people for a long time.

Cheng De became the young master naturally told this "good news" to His Royal Highness the Second Prince at the first time! This is a great opportunity to flatter. Besides, the second prince has been fighting for years. The body is very empty. Although the prince concubines and concubines don't say anything, they are all very resentful.

The hero is not strong, it is. Men have to be timid, so the second prince can't raise his head in front of his wives and concubines. In short, it is rare to look up from top to bottom.

However, now these legendary elixirs, I believe that every one can cure this problem! Maybe from now on, the golden gun will not fall, and the grandeur will be great, so that a group of wives and concubines will have no power to fight back, and it is not a wonder that they can even go out to hunt for beauty justly from now on.

Although this problem can't be seen in appearance, it is "I feel inferior everywhere I go. Especially when men get together, isn't that the topic? In case it's not like that, it's a shame. Only when you raise your head high below can you lift your head above.

So as soon as the second prince heard the news, his eyes were blue! Immediately issued the highest instruction: Don't hesitate to... and get this medicine in your hands! Smash it with silver, smash it with gold, use your nephew's arsenic, and use "power" to suppress with status! If you really can't do it, you can steal it and rob it. Anyway, no matter what, no matter how much it costs, you have to bring it to me if you work hard!

Naturally, it is better to leave such a thing to Cheng De Cao to do. It's not that the trusted confidants around him will not know that the second prince has this problem. In case it spreads out, there are more people who know about it, then." Where is the face of the royal family?

So you can't let others know about this!

As for why Cheng De Cao knew about this matter, it was an accident that he went out of the city to hunt, and then the second prince urinated in a hurry. Cheng De Cao guarded the prince and inadvertently showed this matter. Because I didn't hear the sound of the rapids gushing out of the brush, it was a little like a murmur, moistening things silently,

Cheng De was curious at that time and secretly stretched out his head to take a look. He saw that the second prince was extremely dejected and couldn't even pick up the water line, but just close to the flow. If the second prince hadn't straightened his waist out, I'm afraid he would have to pee in his pants,, So Cheng De Cao always knew that His Royal Highness the Second Prince actually had a disease. Since then, I have been very interested in this aspect. As soon as he heard the news, Mr. Cheng knew that there was a chance! Here we go! Cheng De is not an idiot. I also found out that the two people who sent the medicine are quite difficult to mess with, nonsense! If it's easy to mess with, can you make a mistake all the way to now? It was carved up on the way.

However, no matter how easy it is for you to mess with, you always send medicine to Tianxiang. When you come to this earth, it is nothing more than asking for money, an official, or as a gift for something. Otherwise, what are you doing behind your back?

Ten thousand steps back, even if you are not for the above reasons, even if you are not easy to mess with. At present, you have reached the three-acre land of Tianxiang. Who is the big one?

That must be the biggest emperor of the Tianxiang Empire! And the son of the emperor can represent the emperor!

Let your two mountain idlers give their treasures. How dare you not give it?

Eated the ambitious leopard, you are afraid!

Dare to say no, believe it or not, destroy your nine clans!

So Cheng De feels a hundred times more confident. He only feels that this matter must be easy and satisfactory. This is simply a divination thing that can be captured by hand! It is dedicated to the second prince, but it is another great achievement! Naturally, just in case, he still took a lot of masters from the royal palace. Even if the other party really eats raw rice, we can still take a pile of people, but I don't believe that you can fight against ten. Even if you can fight one against ten, can you fight one against one hundred? I am in charge of my territory!

But Master Cheng ignored one thing. A very important thing, in general, his idea is no problem, or even very realistic. But there are always some exceptions in the world. The Lord of Tianxiang is naturally unattainable to secular people, but in the eyes of some people, it is nothing at all! As for the son of the Lord, I'm afraid he can't even see it! As for the dog next to the son

Master Cheng has been patrolling the gate of the city proudly for the past two days, with his stomach straight and instructions. He is full of ambition. However, Mr. Cheng didn't know that what he was waiting for now was two uncommised gods of death!

Because of these two people, it happens that they don't see the existence of the Lord of Tianxiang! And it's the existence of looking up!

On this day, the weather is particularly sunny and sunny, and even the mood of the eldest son is gray and happy. I just want to sing a song to vent my excitement.

Because His Royal Highness the Second Prince came in person! After not seeing the news for several days in a row, His Royal Highness, the second prince, who was anxious, finally couldn't stand the excitement and urgency of revitalizing the strong wind. Pegasus came to express his condolences to the hard-working Chengde. Naturally, you also need to check the progress by the way. Did the two come or not? Why haven't you come yet?

His Royal Highness the second prince jumped off the horse heroically. First, he patted Cheng De's shoulder affectionately. In Cheng De's flattery, he came to his ear and asked, "Are you here?"

Cheng De said confidently, "Second Master, please relax. According to reliable information, it will arrive today!"

"That's good, that's good! I'm really anxious to wait!" The second prince couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and patted Cheng De's shoulder again: "Thank you for your hard work this time." Since he must come today, the prince will not leave. He simply waited here with Cheng Qing for a moment and saw this peerless treasure.

Come on, serving wine and dishes, I, the prince and Mr. Cheng, run out the mouth.

"The second master is so polite." The second master is so courteous, how can I dare to do it?" Cheng De's eyes narrowed into two slits, and he felt that the bones all over his body were a few pounds lighter.

"Where!" The second prince said with a straight face: "Cingqing, what you said is wrong. If you are so polite, don't you treat me as an outsider? I will be unhappy!"

"Yes, yes, Your Highness is right, it's the villain's fault." Cheng De Cao finally couldn't help laughing. Excitedly, there were a series of promises.

With a "shh", a white pigeon flew from the south and fell on Cheng De's shoulder. Cheng De took out the message in the bamboo tube and couldn't help patting his thigh: "Haha, Your Highness, you are really a lucky star. Look, as soon as you come, that word also comes. Haha

"Really?" The second prince came over excitedly and looked at the paper: "It's really God who helps me!"

Cheng De said happily, "Your Highness, you are really Hong Fuqi. I've been waiting here for several days, and there is not even a ghost. Now that you are in town, those two people" came immediately! Really, people are more popular than people. As expected, he is the real dragon emperor, and he has his own help. He was so angry when he said it, but his face smiled more than anyone else.

"Hahaha," the second prince smiled proudly.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment. I will start to prepare one or two immediately. Hey hey, the elixir is about to arrive." Cheng De put on a posture of bravery to take the lead. The appearance of death, as if there was a sea of swords and fire in front of him. He Chengde for the happiness of His Highness the Second Prince, well, his happiness, loyalty and courage. Don't hesitate to die, do your best, and die! Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go!

If you rely on your expression alone, you can load it in history books. Judging to be loyal and treacherous, then now Cheng De's expression is enough to make a name for itself in history and become a model for all generations!

"Thank you for your hard work!" The second prince was very gratified.

On the far south road, two burly figures have stepped over.

"Second Master, please wait for the good sound!" Cheng De waved his hand and greeted him majestically. A face of ambition must be won, full of loyalty and courage!

Welcome to the Tiger King Hu Rift Land and Bear King Bear Kaishan! F