The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 177 Jun Moxie's Doubts

The hug just now clearly felt the chaotic and natural breath of Jun Mo Wu's body. Listening to Jun Moxie's voice, Mei Xueyan finally affirmed 100% that the guy in front of her must be the mysterious man in black robe!

However, Mei Xueyan is not going to expose him; just think of it as a secret that both of them know. In addition, you can also enjoy Jun Moxie's daily performance... It seems to be good...

Isn't it, it doesn't matter... Nothing is important, everything doesn't matter!

He is fine, that's the most important thing!

Jun Mo Wu saw that Mei Xueyan's mood finally recovered at this moment, so he was relieved. He turned around and walked to Guan Qinghan. Guan Qinghan saw him coming to his side. His eyes were a little relieved with a burst of shyness, but soon there was a burst of resentment. He slowly lowered his head and bit his lips and said

"Are you also worried about me?" Guan Qinghan's body is tall among women. Among the women known by Jun Mo Xie, only Mei Xueyan is slightly taller than her. Others such as Lingmeng, Dugu Xiaoyi, Han Yanmeng, Sun Xiaomei, Snake King Qianxun, etc. are all slightly shorter, but Jun Mowu stood in front of her, but he was half a

Guan Qinghan reluctantly smiled before he was about to hang up. Suddenly, he felt a pair of big hands holding him in his arms. Jun Moxie's voice came to his ear, as thin as a mosquito: "Don't worry, your man's life is big. Cats are only nine lives. I have eighty-one, nine cat's

Guan Qinghan only felt a burst of softness. He felt the warmth and extremely strong smell of men on his body. Hearing him call himself a man, his heart jumped like a deer, and he couldn't help blushing.

But this time there was no Ningza at all. It was silently leaning in his arms. Guan Qinghan really didn't want to struggle against his heart. In the past few days, Mei Xueyan was limited to the extreme of bursting away at any time, and Guan Qinghan was on the verge of collapse? Now it's really a great happiness to listen to his heartbeat through his clothes. Suddenly, all the grievances in my heart just now have disappeared, and it's worth it...

Speaking of young master Jun during this period, he kept flirting with Mei Xueyan in front of her, or teasing Guan Qinghan in front of Mei Xueyan. Perhaps the so-called habit became natural. Invisibly, the two women seemed to have accepted each other's existence...

Although it is inevitable that there is still a little jealousy in their hearts, both women know Jun Mobang's intentions. Besides, in this era of supremacy of male power, it is really not a big deal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. If it is only a single wife, it is rare, and even the most

It is very rare that there is no concubine in the room of a big man who is now almost 18 years old, at least among the noble children of Tianxiang City! Some are even two or three years younger than Jun Mo Wu, and there are already groups of wives and concubines at home...

After hugging silently for a while, both of them felt a heartfelt warm mood, flowing quietly between them, but this was a feeling of happiness that was silent than sound at this time... For a long time, Guan Qinghan raised his head from his arms, but his face was as red as morning glow; his eyes dodged, and the cold look in Disappeared, at this moment, it seems to be a shy and timid little daughter-in-law d:' "'".

Guan Qinghan also saw Mei Xueyan's anxiety these days. She clearly knew that Mei Xueyan was anxious and worried about Jun Moxie's disappearance. Although Guan Qinghan did not know what had happened, Guan Qinghan could see from Mei Xueyan's attitude. It must be the same. Is it that Jun Mo Wu has encountered some danger that is difficult to overcome? Otherwise, how could Mei Xueyan become so anxious with this person who has the magic into Xuangong?

So Guan Qinghan has also been very worried these days. Seeing that Mei Xueyan seems to be desperate day by day, Guan Qinghan also seems to feel that there is really an extremely important thing that is leaving him...

At this moment, I see the living Jun Mo Xie again, and Guan Qinghan also has an inexplicable surprise! Therefore, even with the coldness of Guan Qinghan, he did not deliberately hide his feelings at this moment. It was really because the instant joy covered all the hypocritical masks. Well, naturally, once the reason was restored, Guan Qinghan also restored the previous coldness, and he would no longer crawl in the arms of Master Jun...

Jun Moxie looked at this and that, which was a little puzzled. What's wrong with these two women? How can they turn their faces and turn over books? It's too much one by one. Just now, they have completely felt their enthusiasm. They are running when they are secretly happy in their hearts. When the peach blossom luck finally patronizes my bachelor, they are excited and silently accumulating for a long time. They finally have It happened again, but all of a sudden, their faces changed... and it became the same as before!!

Oh, my God, the joys and sorrows of this life have changed too quickly! But it's killing me!

Was I actually dreaming just now!?

Rub his face hard. Jun Mo Wu confirmed that everything in front of him was true. He couldn't help muttering: Alas, women, it's really an incomprehensible animal... It's sunny and rainy for a while. Just now, the true feelings were revealed. Bird Yiren, how much effort did this make him turn his face It's hard to be a man, and it's even harder to be a man. It's even more difficult for a man! Jun Mo Xie sighed, and there was a little resentment.

"Hello, Xiao Qianxun, come and hug my brother and comfort my brother's heart, a young man who has been ** and extremely fragile!" Since the two beautiful women have no chance, Jun Moxie simply changed a flirting object and said with a smile. In case he could gain a little, it was an unexpected joy.

". Township!" " The Snake King's eyes stared, and his fierce light was exposed. He had already counted all his thoughts. Hiding, pretending to be fierce, snorted coldly and said, "What do you want to do? Do I know you very well?"

Jun Moxie smiled and came close with a drooling face. Qian Xun was rude. He turned his pancreas and shook, and the two snakes rushed over with a "snoring".

Jun Moxie's "busy hands and feet" flashed easily, shouting and continuing to smile: "Damn it! Why are you so cruel? Where did you make this thing in the cold winter? It's a lot of good stuff! Is there anything else? A few more. I'll stew a pot tonight. It doesn't matter if it's harder. Brother, brother, I'll take your love. 11th, one ▲ 11th. Qian Xun's eyes turned his white and turned in. Mei Xueyan and Guan Qinghan also whitened their eyes at him and went into the house. In an short time,

Touching his nose, Jun Moxie's eyes turned, and thick-skinned followed in. Although this product's strength is refined, there is still a short gap from the real peak, but when it comes to the thickness of the skin, it is really unmatched, super peak...

"There is one thing that I don't quite understand." Jun Moxie looked serious and looked at Mei Xueyan: "According to the lineup of the three holy places this time, the strength of any of the three holy places has exceeded that of the heavenly punishment forest! Even, just the lineup that comes this time, the comprehensive strength of any family will exceed the existing strength of the heavenly punishment; and except for you, other people, even the Snake King, are definitely not as good as the people in the three holy places before they are promoted!"

He paused and said, "Even it's not even inferior; as far as I know, the heavenly punishment forest only has to be transformed into a human form of ten beast kings, with strong strength. The rest, even those nine-level mysterious beasts, is even the strength is mediocre... How on the way to calculate your original tymi In terms of ranking alone, it seems that your heavenly punishment is stronger. It's really hard for me to understand!"

Mei Xueyan sank for a while and said coldly, "The strength analysis of the strong man you have done is indeed correct. Unfortunately, you have ignored something that has always been very important. Even if the three holy places are all immortals, how many people are there in total? But we are the heavenly punishment forest mysterious beast, hundreds of millions of obisues. To put it badly, a beast's mouthful is enough to drown the three holy places. How can the comprehensive strength of the heavenly punishment fierce beasts be comparable to the three holy places?" I don't ignore this point. When the number is late for a limit, it makes no sense no matter how strong the enemy's quality is.

This may be the original intention of the three holy places to deal with the heavenly punishment; but I am still very strange. The natural punishment of the mysterious beast is very talented, which can be said to be unique, but compared with the three holy places, how can the high-end forces be so different? Jun Moxie really can't understand this.

"Alas, the heavenly punishment has the name of a fierce place, and the name of the school is more before the three holy places, how can there be less high strength? In the previous battles, the number of heavenly punishment mysterious beasts is almost equivalent to the sum of the three holy places, but in recent years... there have been some changes."

Mei Xueyan seemed to be extremely unwilling to mention this matter; she bit her lip and said, "Actually, what appears in front of the world now should not be the top ten beast kings at present at all, but should be the supremes of the previous beast kings; but... after something happened, the predecessors retired collectively, and the heavenly punishment forest If you are in charge, we have to support the scene.

What Mei Xueyan said was very vague, and she hardly said anything specific, but Jun Moxie already understood it. So, people from one generation apart, no wonder they look so strange.

It's just what kind of big event happened in the heavenly punishment forest competition that led to the current situation? It's just that since Mei Xueyan didn't want to say it clearly, Jun Moxie didn't ask. Now his attention has shifted to a new goal.

"Why is your face so ugly? Are you injured?" Naturally, Jun Moxie would not say that he actually saw it with his own eyes; but judging from the battle of that day, Mei Xueyan should not have been so seriously injured. It's just that the old injury hasn't healed. It doesn't matter. Mei Xueyan said faintly. Oh, that's it." Jun Mo said that this was reasonable; but he didn't notice that Mei Xueyan directly told the most fundamental reason, saving him the time to ask. Why don't you look for me when you are injured? Brother, I'm a magic doctor!" Jun Moxie laughed and said, "This is a small injury, and it's time to be captured!" Brother, take action, and the medicine will get rid of the disease!" Jun Moxie grabbed Mei Xueyan's hand, carried up the creation of the sky, and explored the past... Suddenly" one

At the moment when Jun Moxie's aura only entered Mei Xueyan's meridians, Mei Xueyan was suddenly stunned, and then shook off his hand like an electric shock. She suddenly stood up. She looked at Jun Moxie with incredible eyes and blurted out, "The cultivation of the supreme level? Why is it like this? How can this be possible?..mF