The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 189 The momentum is overwhelming

Jun Moxie couldn't help laughing and said, "I said, what does this matter have to do with my crying soul? Have you always wronged good people in your three holy places out of thin air? I don't know the king of killers at all. I haven't even seen it at all. What kind of reasoning are you? It's a fabrication out of thin air!"

Saying this, Jun Moxie laughed very badly.

"Is Chu Weeping Soul a good person? Hahahaha, this sentence is really a big joke!" Xiao Weicheng looked up to the sky and laughed, with a sad and angry face and a ferocious expression. He said, "Such a cold-blooded butcher. Full of sin, bloody hands! He only recognizes silver but doesn't recognize others. If he gives him money, he even dares to kill his own father. How can he become a good man in your mouth? Jun Moxie, do you still have any right and wrong in your heart? Is there any justice?"

"Did I wrong him? Jun Moxie, just your words, it is here without three hundred taels of silver! If you hadn't hooked up before, would you have excused him like this?" Xiao Weicheng said angrily and affirmatively, "It must be Chu's crying soul! My Supreme Golden City, starting from today, is at no time with Chu Wei's soul!"

Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan looked at each other in consternation. I really didn't expect it. There are such unreasonable people in this world!

He abruptly involved the killer supreme!

What's the matter with this!

If the killer's supreme crying soul hears this, I believe it will spray a mouthful of blood: How can I bear all the charges? Is there any justice in this world? I'd just stop calling the killer supreme. Call the Black Pot Supreme

Jun Moxie still remembers that when he followed the cold-blooded supreme tears without sadness, tears without sadness also once regarded himself as the killer supreme cry soul!

Is it possible that this killer king of the world has so many similarities with his own whereabouts?

I just don't know who is smarter and who is the real king of killers?

Mei Xueyan sneered: "Xiao Weicheng, I feel sorry for you! I feel sad for your Supreme Golden City! People who see shallow knowledge make false judgments. Laugh at the world!"

Xiao Weicheng sneered. Full of resentment, his eyes searched around, and suddenly shouted, "Chu weeping soul! Since you have the courage to kill people, why don't you have the courage to come out to see me?" There was still no movement. Jun Moxie laughed, infinitely sarcising,,

Mei Xueyan snorted coldly. Step forward. Go forward. Now, there are only five supreme masters and ten supreme masters left in the Supreme Golden City! Mei Xueyan no longer pays attention to such power. Even if it can't be annihilated, there is no problem to retreat completely! What's more, there is also Jun Moxie's helper next to him, which is even more fearless! So Mei Xueyan broke in directly!

The two masters of Supreme Golden City blocked the intersection with red eyes and said harshly, "The matter has not been figured out yet. Please take a step for the time being!"

Mei Xueyan shouted coldly, "Haven't you figured it out yet? Why don't I think so! Get out of here

The two masters were furious, and suddenly the long sword lightning flew out, and the shining phantom rose like clouds, like the sea of anger, and suddenly flew into the air. Two round sword lights, one left and one right, fly into Mei Xueyan!

They were originally aroused by the death of their colleagues, and they heard Mei Xueyan's rude scolding. Unexpectedly, he didn't stop, and he didn't even say hello. The direct action is the horizontal peak cultivation of swordsmanship: body and sword in one! Hurry up! Come here!

Mei Xueyan turned her wrist, and the long sword appeared in her hand. She shouted coldly, and the light of the sword was displayed!

Countless fire trees and honeysuckle suddenly bloomed all over the sky!

The sword light sang like cold electricity, and greeted it without retreating at all! These two people are so ignorant that Mei Xueyan will not show mercy. If you combine your swords, then I will break with one swords!

Kill a sword, not only to kill the little, but also to cut the decision!

Xiao Weicheng roared, "Sit!"

After seeing fifteen bodies, Xiao Weicheng had completely given up the idea of ambushing Mei Xueyan. He knew that if he ambushed Mei Xueyan with his current strength, he could only die! Even if only 15 people left have been put together, at best, it can only seriously injure Mei Xueyan!

And that's the most conservative estimate!

Now Xiao Weicheng just wants to catch the murderer who assassinated his brother: Chu Weeping Soul!

As for dealing with Mei Xueyan, leave it to the Dunshi Fairy Palace and the Sea of Fantasy Blood!

So, he didn't intend to make any more interceptions at all!

At this moment, when I saw the two supreme masters taking action against Mei Xueyan, I couldn't help but be shocked and stopped in a hurry!

But. Everything is too late!

Mei Xueyan woke up the young master of Jun and suddenly realized the gentleman's right path and had no tolerance!

A long roar, a sharp sword burst out. Suddenly, two screams came out, and a small sound sounded. Blood flew all over the air, and two long swords turned into fragments, two supreme masters. Under this contact, he was cut into countless pieces, and he couldn't die again!

Mei Xue's smoke fluttered down, and the white clothes were spotless, but they were not stained with any blood. His face was even colder and colder, and his murderous spirit suddenly soared. Cover the whole audience!

Xiao Weicheng is about to speak, only hope,;; Shihe's conflict and atmosphere, after all, it is too unfavorable to the thieves, the advantage of local ambush has been completely failed, and most of his strength has been lost without action. After this great change, our people's heart has been taken away, and

In contrast, the Venerable Mei took the lives of the two supreme strong men lightly, and the fighting spirit is accumulating to the peak of the peak, not to mention that there is a super killer, the supreme Chu crying soul, who may launch another sinister sneak attack at any time. The situation can be said to be extremely unfavorable in the Supreme

Before Xiao Weicheng could speak, Mei Xueyan had turned her head, and her cold but extremely clear eyes stared at him faintly. The deep and grand pressure rose like a hurricane, and the Tianhe River poured over all the thirteen people in the Supreme Golden City. This is a magnificent momentum of the king, the warableness of holding the power of life and death; the unparalleled hegemony of all sentient beings as grass! This moment. As the peerless demeanor of the first person of heavenly punishment, Mei Xueyan's real strength is obvious!

Under her magnificent momentum, Xiao Weicheng's recommended words were unexpectedly blocked in her voice, and she only felt that the cold eyes shone all the way into her heart. Lock in your soul firmly!

For a moment, Xiao Weicheng only felt like falling into an ice cave and forgot his original intention!

In front of him were the flesh-and-blood bodies of his two subordinates; but at this moment, Xiao Weicheng forgot the heart of revenge! There are also twelve hand-foot helpers behind them! But at this moment, Xiao Weicheng also forgot to call for help to fight!

All he knows is that the Mei Xueyan in front of him seems to be able to bury himself in this snow forever with one hand and one foot!

Mei Xueyan looked at him so coldly. He said faintly, "Xiao Weicheng; you'd better stop talking now! As long as you dare to say one more word, I will destroy you thirteen people and bury you here forever! Do you want to make a bet? I dare not, can it or not?!"

Mei Xueyan's voice is very soft, and her tone is even more plain. It seems to be just an explanatory fact of the past. But the meaning of the words is frightening!

Dare not, can you or can't?!

How domineering this is!

Under her boundless power of shocking and crying ghosts, it seems that even the wind and snow in the sky have stopped in the void!

Of course, Mei Xueyan's strength is amazing, but it has not yet been able to change the natural changes between heaven and earth. This subtle sense, the earth is just an illusion of everyone. Although the wind and snow has not stopped, everyone's hearts can no longer feel it. The only thing that can be felt is the posture of Mei Xueyan that shock

Deep as the sea, as magnificent as a mountain!

A cold sweat came out of Xiao Weicheng's forehead. He tried to mobilize all his spiritual consciousness to fight against Mei Xueyan's terrible momentum, and tried to make himself free from the other party's momentum, but he couldn't do it!

Mei Xueyan stared at him for a while, smiled sarcastically, and turned back to Jun Moxie and said, "Let's go!"

Jun Moxie laughed and came over easily and happily. The two walked side by side and stepped into the canyon. Walking slowly, so understated, so unrestrained and natural; there are a total of thirteen peak masters behind, the strongest in the world, anyone only needs one to be able to catch up, but no one moves!

Looking at the distant back of the man and woman in front of him, everyone's expression gradually became extremely complicated!

Is the gap between each other's strength so huge?!

How is that possible?

In those years, the ten supreme masters jointly besieged Mei Xueyan. In the case that the killer was almost beaten in total with compassion, she finally escaped by her. Now Mei Xueyan is no longer soft-hearted, and she has no mercy at all. It is a must-kill move; but the only thing left is left on her side. Above the five supremes; and ten supremes!

Such strength is also a clear exposure of the ground, and there is no possibility to kill Mei Xueyan at all! It is more likely to be annihilated by the other party in one fell swoop"

When a gentleman can no longer bully him, the end of the designer must be bleak! Especially this gentleman's strength is transcendence!

The facts are interpreting this inference!

The backs of Mei Xueyan finally completely disappeared on the other side of the canyon. The sky seemed to be fun, and it slowly grew up, blowing on Xiao Weicheng's face so cold and freezing, but. No matter how cold it is, no matter how cold it is, it is not as cold as the heart. Freeze through the heart, "

"Let's go, everyone." The province has not grown up and sighed.

The supreme super strong man lowered his head sadly and walked silently. In an instant, the three-pearl throne of the supreme golden city seemed to be several ten years old! Even the once straight waist was a little rickeping.

"King Xiao, what about the bodies of these brothers?" An old man with a white beard's face was full of pain. The beard is trembling, looking at Xiao Weicheng, waiting for his answer. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to more chapters and support B