The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 191 Intercepting Again

"The second is to disperse the murderous spirit gathered on the body! With this kind of murderous spirit, he wants to assassinate others again. It's simply looking for death. The master has a sense of this kind of murderous atmosphere; therefore, a successful killer has always been more ordinary than ordinary people on the surface, and those characters who want to kill people with a cold and fierce spirit are mostly small characters that are not worth mentioning.

And I release the pressure and adjust the killing spirit. It's different from other killers; I follow my own nature, whether it's cynical or hooliganism. In a word, as long as I can release it, it is the balance of success. There is no specific means. A specific means of venting is also a fwark for a killer, enough to kill."

"So, the kind of killer that makes people see that this is a killer at a glance, which is no different from a fool! And those who think that killers should look cold and stereotyped without smiling are even more brain-damaged! And he's still a brain-damaged idiot!"

Jun Moxie smiled: "But I think that when I don't kill someone, no one will recognize me as a killer and a super killer. In this regard, I think I am successful; and this foundation is my usual relaxation, playful and rogue hooligans. Do you understand?

"I don't understand, let alone!" Mei Xueyan frowned: "I can understand the principles of these murderous killers you mentioned. I can understand, but the only thing I can't understand is, how can you be a killer? Or a super killer? Why do you always think about yourself from the perspective of a killer? You are obviously a man of a beautiful family. You are only 18 years old this year. Everyone can see your past experience, and what has something to do with the killer? "Well," Jun Moxie was speechless for a while. He said happily just now and said everything, but he actually ignored this point. How to explain this,

"Kill someone", isn't it a killer?" Jun Moxie said reasonably, and then changed the topic: "Xue Yan, in your opinion. Shall we go at full speed now? Or is it better not to be tight or slow? If we hurry at full speed, we should be able to get ahead of Xiao Weicheng. If it's slower, I'm afraid they will overtake us. At that time, how to deal with it?"

Mei Xueyan gave him a blank look. Knowing that he was changing the topic, but did not expose him, he simply said, "This time, the Supreme Golden City has suffered a great loss. According to the situation of their open and dark struggle, they should not inform the next wave of people of the real situation, and even give considerable misinformation

"That's not better. Isn't it our chance?" Don't smile, as if you were thinking.

"Opportunity? What's the opportunity?" Mei Xueyan is so smart. After asking this question on the Internet, she immediately understood what Mr. Jun meant and said, "You mean, "Pretend to be injured?"

"Yes, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is the real king!" Jun Mo said earnestly, "It's a great achievement to give him a fatal blow in the enemy's infinite accident."

"Haha, you human beings are so cunning," Mei Xueyan laughed.

This is another mountain pass.

Although it's not very idle. But it is the only way.

This is undoubtedly another excellent place for ambush!

This cut, Ning Wuqing, the head of the trip to the World's Fairy Palace, was standing at the intersection of the valley. The white robe was the same color as the snowfield, and the long-legged was floating, as if he wanted to take advantage of the wind. His face was magnificent and righteous, and he was full of fairy bones There are hidden traces, which are just blocking the body with rocks. It can't be hidden from the master's divine detection at all, but it's like sheltering from the wind.

Thinking of Xiao Weicheng who had just passed by here, Ning Wuqing wanted to laugh three times. There were a total of 30 people on this trip to the Supreme Golden City, and there were 30 peak strong people, and there were only 13 left after the war; and Xiao Weicheng, the leader, seemed to be seriously injured; although he tried his best to cover it up. But Ning Wuqing still saw it from his pale face, which showed the tragic situation of the war.

The more miserable the better. This is really gratifying! Let you be awesome again!

You are bleak, we can just take a big bargain!

Ning Wuqing was concerned, but in fact, when he asked about the battle, Xiao Weicheng just said angrily, "When you see Master Mei, you will understand!" I wish you success in the first battle!" Then he led the crowd to leave in a hurry.

Ning Wuqing's heart is very happy!

Do I have to see Mr. Mei before I understand? I understand it very well now! You have lost more than half of your manpower. Even if Master Mei is very powerful, it is impossible to achieve such a result without being injured!

And the injury is bound to be very heavy! The sacrifice of the five supreme masters and the extinction of the ten supreme masters! Even Xiao Weicheng, the three-star throne, was seriously injured, at such a huge cost of casualties. If it is a serious injury of Mei Xueyan, it will be unreasonable, and it will be a big joke!

I thought that I almost killed her when there were only ten people! What's more, now?

Our Yixunshu posted a fine concave and said that it was a different body clam. "The purpose is sharp, the soldiers are strong and the horse is strong, and the Mei Zun is seriously injured, and the strength is weak and tired! Therefore, Ning Wuqing is after diligently inspecting the terrain. I feel that even if I make any more ambushes, it is meaningless, and there is also the demeanor of losing the immortal palace. There are many opportunities in this place. You just need to ambush until the arrival of Master Mei!

Presumably with her serious injury, these people rushed up again and again, hahaha, won't this amazing skill fall into my hands? No wonder Xiao Weicheng looked at me so strangely before he left!

It turned out to be hatred!

So Ning Wuqing is very relieved, because there are no more factors to worry about.

If you can successfully destroy Master Mei under your own command,

So, the remaining half of the death has little to do with immortality, and even for myself, it removes an object of merit,

It's like God's help to me!

Two figures from afar are coming!

Mei Xueyan, Jun Moxie is getting closer and closer!

Ning Wuqing waved his hand, and everyone was instantly hidden.

Ning stood ruthlessly behind the mountain stone. The two people who looked at each other coldly observed carefully; finally. There was a smile on the corners of his mouth!

Jun Moxie was not injured, which can be seen. This is very natural. How can Jun Moxie, who is of little strength, enter the eyes of the supreme strong man, but he has a good master, and no one dares to touch his hair!

Mei Xueyan seemed to be normal at first glance. There were no scars all over her body, and even her clothes were still white than Xue; her face was ruddy, but. Jun Moxie on one side looked at her with concern from time to time. He looked very worried, and even, I could see that Jun Moxie was deliberately slowing down himself


That's reasonable!

As Mei Xueyan, no matter how seriously injured she is, she will not lose her proper manners on the surface!

This is the dignity of the strong man. It is destined to be immutable!

If Mei Xue's shabby face and pale scars come, Ning Wuqing will suspect that the injury is a fake ingredient! Only in such peace can the flaw be found by his sharp eyes. It's better to be ruthless than to believe

This majestic woman was really hurt at this moment!

If you are not injured, if you are not suffering a considerable injury, with the strength of Mei Xueyan, how can it be Jun Moxie's turn to care about the tension?

At this point, I would rather be ruthless!

The two of them have arrived at the mountain pass.

"Ms. Mei, it's really a meeting in the mountains and rivers; after a long separation, are you all right?" Ning Wuqing laughed, his white clothes fluttered, and he stood on the mountain stone. His sharp eyes smiled, and he looked at the man and woman a few feet away in front of him; he looked calmly that everything was in control!

Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan suddenly stopped. Mei Xueyan's eyes looked at Ning Wuqing faintly and suddenly smiled: "Ning Wuqing? You are really haunted! Do you really think that I will never bear to kill you? The battle for the sky is a good amulet, but this amulet also has the limit of its effectiveness!"

"Ms. Mei's Xuangong is unrivaled, and his heart is cruel. Ning has no friendship with Mei, and his venerable is naturally willing to kill him. At this point, Ning has never been lucky.

Ning Wuqing smiled softly, squinted at Jun Moxie with a worried face next to him, shook his head and said:

"But since the venerable is so sure, why is your little lover so restless? "Is it possible?" Master Mei, are you actually injured?

With that, he said, he said, "It's no wonder that the Supreme Golden City has lost 17 masters in one breath. I'm sure Master Mei is not very easy, right? However, you can kill 17 top masters in the world in one battle, such a peerless skill. It's really admirable! It's hard for someone to shoot a horse.

Jun Moxie looked worried and angry, stepped out step by step, looked impulsive, and gritted his teeth. The halberd pointed out and shouted, "The Supreme Golden City is despicable and shameless. It actually disappears in the snow field and plots about the snow smoke. Unfortunately, it is a pity that it harms others and ends up harming itself, and the result is not good! Finally, I came back! Ning Wuqing, do you want to take advantage of the danger of others in the name of the Dunshi Fairy Palace and the prestige above the Supreme?

"Son, you don't know anything; I don't take advantage of people's danger." Ning Wu said ruthlessly, "I'm just taking advantage of the danger of the beast.

He looked at Jun Moxie with some pity and whispered, "Mr. Gentleman, don't forget that this stunning beauty in front of you, her body is always a beast. The gentleman was born as a famous teacher, and his future is not limited, but he is so fascinated by beauty, which really makes Ning sigh for it.

Jun Moxie blushed with an anxious face. He stepped in front of Mei Xueyan, stretched out his arms and said an irritatedly, "No matter what you say, you can't do it. You have guts, you can kill me first!"

Ning Wuqing smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were cold. With a wave of his hand, twenty or thirty figures flew out, back and forth, far and near. All directions were suddenly occupied! The long sword is shining, reflecting the snow, but the tip of the sword is in, but it is motionless; just waiting for Ning Wuqing's order. If you want to know what will happen in the future, please log in the apprentice. There are more chapters to support the author. Support genuine reading! On the 8th day, Shan Xunshu posted a sar and sneer D