The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 202 As long as you serve me well, I have everything!

"Go away, far away! Stay away from me! Didn't you see that I was hurt?" Mei Xueyan was suddenly ashamed.

After laughing for a while, the two began to deal with the wounds on Mei Xueyan's body. Jun Moxie was really a little heartbroken; Mei Xueyan's body had thirteen scars, seven sword wounds, palm injuries everywhere, kicked in the waist and shoulders respectively, a bruise, and finally the internal injury was not serious, most >

Even if the injury was not serious, Jun Mo Wu still cursed silently, took out the elixir from his arms, and applied it externally with snow water. In addition, he took the elixir internally for Mei Xueyan. Mei Xueyan's clothes half faded, her skin was better than snow, her beautiful eyes were closed, and her delicate ...Since your heart belongs to you, what's wrong with your body?

But Jun Mo Wu didn't dare to raise any thoughts at this moment. The wounds on Mei Xueyan's body can be said to be for his own sake! If you don't worry about yourself, fight, and risk the must-kill sword, with the strength of Mei Xueyan, you can calmly deal with the seventeen masters and kill them one by one. Although the battle is the shortest, it is also the most unwise tactic!

If so, I can't stand such a serious injury now! Thinking of this, Jun Mo Wu couldn't help but feel a little heartache. In particular, a sword wound on the back is half a foot long, almost hurting the bone...

For such a peerless beauty as Mei Xueyan, even if there is such a scar on her body, it is enough for white jade, let alone so many places?

Jun Moxie carefully applied the medicine; at the same time, he mobilized the aura of heaven and earth, rushed into the meridians of Mei Xueyan, covered the injury of Mei Xueyan, and treated it with all his strength!

In fact, the medicine that Jun Mo Wu carries with him can be completely cured, and it will never leave scars, just take more time. It's really a waste of pump to use the huge aura of Hongjun Tower to heal wounds like this... But you have a lot of capital, and the waste is wasted... It doesn't hurt at all.

If there is a spirit in Hongjun Tower, he will be inexplicably sad and indignantly: I am a great spiritual treasure in heaven and earth, and I have become a tool to pick up girls in your hands...

Mei Xue:! 8 The wounds that felt the original pain were inexplicably cool, and the whole body was comfortable. It must have been the effect of the medicine. Then they suddenly felt a surging tide of spiritual power of heaven and earth rushing into their bodies. In an all of an moment, they felt a sudden shock, and it seemed that even every head jumped... Mei Xueyan The best heaven and earth spirit to cultivate by yourself is just used to cultivate your own strength.

But this idea just came up, but now the ground is powerless to suddenly turn around... Unexpectedly, they gathered at their own wounds and treated their wounds for themselves...

The wound immediately felt itchy, which was a precursor to better healing, but Mei Xueyan was almost mad... Many of these pure and extremely pure power of heaven and earth... How urgently I am... But just treat these irrelevant wounds... What a waste, a typical prodigal... r...

It seems that Jun Mo's reputation as a prodigal son is really worth it!

But he couldn't control it... This made Mei Xueyan a little more anxious. Finally, she couldn't help saying, "Jun Moqi, what the hell are you doing?"

"What the hell are you pinching? I'm treating your injury. I'm not doing it. Jun Moxie takes it for granted. For him, we have a lot of aura of heaven and earth, and there is nothing to regret...

Mei Xueyan was almost dizzy. He gritted his teeth and said, "You, you, you... such a small injury, you are so wasteful and powerless... You, you... really can't stand it?!"

Amount? Jun Mo Wu suddenly felt a little strange and blinked his eyes: "Do you really need this? You should have said it earlier. How can you know what you need if you don't tell me? You have to tell me if you need it!" At this time, the treatment of the injury has also been completed. Jun Mo Wu's considerate plum snow smoke put on a bear fur coat... I have to say that Xiong Kaishan bought a bear fur coat, which was of great use along the way...

"Nonsense! I'm powerless to practice, and what I need is the spirit of heaven and earth... And the spirit of heaven and earth is extremely pure. I've never seen it before... Such a rare wonder in the world... You actually used it to cure these small injuries... You really pissed me off! I... I can't wait to bite you to death!" Mei Xueyan hated the tunnel.

"Ah? Hahaha..." Jun Moxie laughed loudly, and he could get the treasure. As soon as he spread his palm, he suddenly roared. The surroundings were full of the extremely pure aura of heaven and earth, and Mei Xueyan's eyes were straight: "This... What's going on?"

"Hey hey, we have a lot of land for this thing." Jun Moxie stretched out his finger frivolously, held up Mei Xueyan's chin, and said hooliganically, "Beauty, as long as you serve me well and make me comfortable and satisfied. I have as much aura of heaven and earth as you want..." With that, Mr. Jun Da Shao shrugged his shoulders and proudly twice... ...

Mei Damei knocked off a disciple's hand, pouted, turned around, and ignored him. In fact, there is a big contradiction in my heart: should I let him take advantage of it or not? It's the spirit of heaven and earth. Such a pure aura of heaven and earth is really the only seen in my life, and I really long for the spirit of heaven and earth. Well, I won't beg him! If he dares not to give... if he dares to... don't give, hum hum...

In other words, Xuanshou's heart is simple. If this is any girl, as long as the little mouth is curled, the willow eyebrows are raised, and a little unhappy, Master Jun can't help but send the aura of heaven and earth quickly, and he has to accompany thousands of people to be careful...

However, with Mei Xueyan's self-esteem, even if he is close to the person who has entrusted him for life like Jun Moxie, he will not be coquettishly asked for it... Of course, Mr. Jun naturally knows this in his heart.

Because of Mei Xueyan's injury, Jun Moxie made his own decision. The two temporarily rested for a few days. Mei Xueyan was greatly moved and naturally would not object. As for the place of recuperation, it was still the old way. Jun Moxie once again created a snow room under a lot of heavy snow. Most of them didn't The purest and most abundant aura of heaven and earth is fully restored, and the natural entry is extremely fast!

But in the past few days, the outside world has caused great panic! Is there still no news from the Dunshi Fairy Palace? Zi Jinghong put his hands on his back, paced back and forth, and frowned: "Would you rather be ruthless? Is it *** slippery?"

Although it was also a fiasco, Zi Jinghong would not expect that the Dunshi Fairy Palace would be destroyed. This idea is too exaggerated and incredible... Although the remaining half of the leading figures of the Dunshi Fairy Palace are dead, there is also a well-planned Ning Wuqing, and there is only one decision-maker, life It is easier to be executed, and in addition to Ning Wuqing, there are as many as eight supreme strong men and twenty supreme masters! With the strength of such a scale, with the help of Master Mei alone, not to mention killing all of them, even if they are defeated, it is absolutely impossible! The biggest possibility is that Mei Zun escaped when he saw the situation!

But where did Ning Wuqing lead his men? Is it the tail catching up? If so, it's not very good. After all, Master Mei's light meritority is unique in the world, and no one in the world can stand side by side with it. If she escapes, there is no reason to pursue it!

Thinking about it, Zi Jinghong became indignant: "It's better to be ruthless and plotted, and you have lived your whole life. How can you miss the opportunity so much? Whether you win or not, whether you win or lose, you have to send a message, right? Unexpectedly, it is so disappeared... It's simply intolerable for me! Is it difficult to take care of such a way of doing things? How can it be a big deal?

Xiao Weicheng sat on the other side, quietly holding a teacup and drinking tea. He didn't say a word for a long time. In the room, there are also five or six masters above the Supreme, who belong to the Dreamy Blood Sea and the Supreme Golden City. They sit with great momentum and think about something silently.

This is a small market. There is only one inn here, which has been wrapped in a sea of dream blood. But even so, for many of them, it is still far from enough to live. After Xiao Weicheng and others arrived, the dining hall was temporarily changed into a guest room. A group of supreme masters are like footmen, with four or five people huddled in a room, very embarrassed...r,

"Brother Xiao; As you mentioned before, the killer Supreme Chu Crying Soul also participated in the battle between the noble faction and Master Mei? Is this true or not? Zi Jinghong was angry for a while. Seeing that no one spoke up, he didn't feel any embarrassment. He turned his head and asked.

"That's just my guess at best." Xiao Weicheng straightened the crown on his head and replied gloomily; his eyelids never flirted. So far, he is still concerned about Zi Jinghong's design to make the Supreme Golden City stand in front of him. Naturally, he doesn't have a good face. If he hadn't had any illusions about killing Master Mei and intended to get a piece of the pie, he would have turned back to the Supreme Golden City long ago!

"But I don't know where Brother Xiao's basis for such speculation came from?" Zi Jinghong said cautiously, "Brother Xiao, if there is only one crying soul in your eyes, but the mysterious skill of Mei is strong, far above you and me; now he has abandoned the fake mask of hypocrisy in the past, exposing his fierce, cruel and cunning personality. If there is really another helper such as Chu Crying Soul as a Help, but it's not a big trouble. We... must not take it lightly."

"I don't need to say this. In the last war, it was this damn crying pigeon that killed many of us out of the shadows!" Xiao Weicheng said reluctantly, "All the victims are killed with one blow, and even the people close at hand have never heard any noise!" Such an exquisite assassination skill, in addition to the bastard Chu Crying Soul, looking around today's world, there is also the second person with an umbrella!"

The more Zi Jinghong heard it, the more shocked he became. He hurriedly asked the reason for the situation. At present, the enemy's previous prejudices were at least temporarily put down. Xiao Weicheng had to repeat the situation at that time in detail. As he spoke, he couldn't help but think of the countless old brothers buried in the wilderness like this It's murderous! C