The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 246 Compassion and the dead end, the two great venerable people!

Yunren is a standard gentleman who can be bullied!?

But people who are familiar with this person know that this guy is directly a highly poisonous tail snake!

A person who looks like a gentleman is never a real gentleman!

He is more hypocritical than a crocodile and more fierce than a jackal!

Bloody gentleman, good man of the dead soul; these are all his nicknames. His name is very good, called: Zhen merci!

This name is not only good, but it is also very funny, but no one in the world dares to laugh!

Even, I don't even dare to do it behind my back!

Because this Zhen merci was not merciful at all, two hundred years ago, a city lord once offended him; he came to ask for sin, but was besieged by the army; in anger, this Zhen merci died crazily for three days and three nights! With the power of one person, he completed the feat of slaughtering the city!

You know, although the city is small, there are also nearly 100,000 people in it! Among them, there are the army, the mysterious, the officials, and the people; this Zhen Mian actually killed them all indiscriminately! The old and weak women and children will not be spared. Three days later, the city has completely turned into a dead city! Even the dog did not escape, and no living mouth can be spared...

The most outrageous thing is that after the killing, the master was not soft. He held a large jar full of human blood and wrote a few big words on the wall:

The heaven is merciful, and I am also merciful; I am merciful when I am in the way of heaven!

One slaughter of 100,000 people, but he even took the banner of Tianxingdao, and he still claimed to be merciful!

This is simply the nonsense of the world!

Ordinary masters can kill themselves even if they kill dozens of people, but this Zhen Ci slaughtered 100,000 people without changing his face, and he also thought that he had done a good deed and was compassionate! Really compassionate!

The whole world was moved by this. Countless masters vowed to kill him, but his Xuangong was so good that almost no one could rule it. In the end, the owner of the Dunshi Fairy Palace personally took action to defeat him, and then disappeared. It turned out that he joined the Dunshi Fairy Palace and played such an important role!

Zhen Mercy stroked her beard, sighed sadly, and said, "The Chu Wang soul is so rebellious that we can't let it go. We have been hunting for generations, and we should practice the way for heaven and remove this disaster for the world.

A high-crown middle-aged man looked numbly, and his face was narrow and narrow. He said that he was a horse's face, but he was a little like a donkey. His eyes were also slender, like two slits. At this time, bloodthirsty light was shining in these two slits. He looked Do you want to be merciful again?

In the face of Zhen Mian's peerless killing god, this person has no scruples, and he clearly shows off a kind of court resistance; and Zhen Mian is not angry at all.

This man is the owner of the three cities of the Supreme Golden City, and he is also the master of the team in the Blood Sea! Jedi, the world, put an end to it! The surname is Du Ming Du.

The name is amazing, and the person who calls this name is also amazing, just like his name. Not only to the enemy, but also to yourself! Legend has it that in order to practice swords, he was tired but dissatisfied, so he inserted a sword in his leg! Until you are satisfied with the practice. A person can be so unique to himself... It can be imagined to be a person in the world! Dudu and Zhen's compassion are all the real peak figures in the world: the number of venerable people! The merciful is merciful, and the venerable is the best!

Whoever meets Zhen's mercy must be compassionate; whoever is eliminated means that he has come to the desperate path of life!

"A gentleman's virtue is expressed in his words and deeds. How can we show off that when it is time to be compassionate, we will naturally do the way for heaven and return the world to a clear universe and a calm world." Zhen mercifully sighed compassionately and said seriously. With his white hair and white beard, he is solemn and solemn, as if it is sacred and inviolable. But when everyone heard his words, they all sneered, without exception.

At this moment, the wind was blowing in the sky, and a vague shadow fell straight down like a meteor in the vast sky! The speed is like a meteor, like lightning!

Du Jue's eyes flashed and suddenly shouted loudly. His body was motionless, but he floated up and greeted him. His palm was like a knife, bleeding, and his eyes did not blink. The brush was more than a dozen palm knives! The knife hit! Unexpectedly, none of them failed!

The man who fell in the air has been divided into seventeen or eight pieces in an hour, scattered and scattered!

"Good kung fu! Du Zun is optimistic about Jun's palm knife! This action is really different!" Several people cheered in unison! Flattery at the same time. But Du Jue has fallen, his face turned red, very ugly, a little annoyed, and even more depressed!

With a bang, a ball-like head dripped into the snow, and then bounced up again. He rolled several times, looked up to the sky, his eyes were round and thin as a skeleton, with a wrinkled face and a face full of vicissitudes.

"It's Ma Jiang's name! How did he run to the sky? It took us a little time to get here before he fell down. How high did he jump up?!" The people of the Supreme Golden City exclaimed, and there was infinite doubt that the unfortunate figure who was beheaded by the lord of his three cities was actually a master of his own side! But with just this sentence, I dare not do it again

Go on. I didn't even dare to take a look at it. Everyone looks weird.'s face. Because the face is darker, a donkey's face seems to be pulled longer, and it seems to be murderous!

Take off freely and hit with all your strength! I wanted to stand in front of everyone, but I cut myself into pieces... I can imagine how embarrassed Master Du is at this time!

"Hahaha... Master Du is a really handsome palm knife! With a wave of his big hand, he hid this person's face full of vicissitudes and smile. The knife was merciless and cut into seventeen or eight pieces. This kind of kung fu is really shocking! No way! It's really amazing! It's worthy of being a venerable person!" Zhen Ci smiled kindly and seemed to be praised from the bottom of his heart in a solemn and serious tone, without a trace of ridicule.

Do not snort coldly, suddenly the palm of the hand is tilted, and the chest stands; a sharp-palm knife went straight to Zhen's mercy, but it was completely silent.

Zhen Ci laughed loudly, brushed her sleeves, and put an end to the power of the knife, which suddenly turned around and cut deeply into the snow! Zhen Mercy and Du Jue were stunned at the same time, looking at the snow under their feet, thinking. You guys, first collect all the corpses in this place. Isn't it too pitiful to be so violent in the wilderness? It's better to go to the ground. Don't avoid the dirt. The dead are the most common. Zhen was merciful and pleasantly ordered casually, and his face was full of grief. Several people in white immediately came out behind him and quickly cleaned up the bodies on the ground.

"Everyone do it together and clean up all the snow in this sloping valley!" Put an end to cold orders. The snow in the whole canyon is as heavy as a mountain; but the order was given without any consideration! And it's very easy. It seems to say: sweep the dust here, it's so easy!

The ten masters of the Supreme Golden City stood up at the same time, slowly rising all over, and suddenly snorted and palmed at the same time!

The violent strong wind turned into a huge shovel and turned the thick snow upside down. The square was dozens of feet, like a huge and friendless ground was blown up, and then another 40 or 50 people did it at the same time. With a bang, a large layer of snow was lifted up by the kiln and flew. After going out, he flew up high in the distance and landed outside the sloping valley! Such a wide range of snow weighs more than tens of millions of pounds? Unexpectedly, it was thrown out like this!

Black soil was exposed on the ground. The thickness of the soil and the snow surface standing by everyone is three feet different! Du Jue and Zhen Ci looked at it coldly and continued to order with a blank face: "Come again!"

It must not be the only force of one side. The second wave of clean-up work is completed by the escape fairy palace; the third wave is naturally the contribution of the dream sea of blood! I have to say that the group of people who are at the bottom of the supreme team have enough confidence, and their strength is really too strong. It's just a wave of rotation, and the whole valley has been cleared out of a large area!

Obviously, it is a task that is almost impossible to complete, and it has been completed a lot in an instant. If according to such efficiency, even if it is really empty, it will not be difficult, and it will not take too long!

The loud sound of the rumbling landslide is endless, which is the sound of these large pieces of snow being thrown out. It seems that the whole earth is also trembling!

With the wonderful spiritual sense of the venerable level, there must be another mystery under the snow! Otherwise, they will never believe that they can kill the seven masters in one fell swoop, and make a supreme man who is seriously injured and extremely embarrassed to flee! If you are facing Master Mei, such a result is reasonable, even reasonable! But... with Chu's crying soul? What can he do? Even if the eight masters kill each other, Chu's crying soul can't reach this level! The conclusion is: it is absolutely impossible!

Zhen Mercy looked at the previous action and suddenly shouted without looking back, "Bai Wuxin! Come here!"

Bai Wuxin's head was wrapped in a thick white cloth, but the huge pain deep into the bone marrow still tortured him all the time, and his teeth cracked from time to time. The bone was almost cut through by a sword... It's already an iron man to be able to stand here at this moment... He hurried over after hearing the words. He asked respectfully, "I don't know what the second master ordered?"

For this uncle Zhen, no one dares to call him ▲ the owner of the second palace, and they all respect him ▲ the second master" because the second master's temper is much more irritable than the uncle; the uncle is angry, at most, that is, a confinement or a little punishment; but once the second master is angry, it is... Weakness is coming...

"Try to tell the previous things in detail, and there is no omission at all. No matter how strange the situation is, you have to talk about it one by one." Zhen Ci raised her white eyebrows and said in a heavy tone.

At this time, the other two leaders, Zi Jinghong and Du Jue, also stood over. Listening carefully to Bai Wuxin's narration, the three parties have suffered a lot of losses in this battle. If they don't figure it out, how can they be willing? F