The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 265 Snowy Night and Flowers Fly!

"Your Majesty, the princess's face was full of tears just now, and the Pegasus ran out. Her mood was extremely wrong, and the demons dared not stop her." The guard of the gate came to report.

"Lingmeng?" His Majesty was stunned and suddenly sneered and said, "Do both mother and daughter want to leave me to meet my lover?" Haha... Forget it, don't worry about her! Bring me the wine! I want to celebrate well today!" Yes!"

The cold wind whistled through the air, and dusty snow was blown up and flying in the air. The most prosperous street in Tianxiang City seemed to be a little ghostly at this moment!

A yellow sedan chair with tassels, under the escort of a hundred and ten people, it marched forward in a hurry. Murong Xiuxiu's beautiful face in the sedan chair flashed hesitation and struggle. Do you really want to do this?

The next moment, the bleak man with a lonely and desolate face seemed to appear in front of her eyes, but the long-desperate eyes were still affectionate and hot!

"Guang\1, Han, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one It was because of the bitterness in her heart that she felt that she was still alone and a woman!

This deep affection has tortured three people for a lifetime, becoming the dream demon and eternal scar in the heart of Yang Huaiyu, the lord of Tianxiang, and also made an unfading memory in the hearts of Murong Xiuxiu and Ye Guhan.

In this quiet night, Murong Xiuxiu found that he strangely remembered too many past events. The deep affection of the past and the passing vows are as good as at present; just like on this short road, he replayed his previous life journey.

"Xiao Han... you have suffered..." Murong Xiuxiu's face was full of tears. At this moment, she suddenly remembered a poem left by Ye Guhan before she fled to the world. She couldn't help smiling sadly and took out a plain white handkerchief from her arms. On it, the dragon and phoenix danced with a few lines of blood-red characters: I don't regret the deep feelings of this life, and I am willing God will live up to you!

After Ye Guhan left, Murong Xiuxiu embroidered this brocade fear and put it close to her body. However, except herself, no one knows that this bright red handwriting is Murong Xiuxiu's own blood!

Soaked the white thread with his own blood, then put on a needle and embroidered the last poem given to him by his favorite person! Save Liu Lou Jie■!

Just a few days ago, there were two more lines of words on it, which were still the same bright red: "If the fate is not over in the next life, it's better to live up to the sky than to you!"

is the last two sentences of this poem recently changed by Ye Guhan! After embroidering these two sentences, Murong Xiuxiu embroidered two words below: "Looking forward to it!"

Xiaohan, not only are you looking forward to it, but I am also looking forward to it! If the fate of the next life is not over, it is better to live up to the sky than to live up to you! If there is an afterlife, I will only belong to you! I will laugh for you all my life, cry for you, shed tears for you, rejoice for you, have children for you, and grow old with you... Even if you are poor, even if you are humble... But as long as you can be together, I... I won't regret it!

Xiao Han, the world is praising the king's no regrets and the oriental's heart, all regrets for them, and sympathizes with them... But who knows how much I envy the two of them? Although they are separated by yin and yang, they have been husband and wife for more than ten years after all!

There is such a relationship that he once had her, and she also had him! They are really happy... And we have never embraced each other...

Xiaohan... My favorite man, do you know how sad and painful my heart is every time I see you... In the next life, I will be pregnant in the next life "... I will tell the queen, and there is the king's mansion in front of me.

The front guard riding on the horse turned around and told respectfully.

While he was talking, Murong Xiuxiu happened to recall the joys and sorrows of his life traced back to the dam, in; he was wandering in the clouds... This sentence woke Murong Xiuxiu up from his dream, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and looked out, and his eyes were still confused: "So fast?"

So fast? The bodyguards were speechless. The road was snowing heavily, and it was so slippery at night. We were careful all the way. Where did we go fast? Obviously, it's the mantle.

A gust of wind suddenly blew on Murong Xiuxiu's face when she lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. Suddenly, she shivered with excitement, and an ominous foreboding suddenly rose in her heart. Is there no way ahead? Or has my road come to an end?

Just then, a hurricane suddenly rolled up, just above him, with a thunderous momentum, hitting the sedan chair! The phoenlight is shining, and there is a sword in the hurricane! Empress, be careful!" The bodyguard shouted in horror!!

In the distance, the thunderous hoofs rolled in, like a storm; in the middle of the night, when the ground was frozen like a mirror, the horse ran wildly, either a madman or a madman, because once he fell, he would break his hands and feet, and if he was heavy, he would die on the spot! It's simply a disrespect for your own life!

A faint but hystical cry came from the wind: "...Mother... Be careful... Mother... Be careful..." The voice was blown intermittently by the cold wind, but you could hear the infinite despair and panic in the voice! In the cold winter and cold night, Princess Lingmeng galloped wildly and rushed here desperately,

The cold wind blew on the face, and the tears on his face had frozen on his face. Murong Xiuxiu also heard the exclamation of the bodyguard, and also saw the hurricane coming to the top of her head, and faintly saw the blurred figure in the hurricane... The sound of horses' hoofs in the rear also entered her ears. Her daughter's heartbreaking cry, and she also heard it clearly in the wind of the cold night...

But she suddenly found that she was full of ice caves and couldn't move! Under the shroud of such shocking ghosts and ghosts, she has no trace of self-defense at all, and can only wait for her hand to be killed! But on her quiet face, there was a trace of relief. Are you going to go?

"Ah~~~ ~ ~" The cry of wolf-like despair sounded, and Ajiu's shadow-like figure suddenly appeared and kicked on the sedan chair. The whole sedan chair was fast and urgent. At this moment, it showed the benefits of icing in front of the ground, and it slid out quickly... And his thin figure Roaring loudly, he rose up to meet the hurricane in mid-air! The figure in the hurricane! The peak of the earth! The Queen's bodyguard turned out to be the peak master of Dixuan!

However, it was Mr. Wen who came to assassinate, who was a supreme master! Not to mention Dixuan, even if it is the peak of Tianxuan, it can be killed in an instant! What is the peak of the mystery? But after all, he blocked it!

The blood burst in mid-air. As soon as Ah Jiu's body rushed up, it instantly turned into a sky full of flesh and blood. A little blood was like a rain of blood, falling one after another!

But Mr. Wen's figure is faster than these bloody rains! He is like a demon falling from the sky, flying down! He also carries a small package on his back. Once Murong Xiuxiu is killed, he will immediately fly away and turn back to the Supreme Golden City! From then on, there will be no more worry for him!

"Protect the Queen!" Dozens of bodyguards stood up with their swords in front of the sedan chair at the same time. At this time, Murong Xiuxiu turned over, rolled out of the sedan chair and landed on the snow. At the same time, with a bang, the sedan chair was hit by the palm of his hand and was torn apart!

Mr. Wen didn't say a word. In the round of the long sword, a sword flashed out like a moonlight, and dozens of bodyguards in front of him screamed loudly. Unexpectedly, under this blow, all of them turned into two pieces! The sword spirit came out of the body, leaving a deep sword mark on the ground! Snow dust is flying!

The sound of the horse's hoof was approaching, and Princess Lingmeng ran desperately. She jumped off the horse and almost fell down. She rushed to her mother who fell to the ground crazily and shouted tragically, "Mother..."

Mr. Wen's figure in the flying flashed non-stop, his eyes hesitated a little, and his right palm slapped out! Even in the air, it can be clearly seen that a vacuum black hole is formed, in the shape of a palm, hitting Murong Xiuxiu's vest through the air!

"Sight!" A ghostly figure appeared without warning. Before his body arrived, he played a force to intercept Mr. Wen's palm wind, but after all, it was a step late. Although most of the power was dissipated, there was still a strong palm that hit Murong Xiuxiu's heart!

Murong Xiuxiu snorted, her delicate body was beaten off the ground, and a mouthful of red blood spewed out in the air, like a flower that was forcibly picked from the branch and fell weakly from the air. Her goose-yellow dress bloomed in the air, like a delicate flower. Withering on a snowy night one one r one one one one

"Mother Queen!" Princess Lingmeng's liver and gall were cracked, and she rushed forward quickly. It was too late. She jumped forward desperately, knelt down on the ground with a heavy body, click, and knelt on the hard ice, broken! But she didn't realize it. She just stretched out her hand and resolutely took the body of her mother who was about to land, just like taking the only reliance in her life...

"Kow!" The strong impulse made Princess Lingmeng fall back while merging her mother. Her knees were still kneeling on the ground and had already broken. After this rush, her whole upper body suddenly turned back, and the back of her head hit heavily on the snow and ice...

The crisp sound came from her knees on the ground again, and the blood flowed out in an instant. If you lift the funeral sister's skirt to check, you will definitely see that her kneecap joints are broken, the delicate skin has already cracked, and the white and miserable bones are also exposed outside...

But this girl who has been spoiled since she was a child showed her extreme strength at this moment. Such absolute pain, even a mysterious master can't stand it, but the little girl actually endured it, and the back of her head was instantly hit with blood like Note, but he hugged his mother's body abruptly and did not let his mother's body be hit a little...

Murong Xiuxiu's eyes opened with difficulty, and she looked at her daughter with a desperate and sad face, with a trace of tenderness and nostalgia on her face. She wanted to say, "Meng'er, don't be afraid. Mother is fine." But with one mouth, a big mouth of blood spewed out again, and this time, there were pieces of internal organs one by one, one, one by one

She wanted to raise her hand and wipe away the tears on her beloved daughter's face, but she found that she couldn't even move her fingers. She could only endure the sharp pain in her body, but her face tried to make an indifferent and painless look. She looked at her daughter with gentle eyes and tried her best to signal to her daughter: My mother It doesn't hurt... &l; When I came back, I took a look at the monthly ticket list, and suddenly there was a surge of helplessness, or sadness... outside the top ten... mF