The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 274 Wealth from the sky!

To put an end to the end, it is really difficult to ride a tiger: he has added eight points of his strength, which is beyond the scope of his own manipulation, but if he forcibly withdraws it, it is still possible. He is also planning to forcibly take it back if there is something wrong, and at most, he will hurt his vitality!

But this stubborn boy is still gritting his teeth there! This can't help but make it a little cherished for talent in my heart. As a teenager, if he can resist to this point, Jun Mo Xie should be the first from ancient times to the present!

If you increase your strength, it will really be beyond your control. It's easy to send and difficult to collect. One is not good. I'm afraid that in front of you, this teenager will suffer a bleak injury that can't be recovered forever! Moreover, it will leave a shadow of things like heart demons in the mind, and you can't make progress for the rest of your life! That's really dissistible with Cai Tian's hatred!

compare your heart to heart, if you put an end to having such an excellent disciple but being forced into a useless person, then you will also take revenge at will.

Thinking of this, I have decided to stop. Since the high man has never appeared, then I will rob Wen Cangyu and leave! As soon as he came back, he should know that I was merciful. It shouldn't be a big deal...

But at this time, I heard Jun Moxie's extremely flattenable words again! I don't know whether to live or die to the extreme. I have been show mercy from beginning to end. If it's good for you, the dead duck's mouth is hard, and he even satirizes to his face!

Put an end to rage, and subconsciously wait for the power of pressure to rise directly to the peak!

All the people in the square suddenly felt that the whistle was dark in front of their eyes, and their feet were shaking!

Even the high platform shook!

The power of the aftershoku is so powerful that you can imagine the pressure on all the people!

The unprecedented huge power was instantly suppressed, and the Hongjun Tower was collected, and the whale swallowed in. In the future, it is like the wave of the sea, continuous, and like the wave of the Yangtze River, one wave is higher than the other! And Hongjun Tower is naturally not afraid of those who come. With the best guest attitude, it is not a waste at all to summarize these forcibly entered spiritual powers of heaven and earth one by one!

Jun Moxie only feels that his meridians are about to explode...

It's really cool, it's so cool!"

It lasted like this for a while. Suddenly, the pressure on my body was inexplicably light, and the source was suddenly cut off!

To prevent the direct outbreak of Jun Mo's anger, but after the outbreak, he suddenly regretted: it's over! This boy must be doomed! But I have mobilized the maximum amount of heaven and earth psionic energy that I can load, and I must vent it, because this wave of heaven and earth psionic energy can't even load my body. One by one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one

But seeing that Jun Moxie suddenly moved, he slowly raised his head slowly. There were clear tooth marks with blood marks on his lips. The corners of his eyes suddenly jumped, and his face was pale with iron blue, which was obviously the appearance of death. But...but! But... it's okay! It's okay! How can it be all right? How is this possible? Don't look at the little monster in front of you, almost shocked and speechless!

It is not certain whether Jun Moxie is on the verge of collapse. Anyway, it is really about to collapse!

A 17- or 18-year-old boy actually carried the salty pressure of a middle-level venerable man with the psionic power of heaven and earth! Who will believe such a thing? It's really sensational! Is this little guy a human or a ghost? Although his face is as indifferent as before, his heart is already full of waves! Sure enough, a famous teacher is a great apprentice! But such a talent... is really too dangerous!

Jun Moxie slowly looked up and smiled: "Mr. Du, why... don't you make me happy? I'm not happy enough. Master Du's means are strong enough, but it's a pity that it's not lasting enough, so it's hard to enjoy it! What's wrong with being abandoned halfway? In his tone, with strong disappointment and dissatisfaction, he was like a resentful woman who was about to reach ** but was poured down by a ladle of cold water! Very resentful... Heaven and earth testify!

When Master Jun said this, it was ten percent of the truth, from the bottom of his heart! It's really hard to have a good time. This opportunity is not only a once in a hundred years, it's a once-in-a-lifetime, and it's almost the same! But in Du Jue's ears, it has become the most vicious sarcasm. How can he step down?!

Put an end to the poisonous snake-like eyes staring at Master Jun. He looked at it for a while without blinking. Suddenly, he snorted, and his hand rose up without looking back, and split heavily at the high platform!

A sharp sound of breaking the air sounded. The next moment, Wen Cangyu on the stage was hit on his chest by a ten thousand catties of sledgehammer. He flew up with a wooden stake with a bang. His body cracked in mid-air, and the bomb blossomed into countless free falls. He fell on the high platform, under the Earthly flesh and blood...

No one will ever recognize that the flesh and blood all over the ground once turned out to be the elegant and unrestrained Wen Cangyu!

Eliminate the place where the palm comes out of the palm, which is thirty feet away from Wen Cangyu!! At such a long distance, even an ordinary archer may not be able to shoot so far and so accurately! But he raised his hand like this, split his palm and came out of the air, and actually beat a big living man to pieces! The venerable man is indeed extraordinary!

Du Jue turned around and never looked at Jun Moxie again. He closed his eyes slightly. The people in front of him could clearly see an unprecedented crazy murderous intention in the eyes of this desperate venerable! However, he tried his best to restrain himself, and the palm just now more or less vented the crazy murderous intention.

"Terend to your master to put an end to visiting! It's a pity that it's fateful. If you have leisure time another day, you will come to learn how to be wise! People of Jincheng, I have dealt with it myself! Jun Moxie, I advise you that young people should be more or less restrained!"

After saying it, he didn't look back and stepped forward like this. Xiao Weicheng followed him. From beginning to end, without saying a word, the two of them walked out. Wherever you go, the crowd is divided into waves, and you can't help but give up a way. The backs of the two flashed - and disappeared!

From beginning to end, he never looked back, because he was afraid. If he turned back, he couldn't help abolishing Jun Mo Wu here on the spot, or kill him directly!

It is certain that if Jun Mo Wu develops at such a speed, then the name of a master between heaven and earth, which has never appeared in ancient times, will fall on him! It's too dangerous to keep such a person with unlimited development potential and also an enemy!

But when it comes to killing... Such consequences, even the Golden City can't afford it! Even if you don't mention the mysterious and powerful man behind Jun Moxie, the heavenly punishment forest alone can't be borne by the golden city.

Siege Mei Zun, or if everyone really does it, they dare to do it. But there is a premise: Master Mei is not in the forest of heavenly punishment!

If Master Mei An Ansui stays in the forest of heavenly punishment, who dares to take care of her tiger beard? Not to mention the top ten supremes, a hundred times more, dare A? No matter how many people enter the heavenly punishment forest, even if they put an end to such a strong scooping peak, they can't guarantee that they can come out alive!

If Master Mei is really angry and mobilizes the mysterious beast to attack, then it is certain that whether it is the family of the three holy places, it will be razed to the ground overnight!

The horror of heavenly punishment, j* knows it very well. A group of wild wolves have an organization that can still defeat thousands of troops, not to mention the hundreds of millions of mysterious beasts in the forest? The King! It can mobilize all the power of heaven's punishment!

Jun Mo Wu watched the two leave and almost couldn't help pulling Du Jue. Shit, did you just leave like this? Too irresponsible, right? But... I haven't been promoted yet! With the stop of stopping, the Hongjun Tower in Jun Mo's evil thoughts also stopped rotating and fell slowly with satisfaction.

It is really good to put an end to this school of forced indoctrination! The full oppression of the strong at the Venerable level, the mobilized spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not a small amount! At least when Jun Moxie was lucky, he found that it was a little difficult to absorb the aura of heaven and earth... This also proved that the emperor almost consumed dozens of miles of spiritual energy... How much energy is this?

It's so horrible!

Especially the final full compression is like a tsunami, which forcibly presses the psionic power of heaven and earth into the Hongjun Tower. This gift is not great!

If he doesn't use these spiritual abilities to practice, I'm afraid that the most he can use is only one in ten million! It's one thing to mobilize, but it's another thing to directly turn it into your own strength! It's like we can kill people with knives but can't turn knives into a part of ourselves. This is the same reason!

However, in the face of Jun Mo Wu, a freak, it is a completely different thing! Don't say that it only mobilizes the psionic energy of dozens of miles. Even if he mobilizes all the psionic energy of the whole world, Hongjun Tower will not refuse at all! It will be collected as usual, and there will never be a little waste!

The consequence of this cramming action is that Jun Moxie's meridians are directly full! Master Jun, who had just broken through the fourth floor and was still in the early stage of the fourth floor of Kaitian Zaohuagong, directly soared up like a plane rocket, as if an immortal was holding it under his buttocks. With a sound, he went straight to the peak of the fourth floor! A typical windfall from the sky! But such a good thing makes Jun Moxie very angry!

He can't help but be angry! Because... Jun Mo Wu has felt that his fourth level of Kaitian chemical work has reached the point where the meridians are full, that is to say, the next step is to break through the fifth level! But at this critical juncture of the pump, it will not stop!

Shit, isn't this a play! Master Jun scolded in his heart, and he was infinitely lost for a moment. No matter what, you should let me break through before you leave. That's good. I'm excited, but you retreat before ** arrives!"

Good people do it to the end and send Buddha to the west! What's wrong with being abandoned halfway? This guy never thought that the psionic energy forcibly instilled by others this time directly gave him great benefits! It's not enough... You should know that both sides are hostile...

Jun Moxie is crazy! Such a mood made him not even pay attention to the fact that Wen Cangyu was actually ruined by Du Jue Yiyu.

All I was thinking: How can I get this old guy back and let him use it again? I like this kind of abuse so much...

Jun Moxie is very frustrated. Of course, he is about to break through but was interrupted. This feeling is really uncomfortable. But... If you don't know such a thing, it is estimated that this desperate venerable will force himself to the desperate road in an instant, and he won't live without saying anything... It's too depressing...

&l;I'm so sorry. I'm drunk today... I'm so drunk! A guest suddenly came to my house, and now I'm still dizzy. I'll do this in the afternoon, but I can't do it at night. I'm going to bed. There is only one update today; I owe one chapter. I'm ashamed... But there's really nothing I can do today. I will get up early tomorrow. Or compensate for the fourth update, or compensate everyone for the fifth update. Sorry, I hope everyone understands. &G;.. mF