The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 277 Murong Fengyun

The daughters of the Dugu family are so busy that they are going crazy. It is said that nearly half of the Langzhong in the capital have been invited in, serving them deliciously, and the diagnosis certificate issued is more serious than one. Let outsiders have a look, this lonely family is determined to have a funeral tomorrow, and it's not one or two, but a dozen...

As soon as this "sick leave" report was published, the emperor was mad on the spot! I almost had a myocardial infarction on the spot. Next, one, one, one, one, one, one

Li Taishi said that he was ill, and he inherited his old age and retired, and he was embarrassed by heavy responsibilities. It is said that the head of the Meng family had tetanus last night, and he really couldn't get up... In a word, in a word, all the important ministers of the imperial court of the major families were bedridden According to the messenger's return, these people did not seem to pretend, but were indeed very miserable... After the emperor was furious, he finally thought of a person: Murong Fengyun!

This is my father-in-law! Murong Xiuxiu's father, he doesn't care, who cares? Whether from the official's face or from the emotional's face, it is the most appropriate for Murong Fengyun to come forward.

But after receiving the news, Murong Fengyun almost fell down with both hands. Then he opened his eyes and shouted, "Xiu Xiu is dead?" When did it happen? Why don't I know anything about it?"

Murong Fengyun immediately went to the palace to see the queen. After being told, he had gone out late at night ten days ago and never came back. Mr. Murong, who was full of panic, went directly to His Majesty the emperor. As a result, he only got a hesitant and unclear explanation. The only clear statement was to let him push down the graves of Murong Xiuxiu and Ye Guhan first, and talk about everything later...

It hurts my family.

Listening to the continuous sound of fighting outside, Jun inadvertently shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mo Xie, you are out of line this time. Will you swallow too much?"

Jun Moxie, who is spreading out a book of the Book of Mountains and Seas, turned over a page of the book and said carelessly, "Is it out of line? Is it too much? I don't think so! Chasing the capital is a deterrent that has been prepared for a long time! If there is not so much blood spray, there will be invisible destruction. Make a fuss, the bigger the fuss, the better. It's just a few more people to die... More than 100,000 people in Tianguanling are lying there unjustly. How many people have died in Tianxiang City? It's far away..." Mr. Jun, who was half lying on the master's chair and pretended to be in a good rest, sighed and didn't say anything.

At this moment, the bodyguard suddenly reported, "Mirong Fengyun, the head of the Murong family, came to see the emperor." The master is finally here. Jun Moxie and Jun have no intention to export at the same time.

"Jun Zhantian, I want to ask you for an explanation!" Murong Fengyun rushed in and said, "You old man wants to avenge your son. I understand, and I have never been embarrassed with you!" But your Jun family has been in trouble for nine days, and all the murderers have been executed. Shouldn't you have enough? Even if it's not enough, you can make trouble with you! Why do you ruin my daughter's festival so much? After Xiuxiu has always been a country, how can you tolerate such humiliation?" Humiliation? Mr. Murong, where do you start with this? Jun Zhantian said lightly.

"Good! I just ask you, my daughter... my daughter... Xiuxiu, is she dead? Is it her body buried in the tomb of love?!" Murong Fengyun's eyes were a little red. Although he was a hero of a generation, he was still a father after all. His own daughter's life and death are unknown, but a tombstone was erected. How can he not be angry and how not be sad? Yes!" Jun Moxie quietly interrupted: "Mr. Murong, your daughter has indeed been killed outside the king's house late at night ten days ago. My third uncle and I saw it with my own eyes!"

"It's really dead... Xiuxiu..." Murong Fengyun's male body trembled and suddenly roared: "How did she die? Who is it? Who the hell killed her?!" The old man's voice was already a little hoarse, as if his throat was a little torn.

"The person who is preparing to kill her is one of the people who was delayed by me." Jun Moxie slowly said, "You should also know this person; you must be very familiar with him. That person is Mr. Wen, Wen Cangyu!" Wen Cangyu! Is it him? How could it be him?" Murong Fengyun's eyes flashed, and his face turned gray. His originally straight body was unstable and sat down slowly.

He didn't notice that there was no chair behind him, so he sat directly on the ground.

Hearing this name, he guessed how Murong Xiuxiu died and who was behind the scenes. This is an obvious thing!" Impossible! How could it be him?" Murong Fengyun raised his head ferociously and roared almost hysterically, "You lied to me!"

"Is it impossible? The assassination was witnessed by Princess Lingmeng! At that moment, she was recovering from her wounds in our house, but she was still unconscious. In addition, there were more than 100 bodyguards guarding Miss Murong that night! \} However, many people were killed in the battle because of rescue, but nearly half of them survived. They are still here now. They are all clan soldiers belonging to the Murong family. Can their testimony be counted?! If there is any doubt, there are still divine eagle supreme eagle fighting in the sky and the wind and sword god wind and clouds.

Jun Mo Wu said calmly, "If Mr. Murong feels necessary, you can ask them to come out and talk about it. Mr. Murong can always believe what they say!"

Murong Fengyun's face was dull, as if he wanted to go crazy. He can also hear that Jun Mo Wu called his daughter 'Miss Murong', not 'Queen'. The reason... He can also guess!

After asking everyone in faith, he finally accepted the fact that his own daughter was dead. In an instant, he seemed to be ten years old and burst into tears... It turned out to be his emperor's son-in-law and sent someone to kill his daughter! When this cruel fact was really in front of him, it made the old man collapse directly.

"But... my daughter, my Miao's daughter, is the queen, but why did she be buried with the humble Ye Guhan and call her husband and wife?" Murong Fengyun suddenly shouted and jumped up in the midst of extreme sadness.

"A mean person? Mr. Murong, have you ever asked your daughter? Have you ever asked her whether she would like to be the queen of the mother world in the palace or to follow Ye Guhan, who has nothing, to the end of the world?

A sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of Jun Moxie's mouth: "Do you know who your daughter likes? Mr. Murong, if you didn't mention this matter, I didn't intend to say it, but if you mention it now, I despise you! I look down on you from the bone!"

Murong Fengyun sat down depressingly, and suddenly remembered that her daughter, who had always been docile, held a steel knife on her own neck, and the bright blood stain: "Dad, please complete your daughter! My daughter is willing to follow Xiaohan, even if she eats and sleeps in the open air, wanders around the world, and has no regrets! Please complete your daughter!"

The crazy light of those years, the persistent affection... are still vivid in my mind, but my daughter is no longer alive.

▲Daughter... But our Murong family is already full of mountains and rivers... Fortunately, Your Majesty has taken a fancy to you. This is the only opportunity for thousands of people in our whole family to turn over... Dad is old, and he has long been powerless to support the whole family. Your brothers are in full bloom, and your brothers are still young... You can't bear to go with the cold of the night and let the whole family disappear. "Are there countless relatives in different places? Just help your father, help your brothers, and help the whole Murong family!"

In those years, that's how I advised my daughter. My daughter didn't know at all that the Murong family at that time had long been deeply rooted, and there was no such crisis at all. But at that time, she chose to believe in her father. In the end, she lowered the knife in her hand helplessly... "Even though I knew that my father was lying to me, my daughter could not afford to take this risk. I can't bear this family... I accepted my fate..." These were the words of my daughter at that time.

I still remember that after this incident, my daughter cried for months... The sad cry seems to have penetrated into my heart when I think of it. Before getting married, the despair on her face and the decadence of her heart... The only dowry she brought with her is only a right handkerchief...

is himself. He broke up his daughter's beautiful marriage with one hand and pushed his daughter into the cold palace with the other. He thought that he could find the best destination for his daughter, but it turned out to be the tragedy of her life...

Murong Fengyun sat on the ground and suddenly burst into tears! In front of him, in tears, it seemed that his daughter was still crying, crying heartbreakingly, holding his legs: "Dad, please fulfill me and Xiao Han... Please fulfill me and Xiao Han..."

I remember that at that time, it was also in winter that I wore thick clothes, but my daughter's tears soaked her trousers and made me feel sincerely cool...

I still remember that over the years, my daughter basically never smiled again. She often looked at a certain place in a daringly. Occasionally, she went home and also came in a hurry. In a hurry, it seemed that there was only endless depression in this family...

"The burying together is Miss Murong Xiuxiu's last wish in this life. Do you want to destroy her last wish?" Jun Moxie's cold voice came: "Your Murong family's grandson has used her for a lifetime. I exchanged her for countless glory and wealth, and everything that others can't get in their lives. Now she's dead, Mr. Murong, do you still want her to be husband and wife with a person who killed her himself?

Murong Fengyun looked up in consteridation, and tears rolled over. It seemed that he saw his daughter wearing a red wedding dress and shouting in tears = "Dad... Let me go!!" Dad' Let me go...... He closed his eyes fiercely, and two lines of tears rolled down.

Mr. Murong came out of Jun's house in a trance. He trusted the horse all the way. He didn't belong to his mind, and he didn't know where he was going. Suddenly, I heard the shout of murder in front of me. When I walked over and saw it, I came to the love tomb intentionally or unintentionally. Here, this is where my daughter rests in peace!

He walked over with blank eyes. When the officers and soldiers saw the arrival of Murong Fengyun, they made way one after another. The remnant soul-eating team member guarding the cemetery was about to stop him when suddenly a voice said, "Let him go."

That's Jun Mobang's voice. F